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Glasgow Meningococcal Septicaemia

Prognostic Score (GMPS)

Arrival 1 Hour
1* Systolic Blood Pressure
If < 75 mmHg age < 4 years
If < 85 mmHg age> 4 years
Score 3 points
2* Skin / Rectal temp difference
If > 3 degrees Centigrade
Score 3 points
3* Modified Coma Scale
If initial score< 8, or deterioration of 3 or more
points at any time
Score 3 points
4* Deterioration in the last hour
Ask parents or nurses, if yes score
Score 2 points
5* Absence of neck stiffness
Score 2 points
6* Extent of purpura
Widespread ecchymoses or extending lesions on
Score 1 point
7* Base Deficit
If > - 8
Score 1 point

1* BP use Doppler / sphymomanometer, cuff width not less than 2 / 3 length of upper arm.
2* Apply skin temp probe to toe. Axilla or rectal temps taken for two minutes.
3* Modified Coma Scale
1. Eyes open spontaneously 4
To speech 3
To pain 2
None 1
2. Best verbal response orientated 6
Words 4
Vocal sounds 3
Cries 2
None 1
3. Best motor response obeys commands 6
Localises pain 4
Moves to pain 1
None 0
Add scores 1+2+3 to give result.
4* Unspecified and subjective rating.

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