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Postpartum hemorrhage update on problems

of definitions and diagnosis
Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aachen, Germany

Key words Abstract

Postpartum hemorrhage, mortality,
measurement of blood loss, definitions, Maternal mortality due to postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) continues to be one of
diagnosis the most important causes of maternal death worldwide. PPH is a significantly
underestimated obstetric problem, primarily because a lack of definition and diag-
Correspondence nosis. The traditional definition of primary PPH based on quantification of blood
Werner H. Rath, Faculty of Medicine, loss has several limitations. Notoriously, blood loss is not measured or is signif-
University Hospital RWTH Aachen,
icantly underestimated by visual estimation and there are no generally accepted
Wendlingweg 2, D-52074 Aachen, Germany.
E-mail: wrath@ukaachen.de
cut-offs limits for estimated blood loss. A definition based on hematocrit change is
not clinically useful in an emergency such as PPH, as a fall in hematocrit postpartum
Conflict of interest shows poor correlation with acute blood loss. The need for erythrocyte transfusion
The author has stated explicitly that there are alone to define PPH is also of limited value, as the practice of blood transfusion
no conflicts of interest in connection with this varies widely. Definitions based on symptoms of hemodynamic instability are prob-
article. The author alone is responsible for the lematic, as they are late signs of depleted blood volume and commencing failure of
content and writing of the paper. compensatory mechanisms threatening the mothers life. There is thus currently no
single, satisfactory definition of primary PPH. Proper and timely diagnosis of PPH
Received: 21 January 2011
should above all include accurate estimation of blood loss before vital signs change.
Accepted: 30 January 2011
Estimation of blood loss by calibrated bags has been shown to be significantly
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0412.2011.01107.x more accurate than visual estimation at vaginal delivery. Careful monitoring of the
mothers vital signs, laboratory tests, in particular coagulation testing, and imme-
diate diagnosis of the cause of PPH are important key factors to reduce maternal
morbidity and mortality.

Abbreviations PPH, postpartum hemorrhage

are due to immediate PPH (3). However, a high number of

Introduction unreported cases must be taken into account, and the true
An estimated 14 million cases of postpartum hemorrhage incidence of maternal deaths due to PPH is certainly much
(PPH) occur each year worldwide with a case-fatality rate higher.
of 1% (1); one woman dies every 4 minutes from PPH (2). The absolute risk of death is much lower in high-income
Obstetric hemorrhage has been estimated to cause 25% of countries with an estimated rate of 1:100 000 deliveries as
all maternal deaths and nearly half of postpartum deaths compared to an estimated rate of 1:1 000 in low-income
countries (4).
A recent WHO analysis of causes of maternal deaths re-

ported a wide variation in the incidence of maternal deaths

Statement: An earlier version of this article was published in
due to obstetric hemorrhage, which is the single most im-
German under the title Definition und Diagnostik postpar-
taler Blutungen (PPH): Unterschatzte Probleme!/ Definitions
portant cause of both maternal mortality and morbidity. In
and Diagnosis of Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH): Underesti- high-income countries, hemorrhage, mainly due to PPH, is
mated Problems! in Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70 (1): 36-40; responsible for 13.4% of maternal deaths, whereas it accounts
DOI:10.1055/s-0029-1240719. Copyright Georg Thieme Verlag for 34 and 30.8% in Africa and Asia, respectively (3).
KG. Thieme publishers have kindly given permission to the publi- Decreasing the prevalence of severe PPH remains a chal-
cation of this revised article in English. lenge. Individual risk factors have been demonstrated in 40%

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Postpartum hemorrhage - definitions and diagnosis W.H. Rath

Table 1. Major problems in risk management of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).

Misdiagnosis or Lack of consensus in terms of PPH definition

delay in diagnosis Underestimation of the speed and extent of hemorrhage
Lack of local ease-to-use action plans (protocols)
Lack of adequate education and training

Failures in treatment such as: Too little is
inadequate use of oxytocics (or not available) done too late!

delay in blood transfusion/coagulation factors (or not available)
ignoring the results of basic monitoring
inadequate senior input decision-making failures

Deficiences in the
such as: lack of staff and appropriate equipment, ineffective teamwork, coordination,
organization (systems failure)
communication and interdisciplinary cooperation

Collated from information from Upadhyay & Scholefield (2008) (14).

