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o Defination
o Special Matrices
o Matrix algebra
Matrix equality
Matrix addition
Multiplication of Matrix by scalar
Matrix-vector multiplication
Matrix-Matrix multiplication
Matrix multiplication properties
o Transpose of Matrix
o Inverse of Matrix

Determinant of Matrix
o Defination
o Cofactors

Important formula and concepts

An mn matrix is a rectangular array of numbers
(m rows and n columns) enclosed in brackets. The
numbers are called the elements of the matrix.


(i) A 2 2 matrix has 2 rows and 2 columns:

A= 1 2
4 5
(ii) Heres a 3 3 square matrix:
1 5 6
B= 6 4 2
8 7 1
(iii) Column vectors are matrices with only one column:
C= 2
(iv) Row vectors are matrices which only have one row:
D= 2 4 6

A general real matrix, A Rmn with mn elements

is of the form
12 1
1 2
We refer to the elements via double indices as follows
(i) The first index represents the row.
(ii) The second index represents the column.

Example:- a32 is the element in row 3, column 2 of

the matrix A.

Special Matrices:-

The unit matrix, I, is a square matrix whose only non-

zero elements are on the diagonal and are equal to one,
1 0 0
1 0
= = 0 1 0
0 1
0 0 1
All elements of the zero matrix, 0, are equal to zero,
0 0
0= 0= 0 0 0
0 0
A diagonal matrix only has non-zero elements on the
main diagonal. These non-zero elements can have any
value, e.g.

11 0 0
= 0 22 0
0 0 33
Matrices algebra:-
o Matrices equality:-
Two matrices are equal if they have the same size
and if their corresponding elements are identical , i.e.
if and only if
aij = bij for i = 1, ...,m; j = 1, ..., n

o Matrices addition:-
Two matrices can only be added if they have the
same size. The result is another matrix of the same size.

We add matrices by adding their corresponding

elements, i.e.
is obtained (element-wise) via

aij = bij + cij for i = 1, ...,m; j = 1, ..., n

A= 1 2 3 B = 10 1 23
56 7 5 16 3

A+B= 1 + 10 2+1 3 + 23 = 11 3 26
5+5 6 + 16 7+3 10 22 10
o Matrices multiplication by a scalar:-
A matrix is multipliedby a scalar (=anumber) by multi
plying eachelementof thematrix by thatscalar.
The result is a matrix of the same size.
A= B
is given (element-wise) by
aij = bij for i = 1, ..., m; j = 1, ..., n
o Matrices-Vector multiplication:-
Before dening the product of a matrix and a
vector, let us recall the notion of the dot product
(or,scalar product) of two vectors.

Let a Rn and b Rn be two column vectors with

n real elements each:

a b = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 + + anbn

o Matrix Matrix multiplication:-

Marix A(m x n) and Matrix B(p x q) Are said to
be multiplicable iff n = q.

The product matrix of two matrices is obtained

by taking dot products of the rows of the left matrix
with the columns of the right matrix.

If AB = C matrices then element wise,

aij bjk = cikfor i = 1, ..., m; k = 1, ..., p.
o Matrices multiplication properties:-
I. Matrix multiplication is not commutative AB
II. AB = 0 does not imply A = 0, B = 0 or BA = 0
III. AC = AD does not necessarily imply C = D
IV. BUT other properties are similar to numbers

A(B + C) = AB + AC distributive law

A(BC) = (AB)C associative law

Transpose of Matrices:-
The transpose of a matrix is obtained by
interchanging its rows and columns.

ATij = Aji for i = 1, ..., m; j = 1, ..., n

The transpose is denoted by a superscript T.

If A = AT then A is a symmetric matrix.

The matrix transpose also satises the following rules:

i) (A ) = A for any matrix A
ii) (A + B) = A + B and (AB) = B A
provided that matrices A and B have compatible
Inverse of matrices:-
Inverse of matrices can be computed as follows.
1. Find the determinant detA
2. Find the cofactors of all elements in A and form a new
matrix C of cofactors, where each element is replaced by
its cofactor.
3. The inverse of A is now given as
A1 =CT/det(A)

Note: the inverse A1 exists if (and only if) detA 0

The determinant of matrix A is written detA or |A|.

detA or |A| = 11 12 = a11a22 a21a12

21 22

11 12 13
detA or |A| = 21 22 23
31 32 33
= 11
22 23 12 21 23
+ 13
21 22
32 33 31 33 31 32
= 11 22 33 32 23"
12 21 33 31 23" + 13 21
32 22 31"
The cofactor cij is defined as the coefficient of aij in
the determinant A.If is given by the formula
cij = (1) mij
where the minor is the determinant of order (n1)(n1)
formed by deleting the column and row containing aij .

Points to note:
the determinant detA is equal to zero if
(i) rows or columns of A are multiples of each other,
(ii) rows or columns are linear combinations of each other,
(iii) entire rows or columns are zero;
if detA = 0 the matrix A is called a singular matrix;
for any square matrices A and B there holds
detA = det(A ), det(AB) = det(A) det(B).
for the unit matrix I one has det I = 1.

