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60. a. Y = 12.3601 + 4.7956 X The relationship between distance and damage is direct.

b. $36,338.10 found by 12.3601 + 4.7956(5)

c. 0.581, found by 1865/3209, 58.1% of the variation in damage is explained by variation in
d. 0.762 which is 0.581 It is positive because the slope is positive. There is a strong direct
link between the variables.
e. H o: = 0 H 1: 0 Reject Ho if t < -2.763 or t > 2.763
0.762 30 2
t 6.23
1 (0.762) 2
Reject Ho.
There is a connection between distance and fire damage.

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