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Models of Decision Making

and Residential Energy Use
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Charlie Wilson and Hadi Dowlatabadi

Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada;
email: cwilson@ires.ubc.ca, hadi.d@ubc.ca

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2007. 32:169203 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on economics, energy demand, psychology, sociology
June 26, 2007

The Annual Review of Environment and Resources Abstract

is online at http://environ.annualreviews.org
Research traditions across the social sciences have explored the
This articles doi: drivers of individual behavior and proposed different models of de-
cision making. Four diverse perspectives are reviewed here: conven-
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews. tional and behavioral economics, technology adoption theory and
All rights reserved
attitude-based decision making, social and environmental psychol-
1543-5938/07/1121-0169$20.00 ogy, and sociology. The individual decision models in these traditions
differ axiomatically. Some are founded on informed rationality or
psychological variables, and others emphasize physical or contextual
factors from individual to social scales. Each perspective suggests
particular lessons for designing interventions to change behavior.
Throughout the review, these lessons are applied to decisions affect-
ing residential energy use. Examples are drawn from both intuitive
and reasoning-based types of decision as well as from a range of deci-
sion contexts that include capital investments in weatherization and
repetitive behaviors such as appliance use. Areas of difference and
similarity between various theoretical approaches and their practi-
cal implications are highlighted. Conclusions are drawn on how to
develop a more integrated approach to both behavioral research and
intervention design in a residential energy context.

ANRV325-EG32-06 ARI 14 September 2007 20:16

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 SOCIAL AND
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 ENVIRONMENTAL
2. THE DECISION CONTEXT: PSYCHOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
RESIDENTIAL ENERGY USE Information and Incentives . . . . . . . 181
AND THE ENERGY Correlates of Proenvironmental
EFFICIENCY GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 and Residential Energy
3. UTILITY-BASED DECISION Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
MODELS AND BEHAVIORAL Values, Attitudes, and Norms . . . . . 182
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ECONOMICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 The Importance of External

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Utility Maximization and Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

Rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Integrating Sociopsychological
Utility Theory and Residential Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Energy Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Lessons for Interventions . . . . . . . . . 185
Irrationality and Behavioral 6. THE SOCIAL
Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 CONSTRUCTION OF
Time Inconsistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 DECISION MAKING . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Framing and Reference Energy Demand as a Social
Dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Construct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Bounded Rationality and Decision Revisiting the Energy Efciency
Heuristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Gap: Embedded Energy Use . . . 186
Lessons for Interventions . . . . . . . . . 175 Analyzing the Social Organization
4. TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION of Residential Energy Use . . . . . 187
AND ATTITUDE-BASED Lessons for Interventions . . . . . . . . . 188
DECISION MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . 177 7. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Diffusion of Innovations . . . . . . . . . . 177 Comparison of Disciplinary
From Knowledge to Action: Approaches to Individual
Cognitive Dissonance . . . . . . . . . 177 Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
From Knowledge to Action: The Integrating Disciplinary
Theory of Planned Behavior . . . 179 Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Self-Efcacy, Feedback, and Suggestions for Integrated
Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Research and Intervention
Lessons for Interventions . . . . . . . . . 180 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
5. DECISION MODELS IN A Final Appeal for Integration . . . . 193

1. INTRODUCTION approaches to decision making have two main

roles. The rst is to help explain behavior and
Understanding how individuals make deci-
identify important behavioral drivers for in-
sions is important for researchers and inter-
terventions to target. The second is to pro-
Intervention: any vention designers concerned with the impact
vide a framework for empirical research on the
regulation, policy, of human behavior on energy use and the en-
impact of these interventions (2). The gen-
program, measure, vironment (1). This chapter reviews different
activity, or event that eral term intervention is used throughout
models of individual decision making from
aims to inuence to mean any regulation, policy, program, mea-
across the social sciences. In an applied eld
behavior sure, activity, or event that aims to inuence
such as energy and environment, theoretical
170 Wilson Dowlatabadi
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The theoretical emphasis of this paper is il- uence on social context on decision making.
lustrated where possible by empirical work on Each section ends with some general conclu-
residential energy supply, use, and efciency. sions on designing interventions for changing
DoI: diffusion of
This provides a common context for compar- individual behavior on the basis of the deci- innovations
ing the decision models reviewed and their sion models reviewed.
Attitude: relatively
implications for intervention design. Deci- This organization is not to label different enduring
sions also vary widely in their speed, effort, researchers or research traditions but to il- organization of an
level of conscious control, cognition (infor- lustrate the different theoretical approaches individuals beliefs
mation processing), and other factors. Intu- to individual decision making. The sections that predisposes his
or her actions toward
itive decisions are made on a very different ba- are designed to be read either sequentially or
an object, person,
sis than reasoning-based decisions (3). These independently according to the readers pref-
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event or idea
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different types of decisions are considered, erence and prior knowledge. In each section,
and their relevance for interventions in par- references to key texts on the relevant decision
ticular contexts is discussed. models and theories are included. Empirical
The objective of this review is fourfold: work is drawn upon selectively to illustrate the
rst, and most importantly, to review differ- main theoretical points. Energy-focused re-
ent disciplinary models and theories on indi- search on decision making and behavior varies
vidual decision making and the determinants widely across different research traditions. So-
of decisions; second, to extract general lessons cial psychologists have extensively explored
for designing interventions to inuence those residential energy behavior; so in Section 5,
decisions; third, to apply these lessons to res- frequent reference is made to existing empir-
idential energy use, particularly energy ef- ical reviews (4, 5). In contrast, Section 3 on
ciency; and fourth, to appeal for a more in- behavioral economics relies more on general
tegrated approach to research into residential lessons drawn from a theoretical body of re-
energy use and other problems of environ- search that has not directly explored energy-
mental consequence. related decisions.
A concluding Section 7 attempts to draw
together and compare the diverse disciplinary
Organization ndings and develop some more integrated
Section 2 sets out the decision context of resi- conclusions on intervention design and fu-
dential energy use, with reference to the en- ture behavioral research on decision making
ergy efciency gap. The body of this review and residential energy use. Three themes that
then comprises sections on decision models emerge repeatedly in the review are discussed:
from different social science traditions, orga- the importance of matching decision models
nized along a rough continuum from those to decision contexts, the scale over which in-
with an individual framing of decision making uences on decisions act, and heterogeneity
to those with a social framing. Section 3 con- in decision making.
siders economics and behavioral economics,
with a brief reference to consumer psychol-
ogy and marketing. Section 4 reviews technol- 2. THE DECISION CONTEXT:
ogy adoption theory, focusing on the diffusion RESIDENTIAL ENERGY USE
of innovations (DoI) tradition, and attitude- AND THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY
based decision models. Section 5 describes de- GAP
cision models that are empirically based in Energy efciency provides an interesting
energy-related behavioral research from so- empirical context for considering individual
cial and environmental psychology. Section 6 decision making and behavior owing to the
covers sociological questions on the agency of persistence of a gap between technological
the individual as decision maker and the in- and economic potential, and actual market

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ANRV325-EG32-06 ARI 14 September 2007 20:16

behavior (6). This energy efciency gap is re- tics (simple decision rules) on the outcomes of
peatedly identied in economic-engineering decisions.
studies that quantify the potential reduction in
Heuristics: simple
decision rules energy demand (or greenhouse gas emissions)
from the adoption of different technologies Utility Maximization and Rationality
Utility: a construct
in economics that (see Reference 7 for a review). Life cycle Microeconomic theories of consumer choice
measures an cost analysis shows short payback periods for are based on the assumption that individuals
individuals expressed the required capital investment in these tech- seek to maximize utility given budget con-
preferences for nologies (8), yet they remain underutilized. straints. A decision outcome with higher util-
different decision
Explanations for the energy efciency gap in- ity will be consistently preferred to an alter-
clude a lack of relevant information on avail- native outcome with lower utility. Utility is
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able technologies, limited access to capital, a construct that measures the preferences ex-
misaligned incentives, imperfect markets for pressed for different outcomes (15), but it is
energy efciency, and organizational barriers often regarded as a proxy for well-being, per-
(9, 10). sonal benet, or the betterness of an out-
Many of these market and nonmarket fail- come (16).
ures relate to individual decision making and Utility theory is derived from axioms of
indeed are pervasive facets of human behavior preference that provide criteria for the ra-
(4). These include (a) aversion to risk, uncer- tionality of choice (17). Consumers are as-
tainty, and irreversibility; (b) use of high short- sumed to behave as rational actors in a nor-
term discount rates; (c) heterogeneity of pref- mative sense of having preferences that are
erences within a population; (d ) transaction ordered, known, invariant, and consistent.
costs of searching for and processing informa- Utility-based decisions are guided by an indi-
tion; (e) sensitivity to changes in the attributes viduals evaluation of outcomes and so are es-
of energy services; and ( f ) the relative unim- sentially instrumental and self-interested (2).
portance of energy costs as a proportion of However, the rational actor model can in-
total expenditure (912). It is widely accepted corporate utility from many different sources
that interventions to reduce the energy ef- (other than money), including the perceived
ciency gap need to address these and other fairness of the decision process itself (18).
behavioral factors (13). The decision models
reviewed in Sections 36 offer many sugges-
tions in this regard and help identify reasons Utility Theory and Residential
for the varying success of interventions to pro- Energy Decisions
mote energy efciency (see Reference 14 for Utility theory and rational choice provide the
a review). building blocks for a broad range of eco-
nomic theory and practice (19). Two applica-
tions with relevance to residential energy use
3. UTILITY-BASED DECISION are discrete choice modeling and economic-
MODELS AND BEHAVIORAL engineering analyses.
ECONOMICS Discrete or qualitative choice models rep-
This section briey describes the microeco- resent individuals choices between different
nomic decision model of utility maximization alternatives characterized by a number of at-
given xed preferences. Discrete choice appli- tributes. Choices can be made as stated pref-
cations of this rational actor model in a res- erences through survey instruments or as re-
idential energy context are discussed. Utility vealed preferences through actual purchasing
theory also provides the framework for a more behavior (see Reference 20). In a residential
extensive review of behavioral economic nd- energy context, discrete choice methods have
ings on the inuence of context and heuris- been used to estimate individuals discount