of women who develop PPH, but they are poor predictors of Material and methods
the occurrence of PPH (5). Interest has focused on care pro-
cedures, as they are potentially amenable to change. Previous Electronic searches were performed in the Medline database
studies on maternal deaths have shown that most deaths due using the key word postpartum hemorrhage in combination
to PPH involve delayed and substandard care in the diagnosis with definitions, diagnosis, and measurement of blood loss.
and management of blood loss (6,7). Similar findings were Approximately 2 600 English-language articles from January
drawn from a population-based study of severe non-lethal 1990 to June 2010 were identified using the key word post-
PPH (8). The prevalence of PPH (defined as 500ml blood partum hemorrhage. The search was then focused on the
loss) and severe PPH (defined as 1 000ml blood loss) is ap- other key words outlined above. Case reports were deleted.
proximately 6 and 1.86% of all deliveries, respectively, with a Studies selected were mainly published in the last 10 years,
wide variation across regions of the world (9). but frequently referenced and highly regarded older reports
Severe hemorrhage is also the most common cause of se- were not excluded.
rious maternal morbidity, including adult respiratory dis- Reference lists of articles identified by this strategy were
tress syndrome, renal failure, coagulopathy, shock, myocar- also searched and articles referring to the key words were se-
dial ischemia, hysterectomy, and long-term morbidity such lected. In addition, relevant chapters of textbooks and current
as anemia, which can be a serious clinical problem, especially guidelines were examined to capture any further information
in low-income countries. Approximately 20 million women or additional reports not identified in the electronic search.
worldwide suffer from acute or chronic disability following Finally, 125 publications were judged relevant and 56 were
immediate PPH each year (2). Severe maternal morbidity due included in this overview. The vast majority of studies are
to PPH has been estimated at 4.56.7/1 000 deliveries (10,11). cohort studies, case-control studies or case series examining
Interestingly, recently published population-based studies of the measurement of blood loss associated with PPH. Thus,
severe maternal morbidity demonstrate that the rate of PPH the level of evidence based on the classification of the Oxford
and related serious maternal problems has significantly in- Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine is mainly II, III, or IV.
creased in some high-income countries (12,13).
The major problems in risk management of PPH are shown Results
in Table 1. Delay in diagnosis and treatment of PPH may re-
Definitions of PPH and related problems
sult from the lack of consensus in terms of its definition and
underestimation of blood loss at delivery, failure of adequate Proper definition of PPH should be standardized, simple,
management, poor communication, and deficiencies in orga- and appropriate for use in everyday obstetrical practice, not
nization (14). However, even with appropriate management, only in high- but also low-income countries; it should take
approximately 3% of vaginal deliveries will followed by severe into consideration both the volume loss and the clinical con-
PPH (15). sequences of such loss. The recorded parameters should be

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easily measurable and reproducible and the ideal definition Table 2. Definitions of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) based on quan-
should facilitate prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment tification of blood loss and its use in guidelines.
(16). The definition of PPH should also be considered in the Traditional definition:
light of recent advances in anesthesia, resuscitation therapy, blood loss > 500 ml following a vaginal delivery (17)
new drugs, active management of the third stage of labor, and blood loss > 1000 ml following a cesarean section (19)
improvement in surgical procedures. ACOG 2006 (26): no single, satisfactory definition
It is generally accepted to classify PPH as primary (within Australia (ICD10-AM) 2008 (28):
the first 24 hours of delivery) and secondary (more than Blood loss > 500 ml after vaginal delivery and > 750 mL after
a caesarean section
24 hours after delivery but less than 12 weeks). Otherwise
German Guidelines 2008 (27): see traditional definition
there has been no significant change in the definition of PPH Austrian Guidelines 2008 (29):
over the past 50 years, and there is currently no single, sat- Blood loss of 5001000 ml and clinical signs of hypovolemic shock
isfactory definition of primary PPH. The most commonly shock or blood loss > 1000 ml
used (traditional) definition that was proposed by the World RCOG 2009 (30): blood loss of 5001000 ml in the absence of
Health Organization in 1990 is any blood loss from the gen- clinical signs of shock
ital tract during delivery above 500ml (17). This is a volume major PPH: blood loss >

