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Approval Rules in Oracle Fusion

In oracle fusion there are some process which already have approval rules associated with them. Since the approval path varies from organization to organization you
have the flexibility to modify seeded approval rules. In this article we will explain how can you modify/attach your own custom approval rules with Termination process.

For example lets understand that our organization need is to associate approval rules with termination process. Whenever a termination is submitted it should go to two
level of manager hierarchy approval. However, if the approval is submitted by a person Mr. Xyz it should no go for any approval (auto approval)

Setup Approval rules for termination

1. Login to application and search for the task Define Approval and click on Go to Task against Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital
Management as shown in the screen below

2. In the next screen search for the task Terminate and then click on tab Configure under column Rules.

3. In the next screen you will see the seeded on custom rule associated with the termination process. You may see different approval rules in your instance than one given
below here.
4. For now highlight/click on TerminationRule oval and it will enable the plus icon (ad new rule on the top). Click on that and it will add one more oval/rule. highlight/click
on this new rule and at the bottom (Rule: Line Management Approval) give name to your rule, without space, for example AviHRRep. Once done click on Configure Rule

5. This will bring another pop-up screen where you actually define your conditions. Now highlight/click on 1==1 box and then you will see some additional options
enabled at the top, click on AND icon
6. Now highlight/click on this newly create AND oval. Once again at the top you will see the option to click on Expression (Add New Expression to the Right of the
Selected Node). From select Attribute select transactionApprovalRequest Requester

7. Select equalsIgnoreCase in the next field, enter a value in the next filed and finally enter the User.Name in the last filed for whom no approval is required (Auto
approval for Mr. Xyz). Remember you need to select the User Name (login) not the Person Name. Once done click on OK
8. Once you click OK you will again come back to Manage Approval Rules: Terminate screen. Now from your right hand side under Approvers select the Self Auto
Approver and drag and drop it open THEN (which if for AviHRRep). If drag and drop doesnt work first Highlight the Then rectangle and Add Approver Participant green
plus icon that is part of the Self Auto Approve selection.
Note : If something goes wrong you can make use of the Undo Redo options available at the top

9. So far we have created a rule for Mr. Xyz so that when he is terminating any worker system will not go far approval. Now we also need to add another rule for rest of
employees so when they are terminating any worker it should go for two level of manager hierarchy approval.
Before we add another rule make sure you have only one rule AviHRRep associated now. Please delete any other rules if you have any. To delete the rule just highlight
that rule/oval and click on the red cross (delete icon).

By now your screen should exactly look as it is shown below (Rule name may digger)
10. Now please follow the step 4 and this time give the rule name Other

11. Now please follow the steps 5, 6 and 7 once again to add a news condition as follows. This time != operator is selected instead of equalsIgnoreCase but same
User Name. Once done click on OK to go back Manage Approval Rules: Terminate screen
12. Now please follow the step 8 but this time select Management Hierarchy from the Approvers list and link with new condition Other (THEN) Your screen should look
like as follows.

13. Now click/higlight on Management Hierarchy box and enter the details under section Management Hierarchy as follows
Action Type : Approval Required
Route Using : Line Manager
Approval Chain of : Requestor
Start With : Manager
Number of Levels : 2
Top Approver : User
User Name : <User Name of Top Approver >
14. Once you enter all details click on Submit. To verify setup is working first login with Mr. Xyz account and try to terminate any worker, it should not go for any
approval. Now login as any other user and try to terminate any worker, this time system should look for two level of approval.

Additional Resource for Approval Rules

Please see the below oracle note id in case it is of any help

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Approval Issues in Fusion HCM (Doc ID 2009603.1)

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