172 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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rates as revealed or implied by their prefer- geneity across both decision makers and deci-
ences for energy efcient appliances (8, 21). sion contexts as well as their dynamic nature
Discount rates measure an individuals will- (30). The poor characterization of heteroge-
ingness to exchange present consumption for neous preferences is one reason why macroe-
future consumption, for example, by spending conomic models can fail to capture the energy
more up front on an appliance with lower op- efciency gap (31).
erating (energy) costs. An important nding Econometric models can successfully de-
is that individuals use different discount rates scribe behavior at an aggregate level because,
for different types of goods in different con- although individual preferences are highly
texts (22). In the case of domestic energy tech- variable, the distribution of preferences across
nologies, revealed discount rates were found a population is relatively stable (32). Modeling
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to be clustered in the 5% to 40% range, but many individuals, in effect, assumes represen-
higher rates were applied to refrigerators and tative decision makers who may not be utility
water heaters than to heating equipment and maximizers but who, considered in aggregate,
weatherization measures (21). Other studies behave as if they were (33).
have found short-term discount rates as high
as 300% for air-conditioning technologies
(23). This marked variability suggests that dis- Irrationality and Behavioral
count rates are inuenced by many elements Economics
of the decision context, including perceived Behavioral economists seek to integrate a
risk, framing, and social arrangements (22). more robust psychological understanding of
(See sections below for additional discussion.) decision making into microeconomics. As
Discrete choice methods have also been noted above, utility theory and its applica-
used to assess the effectiveness of different tions rest on axioms of preference that broadly
types of nancial incentive in inuencing con- dene rational choice. However, there is a
sumers preference for high-efciency appli- wealth of experimental and eld evidence
ances (24). Results suggested that loans would showing that individuals do not make con-
have a larger impact than rebates in the case of sistently rational decisions (34). Time incon-
refrigerators and at a lower unit cost to the en- sistency, framing, reference dependence, and
ergy utility. Other recent examples of discrete bounded rationality are all examples discussed
choice modeling of energy-related behavior below. In each case, individual choices violate
include customers choice of electricity sup- one or more of the axioms of preference on
plier in deregulated markets (25). which utility theory is based and so are irra-
Engineering-economic analyses at an ag- tional in normative terms.
gregated sectoral or market scale (7) also im-
ply a rational actor whose preferences for dif-
ferent energy technologies are guided by a Time Inconsistency
monetary cost-benet analysis using a con- Having time-consistent preferences means
stant discount rate. Nonnancial costs or ben- that a decision taken to maximize utility from
ets can be monetized using contingent valua- a stream of both current and future values
tion or other approaches at an aggregate level will remain optimal in the future (35). Time
(26) and at the level of a residential energy user consistency is ensured by trading off present
(27). Additional transaction costs or intangi- for future consumption at a constant discount
ble costs can be included to capture the be- rate (36). Consumers purchasing behavior of
havioral factors (described in Section 2) that energy efcient appliances is used to reveal
contribute to the energy efciency gap (28, these discount rates (see above). From a be-
29). However, this monetization of transac- havioral perspective, however, this method-
tion costs can fail to recognize their hetero- ology is highly problematic (37). Extensive

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empirical and experimental evidence reveals initial anchor point. More generally, the sta-
that individuals do not make decisions in a tus quo or default option of a decision tends
time-consistent manner using a constant dis- to be favored (43).
count rate (22). An immediacy effect gives Loss aversion, anchoring, and status quo
rise to high short-term discount rates when bias all illustrate the importance of fram-
otherwise immediate consumption is delayed, ing and context on decision making. There
but this is accompanied by a decline in dis- are two key implications for the microeco-
count rates over the longer term (36). The nomic decision model: (a) utility is depen-
implication is that when all costs and benets dent on a reference point; and (b) utility is
are in the future, individuals are farsighted in carried by gains and losses relative to this ref-
their advance planning, but when some costs erence point, not nal outcomes (44). Refer-
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or benets are immediate, decisions will be ence dependence also explains why expecta-
very shortsighted (34). Consumers can also tions about decision outcomes are important
be aware that their impulse to consume now (18). If expectations set a high reference point,
impacts negatively on their long-term self- certain outcomes may be perceived as losses or
interest (23). as unfair, reducing the utility associated with
Hyperbolic or proportional discount func- consumption (45, 46).
tions have been proposed as more accurate At the household level, framing and refer-
representations of how individuals value costs ence dependence mean that income and bud-
and benets over time (23, 38). Yet noncon- geting decisions may be assigned to different
stant discount rates are rarely incorporated mental accounts (47, 48). As an example,
into utility-based decision models. One rea- an individuals willingness to spend earned in-
son is that time inconsistency makes equilib- come, windfall income, and saved income is
rium models intractable, as do other violations rarely the same even though the money in
of utility theorys axioms of preference (39). each case is fully interchangeable (49). Con-
sumption that is apparently suboptimal ac-
cording to utility theory can be explained by
Framing and Reference Dependence differences in the decision criteria used in dif-
Framing effects show that individual prefer- ferent mental accounts (50).
ences are not xed or invariant. A decision
frame refers to all the different elements that
comprise a decision: alternatives, attributes, Bounded Rationality and Decision
outcomes, and probabilities (40). The way Heuristics
these elements are presented to the decision To maximize utility within budget constraints
maker can inuence the decision outcome. requires rational actors to acquire, analyze,
Simply by framing one decision as a choice and trade off information about all possible
between losses and another as a choice be- alternatives before making a decision. Early
tween gains, preferences can be reversed even research found that the way information is
though the outcomes and their expected val- structured in different decision contexts can
ues are identical in both decision contexts inuence choices (51). In other words, prefer-
(17). This is because individuals are generally ences are inuenced by the cognitive burden
averse to losses. of information gathering and processing. In-
When making a decision, individuals also dividuals rationality (in a normative sense) is
tend to anchor on certain types of infor- bounded by these psychological and environ-
mation, rather than search for and process mental constraints (33).
all relevant information (41, 42). Depending Rather than always seeking to maximize
on how information is presented or otherwise utility, decision makers use a wide range of
available, preferences can be biased toward the rules or heuristics to help reduce cognitive or

174 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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computational requirements (52). The satis- decisions. Behavioral economic ndings,

cing heuristic, for example, means sequen- however, challenge utility theorys normative
tially searching for information about alter- assumptions, which underpin the rational ac-
natives until a utility threshold or aspirational tor model. In particular, individual prefer-
target is reached (53). Recognition heuris- ences are found not to be well dened, xed,
tics favor recognized or familiar elements of or consistent, and decision making cannot be
a decision (e.g., choose the alternative that assumed to be deliberative or even optimal.
was chosen last time). Elimination heuris- Although much behavioral economic
tics narrow down the range of alternatives research is conducted through controlled
by immediately rejecting those with the worst lab-based experiments (see Section 7), key
score on a particular attribute (e.g., ignore the ndings have been replicated in real-world
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two most expensive alternatives) (54, 55). conditions (58) and are widely applied in con-
Another class of heuristics explains how sumer psychology and marketing. Marketers
decision makers retrieve information (both in- routinely exploit information gathering and
ternally and from external sources) to help retrieval heuristics such as anchoring (59).
characterize decision alternatives. The avail- A common example is for manufacturers
ability heuristic means that this retrieval pro- to add inferior options to a product range
cess can be biased in favor of information that to increase consumers preference for the
is readily available (e.g., very personal, re- superior (and more expensive) alternative
cent, or repeated) or particularly salient (e.g., (60). By setting appropriate reference points,
vivid, atypical, or otherwise memorable). Al- marketers also look to inuence decision
though more easily recalled, such informa- makers expectations. Where expectations are
tion may not represent typical conditions and, embedded in routines (see Section 6), inter-
when combined with anchoring (see above), ventions to change behavior must be framed
can bias decisions. Emotions are also an im- appropriately to avoid loss aversion (which is
portant heuristic, particularly when assessing why energy efciency is a preferred framing
risk (56). As an example, an emotional reac- over curtailment). Much consumption results
tion to an alternative can substitute for other not from rational deliberation but from
attributes that do not come readily to mind (3). automated cognitive or affective responses to
Heuristics allow cognitive effort to be stimuli (61), so the establishment and consoli-
matched to the particular structure of a deci- dation of habits, routines, mental associations,
sion (55). Given their potential inuence over and emotional reactions are key for inuenc-
decision outcomes, how and why particular ing the selection of decision heuristics (62).
heuristics are selected in different decision Emphasizing one particularly salient or emo-
contexts are important research questions. tional attribute may inuence a decision more
Detectable analogies, past cases, or exemplars than providing information on all attributes.
with a high degree of correspondence com- Selling comfort and fullled desires can moti-
monly inuence heuristic selection (32, 57). vate homeowners to renovate their home bet-
As yet, however, there is no generalized the- ter than the prospect of energy efciency (63).
ory, so empirical evidence is the best guide (3). Behavioral decision researchers combine
the normative analysis of utility theory with
the psychological insights of behavioral eco-
Lessons for Interventions nomics to support better decision making
The central implications of the rational actor (64). (See the Behavioral Decision Research
model for interventions are to improve the in- sidebar for additional discussion.) Decision-
strumental outcomes (i.e., net benets) of the structuring tools are used to clarify informa-
desirable alternative and to ensure sufcient tion, mitigate biases, and help an individual
information is available for reasoning-based understand his or her own interests and values