moderate 10002000 mL
that, when left untreated, may be sufficient to cause hemor- 1000 mL
severe > 2000 mL
rhagic shock and death in some instances (18). Traditionally,
PPH following a cesarean section has been defined as blood
loss in excess of 1 000ml (19). These definitions are based women who become ill and are at real risk of severe mor-
on quantification of blood loss originated from historical bidity after the hemorrhage (32). Consequently, it has been
studies published in the early 1960s. proposed that it may be better to think of the term major or
Using photometric methods or radioactive chromium- severe PPH, using a definition of loss of more than 1 000ml
tagged red blood cell techniques, the average blood loss or more than 1 500ml, rather than defining primary PPH as
was found to be 300550ml after vaginal delivery (20,21), >500ml blood loss (32). However, it should be kept in mind
and 5001 100ml after a cesarean birth (21,22); 23% of that a blood loss of 1 500ml reflects the point when physio-
cesarean deliveries were associated with blood loss of logical compensatory mechanisms begin to fail. A generally
between 1 0001 500ml, and 8% with a loss above 1 500ml accepted definition of PPH should not neglect the conditions
(21). Another study showed that up to 16% of vaginal and and circumstances in low-income countries, where women
30% of operative vaginal deliveries may be associated with are likely to be severely anemic prior to delivery, and to have
blood loss greater than 500ml (23). Using radioisotope co-morbidities such as malaria and experience limited access
dilution techniques, the mean blood loss for first elective to treatment facilities (33).
cesarean section was found to be 1 290 (240ml), which is While healthy women can usually tolerate acute blood loss
significantly more than the estimated blood loss recorded by of up to 1 000ml or more without significant hemodynamic
most obstetricians (24). problems (34), this is certainly not the case in severely ane-
Thus, the traditional definition of primary PPH is in mic women. Anemia has been estimated to affect half of all
reality a reflection of the almost universal tendency to under- pregnant women in the world. In severely anemic women a
estimate delivery blood loss. mere 250ml blood loss might result in the same adverse clin-
On the other hand, clinical measurements of blood loss ical outcome as the loss of a larger volume in women with a
have clearly demonstrated that the average blood loss at vagi- normal hemoglobin value (35). The most important limita-
nal and cesarean delivery frequently exceeds 500 and 1 000ml, tion of definitions based on cut-offs of estimated blood loss is
respectively (25). Table 2 gives an overview on currently used that frequently blood loss is not measured or is significantly
definitions of PPH based on quantification of blood loss and underestimated by visual estimation (25). These inaccuracies
the impact of this on various clinical guidelines. While some may lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment of PPH, re-
guidelines acknowledge the traditional definition (26,27), sulting in preventable adverse outcomes. Visual assessment
others advocate alternative cut-off values for blood loss or a has been shown to underestimate postpartum blood loss by
combination of both estimated blood loss and clinical signs 3350% compared to the gold standard photospectrometry
of hypovolemic shock (2830). Many authors have criticized (36,37).
relying on a definition solely based on the amount of blood Comparing visual estimation with direct measurement of
loss without consideration of clinical signs and symptoms, as blood loss at vaginal delivery, the incidence of PPH was 5.7
this may lead to inconsistency in management (16,31). and 27.6%, respectively, which corresponded to an underes-
It is also a matter of debate whether the traditional defini- timation of the incidence of PPH with visual estimation by
tion is clinically appropriate regarding the amount of blood nearly 90% (38). A similar degree of underestimation was
loss, and whether it should be revised to identify a group of reported by Razvi et al. (39). Several authors have confirmed

