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Violations of human rights

(Problem as old as time)

We all have the same rights. Right to love who we want to love, right to live, where we want to
live, right to be free. Those are the main ones. Through our whole life we try to follow those
rules and respect them. We respect other peoples rights so we can have ours. But, what happens
when one wants to have their rights but does not want to respect the rights of other people?

We all know the answer war. It does not have to be a war where thousands of people are
killed, it is enough that one life ends so we can talk about violating human rights. This is the
topic that we are all aware of, but, do we really, when we think about it, find any solutions?

Do we, when we have solutions, try to implement them in our society?

To protect human rights is to ensure that people have proper humane treatment. To violate the
most basic human rights, on the other hand, is to deny individuals their freedom and treat them
as different and less valuable.

Rights are there so we can have a normal life, with justice, respect and tolerance. We cannot have
a normal life, express what we think if we do not have them. They are extremely important. But
did we start using them as something that they are not? Did we start to use them as a reason to
fight against each other? Does our right for freedom now stand as right for slavery?

The main rights and how are

they violated?
(1)Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in
a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or

international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be
independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

These are the first, the second and the third human rights by the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION

The first one says that everybody is equal. This right is never going to be
completely followed. Because we will never be seen in the same way. That is sad,
but it is the truth. Our society does not give us space to implement this right. From
the old time there were people who were seen more valuable than the other ones.
We need government , we need a system to survive. And , when you have a system,
you have a place where everybody looks and in which (in logical way) everybody
has faith . We give our government power to control us, we give them our money
and our trust. In that moment, when somebody controls you , you lose your voice
( in most of the cases ). In that moment, your right for equality is broken.

The second one, similar to the first right of freedom but with addition of not making
distinction of race, color, sex, language or the place you came from. As the first , it
is impossible in today world because people forgot the goal of life. They change it
.Today ,if you have a good status, big house, big car you are rich. There is no easier
way to achieve that than taking it from someone else. So, you use this second right,
you start the war spreading the voice that some religion, race started it. And, by a
minute you are rich and the only one who suffer is somebody else. By not doing
anything right, you have a filled life .

The third one, also similar to the first and the second but again important cannot be
achieved. We cannot have life , because life means the existence. We do not exist
when we are not equal, free . When there is not the right definition of living, loving
and respecting each other.

What can we do?

1. Start from ourselves. If we want to change something we have to believe in the
change and not ask from someone else to change if we are not willing to think different
ourselves. Find a definition of life, search for real truth not the one the society show to
you as the right and only one.
2. Spread the word of right things. Start to talk more of the human rights even if it is
just a conversation that you have every day with your friends or projects that can include
thousands of people.
3. Use the internet and connection between the people. All of us have facebook or
other applications for communicating so why dont we use it for good purpose? Made a
group in which everyone has the right to speak and the right to help others about the
4. Start in different way .When we want to help, usually we have in mind that our help
will change the whole world. Try to focus on smaller area and we will see that it is not
small but that, with work, we can make difference.

The world is full of people who dont believe in good and nobody is surprised because we all see
the wars, the crimes and the violations of human rights. Of course, we can all give up and say
Well thats how it is, we are too small to do anything now. But just imagine that we can make
something good. That the world is not full of bad things and that the time is still on our side.
What would you do if you could change everything?

If you start now, the world might not be the perfect place to be, but maybe just maybe it can be a
good one to spend your life on. Dont expect peace if youre not willing to fight for it!

(1) http://www.humanrights.com/what-are-human-rights/universal-declaration-of-human-

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