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utility benets to individual consumers de-

BEHAVIORAL DECISION RESEARCH spite reducing the range of choice as they re-
moved inferior (in utility terms) models from
Most of the theoretical models and empirical studies reviewed among the alternatives (67). More generally,
in this chapter assume decision makers respond to stimuli or as the number of choices for a decision in-
external conditions through psychological mechanisms that creases, so too can sensitivity to regret, unre-
can be unearthed through careful research (192). As a result, alistic expectations, and the opportunity costs
the lessons used for intervention design draw on an under- of choosing one alternative (45). Utility can be
standing of these mechanisms to persuade or otherwise inu- negatively affected if consumers avoid choos-
ence individuals to make decisions commensurate with public ing as a result (due to status quo bias). This has
policy objectives. been demonstrated for households choice of
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Behavioral decision research provides an alternative tra- electricity supplier in deregulated retail mar-
dition within cognitive psychology to this psychophysical ap- kets (68). Interventions to emphasize habit-
proach (192). Testing the normative assumptions of utility the- ual behavior and remove the risk of switch-
ory in real-world decision making reveals mechanisms that are ing supplier might encourage households to
contingent, context dependent, time sensitive, reactive, and it- make better nondefault choices (69). Alterna-
erative. Preferences based on an individuals values are often tively, default choices (or behaviors) can be
constructed as they are being elicited (193). As values (and dened in the public interest as is common
beliefs, attitudes, or norms) are difcult to measure without in other public policy domains, e.g., health
asking, specifying psychological decision models is more an ar- and crime (70). For example, removing default
chitectural process than an archaeological one (194). Decision temperature settings from washing machines
researchers in this tradition emphasize the preference elicita- was found to reduce energy usage by 24% as
tion process, prior knowledge or mental models, biases and users set lower washing temperatures using
cognitive limitations, as well as the need for a normative analy- the new implicit anchor point of zero (71).
sis from the decision makers perspective. Structured methods Appropriate anchor points on Energy Star or
can then be used by decision analysts to help individuals make other energy efciency product labels might
better decisions (15, 40). Lessons for interventions are simi- also be inuential.
larly prescriptive but are focused on the decision process. By Mental accounting provides an alternative
comparison, the lessons for interventions considered in this framework for assessing energy efcient ren-
review concentrate on (socially desirable) decision outcomes. ovations or weatherization. In conventional
economic analyses, payback periods for capital
investments are calculated from energy sav-
(15, 40). However, these types of intervention ings. In making decisions, however, individu-
are focused on the decision-making process als may partition monetary/nonmonetary, en-
and tend to remain neutral as to the decision ergy/nonenergy, positive/negative elements
outcome. into different mental accounts and assess them
Outside marketing therefore, behavioral separately. Where minimally satisfactory out-
economic ndings are not typically used to de- comes in each account cannot be achieved,
sign interventions for changing behavior. An individuals might search for new alternatives
exception is found in the case made in legal (53). Interventions cannot therefore simply
journals for paternalistic regulations to help rely on short-term monetary paybacks if there
consumers avoid suboptimal choices that do are perceived losses in comfort or service qual-
not serve their own interests insofar as they ity. Net benets may be needed in each mental
would be made differently with complete in- account, not just overall, particularly if there
Norm: an expected formation, coherent and ordered preferences, are salient opportunity costs to investment
pattern of behavior, and unlimited cognitive resources (65, 66). In (e.g., if renovate and go on holiday are alter-
either social or
this vein, one study of refrigerator purchases natives for expenditure in the saved income
demonstrated that efciency standards had account).

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4. TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION adoptionincluding image or status confer-

AND ATTITUDE-BASED ral, and voluntariness (74, 75).
This section describes the dominant model From Knowledge to Action:
of individual decision making used in studies Cognitive Dissonance
of technology diffusion in which social
Technologies and behaviors are not adopted
networks and technological attributes are key
simply through awareness and favorable atti-
inuences. This innovation decision process
tudes (82, 83). The principal weakness of the
is related to other attitude-based theories of
innovation decision process is its linear repre-
sentation of knowledge, awareness, intention,
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behavior. DoI has weakest explanatory power

when adoption is constrained by situational
Diffusion of Innovations factors, such as lack of resources or access
Technology adoption and diffusion theories to technologies (84). DoI also suggests that
seek to explain how and why innovations come adoption barriers are the inverse of adoption
about, enter into use, and become widespread drivers, but this cannot be assumed (85). The
(or not, as the case may be). Innovations are energy efciency gap provides a good example
dened broadly as an idea, practice or tech- of these points. A homeowner may have well-
nology perceived as new (72). The dominant informed and positive attitudes to low-cost
model, DoI, has a broad empirical basis that weatherization measures as well as the neces-
evidences impressive universality (Reference sary resources but may not translate these into
73 is the key text for this section). DoI de- action even though the outcomes are clearly
scribes a social communication process via benecial and fulll a perceived need.
both person-to-person and media channels Other behavioral models that have been
that inuences individual technology adop- linked to DoI provide some insights as to
tion decisions. There are various key assump- how cognition links to action. According to
tions to this innovation decision process (see the theory of cognitive dissonance, individuals
Figure 1). First, decisions are a process with strive for internal consistency between their
identiable stages moving from a change in knowledge, attitudes, and actions as inconsis-
knowledge to a change in behavior. Second, tency or dissonance produces discomfort (86,
the decision process is initiated by prior con- 87). Individuals will actively make decisions or
ditions (e.g., perceived needs, social norms). behave so as to reduce cognitive dissonance.
Third, adopter characteristics and an innova- In a residential energy context, potential
tions attributes inuence how knowledge is technology adopters who have made public
formed into object-specic attitudes. Fourth, commitments to conserve energy may act in
feedbacks from the later stages of the decision order to be consistent with their stated atti-
process to the initial stages (see dotted arrows tudes (76, 88). The internal feedback dotted
in Figure 1) are both internal or psychological arrows above the decision process in Figure 1
and external or communicative (the empirical show this resolution of potential dissonance.
focus of many diffusion studies) (73). But the converse is also possible: Adopters
Five perceived attributes of an innovation who doubt their own self-efcacy owing to
explain the majority of the variance in adop- lack of resources, for example, may reject
tion rates (see Reference 73 for a review). Dif- or question information that supports ef-
ferent studies have shown each of these at- ciency and so avoid creating dissonance be-
tributes to be relevant for residential energy tween their knowledge and their lack of action
use (see Table 1). In specic contexts, other (see selected exposure arrow in the bottom left
attributes have been found to correlate with of Figure 1).

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Internal feedback:
reinforce attitudes,

resolve dissonance

Cognitive: Affective: Dissonance? Embed

awareness/ attitude/ intention/ Behavior change/

14 September 2007

understanding perception choice change continue use

conditions Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation

Innovativeness Attractiveness
of adopter of innovation
Characteristics Perceived attributes
of decision maker: of the innovation: External feedback:
socioeconomic status relative advantage diffusion through
personality variables compatibility social networks and
communication behavior complexity Reduce other communication
trialability uncertainty channels

Selective exposure/perception
Prior conditions:
perceived need or problem
social norms, behavior
previous and existing practice

Figure 1
The innovation decision process. Adapted with the permission of The Free Press from Diffusion of Innovations, fth edition, by Everett M. Rogers, copyright
c 2003 (73).

