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An Assessment by Derrick Gillespie
Which all SDAs Need to Read.

Published February, 2017


An e-book best read with a live Internet Connection!!



In late 2016, my online ministry published an e-booklet entitled Stumped---A Pro-Trinitarian Pictorial
and Commentary for SDAs (click link to see or download your own free copy, as pictured below).

This booklet (as pictured above) was meant to indicate all the reasons why the anti-Trinitarian dissidents
remain stumped or unable to objectively and adequately defend their anti-Trinitarian position and
remain true to all of the pioneering history of SD Adventism (not just the earliest years pioneering
Adventism). In this new 2017 e-booklet, I intend to continue the same line of argumentation, by
showing that Mrs. White quoted/borrowed regularly from Trinitarian authors and teachings after 1888
and before her 1915 death, by showing what she quoted/borrowed and why, and by showing that she
can hardly be shown to quote/borrow from anti-Trinitarian authors --- thereby indicating what true
SDAs should believe today about divinity, or about the threefold Godhead or the great threefold
Power (singular) as Mrs. White expressed it, or about the Deity, a singular power.

A good place to start would be by me showing the following. Here (overleaf) is the actual Xeroxed pages
showing song No. 377 from the 1908 Christ in Song hymnal of SDA pioneers while Mrs. White
(Adventisms leading pioneer) was still alive (its listed under the Contents on page 6, as shown, as one
of the songs of Praise to the *Trinity). Note carefully all the words in the exhibit, and the three
separate praises:

There is absolutely no way the SDA pioneers after 1888 could be singing only praise to an eternal duo
(as certain dissidents in Adventism lamely argue), or to Jesus and his Father only as two divine eternal
beings, and chose this Trinitarian song to explicitly express praise to the Eternal Three. You can only
praise an eternal Three if they exist eternally, and if they are deemed worthy of praise as three
separate personal beings to hear and appreciate itincluding the Holy Spirit said to be sent of the
Father and Son to bless us. Only a personal being can be sent as a person, only a personal being
blesses another as the Spirit does greet and blesses us with grace and peace as the sevenfold Spirit
in Rev. 1:4 (just as the Father and Son does; a truth even Uriah Smith recognized in his 1897 version of

his Daniel and the Revelation commentary). Only a personal divine being could be listed with two other
divine eternal beings as one of the eternal three, and only if the Holy Spirit was part of a trinity or
one of the three persons (or personal beings) comprising the Eternal Godhead could the Holy Spirit
be praised as part of the Trinity (page 6 of the 1908 Christ in Song pioneering hymnal distinctly lists
him as part of the Trinity).
Finally, only if the majority of the SDA pioneers alive at the time became convinced of all of the above
facts after 1888, while Mrs. White was still alive, would they solidify this belief in a pioneering hymnal
which Mrs. White herself would have sung from for 15 years up to her death; I say for 15 years since
this song was also part of the 1900 edition of the Christ in Song hymnal, as compiled by Mrs. Whites
own nephew, F.E. Belden. It became part of the SDA song hymnody only after SD pioneers started to
speak favorably of the trinity being worthy of praise, as a trinity and not as a duo (e.g. Uriah Smith
as editor in the 1896 Review and Herald, and other SDA pioneers in Signs of the Times in 1891 and 1892
expressed that reality), and only after Mrs. White herself had already adopted the Trinitarian
expression, the third person of the Godhead from the Trinitarian stock of expressions (an expression
deemed by earlier SDA pioneers to be heretical), and affirmed unequivocally what she meant by
speaking for the first time since 1863 (or 1844) of three living persons being a part of threefold
Godhead or the Eternal Godhead.

What many people in Adventism today dont realize is that many of the Godhead expressions we take
for granted as being original with Mrs. White, they certainly were not, and can only be found used by
Trinitarians in history (not by anti-Trinitarian authors in her time), and they were borrowed from these
Trinitarian authors who wrote during the 1800s, and even from as far back as from the first three
centuries before the Trinitarian creed of Nicea (325 A.D.) expressed the common faith of most
Christians; that there is one God the Father, one Lord Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, and one Holy
Spirit, the Lord of life, who all deserve to be glorified together.
Lets now seek to delve, first, into what these expressions were, second, ascertain why Mrs. White chose
to borrow them, and, thirdly, objectively determine what they reveal to us about what she really
believed to be true about the Godhead of the Eternal Three we were meant of praise as the Trinity.