S.No C h a p te r Formula

1 Matrices 1 .1 Types of m a t r i c e s
A = a ij mxn is a:
Diagonal matrix if a ij= 0,when i j
Square matrix if m = n
Row matrix if m = 1
Column matrix if n = 1
Scalar matrix if a ij= 0 , when i j , a ij = k ,
(some constant), when i = j
Identity matrix if a ij= 1 , when i = j
& a ij = 0 , when i j
Zero matrix if a ij= 0

1 .2 O p e r a t i o n s on m a t r i c e s
Addition of Matrices:
A = aij
and B = bij then their
mxn mxn

sum C = cij cij = aij + bij for 1 i m,1 j n


Scalar Multiplication: A = aij and k is a


real number then kA = kaij

m xn

Negative of a matrix :- A = ( - 1 ) A

Difference of matrices: A B = A + ( - 1) B
Product of Matrices: If A = [ a ij]m x n and B
= [b ik]n x p, then AB = C = [c ik]m x p,
where c ik = a ij bij
j =1

1 .3 P ro p e r t i e s of m a t r i c e s
-A = ( -1 ) A (Negative of a matrix)
A + B = B +A
(Commutative Law of
A + ( B + C ) = (A + B ) +C
(Associative law of addition)
k ( A+B ) = kA + kB (Multiplication by scalar)
( k + L)A= kA + LA (Multiplication by
AB BA in general
A ( B C ) = ( AB) C (Associative law
of multiplication)
A ( B + C ) = AB + AC (Distributive law)
( A+B) C = AC + BC (Distributive law)

1 .4 Transpose of a M a t r i x
A = a ij mxn then A ' or A = a ji nxm

1 .5 P ro p e r t i e s of t r a n s p o s e of a matrix
(A 2)2= A
( k A) 2 = kA 2
( A+B ) 2 = A2+B 2
( AB ) 2 = B 2A2

1 .6 Inverse of a matrix
If AB = BA = I, where A & B are square
-1 -1 -1 -1
matrices, then B = A or A = B & (A ) = A

1 .7 Symmetric & Skew-symmetric matrices

A = aij is symmetric if A = A2 i.e
aij = aji for all i and j
A = aij is skew symmetric if A2 = -A i.e
If i=j, then aii = aii aii = 0
1 T 1 T
A= (A + A ) + (A - A ) Symmetric
2 2
1 T
part of A = (A + A )
1 T
Skew symmetric part of A = (A - A )

1 .8 Elementary o p e r a t io n s of a matrix are as


i. R i R j or C i C j

ii. R i kR i or C i kC i
iii. R i R i + kR j or C i C i + kC j

2 Determinants 2 .1 D e t e r m i n a n t of o rd er 2
a 11 a 12
If A = then,
a 21 a 22
a a
A = 11 12 = a 11 a 22  a 12 a 21
a21 a22

2 .2 D e t e r m i n a n t of o rd er 3
a11 a12 a13

If A = a 21 a 22 a 23 then
a 31 a 32 a 33

a11 a12 a13

|A|= a 21 a 22 a 23
a31 a32 a33
a 22 a 23 a 21 a 23 a 21 a 22
= a 11  a 12 + a 13
a 32 a 33 a 31 a 33 a 31 a 32
2 .2 P ro p e r t i e s of d e t e r m i n a n t s
For any square matrix A
A = A , where A ' = transpose of A
If any two rows (or columns) of a
determinant are interchanged, then sign of
determinant changes.
If any two rows (or columns) are identical
or proportional then the value of
determinant is 0 .
If each element of a row (or column) of a
determinant is multiplied by a constant k ,
then its value gets multiplied by k .
Multiplying a determinant by k means
multiply each element of one row (or
column) by k .
If A = a ij nxn , then k.A = kn A
If elements of a row (or column) can be
expressed as sum of two or more elements
then the determinant can be expressed as
sum of two or more elements.
If to each element of a row (or column) of
a determinant the equi-multiples of
corresponding elements of other two rows
or columns are added, then the value of
determinant remains same.
A has inverse if and only if A is non-
Value of determinant is equal to the sum of
product of element of a row (or a column)
with its corresponding cofactors.
If elements of one row (or column) are
multiplied with cofactors of elements of any
other row (or column), then their sum is 0 .
a 11 A21 + a 12 A22 + a 13 A23 =0
, |AB| = |A| |B|,

2 .3 M inor s & C of a c to r s
Minor of an element a ij of the determinant
of matrix A is the determinant obtained by
th th
deleting the i row & j column denoted by
Cofactor of a ij is Aij = ( - 1 ) Mij

2 .5 A d jo i nt & Inverse of a M a t r i x
a 11 a 12
If A = then adj.A=
a 21 a 22

a 11 a 12 a 13 A11 A21 A31

If A = a 21 a 22 a 23 ,thenadj A = A12 A22 A32
a A
31 a 32 a 33 13 A23 A33

where, Aij are cofactors of a ij

-1 1
A =
(adj A)
A(adj A) = (adj A) A = |A| I

If A is a non singular matrix of order n then

|a dj A | = |A|n-1
2 .6 Area of a Tr i a n g l e
Area of a triangle with vertices (x1 , y 1 ), (x2 , y 2 ) &
(x3 , y 3 ) is
x1 y1 1
= x 2 y 2 1
x 3 y3 1
2 .6 S i n g u l a r & n o n - s i n gu l a r matrices
Singular if A = 0
Non-singular if A 0

2 .7 S ol ut i on of L i n e a r E q u a t i o n s
If a 1 x + b1 y + c 1 z = d1
a 2 x + b2 y + c 2 z = d2
a 3 x + b3 y + c 3 z = d3
thenthese equations canbe writtenas AX = B,where
a 1 b 1 c 1 x d 1

A = a 2 b2 c 2 ,X = y andB = d2

a 3 b3 c 3 z d3
For X = A B if :
A 0 , there exists a unique solution given
by X= A B . System of equations is
A =0 & (adj A)B 0 , there is no solution.
System of equations is inconsistent.
A =0 & (adj A)B= 0 , there exist infinitely
many solutions. System of equations is

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