ANRV325-EG32-06 ARI 14 September 2007 20:16

Table 1 Attributes of innovations that support adoption decisions, with examples from studies of residential energy use
Attribute (from DoI) and its description (73) Example of attribute in a residential energy context
Relative advantage over the incumbent technology or Cost savings, personal comfort, and family health from
practice (e.g., more convenient, exible, cheap) weatherization measures (76, 77)
Compatibility with existing needs or problems, prevailing Energy efciency is unattractive if framed as a major deviation
social norms, and behavior from behavioral norms (78)
Complexity, i.e., the skills, capacity, and effort required to A perceived barrier to solar photovoltaic adoption (79)
adopt an innovation
Trialability, e.g., whether innovations can be tested prior to Peer experience or social feedback is important to reduce
adoption uncertainty about irreversible weatherization measures (76);
conversely, clock thermostats can be tested in situ (80)
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Observability, e.g., whether innovations are highly visible Solar technologies have greater normative appeal than less visible
(to potential adopters) measures such as home insulation (81)

From Knowledge to Action: such as condom use and smoking cessation,

The Theory of Planned Behavior although no studies relating directly to
residential energy use were considered.
DoIs decision model centers on the inuence TPB: theory of
Empirical studies of TPB and other planned behavior
of an innovations attributes on attitude for-
attitude- or belief-based models rely on the
mation. By implication, technology adoption
elicitation of psychological constructs (typ-
decisions are instrumental and based on
ically through surveys/questionnaires). The
expected outcomes (as in the rational actor
more specically these constructs correspond
model but without the axioms of preference).
with the behavior in question (particularly
This emphasis on attitudes and outcomes
where it is self-reported), the greater the pre-
links DoI to the theory of planned behavior
dictive power of the models (93). However,
(TPB). TPB is an extension of an earlier the-
the models also become less informative and
ory of reasoned action in which attitudes and
capture underlying psychological processes
perceived social norms explain behavior (89).
only indirectly through correlated variables
According to TPB, attitudes are formed from
(64) (see Section 7 for additional discussion).
an individuals beliefs about a behavior as well
as an evaluation of its outcomes (90). Together
with normative beliefs about what valued
peers might think of the behavior, these Self-Efficacy, Feedback,
attitudes lead to an intention to act, which in and Reinforcement
turn predicts behavior. To address decision Perceived behavioral control in TPB is a sub-
contexts in which action is constrained or jective assessment of how contextual factors
individuals do not otherwise have full control inuence behavior. This is explored further in
over volition, perceived behavioral control social cognitive theories on self-efcacy, indi-
was incorporated as a third precursor of viduals own perceptions of how well they can
intention to act as well as a direct precursor of act to deal with a prospective situation (94,
behavior (90, 91). A meta-analysis of studies 95). Self-efcacy may determine whether an
using TPB found it explained 27% and 39% individual attempts and persists with a given
of the variance in behavior and intention, task and is inuenced by past experience,
respectively, with perceived behavioral con- the example of others, and perceived skills.
trol the most signicant antecedent (92). Reinforcing self-efcacy by setting achiev-
The 185 independent studies reviewed were able goals and providing feedback demon-
from a wide range of behavioral contexts strably supports energy conservation, for ex-
from transport choices, recycling, and green ample, by changing how appliances are used
consumerism to public health concerns, (71, 96).

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Other behavioral models linked to DoI tage) and solar photovoltaics (observable,
shift the focus from psychological processes trialable/reversible) have complementary
to social communication and feedback. The attributes that may aid adoption if packaged
hierarchy of effects model examines how dif- together as a zero-emission home or its
ferent communication channels (e.g., mass equivalent. Second, barriers to adoption
media, or person to person) inuence decision should be positively identied (rather than
making at each layer of a hierarchy from in- assumed to be the inverse of drivers of adop-
formation, knowledge, attitude, and intention tion), and interventions should be designed
through to behavior (97). For example, mass to overcome them (85). Third, DoI clearly
media channels were found to inuence gen- distinguishes between the different types of
eral energy awareness but have little impact adopter (see the characteristics of decision
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on specic residential conservation behaviors maker box in Figure 1) and recognizes

(98). The stages of change model, developed heterogeneity in a population (see Section 7).
from studies of addictions, emphasizes the Market segmentation studies for new tech-
gradual and iterative reinforcement of an in- nologies aim to identify and then target the
dividuals readiness to act (99). As individu- innovators and early adopters. This approach
als move through the stages of the decision has been used in the United States to size
process, their evaluation of the outcomes of the demand for residential solar photovoltaic
action improves, as does their perceived abil- technologies (79). A U.K. study found a chasm
ity to act. Intervention design should target in attitudes between the early adopters and
the particular processes that inuence change the subsequent majority market, which also
at each stage (100). Taking thermostat-setting needs to be targeted by interventions if solar
behavior as an example, raising awareness is technology is to expand beyond a niche (102,
more relevant for early stage decision mak- 103). The same arguments apply to energy
ers, and reinforcing choices through feed- efciency. Interventions designed to reduce
back is more appropriate during later stages. residential energy use often fail to recognize
The precede-proceed model, also from public heterogeneity in target samples. Specic types
health, similarly emphasizes the importance of energy efciency intervention correspond
of reinforcing factors, e.g., advice, subsidies, more effectively with early adopter character-
and feedback, to sustain behavior that may istics (e.g., demonstration projects) and vice
have initially been prompted by predispos- versa for the mainstream market (e.g., stimu-
ing factors such as awareness, norms, and at- lating communication from innovators) (104).
titudes (101). Fourth, the importance of control beliefs
in TPB and social cognitive theories support
interventions that enhance individuals
Lessons for Interventions perceptions of empowerment, leadership,
As with the rational actor model, the insights and self-efcacy through access to skills,
generated by DoI, TPB, and related models resources, and training. This relates to a fth
are limited by their implicit assumptions of lesson: harness social feedback. The use of
deliberative and instrumental decision mak- change agents in disseminating information
ing. Nevertheless, there are many lessons for and experience about technologies is widely
intervention design relevant for technology employed in agriculture and public health
adoption in a residential energy use context. (73) and also helps promote social learning on
First, the attributes of innovations residential energy efciency (105). Providing
in Table 1 should orient both product opportunities for homeowners or utility man-
development and marketing of energy ef- agers to learn from early adopters experience
cient technologies and behaviors. Energy of solar photovoltaics supported diffu-
efciency (noncomplex, clear relative advan- sion more effectively than detailed technical

180 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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information (106, 107). Homeowners of zero- Residential energy users were found to be
emission homes in a California residential consumers of intangibles, members of social
development communicated the energy cost groups, committed individuals, and problem
savings to neighbors in standard efciency avoiders as well as informed economic ratio- behavior:
homes (108). This type of social feedback on nalists (112). Although monetary incentives intentional behavior
outcomes is important in supporting positive certainly have a calculable effect on monetary with a reduced
attitude formation (see Figure 1) and in cost-benet ratios, their impact on decisions environmental
impact relative to
complementing normative beliefs (84). Social are more contingent. For example, the attrac-
marketing approaches aim to embed behavior tiveness of incentives varies across different behaviors
change in a social context through public target groups. Administrative effort, eligibil-
commitments monitored by the participating ity criteria, cash-ow timing, the relevance of
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community (109). Establishing social norms immediacy (see Section 3 on discount rates),
works most effectively for technologies or and the requirement to take on debt are all
behaviors that are observable by potential attributes of an incentive, which may affect
adopters (110), favoring solar photovoltaics its uptake and bring social and psychological
over insulation for example. Interventions at factors into play (113). Similar ndings on the
the community level are particularly relevant effectiveness of incentives apply to other types
where social norms at the household level of proenvironmental behavior (114).
might actually be barriers to adoption as in Providing information to raise awareness,
some cases with photovoltaics (79). Social substantiate beliefs, and inuence behavior
feedback, communication, and reinforcement was also not found to be universally effective
approaches (see the hierarchy of effects and (see Reference 5 for a detailed review).
precede-proceed models) are used in other Whereas diffusion studies explored the inu-
domains but should undergo additional ence of different channels of communication,
testing in a residential energy use context. social psychologists focused more on the form
and content of information. A key set of nd-
ings was that the most effective information
5. DECISION MODELS IN in promoting residential energy efciency
SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL was simple, salient, personally relevant, and
PSYCHOLOGY easily comparable rather than technical,
Social and environmental psychologists have detailed, factual, and comprehensive (115,
focused extensively on residential energy ef- 116). The perceived trustworthiness and
ciency. Early research from the 1970s ex- credibility of the information and/or service
plored the inuence of information and incen- provider was also important (117, 118).
tives on residential energy use behavior (111). As in DoI (see Section 4), social psychol-
As energy prices and the associated incentives ogists emphasized the importance of infor-
to conserve ebbed through the 1980s, atten- mation as feedback (119, 120). To conserve
tion shifted from decient information as a energy, home occupants must know how be-
source of market failure to the role of psycho- havior and energy use interrelate and must
logical constructs (values, attitudes, norms) be motivated to conserve (121). In this sim-
framed by environmental concerns. plied model, information provides the for-
mer, incentives provide the latter, but only
feedback provides both. Periodic and undif-
Information and Incentives ferentiated utility bills hinder direct feedback
Social psychologists demonstrated the short- on energy efcient behavior (122). Alterna-
comings of the rational actor models undiffer- tive mechanisms for conrming cost savings
entiated focus on information and net mone- include visible consumption meters, differen-
tary benets as determinants of decisions (78). tiated billing, and smoke sticks (which indicate