As you read this 2017 booklet, it is my hope that you will continue to discover that Jesus isnt just always
the Son of God, but he is also always our Lord and our God (John 20:28-29), just like the Father, i.e. as a
separate being of the threefold Godhead, He is our true and living God just like the Father (a truth the
anti-Trinitarian dissidents in SD Adventism are bent on hiding from the public and from the SDA
members who dont study out the issues closely for themselves; since if more than one person is our
Lord and our God, then their case is lost from the get go). But notice carefully these following
testimonies, first from Jesus Christ himself, them from Holy Spirit filled men, and then from angels in
heaven itself (as recorded by the leading voice in Adventism, Mrs. E.G. White):

Jesus is attractive. He is full of love, mercy, and compassion. He proposes to be our friend, to walk with
us through all the rough pathways of life. He says to us, I AM THE LORD [or Jehovah] THY GOD. Walk
with me, and I will fill thy path with light. Jesus, the Majesty of Heaven, proposes to elevate to
companionship with himself those who come to him with their burdens, their weaknesses, and their
cares. He will count them as his children, and finally give them an inheritance...

---E.G. White, Signs of the Times, March 17, 1887


The three Hebrews [Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego] were called upon to confess Christ in the face of
the burning fiery furnace. It cost them something to do this, for their lives were at stake. These youth,
imbued with the Holy Spirit, declared to the whole kingdom of Babylon their faith,--that He [Jesus] whom
they worshiped was THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD. The demonstration of their faith on the plain of
Dura was a most eloquent presentation of their principles.
---E.G. White, Youth Instructor, July 12, 1904

The redeemed will meet and recognize those whose attention they have directed to the uplifted Saviour.
What blessed converse they will have with these souls! "I was a sinner," it will be said, "without God and
without hope in the world; and you came to me, and drew my attention to the precious Saviour as my
only hope. And I believed in Him. I repented of my sins, and was made to sit together with His saints in
heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Others will say: "I was a heathen in heathen lands. You left your friends
and comfortable home, and came to teach me how to find Jesus, and believe in *Him as THE ONLY TRUE
GOD. I demolished my idols, and worshiped God, and now I see Him face to face. I am saved, eternally
saved, ever to behold Him whom I love. I then saw Him only with the eye of faith, but now I see Him as
He is. I can now express my gratitude for His redeeming mercy to Him who loved me, and washed me
from my sins in His own blood." E.G. White, Gospel Workers, p. 518

The crowning glory of Christ's attributes was his holiness. The angels bow before him in adoration
exclaiming, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. He is declared to be glorious in his holiness. Study the
character of God [i.e. Jesus]. By beholding Christ, by seeking him in faith and prayer, you may become
like him. ----E.G. White, RH, March 12, 1908

Notice carefully that Mrs. White spoke freely of Jesus just as she would of the Father of Jesus alone, and
it was no robbery of the Father!! See Philippians 2:5-6. In fact she made plain, in the context of Jesus
being the true God, just like the Father he is the express image or exact copy of (see Hebrews 1:3,8),

Let the workers for Christ direct every word of praise away from themselves. Let self be put out of sight.
Christ alone is to be exalted. "Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood," let
every eye be directed, and praise from every heart ascend. (Revelation 1:5.)

---E.G. White, Christ Object Lessons , pg. 161

This is a total rebuke to all those dissidents in Adventism seeking to make only the Father of Jesus the
only person who is the true and living God, the only true God, our God, or simply God; while
seeking to still hold on to Mrs. Whites ministry as inspired!! This introduction alone starts to debunk
this notion from the outset (she embarrasses them beyond recovery), and its time to totally obliterate
the voices of the dissident opposition with what the rest of this booklet will now show. Read on (and let
the Spirit guide)


Probably a better question is, what Trinitarian did Mrs. White not borrow some ideas and concepts
from once one begins to understand truly what Trinitarianism really teaches as expressed by the
Trinitarian Creeds of Nicea (325 A.D.), Constantinople (381 A.D.), Chalcedon (451 A.D.) and even by the
controversial Athanasian Creed. She borrowed and expressed almost every basic tenet of Trinitarianism
after the 1880s, except that she chose to not borrow any Trinitarian teaching which was not quite
correct or agreeing with standard SDA view (like the Godhead persons deemed to be sharing in one
undivided substance as if they are one literal or single organism; and not just one/singular great
threefold Power consisting of the three holiest beings in heaven instead), since, yes, not all teachings
of traditional Trinitarians are fully biblical, but are sometimes a mixture of truth and error, simply
because of the difficult issue of the Godhead being captured and described. As we proceed you will see
what she borrowed which resembled these historic Creeds, and what she refused to borrow.