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medical practitioners inaccuracy in estimating blood loss Finally, it has been criticized that these definitions do not
at cesarean deliveries. Some found underestimation to be consider the rapidity of blood loss, which better correlates
common, others overestimation, and still others found in- with hemodynamic changes and has a considerable impact
consistencies but without any particular pattern (4043). A on severe maternal morbidity (16). In attempts to overcome
recent study from Dallas (USA) compared visual estimation these inconsistencies, postpartum hemorrhage has been de-
with calculated blood loss at vaginal and cesarean delivery; fined as either a 10% change in hematocrit between admis-
calculated blood loss was determined by a modified version sion and the postpartum period or a need for erythrocyte
of a calculation for pregnancy blood volume. The visual esti- transfusion (48).
mation was less than half the calculated measurement during Nearly 20 years ago, Combs et al. (48) pointed out that
operative vaginal births and more than a third in vaginal a definition of PPH based on hematocrit change has several
births associated with third- and fourth-degree lacerations. advantages: it is objective and relatively precise, admission
The tendency to underestimate was greatest with a calcu- and postpartum hematocrit are routinely and simply deter-
lated loss of >1 000ml; for example, of the 90 cesarean de- mined; hematocrit is a clinically relevant variable often used
liveries with calculated blood loss greater than 1 000ml, only in decision-making regarding the need for transfusion; and
18% of them were correctly estimated (42). The message hematocrit change is affected not only by hemorrhage in the
from the majority of studies was that the higher the mea- delivery room but also by delayed hemorrhage. Postpartum
sured blood loss, the greater the underestimation by visual hematocrit change following vaginal delivery has been shown
assessment (36,39,44). Blood loss was found to be overesti- to have a significant negative nonlinear correlation with vi-
mated at low volumes (<150250ml). This applies also to sually estimated blood loss (49).
blood loss at cesarean section (41). However, a definition based on hematocrit change is not
Intraoperative blood loss measured by the alkaline hematin clinically useful in an emergency such as PPH for several rea-
method during elective lower segment cesarean section was sons: acute blood loss is mostly not reflected by a decrease
approximately 500ml and did not differ significantly from in hematocrit or hemoglobin concentration for four hours
visually estimated blood loss; however, observer error in es- or more, and the peak drop may be appreciated on day 2
timated blood loss was higher if a measured loss exceeded or 3 postpartum (50). Thus, rapid blood loss may trigger a
600ml (36). This finding was in accordance with a previous medical emergency prior to observation of a fall in hema-
study of the accuracy of blood loss estimated by midwives at tocrit concentration. Previous studies have shown a weak
a simulated birth (45). association between measured acute blood loss and decline
In daily obstetric practice, hidden loss in linen, swabs, pads of postpartum hematocrit or hemoglobin (43,50,51). There-
and so on, or hidden loss under the drapes at cesarean section, fore, laboratory changes that are not correlated with events
or in a slow, steady trickle, are common reasons for under- that endanger the patient should not be used to define a
estimation. In addition, contamination with amniotic fluid, medical emergency (31).
urine or other fluids may mask the real amount of blood loss. Furthermore, the change in hematocrit depends on the
When using an underbuttocks drape with a graduated pouch time of testing and the amount of fluid resuscitation previ-
for measurement and calculating blood loss by direct weigh- ously administered, and could also be affected by prepartum
ing of all blood-soaked sponges, the amount of contaminant hemoconcentration, e.g. in patients with preeclampsia or de-
in the pouch ranged between 4 and 81% of the total fluid hydration.
collected (46). This wide variation in the amount of contam- Definitions based on the need for erythrocyte transfusion
inant illustrates the major limitations of direct measurement alone are also of limited value as the practice of blood trans-
or weighing blood loss. Weight does not discriminate between fusion varies widely according to local circumstances and
blood and other types of fluid and gravimetric methods re- attitudes to transfusion among both patients and physicians.
quiring the weighing of all materials may take many hours to The speed of estimated blood loss, the peripartal drop
complete (46). of hemoglobin, and the number of erythrocyte transfusions
In a recent study, participants were randomized to estimate have been proposed to define severe PPH (Table 3; 52); how-
simulated blood loss in calibrated or noncalibrated delivery ever, all definitions are of limited clinical value for the reasons
drapes, which also contained 100ml of urine and sponges. mentioned above. Other authors have suggested abandoning
Visual estimation with noncalibrated drapes underestimated altogether numerical assessments and instead defining PPH
blood loss, with worsening accuracy at large volumes, such as any excessive bleeding resulting in signs and symptoms
as 16% error at 300ml up to 41% at 2 000ml. The cali- of blood loss (33). This is the merit of John Bonnar, who
brated drape error was <12% at all volumes (47). The total characterized the clinical signs and symptoms related to the
amount of blood loss can also be difficult to assess because of volume of blood loss (52).
concealed bleeding within the uterine cavity, into the broad As a consequence of increased circulating blood volume
ligament, the peritoneal cavity or retroperitoneal space. during pregnancy, vital signs of hypovolemic shock become

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W.H. Rath Postpartum hemorrhage - definitions and diagnosis