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leaky building envelopes) (96, 123). Targeted, repeatedly reinforcing curtailment behaviors,
personalized, or otherwise tailored informa- such as thermostat setting (134). Household
tion is also important (124). Web-based tools characteristics (age, size, state of repair), com-
value-belief-norm can now combine large sample sizes with tai- position, and occupancy are also important
(theory) lored information (125). Electricity market for heating and comfort-related measures (5,
deregulation has enabled further experimen- 132). A review of more than 40 U.S.-based
tation with time-of-use or real-time pricing to studies of residential energy use found that
support feedback (see Reference 126 for a re- while attitudes correlate with intentions to
cent review). As a recent example, load reduc- change behavior, house characteristics better
tions of 25% and 13% for California house- predict actual actions like weatherization
holds with and without automated response (135).
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thermostats, respectively, were achieved dur-

ing critical peak pricing periods (127).
Values, Attitudes, and Norms
Failure to nd strong correlates of behavior
Correlates of Proenvironmental and highlighted the need for robust mechanisms
Residential Energy Behavior to map deeper inuences of social demo-
Another ongoing theme of social psychol- graphics and values down onto specic atti-
ogy research has been the testing of so- tudes and behaviors (136). Value-belief-norm
cioeconomic and psychological correlates of (VBN) theory proposed a causal chain from
residential energy use, and more broadly, the stable essentials of personality (values,
proenvironmental behavior (128, 129). Some- worldviews) to specic beliefs about the con-
what inconsistent support for predictors sequences and responsibilities of particular ac-
of (self-reported) proenvironmental behav- tions, and on to attitudes and norms (137).
ior has been found for income, education, The basis for VBN was activated norm the-
and household composition (e.g., absence of ory, which stemmed from earlier work on the
young children, people in ill health, or el- elicitation and characterization of values
derly people), with weaker and more ambigu- (138). In VBN, activated norms directly inu-
ous correlations for gender (female) and age ence behavior, and other psychological con-
(youth) (130, 131). Values, knowledge, and structs act indirectly through activated norms
attitudes toward proenvironmental behavior (see left side of Figure 2). Activated norms are
also failed to show strong correlations, par- personal obligations to act in a way that re-
ticularly where the psychological constructs duces adverse consequences to things of value
tested were of a more general nature (132, (139); this is stated simply as, I ought to do
133). (See the earlier discussion in Section 4 X to prevent Y from adversely impacting Z,
on the theory of planned behavior.) because I value Z. This creates a predispo-
A major lesson from these studies was sition for behavior change and is linked to
that behaviors need to be distinguished by self-expectations (140). VBN theory modied
their psychosocial characteristics, including the norm activation pathway to include al-
frequency (or repetitiveness), cost, and truistic values toward both humans and the
associated amenity losses (111). Residential biosphere. Both types of altruism in addition
energy efciency, for example, encompasses a to self-enhancement values (e.g., for status)
wide range of behaviors: capital investments, and egotism (e.g., for nancial returns) have
low-cost efciency improvements, ambient been shown empirically to predict different
temperature setting, and minor curtail- types of proenvironmental behavior, includ-
ments. Although home ownership inuences ing residential energy conservation (98, 133,
efcient capital investment decisions, fa- 134, 137). The characteristics and context of
vorable attitudes are more inuential for the behavior in question inuences the role

182 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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Personal Contextual domain


Values (e.g., altruism, self- Individul Shared

enhancement, egotism)

Threat of adverse actors
consequences to values Socioeconomic
14 September 2007

Assignment of responsibility to self

Technical Regulations Social

to mitigate consequences skills

Resources Norms
Activated values or

Value-belief-norm theory
personal norms Supply


Habits, External
Attitudes experience Capabilities conditions

interaction effects

Proenvironmental decision or behavior

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Private-sphere behavior (e.g., technology adoption, change in appliance usage, lifestyle/curtailment)
Public-sphere behavior (e.g., environmental citizenship, support for environmental policies)

Figure 2
An integrated model of proenvironmental behavior. Adapted from Reference 150 (PC Stern, Towards a Coherent Theory of Environmentally
Signicant Behavior, Journal of Social Issues, with permission from Blackwell Publishing).
ANRV325-EG32-06 ARI 14 September 2007 20:16

played by values (141). As examples, altru- titudinal measures (147). External conditions
istic values may not be relevant in contexts inuence behavior both directly by dening
where individuals lack perceived self-efcacy available choices and their relative attractive-
ABC: attitude-
behavior-external (124) or where action is associated with self- ness (see Section 6) and indirectly through at-
conditions (model) sacrice or a sense of helplessness (142). The titude formation (134). In a study of curbside
relationship between values and proenviron- recycling, individuals perceptions of costs
mental behavior is discussed further in a re- in terms of time, effort, and inconvenience
cent review (143). were not found to impact behavior directly
but acted to reduce the strength of support-
ing attitudes (146). Some studies have sug-
The Importance of External gested that external conditions drive behavior
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change, which then changes attitudes to re-

The psychological antecedents of behavior duce cognitive dissonance (134, 148). This has
vary because of external conditions that ei- an interesting implication for the DoI frame-
ther support or hinder behavior change. Ex- work (see Figure 1) because it suggests pread-
ternal conditions include physical, nancial, option and postadoption drivers of behavior
legal, or social inuences upon a decision. may differ, although it is the postadoption
In linear decision models, e.g., TPB, these drivers that form the basis of social feedback.
are mediated by other precursors of behav-
ior, such as perceived behavioral control (142).
More generally, instrumental decision mak- Integrating Sociopsychological
ing implies a strongly internal locus of con- Findings
trol or perceived ability to bring about change The ABC model explicitly drew together
through behavior (144). Decision models that attitude-based decision models and nd-
do not explicitly include external conditions ings on the inuence of external conditions,
are weakest when behavior change involves including incentives and information, on be-
high-effort, high-cost, and high-involvement havior. Drawing on both the ABC model and
decisions (145). VBN theory, as well as other social psycholog-
The importance of external conditions ical research (summarized in Reference 85), an
was articulated in an ABC (attitude-behavior- integrated model of proenvironmental behav-
external conditions) model in which attitudes ior was proposed and is shown schematically
lead to behavior change only if contextual in Figure 2 (149, 150).
variables provide either weak incentives or The model distinguishes personal and con-
disincentives (146). In other words, there are textual domains (see the left and right sides,
boundary conditions, determined by context, respectively, of Figure 2) while recognizing
on the ability of attitudes to predict behavior interactions between them (85). The personal
(discussed further in Section 7). This is evi- domain comprises habits, current practice,
denced in studies of residential energy con- and past experience as well as attitudes. The
servation that show threshold effects when VBN chain allows for values to be mapped
a given level of support from external con- onto activated norms for particular behaviors.
ditions (e.g., through incentives) is reached By incorporating values, the integrated model
and psychological variables then emerge as the rejects the instrumental utility calculus of the
main barriers to action (113). An early study rational actor model and, implicitly, of DoI
of real-time pricing showed a similar thresh- and TPB (149). The contextual domain com-
old effect in which an increase from 2:1 to prises variables specic to the individual (e.g.,
8:1 in the peak:off-peak electricity price dif- acquired technical skills and know-how) and
ferential explained only 2% of the variance in variables that are shared by many individu-
behavior compared to 11% explained by at- als (e.g., social norms and expectations). The

184 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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model emphasizes interaction effects between contextual domains (see Figure 2). Interven-
these different personal and contextual vari- tions seeking to change behavior need to iden-
ables (150), as well as behavior-specic char- tify and target the relevant constraints in that
acteristics (e.g., the degree of involvement, particular context (154). Because a single in-
effort, cost, time, skill requirement, nancial tervention might only inuence some of these
resources, convenience, repetition, contextual constraints (104), multiple interventions are
support, normative compliance) (136, 137). often required to act in concert (85, 155).
Multivariate analysis of the causal pathways Interaction effects between personal and
by which both personal and contextual vari- contextual variables may mean that address-
ables act on individual decisions is needed to ing one constraint causes another to emerge.
apply the model to different behaviors, and so Once an incentive creates unambiguous per-
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generate further insights (1, 82, 151). sonal benets, interventions should target
personal variables such as the attitudes and
norms that predispose an individual to act
Lessons for Interventions rather than further increase the incentives
The social psychology research reviewed con- (113). Interventions themselves can also have
cerns individual decisions with consequences overlapping or reinforcing interaction effects.
on either residential energy use or, more A study of measures (energy tax, investment
broadly, the environment. Independent vari- subsidies, gas use regulation) promoting res-
ables that explain those decisions are specic idential energy efciency in the Netherlands
to both context and the behavior in ques- found that their combined effect on energy
tion (see Section 7). The inuence of psy- use was up to 30% less than the sum of their
chological variables is constrained by external individual effects (156). More generally, re-
conditions. As with the expected utility and search should be oriented toward interven-
attitude-based models reviewed in Sections 3 tions with the greatest potential environmen-
and 4, systemic inuences are treated as ex- tal impact rather than those of the greatest
ogenous so the timescale over which decisions theoretical or experimental interest (150).
are considered is short (e.g., weeks). The in- Different drivers of decisions change over
tegrated model shown in Figure 2 offers a varied timescales (149). Interventions de-
framework for exploring both personal and signed to address contextual variables (e.g.,
contextual variables as well as their interac- price incentives) or personal variables (e.g.,
tions. Lessons for designing interventions fol- information to reinforce favorable attitudes)
low from these basic insights. may aim for short-term change. When
Both behaviors and interventions must be behavior is strongly limited by external con-
distinguished, as well as the linkages between ditions, interventions aimed at personal vari-
them. One suggested typology identies the ables may have a weak direct impact on behav-
following linkages at a general level (85): ior but may be important in the longer term
to build political support for policy change
 Moral suasion/education (change be-
and social support for norm change. The deci-
liefs/attitudes or activate norms) (153)
sion models reviewed in Sections 35 concern
 Policy/regulation (change external con-
behavior change over shorter time frames,
ditions/incentive structure)
but the sociological models considered in
 Supply chain (changes decision alterna-
Section 6 provide more insight into longer-
tives or their relative attractiveness)
term dynamics. For ongoing or repetitive be-
 Community management (changes so- haviors (e.g., thermostat setting), the variables
cial norms) (109) that inuence behavior will change over time
Any given behavior will typically have as knowledge replaces preconception, bene-
many constraints across both personal and ts and costs become clearly dened, habits