But apart from historic Trinitarian expressions from historic creeds, there are two special Trinitarian
authors of the 1800s which I found to be her favorite, and she quoted sometimes seemingly heavily
from them, or borrowed their expressions, following the principles of fair use in operation at the
time, and tailored them to her liking (hence, as was legally determined, it was not plagiarism), as she
expounded on the threefold Godhead (an expression she used regularly; and remember a threefold
Godhead is a three part divine unity consisting of, as she described it, three living persons or
personalities). These two authors of the 19th century were W.E. Boardman and J. Cumming, both of
whom were *Protestant Trinitarian authors who were fiercely *anti-Catholic, yet still expressed the
truth of the Trinity in basic tenets!! Certain of their Trinitarian books were logged among the items
found in Mrs. Whites personal library during her lifetime, and when read the Trinitarian expressions
used therein by these two authors to teach the Trinity closely resembled those never seen in SD
Adventism until after the late 1880s when they first appeared in Mrs. Whites own writings. These
expressions I will reveal later with actual Xeroxed page exhibits.

Of course, as research continues into Mrs. Whites authorship, it may just be that we will later discover
other Trinitarian authors she quoted and borrowed from, yet what is amazing is we cannot find one
significant anti-Trinitarian author of her time where his/her their expressions stands out in Mrs. Whites
writings!! I await the day when someone can show otherwise, as I am open to be corrected by the facts,
but for now thats what we know so far!!

And just for clarity, let it be known that only Trinitarians and Trinitarian creeds express the following
truths cumulatively, that:

1. There is one God the Father Almighty, whose only begotten but eternal Son called Jehovah or the I
Am is also our Lord and our God (or is God Almighty just like the Father), and that the Holy Spirit who is
eternal, is the third person of the Godhead (the one threefold Godhead), is to be served or worshipped
along with the Father and Son. That despite these accepted facts, these divine persons are not deemed
to be Gods (plural) or Lords (plural) but they are still our God (singular), or our personal God.

2. That the Father and his only begotten Son are the true and living God, they are both co-eternal or
both exist from all eternity, they are co-equal or have the same authority and dignity, they are powers
omniscient and infinite, are the Majesty (not majesties) of heaven (as they share the one throne), they
both have the fullness of the Godhead, and are both represented by the Holy Spirit who proceeds from
them both; that Spirit who comes in all the fullness of the Godhead, but as a person distinct from Father
and Son.

3. That the Son has two natures (God and man) indivisibly welded in one person, and that the Son died
on the Cross only in his human nature (not his divine nature). That the Spirit is the Son and the Father
himself, as it were, yet as a distinct person, the third person of the Godhead, just as the Son is the
Father himself, but as a distinct person. That the three persons of the Eternal Godhead are one great
threefold power (singular), and that Gods personality, and the power and presence by which he reveals
himself (or what he reveals about his Sons nature, or the nature of his Spirit) is a mystery beyond

From my many years of researching E.G. Whites testimony on the Godhead (since 1998), I have found
every basic Trinitarian tenet listed above (and more) as being evident in her testimony (as my earlier
booklet Stumped revealed in 2016). But what I find remarkable is that many of the expressions and
words she used to testify to these things are NOT in the Bible explicitly worded as such, but are found
in Trinitarian expressions of the last 1900 years, as captured by authors and creeds.
Time to reveal more of the specifics on these matters...


To lay the groundwork for addressing (from the SDA standpoint) the first earth shattering piece of
evidence, listen to the testimony of an actual SDA pioneer, M.L. Andreasen, giving first hand testimony
of his discovery after he visited Mrs. Whites home in 1909 to verify matters of concern [inserts in
brackets are mine]:

I remember how astonished we [SDA pioneers] were when Desire of Ages was first published, for it
contained some things that we considered unbelievable; among others the doctrine of *Trinity which
was not then generally accepted by Adventists [in 1898]....I was particularly interested in the statement

in Desire of Ages which at one time caused great concern to the denomination theologically: "In Christ is
life, original , unborrowed, underived." p.530. The statement may not seem very revolutionary to you
[today in 1948], but to us [SDA pioneers at the time] it was. We could hardly believe it. I was sure Ellen
White had never written, "in Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived." But now I found it in her own
handwritting just as it had been published. It was so with other statements [like "the third person of the
Godhead" Trinitarian expression, previously thought to be "heretical"]. As I checked up, I found that they
were Sister White's own expressions"

