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What Is Algae

A simple organisms that make food by photosynthesis

It is very diverse and found almost everywhere on the
planet such as in soil , on rocks and even on living
But mostly Algae are found in water
It providing the foundation for the aquatic food chains
supporting all fisheries in the oceans and inland
It producing about 70 percent of all the air we breathe
Algae are able to photosynthesize, a key characteristic
of plants, but lack true roots, stems, or leaves so are
not considered plants. The two main groups of algae
are prokaryotes (no nucleus) including the blue-green
algae; and eukaryotes (contain a nucleus).

How Algae Reproduce

Some algae reproduce asexually through binary fission
Some algae reproduce through fragmentation

Sexual reproduction through meiosis also occurs

Algae commonly live in temperatures between 16 and
27C. Temperatures lower than 16C will slow down
growth, whereas those higher than 35C are lethal for
a number of species.

Algae A source of biofuel

Algae produce oil, and because of their growth rate
and yields, they could produce a lot more than other
energy crops
Some estimates suggest that microalgae are capable of
producing up to 15,000 gallons of oil per Hectare a year
They provide much higher yields of biomass and fuels ,
10-100 times higher than comparable energy crops
They can be grown under conditions which are
unsuitable for conventional crop production
Algae biofuel is non-toxic, contains no sulfur, and is
highly biodegradable.
Size of the Algae
The size of the Algae ranges from 1 to 10000m
m is the symbol of the micrometre and equaling
110^-6 of a metre
1 000 000 (m) = 1 (m)
10 000 (m)= 1 (cm)
The width of a single human hair ranges from
approximately 10 to 200 m

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