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and routines are established, and social norms that enable normal and socially acceptable
cede to personal norms (148). activities to be carried out as part of routine
Finally, information can support posi- domestic life (158). The demand for energy
tive attitude formation and can potentially is therefore indirect, created by services such
reinforce or inuence beliefs that activate as comfort and cleanliness, which are in
values and so create personal norms (as turn provided by devices (e.g., light xtures,
recognized by marketers). Information and washing machines) and by infrastructures
education-based interventions from multiple (e.g., transmission grids) (159). Demand is
sources or channels should be targeted, per- not a consequence of individual decisions or
sonalized, timed to take advantage of windows beliefs manifest over short time frames but is
of opportunity, and combined with other in- something that is systematically congured
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terventions particularly where external condi- over the long term (160). Accordingly, it is
tions are strongly limiting (82). unsurprising that individual decision models
centered on psychological variables can
6. THE SOCIAL only weakly explain energy use (161). The
CONSTRUCTION OF DECISION broad empirical support for models such
MAKING as DoI (see Figure 1) relies not on the ex-
planatory power of its underlying individual
The literature reviewed in this section consid-
decision model but on uniformity in the
ers the broader social and technological con-
social and technological context for diffusion
text in which residential energy use decisions
are embedded. This sociological orientation
questions the relevance of individual decision
models and shifts the emphasis from energy Revisiting the Energy Efficiency Gap:
using behavior to the role of, and demand for, Embedded Energy Use
energy services. The conventional framing of the energy ef-
ciency gap (see Section 2) allows the prob-
Energy Demand as a Social lem to be dened technically and resolved by
Construct targeting individuals with universally appli-
Although the preceding sections in this cable technologies, practices, and standards
review have considered individual behavior (162). The sociotechnical perspective, how-
from different perspectives, they have shared ever, contends that household uses of energy
the basic assumption that the individual is an technologies are adaptive responses to partic-
autonomous decision maker, albeit subject to ular local conditions and norms and thus are
external inuences. Consequently, the sub- highly heterogeneous (159, 163). The social
jects of decision models are individuals. This dimension of residential energy use is needed
assumption is contested by researchers who to understand the energy efciency gap. Four
argue that individual decisions are instead key characteristics (161) are
constructed or determined by social and  Embeddedness (home life is inherently
technological systems. Needs, attitudes, and energetic; habitual activities such as
expectations are not individual in nature but cooking, cleanliness, child care, mobil-
are part of a complex relationship between ity, and entertaining all embed energy
social norms and relations, technologies, consumption into daily routine);
infrastructures, and institutions (157).  Constraints on choice (the supply-chain
From this sociotechnical perspective, of technologies, an individuals skills
individuals do not make decisions to consume and knowledge, and the disposition of
energy or the resources that provide energy. tradesmen and contractors, all constrain
Rather, energy provides useful services individual choice);

186 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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 Counter marketing (the dominant mes- ity to control and customize the indoor ther-
sage to which households are exposed is mal environment. Space conditioning (heat-
not conservation but consumption); and ing and cooling) now accounts for around
 Impetus (because oil shock-driven en- 50% of U.S. household energy use (166). regime: the
ergy prices have receded in memory, en- The embeddedness of energy use in do- structured web of
ergy efciency as an issue has lacked a mestic routines is reinforced by the counter interrelationships
systematic driving force). marketing of newly available and desirable between social
norms, human
energy devices and the services they provide
behavior, and
Some of these points are incorporated in (e.g., under-oor heating to warm cold tile technological
the individual decision models reviewed in oors in air-conditioned homes). The market- systems
earlier sections. Impetus relates to the issue of ing strategies used to sell these services indi-
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salience (Section 3) and to the importance of cate the myriad social roles played by energy
both the form and content of information pro- technologies: display, status, self-expression,
vided to households on energy efciency (Sec- conventionality, convenience, security, inde-
tion 5). Constraints on choice are (or can be) pendence, and exibility (167, 168).
represented through the choice sets available
to individuals in different decision contexts
(Section 3), through perceived behavioral Analyzing the Social Organization of
control or self-efcacy variables (Section 4), Residential Energy Use
and through capabilities (Section 5). The embedded social dimension of energy use
The real wedge between individual de- is organized at different levels or scales. Anal-
cision models and this social dimension of ysis at the household (rather than individual)
energy use is embeddedness (159). The use level captures normative and routine behavior
of space conditioning technologies to make and recognizes the specialization of domes-
homes comfortable is a good example. House- tic roles (169). The number, age, gender, and
holds needs and expectations for thermal income of household occupants can be used
comfort have evolved over time. So too have to create meaningful sociocultural units: Two
the design of houses (e.g., room sizes, win- wealthy retirees have energy needs that differ
dow area), energy technologies (e.g., furnaces, from a low-income family with three young
thermostats), supporting infrastructure and children (170). The household as a unit of
institutions (e.g., electricity grids, utility tar- analysis also allows for more anthropological
iffs, and services), as well as social norms (e.g., considerations of the role of family relations,
indoor temperatures, room occupancy pro- kinship, gender, and ethnicity on energy use
les) (158). These changes in norms and tech- (168, 171).
nologies affect one another and drive fur- Controlling for differences in building
ther change. In the three decades from 1962 design and technologies, social interactions
to 1992, use of air-conditioning (AC) spread within households give rise to fairly stable pat-
from 12% to 64% of American homes (164) terns of energy use over time and also explain
and by 2001 had risen to 75% (165). The avail- the substantial variability between households
ability and adoption of AC technologies led (see Section 5 for a review of empirical stud-
to changes in the way homes were designed: ies). These patterns are also evident at the
Verandas, eaves, thermal mass, and other level of specic energy services, such as space
means of passive cooling ceased to be inte- conditioning, washing, and bathing. The
gral features. But these changes in design had energy demand from these habitual domestic
a ratchet effect on the perceived need for AC practices has been termed the social base load
(see Reference 159 for a full discussion). This as a sociological analogy to the load analyses
changing sociotechnical regime for AC was used in energy system management (167).
part of a broader normalization of the abil- Just as energy supply systems are scaled to

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meet peak demand, so too do extraordinary decisions about energy services are highly
social events and activities (e.g., having din- constrained, and individual behavior is not
ner parties or sick children) create social peak readily inuenced. Targeting psychological
loads, which determine the need for, and size variables (e.g., information/education cam-
of, service-providing technologies (e.g., large paigns to inuence attitudes) or contextual
ovens and refrigerators or heated bedrooms). variables (e.g., monetary incentives to im-
Patterned differences in household energy prove cost-benet ratios) can only achieve
demand are further explored by lifestyle stud- limited success in effecting behavioral change
ies. These take an approach similar to the in the short term (161).
market segmentation analyses used widely Although contextual variables are recog-
in marketing and DoI-based studies to ad- nized by social psychologists and diffusion re-
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dress heterogeneity (see Sections 3 and 4). searchers as important drivers of behavior (see
Lifestyle studies extend beyond demographic Sections 4 and 5), they are also seen as mal-
variables to nd linkages between energy use leable and legitimate targets for interventions.
and proxies of broader cultural and social Sociologists, by contrast, argue that contex-
identities (172). Borrowing from life cycle tual variables are elements of highly struc-
analysis methods, indirect or embodied en- tured systems that shape, stabilize, and con-
ergy can be included as well as direct en- strain behavior and that in many cases have
ergy use (173, 174). Lifestyle is represented evolved alongside technologies over long time
by, for example, patterns of time and money periods (159). Barriers to energy efciency
allocation (175). Early lifestyle studies looked may have normative and social functions that
at both inter- and intranational linkages be- cannot simply be removed (158). Substan-
tween lifestyle, well-being, and energy use tial reductions in residential energy use can
in the context of the curtailment and con- only be achieved by developing appropriate
servation response to the oil shocks in the sociotechnical regimes. But these regimes are
1970s (176, 177). Later studies had a more ex- strongly path dependent, i.e., dened by their
plicit sociotechnical perspective by assessing historical development (179). To overcome
how changes in the structural determinants this inertia, intervention designers need to
of energy use, such as employment and hous- recognize critical moments when sociotech-
ing stock, gave rise to large-scale energy use nical regimes are openly changing and can be
trends (178). However, as with market seg- most easily inuenced (163). In the case of
mentation analysis, the underlying assump- energy utilities, for example, changing regu-
tion was that of an individual energy user mak- lation and market structure have led to service
ing decisions on the basis of external condi- differentiation and opportunities for decen-
tions (163). More fundamental questions of tralized production (160). New relationships
how and why structural changes took place in between consumer and producer are emerg-
the rst place, and how they embedded de- ing, with consequences for energy demand. As
mand for energy, remained unasked (5). an example, interruptible loads challenge the
established norm that a utility companys role
is to provide electricity to meet demand. The
Lessons for Interventions use of infrastructure is proving similarly ex-
Energy demand is deeply embedded in ible with the centralized hub-and-spoke elec-
inconspicuous norms of comfort, cleanliness, tricity network giving way to more varied and
and convenience (159) as well as throughout coexisting congurations (180). For electric-
the whole supply chain for energy services ity, these critical moments for sociotechnical
(160). This has profound implications for the regime change are apparent.
ability of interventions to impact residential Potential targets for interventions are far
energy use by changing behavior. Individuals broader than either the individual or the