-----Chapel Talk Given by Elder M.L. Andreasen (SDA pioneer) Loma Linda California, Nov 30, 1948)

The foregoing tells us a lot, about how the post-1888 SDA pioneers were amazed to see Mrs. White
starting to actually present certain of the Trinitarian concepts in her famous 1898 book The Desire of
Ages, and what it signaled to them then. It naturally served as added impetus to the acceptance of the
Trinity (the tailored version) in Adventism from the 1890s right up until Mrs. Whites death in 1915 (as
already proved in my earlier booklet Stumped). But what is not certain is whether the SDA pioneers at
the time had realized that this famous expression in Christ is life original, unborrowed underived was
borrowed from a Trinitarian who wrote in the 1800s, namely John Cumming.

John Cumming was a British Protestant Sunday preacher (of the Scotch National Church in London) who
in 1856 wrote a Trinitarian-type book Sabbath Evening Readings commenting specifically on the
gospel of John, as shown in the picture below (*note that Sabbath Evening to Sunday worshippers
meant Sunday evenings). Click this link to download your own free PDF copy of that 1856 book online

It is in this book later found in Mrs. Whites personal reading library (i.e. after her 1915 death) that the
most remarkable discovery was made. Since no other SDA pioneer ever used before 1898 the
expression in Christ is life original, unborrowed, underived it is easy to see that Mrs. White had
actually borrowed this quote from this Trinitarian author, since on page 6 of that very 1856 book the
author had written almost the very same thing Mrs. White said for the first time in 1898 (42 years

later). In fact, in other places in Mrs. Whites writings (i.e. outside the Desire of Ages), which were
penned subsequent to 1898, we see more of John Cummings Trinitarian expressions related to this in
Christ is life original, unborrowed, underivedstatement coming out. Here following is the actual page
exhibit (page 6) from John Cummings 1856 book, for you to judge for yourself dear reader:

Now, it is very easy to see (as highlighted for effect in the image below) that Mrs. White was clearly not
the originator of this life original, unborrowed, underived revolutionary statement in 1898 (as M.L.
Andreasen and other pioneers saw it then), nor was it original with her to explain that in us there is a
streamlet from the Fountain of life (or Jesus himself). These were actually borrowed Trinitarian ideas
and concepts, further making plain why SDA pioneers like M.L. Andreasen knew it was a the signal from
Mrs. White that she was accepting the basic tenets of Trinitarianism in the Desire of Ages book of 1898.


Now, just for the sake of clarity, and to silence the naysayers, here is an actual page exhibit from John
Cummings 1856 book being featured here, showing he was a Trinitarian author Mrs. White borrowed
from, and NOT an anti-Trinitarian:

The above page exhibit (page 258) of John Cummings book commenting on the gospel of John, sees him
clearly defining the Holy Spirit as a person, or a divine person (just as Mrs. White herself later
affirmed in her own writings), and admitting to the three persons of the Godhead or the Trinity, but
also admitting his inability to explain all the intricacies of how that Trinity exists. This puts to silence any
naysayer who might have thought Cumming was a non-Trinitarian.

Later, I will return to the significance or real meaning of the revolutionary In Christ is life original,
unboroowed, underived statement which Mrs. White borrowed from this Protestant writer, John
Cumming; a writer who clearly believed in the Nicene Creed and in Jesus as Gods only begotten Son
from eternity, even as he wrote the words In Christ is life original, unborrowed, underived (words
which Mrs. White felt compelled to borrow because of their truthfulness)!! But for now it was necessary
to lay the foundation by proving she did actually borrow this from a Trinitarian writer who wrote the
words before her!!

*Exhibits of Mrs. Whites use of John Cummings 1856 Trinitarian thoughts (See this link for proof):


From my own careful reading and comparison of Mrs. Whites writings, it is plain that of the two 19th
century Trinitarian authors she is known to have borrowed from, she relied more heavily on the
expressions of William Edwin Boardmans 1858 Trinitarian book The Higher Christian Life (seen

featured in the images below) when writing on the personality of and the relations among the three
persons of the Godhead. W. Boardman was a Trinitarian author who was also an American Protestant
preacher. Click this link to download your own free PDF copy of his 1858 book.