Table 3. Definitions of severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). dition, proper estimation of blood loss is needed before vital
transfusion 4units of blood
signs change. There is consistent evidence that the accuracy
blood loss of 50% of the circulating blood volume in less than of visual estimation of blood loss can be improved signifi-
three hours cantly by simulating clinical scenarios with known measured
blood loss > 150ml/minute within 20 minutes (50% blood volume) blood loss or using pictorial algorithms as a teaching tool in
peripartal drop of hemoglobin concentration of 40g/l labor wards (53). Several recent studies have addressed this
sudden blood loss > 1500ml (25% of the blood volume) issue (47,5355). Interestingly, among professional groups
Collated from information from Bonnar (2000) (52).
the anesthetists were the most accurate estimators of blood
loss, followed by midwives (53). Regular fire drills should
be organized to train staff in the assessment of blood loss and
relatively insensitive in pregnancy. Tachycardia does not usu- to test local systems in real time (14).
ally develop until blood loss exceeds 1 000ml, and blood Recent studies have shown that low-cost calibrated plas-
pressure is usually maintained in the normal range. A blood tic bags, such as the BRASSS-Vdrape (excellentfixabled@
loss of up to 1 500ml will begin to manifest clinical signs, such hotmail.com), are useful tools to measure blood loss at vagi-
as a rise in pulse and respiratory rate, and a slight recordable nal delivery before the maternal cardiovascular system dete-
fall in systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure below riorates (50). Drape estimation of blood loss was found to
80mmHg usually indicates a blood loss in excess of 1 500ml be 33% more accurate than visual estimation, and use of the
clinically associated with worsening tachycardia, tachypnea, drape resulted in a diagnosis of PPH four times as often as
and alteration of mental status. the visual estimate (37). The drape-measured blood loss was
Definitions based on symptoms of hemodynamic instabil- equally good and as efficient as gold-standard spectropho-
ity are therefore problematic, as they are late signs of depleted tometry. Use of the drape has been shown to lead to earlier
blood volume and commencing failure of compensatory transfer from rural areas to a higher medical facility (50).
mechanisms. The relative masking of signs during pregnancy The effect of a collector bag for measurement of postpar-
hinders early recognition of hypovolemia and delays treat- tum blood loss after vaginal delivery was recently studied in
ment, resulting in further blood loss and increased risk of a cluster randomized trial in 13 European countries (56).
hemorrhagic shock. Consequently, hypovolemic women who Maternity units were randomly assigned to systematic use of
begin to decompensate, as evidenced by hypotension, will de- a collector bag or to continue to visually assess postpartum
teriorate extremely rapidly (53). Furthermore, confounding blood loss after vaginal delivery. The rate of severe PPH was
factors such as drug-induced tachycardia, e.g. by oxytocin not significantly different between the groups (1.7 vs. 2.06%).
or nifedipine, or hypovolemia due to antenatal blood loss These findings questioned the benefit of collector bag use in
should be taken into account. reducing the rate of severe PPH at vaginal delivery. How-
ever, further research is needed to test the collector bag in
Diagnosis of PPH
connection with other effective management strategies.
Proper and timely diagnosis of PPH may follow the principles Laboratory-based methods for measuring blood loss (such
shown in Table 4. First, the early recognition of patients at as photometric techniques) are not practical for clinical use
increased risk of PPH prior to delivery is useful, although the but may be suitable in research (25).
assessment of risk factors is of limited predictive value. In ad- If PPH is suspected, careful surveillance of the mother is
mandatory for a timely recognition of impending hemody-
Table 4. Diagnosis of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and adverse clinical namic instability and for early detection of concealed intra-
events. abdominal bleeding, especially after cesarean section.
Reflecting on the relation between clinical signs of hem-
Timely recognition of patients at increased risk of PPH prior to delivery orrhagic shock and volume of blood loss, as described by
Proper estimation of blood loss before vital signs change
Bonnar (52), a classification has been proposed for a more
Accurate visual estimation (teaching tools clinical reconstructions
and pictorial algorithm (EL lb) (Bose et al. 2006, 53)
practical approach using an alert- and an action-line (16). A
Objective measurement of blood loss (such as BRASSS-V blood perceived loss of 5001 000ml in the absence of clinical signs
collection drape with calibrated receptacle): EL lb of shock and cardiovascular instability should prompt ba-
Close monitoring of the patients condition sic measures of monitoring and readiness for resuscitation
Use of Early Warning Scores (MEOWS): Mental response, pulse rate, (alert line), and a perceived loss >1 000ml or a less associated
systolic blood pressure, respiratory rate: EL Illc with clinical signs of shock should prompt a full protocol
Laboratory tests, especially to recognize coagulopathy in time
of measures to resuscitate, monitor, and arrest the bleeding
Clinical diagnosis of PPH-cause at the earliest time to institute
adequate treatment (pharmacological and/or surgical treatment)
(action-line). This classification is in accordance with the
recent Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
EL, level of evidence. guideline (30).

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Postpartum hemorrhage - definitions and diagnosis W.H. Rath

An Early Warning Score modified slightly for obstetric use 4. immediate diagnosis of the cause to initiate appropriate
(MEOWS) is a simple scoring system that can be performed treatment.
at the patients bedside using commonly available clinical This will counteract the development of severe PPH and
parameters for the sick (14). The principle is that smaller prevent adverse outcomes.
changes in all the parameters combined will be noticed earlier
than a large change in one parameter alone. For example, Funding
a marked drop in blood pressure is usually a late sign of
No specific funding.
hypovolemia, whereas respiratory rate is one of the most
sensitive markers of well being. References
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