188 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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energy supply chain. A range of social and lessons for designing interventions to inu-
technological systems construct energy de- ence residential energy use are restated and
mand. These include urban planning, food further developed. Directions for future re-
production, fashion, and advertising (163). In- search are also considered.
terventions should facilitate interactions be-
tween households, utilities, and all the other Comparison of Disciplinary
institutions that play some role in structuring Approaches to Individual Decision
everyday life and routine (160, 168). Rather Making
than prescribing individual behavior, the ob-
It is worth re-emphasizing that this review is
jective of these interactions should be to
far from an exhaustive review of all decision
sketch out future sociotechnical conditions
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models. The intent is to represent the range

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2007.32:169-203. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

necessary for reducing demand or to inuence

of approaches to individual decision making
expectations and norms (163). Integrated as-
and behavior from across the social sciences. A
sessment and scenario analysis are useful de-
more comprehensive treatment can be found
cision support tools for such endeavors (181).
in (2). The sidebar in this review discusses the
Interventions should also shift in focus
related eld of behavioral decision research.
from energy efcient technologies to energy
Table 2 synthesizes and compares some of the
service provision (159). Marketing strategies
main features of the decision models reviewed
recognize this distinction: It is not energy
efciency investments that sell weatheriza-
tion but comfort, health, and noise reduction
(182). The social and cultural nature of energy Integrating Disciplinary Findings
demand may mean effective interventions are An overarching model that can simultane-
specic to a time and a place and not univer- ously capture group dynamics, body use, cog-
sally applicable (see the discussion on context nitive processes, and human-machine inter-
in Section 7). actions is needed. To date, progress towards
Compared to other disciplines, these so- such a model has been limited by the theo-
ciological lessons for intervention design are retical preferences of the various disciplines
less generic, less prescriptive, more complex, involved in energy research (5, p. 267).
more diffuse, more gradual, far-reaching, and One of the objectives of this review is to
so, in all senses, less palatable to intervention broaden understanding of the theoretical
designers interested in veriable impacts over preferences of the various disciplines and, in
short-time periods. As such, they have not so doing, make a small contribution toward
been as widely implemented and tested as have integration. It is important to recognize,
many of the interventions suggested by other however, that decision models are useful both
disciplines (see Sections 35). This is com- for researching and understanding behavior
pounded by the lack of specic and purpo- as well as for designing and evaluating
sive recommendations made by researchers, interventions (2). These distinct functions
even in studies of sociotechnical regimes in pull in different directions: (a) completeness
transition (e.g., deregulating electricity mar- and complexity for representing behavior
kets) where opportunities to restructure de- and (b) parsimony and simplicity for testing
mand are more evident (160). interventions. Integrative models pursuant to
one role (e.g., research, intervention design)
may not be readily applicable to the other
7. CONCLUSIONS (intervention evaluation). A more general
In this nal section, a brief comparison is trade-off between theory and practice is seen
made of the disciplinary approaches and de- in the detailed characterizations of decision
cision models reviewed in Sections 36. Key models that may capture context-specic

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Table 2 Comparison of disciplinary approaches to decision making in the context of residential

energy use
Conventional Behavioral Technology Social
Main features economics economics diffusion psychology Sociology
Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6
Decision model Utility- Widely varying Attitude-based Interacting Sociotechnical
maximization decision heuristics evaluation of psychological construction
based on xed and technologies and the and contextual of demand
and consistent context-dependent consequences of variables
preferences preferences adoption
Decision scale Individual Individual Individual/social Individual/social Social
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Main research Quantitative Quantitative Quantitative and Quantitative and Qualitative

methods (observed (controlled qualitative (surveys, qualitative (interviews,
behavior) experiments) interviews, observed (surveys, observation)
behavior) observed
Main dependent Preferences Preferences between Rate of diffusion Self-reports of Observed or
variables between decision outcomes behavior and/or self-reported
decision energy use behavior
Main independent Costs and Aspects of the Adopter role in social Values, attitudes, Social,
variables benets of decision frame, networks, norms, sociode- cultural and
outcomes and context, and communication mographics, technical
their elicitation method, channels, technology economic determinants
respective as well as outcomes attributes, and incentives, of energy
weightings leadership of adopter skills, demand
capabilities, and embedded in
resources routine
Empirical basis in Extensive Very little Some Extensive Some
energy use
Implications for Provide Pay attention to Segment target Inuence Work toward
interventions to information framing and population, exploit attitudes only if long-term
reduce about benets reference points for communication external sociotechni-
residential and incentives decisions, inuence channels through conditions are cal regime
energy use to improve heuristic selection social networks and weak, use change,
cost-benet by emphasizing use change agents, multiple exploit
ratio and associations or identify stage of interventions opportunities
improve emotive attributes, decision process in with due of transition,
cognitive control choice sets target groups and attention to recognize the
capacity to and default options use appropriate interaction social role of
assess net change mechanisms, effects, identify routine or
benets/utility ensure desired and target habitual
technology or barriers, design behavior,
behavior has key salient and manage
attributes personally expectations
values provide a
disposition for
Timescales for Short term Short term Short to medium Short to medium Long term
interventions term term

190 Wilson Dowlatabadi

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psychological processes but may fail to texts (150). Expectations could act as another
demonstrate real-world effect sizes. bridge between disciplines because they play a
Although they have different emphases, key role in both economic studies of decision
utility theory, behavioral economics, technol- behavior (see fairness and reference points in
ogy diffusion, attitude-based behavior, and so- Section 3) and in sociological studies of nor-
cial psychology all share the assumption that mative and routine behavior (see Section 6).
the individual can be the subject of an in- Nevertheless, appealing for integration be-
tegrated decision model comprising distinct tween models of individual behavior and mod-
explanatory variables. The main integrative els built around social and technical systems
challenge is to resolve this assumption of in- may be a quixotic simplication, idealized and
dividual agency with sociological ndings on with merit perhaps, but quite mad given its
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the structuring of behavior by sociotechnical scant chance of success.

systems. This means bridging widely different
basic assumptions, analytical techniques, data
use, and implications for intervention design- Suggestions for Integrated Research
ers (see Table 2). and Intervention Design
Integrating economic and sociological Three themes arise repeatedly throughout
perspectivesat the two extremesis partic- Sections 36: context, scale, and heterogene-
ularly imperative for sociologists seeking to ity. These suggest potential directions for in-
overcome the entrenched inuence of techni- tegrated decision making and behavioral re-
cal and economic analysis on energy efciency search, as well as interventions for reducing
policy (183). Sociological constraints on be- residential energy use.
havioral elasticity (see Section 6) may support
those economists whose ndings question the Matching decision models to decision
cost-effectiveness of demand-side manage- types and contexts. Decisions range from
ment programs (184, 185), but such cross- highly deliberative, informed, and conscious
disciplinary links remain largely untapped. Al- choices to habitual, instinctive, and subcon-
though social and behavioral researchers con- scious nondecisions (3). Decision mod-
cerned with the human dimension of energy els are not universally applicable but have
use certainly do provide policy input, it is from particular behavioral niches. Psychologically
a distinct domain that is rarely treated as an driven models may have weak explanatory
inseparable constituent of energy demand and power in strongly constrained decision con-
technology use (163). texts, and instrumental utility-based mod-
Various research approaches have tackled els may poorly represent choices motivated
this challenge of cross-disciplinary integra- by values. Heuristic decision models may
tion. Work on the linkages between lifestyle not apply in novel and challenging situations
and energy use and, more broadly, on the where individuals make deliberative choices
macropatterning of energy demand (5) best but may capture the decision process behind
proxies the largely qualitative analyses of so- instinctive acts of consumption. Research and
ciotechnical regime change. A recent review interventions alike should be based on deci-
of several other proposals for integrated en- sion models that match the type and con-
ergy research proposed an agent-based mod- text of behavior in question by asking the
eling framework to link different scales in the following questions: Is it habitual? Does it in-
energy supply chain (186). By incorporating volve money? Is it salient? Is it part of social
both personal and contextual variables, the in- interaction? Is the choice set constrained? Is it
tegrated model of environmental behavior de- socially normative? Is it technically difcult?
scribed in Figure 2 can also be used to test Is it novel? Is it repetitive? Is it a function of
interventions across different decision con- infrastructure?