Anyone who has read Mrs. Whites post-1888 expressions on the persons of the threefold Godhead
can easily recognize that she borrowed much from Boardmans earlier 1858 Trinitarian book, but
tailored his expressions (both to avoid plagiarism, as well as to match SD Adventisms unique version of
the Trinity and the separate and tangible beings believed to be involved). Here are examples of pages

where she borrowed from regarding the divine personalities:

Page 105 of this 1858 is a major page from which she evidently borrowed her post-1888 teaching of
three living persons of the Godhead, who are the Father, the Son and the Spirit exhibiting all the
fullness of the Godhead. She made slight changes to the wording to indicate tangible living beings were
involved, but the basic tenet of the Trinity of persons remained the same. In fact from pages 100 and
106, we see more of what Mrs. White would have read and later borrowed from (to indicate three living
persons being distinct from each other but equal in honor and power). Keep in mind that no other SDA
pioneer before her ever used these expressions, and they are not expressed this way in the Bible in full,
i.e. in terms of explicit wording, and so it s clear where she got the basic ideas and concepts of three
living persons or divine personalities from (from W.E. Boardman). Here (overleaf) are pages 106 and
100, respectively for you to see what I mean, dear reader:

These page exhibits (pages 106 and 100, respectively) show clearly that to Boardman the Father, Son
and Spirit were meant to be seen as three distinct and living persons operating in a society (not one
divine person with three offices, like what Sabellianism teaches). And this is precisely what appealed to
Mrs. White, explaining why she borrowed these Trinitarian concepts, despite tailoring them somewhat
to match SDA doctrine of separate Godhead beings.

*Exhibits of Mrs. Whites later use of Williams Boardmans Trinitarian thoughts of 1858, depicted even
in her own handwriting before being later printed (see this link for proof)

Now, as I read further into Boardmans 1858 book, I was amazed to discover that on page 97
Boardman, as a Trinitarian, wrote in 1858 of the Holy Spirit being Jesus Omnipresent or being the
Spirit of Jesus, and lo and behold these same expressions found their way into Mrs. Whites later

writings; concepts anti-Trinitarian dissidents love to quote from her, thinking it is purely an anti-
Trinitarian idea original with Mrs. White, when in fact it is the opposite (how laughable). I also found
it amusing that on page 113 Boardman addresses the biblical legitimacy of prayer being offered to
Jesus and the Spirit (along with the Father), and that Trinitarian idea also found its way into Mrs.
Whites own teaching (as later recorded in a 1906 sermon she preached about prayer to the three
holiest beings in heaven as the three great Worthies; a sermon the anti-Trinitarian dissidents today
desperately but in futility try to deny came from her lips).

Now, as I close this section dealing with what Mrs. White borrowed from W.E. Boardman, its interesting
to see Boardman, as a Trinitarian author, deeming Jesus, on page 99 of his 1858 book, The Higher
Christian Life, to be the Fathers representative, just as the Spirit is Jesus representative, and making
plain that by honoring both the Spirit and the Jesus we honor the Father, who is the head of it all!! Yet I
notice to this author, this in no way took away from the fact that its not only the Father, but both the
Father and Jesus are our God, and being our God they are represented equally by the Spirit who is also
God (a matter Mrs. White also affirmed clearly in her own writings).

The above exhibited idea is also common in Mrs. Whites teaching, who taught, just like Boardman, that
Jesus as Gods thought made audible (as it were), is the perfect manifestation of the Father, and likewise
is the Spirit the perfect manifestation of Jesus, so that by honoring one, we honor all (since all are
deserving of honor *AS the fullness of the Godhead). No wonder Mrs. White also made plain (for the
first time in 1901 in her writings; at a time when the SDA pioneers started to accept the Trinity), that:

When we have accepted Christ, and in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
have pledged ourselves to serve [worship, honor, obey; Joshua 24:15] God, the Father, Christ, and the
Holy Spiritthe three dignitaries and powers of heavenpledge themselves that every facility shall be
given to us if we carry out our baptismal vows to come out from among them, and be ... separate, ...
and touch not the unclean thing. When we are true to our vows, He says, I will receive you.
--- E.G. White, Manuscript 85, 1901

Clearly only three living persons of the Godhead are persons enough to be served (see Joshua
24:15), just as one would serve God (see Jesus own words in Matthew 4:10), and Mrs. White knew it
well, just like Boardman whom she borrowed some of her Trinitarian ideas from.

