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Scavenger Hunt: NSTTAC Evidence-Based Practice &

Predictors Review
(Adapted from Mazzotti, 2013)

This scavenger hunt is designed to help you identify the important information from all of the course
materials from Module 6. Evidence-Based Practices.

Some of the questions come directly from the online lecture or readings while some require you to
navigate the NTACT website.

1. Copy and paste NTACTs URL link here (you will need it!).
Link: http://transitionta.org/

2. What are NTACTs Definitions of Evidenced-Based Practices (Hint: there are 4 categories)?
Evidence-Based, Research-Based, Promising, and Unestablished Practices

3. Identify one EBP for each of the following relevant transition outcome area (Hint: You may want to refer
to the Effective Practices Matrix): Education, Employment, and Independent Living.
Education Graphic Organizers to teach reading comprehension
Employment Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) to teach goal attainment
Independent Living Simulations to teach purchasing skills

4. According to NTACT, what are the three phases of quality transition planning?
Transition Assessment, Postsecondary Goals, and Instruction & Services

Read the following student example and answer the questions that follow.

Student Example: Meet Savannah

Savannah is a 16-year-old student with SLD in reading and written expression. Her reading and writing
performance requires accommodations for testing and participation in the general curriculum, including
extended time, read-aloud, and computer software resources to support reading comprehension and
writing. One of Savannahs post-school goals is: After high school, Savannah will work part-time in the
computer lab at the college she attends.

As Mr. Gomez, Savannahs teacher, plans instruction for Savannah, he uses the Taxonomy (Kohler, 1996)
as his framework and considers Savannahs interests and needs. Instruction provided to Savannah must
assist her in obtaining employment. Mr. Gomez considers all skills necessary for Savannah to obtain
employment. What are some of the necessary Skills for Savannah to obtain employment? (e.g. job
searches, completing an application, networking, socials skills, self-determination).

Mr. Gomez begins to navigate the NTACT website. He spent time investigating the NTACT website and the
available EBPs, including lesson plans. He wanted to identify a practice that would support Savannahs
skill development and prepare her for post-school employment.
Scavenger Hunt: NSTTAC Evidence-Based Practice &
Predictors Review
(Adapted from Mazzotti, 2013)

Mr. Gomez decided the NTACT website was a good place to start. The site described the process used to
identify the EBPs listed on the site. He confirmed the practices listed on the site had undergone a
systematic review process, were based on rigorous research designs, and have demonstrated a record of
success. He scrolled through the practices and identified several that would be useful in teaching
Savannah the skills necessary to reach her post-school employment goals (e.g., A. mnemonics, B. self-
management, C. self-determination). He reviewed the practice descriptions and research to practice
lesson plan starter to determine procedures for teaching the skills. He was ready to implement the practice
with Savannah in the classroom.

5. Each of green highlighted words is associated with information that will help Mr. Gomez. Based off the
presentation, locate and review the documents. Then, copy and paste the URL next to the correct letter.
A. Mnemonics instruction to teach Job Application skills
B. Self-management instruction to teach social skills and/or specific job skills
C. Whose Future Is It? To teach Self-determination

6. What other skill/practice might you choose for Savannah?

Continue work on reading skills
Social skill development of specific job skills were selected above
Communication skills (with coworkers) if applicable
Job Shadowing if possible
Work internships, particularly paid opportunities if possible (later in high school)
Since it mentions at the college she attends - College and Career exploration (if she has not already
chosen a field of study) and Post-secondary Education Application and Admission Process skills
Financial literacy skills if shell be working with money at the job (or in the area of independent living)

7. What Lesson Plan Starter did you find? Job Application Skills via mnemonics
Copy and paste the URL here:

8. In terms of predicting post-school success, which four in-school predictors impact all three post-school
outcome areas?
Inclusion in General Education, Paid Employment/Work Experiences, Self-Care/Independent Living,
and Student Support

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