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More broadly, it is essential to understand and short-to-long-term decision continua

the context for the decision. A common bias their interventions are targeted and which
is to emphasize psychological variables over of the determinants of decisions they are
contextual variables (70). As emphasized by aiming to inuence. The answers to these
the ABC model (Section 5), identifying the questions make it possible to select an ap-
strength of inuence of external conditions propriate decision model and allow a realistic
regulations, economics, social norms, avail- determination of the level of behavioral
able technologies, and supply chainsis the response that can be expected from any given
most important determinant of the type of intervention.
decision being made and so the type of de-
cision model to employ. Each of the deci- Scales and nested decision models. The
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sion models reviewed includes the inuence research traditions reviewed address different
of contextual factors on behavior in some way: temporal and spatial scales of decision mak-
choice sets, reference points, and framing in ing. This accounts for differences in both the-
behavioral economics (Section 3); perceived oretical preferences and empirical ndings.
behavioral control in TPB (Section 4); ca- Moving from left to right through Table 2
pabilities, regulations, economic incentives, (and sequentially through Sections 36), the
and technologies in the integrated social psy- behavioral focus moves from the short term
chology model (Section 5); and sociotechni- to the long term and from the individual to
cal regimes and the construction of demand the social. These scales can be nested within
in sociology (Section 6). In general terms, one another like Russian dolls. Behavioral
the larger the scale and/or stronger the in- economic ndings on the framing of deci-
uence of external conditions on the deci- sions can be nested within attitudinal mod-
sion maker, the more the appropriate deci- els of technology adoption. These in turn can
sion model moves through this same sequence be nested within integrated social psychol-
(Sections 36). ogy models that incorporate a broader range
Decision models also range in their func- of psychological variables, including personal
tion. Utility-based models seek to describe norms as well as contextual variables such
choices made and so preferences revealed. as social norms. The individuals that these
Psychological models seek explanations nested models describe can themselves be
for these choices at an individual or social nested within networks of social interactions
network level. Sociological models extend and within sociotechnical regimes that pro-
these explanations to the level of sociotech- vide both context and constraint. Each scale
nical regimes, which subsume individual of nesting sets boundary conditions for the ex-
choices. Distinguishing descriptive from planatory power of the decision model in the
explanatory functions is also important when scale below.
selecting and using different decision models, A similar argument has been made within
particularly when the subject of analysis is economics by distinguishing preferences used
similar. As an example, long-term elasticities in the short run to make decisions from con-
of demand in econometric models (Section 3) stitutional preferences (precommitments or
and the sociotechnical structuring of demand self-imposed rules) that constrain these de-
in sociological models (Section 6) may be cisions but are ultimately changeable in the
analogous but answer how and why questions, long run (187). Although the potential for
respectively. changing behavior increases with the nesting
In short, critical questions for inter- of more scales, the interventions required be-
vention designers to ask are where on come more systemic and long term (see Ref-
the individual-to-social, instinctive-to- erence 188 for an analogous point regarding
deliberative, psychological-to-contextual, institutional decision making).

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Recognizing heterogeneity. Empirically, ments in an adaptive management tradition

individual and household energy use varies (191). Variability in the demand-side manage-
widely even when differences in contextual ment programs implemented in the 1970s and
variables are controlled (5). More generally, 1980s helped researchers isolate the effects
behavioral patterns and responses will be of information and incentives on energy use
heterogeneous over the target population for (113) and on the unit costs of reduced demand
an intervention. In moving from individual (185). To learn more about decision making
up to socially framed decision models, it is and behavioral responses to interventions, a
essential to take heterogeneity into account. diversity of approaches should be embraced
Marketing and DoI studies segment the in lieu of a hunt for universally applicable
population along psychosocial dimensions solutions. Interventions should be designed
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(see Sections 3 and 4) and lifestyle studies specically to test the applicability of dif-
along dimensions of material or cultural ferent decision models to a given decision
identity (see Section 6). More work is needed context.
on segmentation methods that allow decision
making to be understood at different scales.
Nested decision models readily incorpo- A Final Appeal for Integration
rate heterogeneity because each scale suggests Resurgent interest in demand-side manage-
a source of difference, for example, in de- ment programs, framed by climate change
cision heuristics (behavioral economics), in and energy security concerns, feeds a con-
attitudes or communication behavior (DoI), crete need for applied research on energy ef-
in values or capabilities (social psychology), ciency intervention design and evaluation.
and in routines or norms (sociology). Con- A vast amount has been learned over the last
trolling for heterogeneity at one scale may three decades on human behavior and energy
help characterize better the impact of het- use. As well as reafrming this body of knowl-
erogeneity at another scale. Heterogeneity edge, this review aims to highlight the ben-
also raises important questions about equity ets of renewed and sustained collaboration
and the distributional impact of interventions between disciplinary approaches to energy ef-
(189, 190). Aggregate analyses (of the poten- ciency. Among other things, this requires
tial for, or results of, an intervention) will con- greater openness on the part of the dominant
ceal much of the detail of individual behavioral economic-engineering tradition and a more
change. This can lead to the misspecication applied focus on the part of behavioral scien-
of decision models at the individual scale (see tists. The shared goal should be to entrench
Section 3). the social and behavioral determinants of en-
Finally, heterogeneity within populations ergy use as a wholly integrated part of energy
emphasizes the benets of natural experi- efciency research.

1. There are many different models of decision making and behavior within the social
sciences. These models vary widely in their basic assumptions, independent variables,
structure, and scale.
2. The determinants of decisions can be broadly grouped into psychological and con-
textual domains. Psychological determinants include values, attitudes, and personal
norms. Contextual determinants include available choices, economic incentives, social
norms, technologies, and infrastructures.

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3. Most research traditions, including economics, behavioral and social psychology, and
technology diffusion, center on the individual as decision maker. In contrast, sociol-
ogists question the relevance of individually framed decision models and emphasize
the social and technological construction of behavior.
4. Decision models can inform the design of interventions to change behavior by iden-
tifying the key inuences on decision making. Each of the research traditions offers
specic lessons for intervention design.
5. When applying behavioral theories to the design or evaluation of an intervention, an
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appropriate decision model must be selected to match the particular decision charac-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2007.32:169-203. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

teristics and context that the intervention seeks to inuence.

6. There is an unexplored potential to reconcile the theoretical preferences of different
research traditions, although different integrative approaches have been proposed.
The most signicant challenge is to combine the economic and sociological bases for
7. Residential energy use is characterized by a wide range of decision types and con-
texts, as well as psychological and contextual inuences on behavior. Decision models
from different research traditions are all relevant to some aspect of residential energy

1. Various integrated approaches to decision making have been proposed, but
these approaches should be developed further and tested in different decision
2. Researchers should develop general rules or guidelines to help intervention design-
ers select decision models that are appropriate for understanding how to inuence
particular behaviors.
3. New frameworks and methods are needed to reconcile individual scale (and predomi-
nantly quantitative) decision models with social scale (and predominantly qualitative)
representations of behavior.
4. Better methods for characterizing heterogeneity in decision making and behavior
across the target population for an intervention are needed.

The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of
this review.

We are very grateful to Baruch Fischhoff, Paul Stern, and Ashok Gadgil for helpful advice
and comments. This review was supported by the Climate Decision Making Center created

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through a cooperative agreement between the National Science Foundation (SES-0345798)

and Carnegie Mellon University.

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Annual Review of
and Resources

Contents Volume 32, 2007

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I. Earths Life Support Systems

Feedbacks of Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change
Christopher B. Field, David B. Lobell, Halton A. Peters, and Nona R. Chiariello p p p p p p1
Carbon and Climate System Coupling on Timescales from the
Precambrian to the Anthropocene
Scott C. Doney and David S. Schimel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 31
The Nature and Value of Ecosystem Services: An Overview
Highlighting Hydrologic Services
Kate A. Brauman, Gretchen C. Daily, T. Kaeo Duarte, and Harold A. Mooney p p p p p 67
Soils: A Contemporary Perspective
Cheryl Palm, Pedro Sanchez, Sonya Ahamed, and Alex Awiti p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 99

II. Human Use of Environment and Resources

Bioenergy and Sustainable Development?
Ambuj D. Sagar and Sivan Kartha p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p131
Models of Decision Making and Residential Energy Use
Charlie Wilson and Hadi Dowlatabadi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p169
Renewable Energy Futures: Targets, Scenarios, and Pathways
Eric Martinot, Carmen Dienst, Liu Weiliang, and Chai Qimin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p205
Shared Waters: Conict and Cooperation
Aaron T. Wolf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p241
The Role of Livestock Production in Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
Henning Steinfeld and Tom Wassenaar p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p271
Global Environmental Standards for Industry
David P. Angel, Trina Hamilton, and Matthew T. Huber p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p295
Industry, Environmental Policy, and Environmental Outcomes
Daniel Press p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p317

AR325-FM ARI 21 September 2007 16:39

Population and Environment

Alex de Sherbinin, David Carr, Susan Cassels, and Leiwen Jiang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p345

III. Management, Guidance, and Governance of Resources and Environment

Carbon Trading: A Review of the Kyoto Mechanisms
Cameron Hepburn p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p375
Adaptation to Environmental Change: Contributions
of a Resilience Framework
Donald R. Nelson, W. Neil Adger, and Katrina Brown p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p395
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IV. Integrative Themes

Women, Water, and Development
Isha Ray p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p421


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 2332 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p451

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 2332 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p455


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