Enough said.


As I close this presentation showing that Mrs. White did indeed borrow much (not all) of her key
Godhead ideas from Trinitarian authors and Trinitarian creeds, its necessary to step back and honestly
and objectively determine what this is all telling us as SDAs who believe in her inspiration. Couple of
points are crucial to note:

1. Mrs. White clearly did not see the validity in a totally anti-Trinitarian position, and hence thats why
we are yet to see her quote from aggressive anti-Trinitarian authors of her time

2. Mrs. White clearly believed, just like the Trinitarian John Cumming she quoted the expression from,
that there was no biblical discrepancy between the notion of Jesus having life original, unborrowed and
underived and he being Gods only begotten Son from all eternity past. It was in no way a denial of
his full eternity to see him being Gods begotten Son from all eternity past. Its something mainstream
SDAs (leaders included) should consider, and revise the popular modern SDA position which denies his
begotten Sonhip from all eternity so as to unnecessarily protect his pre-existence from all eternity
past from misguided anti-Trinitarian dissidents in Adventism (see more on that crucial Sonship issue
here). There is no real biblical tension between the two truths. Its all imaginary!!

3. Mrs. White knew well the implications of quoting Trinitarian authors in her own writings at a time
when other SDA pioneers (since 1891, right up to her 1915 death) were openly accepting and
worshipping the Trinity as the Trinity of three separate beings (click link for proof), and her not
refraining from doing so says much.

4. Mrs. White tailored the Trinitarian expressions she borrowed both to avoid plagiarism, as well as to
teach specific things about the Trinity other Protestant churches were not teaching (e.g. God the Father,
despite invisible, has a spirit body and spirit form as a personal being), but she kept the real essence of
what a Trinity is intact (i.e. three divine persons united in the eternal Godhead), as she tailored the
expressions she borrowed

5. Mrs. White must have been well aware that what she was borrowing from Trinitarian authors and
creeds was not always explicitly expressed as such in the Bible (i.e. in terms of exact wording), but was
simply human language best summarizing the truths contained in the Bible. The fact that she borrowed
the expressions despite showed she know it was OK to use human language to summarize Biblical ideas

6. Too many SDA dissidents are ignorant of the real essence of what Trinitarianism really is in basic
terms, and so often what they deem to be anti-Trinitarian teaching is in fact Trinitarian, evidenced by
exactly what Mrs. White quoted from Trinitarian authors expressing the Trinity

7. The fact that Mrs. White repeatedly left some things unborrowed and unquoted from traditional

Trinitarian teaching is indicative that not all Trinitarian thoughts are fully reflective of the SDA version of
the Trinity (click link to see more) and so Trinitarian SDAs need to be careful of thinking otherwise. Some
(not all) things in traditional Trinitarian thought Mrs. White is on record as being opposed to, and we as
SDAs must be conversant with what these were (such as the tendency of some authors to use inanimate
illustrations to depict the threefold Godhead, just as Boardman did a lot in his very book E.G. White
quoted from , as seen on pages 102-104; a tendency Mrs. White later denounced in 1901 as
Romanism, when she contended against Kelloggs Living Temple *pantheistic heresies, but not his
Trinity belief or his Trinitarian teaching of three living persons of the Godhead, or the Spirit being the
third person of the Godhead). See much more on that reality here (click this link as well to learn more)


Just as seen in my earlier book from 2016 (Stumped), Mrs. White was fully onboard with her post-
1888 SDA pioneering contemporaries, who accepted the Trinity once it was made free of the
appended errors of the Papacy (the same post-fourth-century Papacy who inherited Trinitarian beliefs of
Christians before it rose to power, but which subsequently added on its contaminated ideas to the basic
Bible truth of the Trinity, just as it did contaminate other basic bible truths). Mrs. Whites example in
quoting Trinitarian authors is solid proof that she was Trinitarian at heart, just like John Cumming and
W. E. Boardman (the anti-Catholic Protestant authors she emulated), and modern SDAs can rest assured
of the validity of their Trinitarian faith (even if differs in aspects to the traditional Roman Catholic


Derrick Gillespie is a trained teacher in the Social Sciences, History, and Geography, and remains a
member of the SDA Church in Jamaica and a lay evangelist for SDAs.
(Contact Info: ddgillespie@live.com OR https://www.facebook.com/derrick.gillespie

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