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Luwang Gitteh

Production: Retribution
Marketing possibilities
Due to our group having a limited budget we can only produce a small-scale
production. We do not possess top of the range equipment in reference to the
camera and editing software. This is a major setback as we cannot advertise and
promote our production as efficiently as we could of if we had more money. In
an ideal way, we would see advertising methods such as posters, adverts,
billboards and television advertisements. This would automatically attract
a larger target audience make more people even outside our target audience
want to watch it.

Target audience
Our target audience has an age range between 15-30 years and our socio-
economic group is C1-E. We decided to choose this as our target audience
because we believe that the majority of people who enjoy horror films are
located in this age range. In the course of young adulthood they are important
stages of developing themselves and experimenting with different emotion and
feelings etc. Furthermore the reason why we decided not to have a target
audience below the age of 15 was because we didnt want to impact the mind of
young people, as there is an issue in the media were many people argue that
children that watch horror films are more likely to adopt an aggressive and
rebellious persona. Many rush through life without wanting to be guided and
therefore seek all thrills that they can get. Horror films provide this buzz and
excitement. Our target audience are also less receptive to being put off by the
film of violence, which, to an older audience would seem unreal and pointless.
The people in our target audience are at the stage in life where they are
watching technology adapt and get better, furthermore we choose this age group
as they are young where they can use social media such as Facebook, YouTube
and twitter etc. We will be using these social media websites in order to promote
out production and make it well known and more popular as it is frequently used,
worldwide. We did research on our target audience as we interviewed a 16-year-
old boy who fit our category. When we conducted this interview we found that he
watched horror films with his older family members and friends as his little
brother was always scared. Furthermore explained how with regards to a horror fi
they enjoyed the suspense and unique concept of particular films. He explained
that he liked films such as The Exorcists of Emily rose and The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre, which he believed had a unique and interesting narrative.
Psychologically, there is something insightful and intriguing about horror that
speaks directly and instinctively to the human mind. The most significant
elements of horror are the tension, and fear which we get from which films. This
is created through mystery, suspense, terror and shock. Humans are seen as the
most curious species on earth, supporting the fact that this genre is extremely
popular and suitable. This genre was chosen as we thought we could get really
creative with this genre in order to be able to produce a successful opening
sequence to a film. We also imagined that when it comes to horror films there
Luwang Gitteh

could be an infinitive amount of conclusions to a film. This makes it so

great and unique and builds up suspense for the audience. Additionally
this genre falls into many other sub-
genres that we can implement and adapt
into our opening sequence, like the sub-
genre we are currently using, Slasher.
Furthermore we will be sticking to the
typical genres code and conventions
rather than subverting them, and we
have a good narrative to support this. We
will include typical iconographies in order to centre our production around the
dark side of life, with the impressible and alarming events. This is crucial in any
horror film as they give the film a foundation and meaning. We will be including
typical synopses such as a serial killer, a small element of hauntings and
revenge. However our setting just juxtaposes the expected setting for our genre.
Yet there are some aspects, which correspond with the expected scenery. For
example in the second scene with the antagonist (Stephan Clay) the living room
was covered in black bags to add to the dark atmosphere. With regards to the
cinematography we used some POV (point of view) to allow they audience to see
the world from the characters eyes, our editor will create a unsettling tension
and suspense. If the editing hasnt been paced up in a while then it will indicate
something scary is about to happen.

The main representation of this film is the counter-typical dominance of a female
character as gender stereotypes puts men dominantly above in our so-called
patriarchal society. Our opening sequence juxtaposes the stereotypical viewpoint
that many people support (that men are superior to women). Our film represents
and supports female power as well the feminist view that woman and just as
good as men as our protagonist (Sydney Johnson) is exemplified as an
embodiment of independence and good confidence power. This is juxtaposed but
the representation of our antagonist (Stephan Clay) who is conveyed as helpless
and a countertype because it contrasts to the normal representation of men and
they are usually portrayed as strong dominant and powerful. In our opening
sequence the audience have a front row view of how women are rising in the
gender hierarchy and they are becoming more prevailing as opposed to how they
were in the 1950s. The female protagonist connotes the fact that women are
becoming more leading, and makes our production have a small twist.

Media institutions
Our production company is called Big Haus brews. We decided to name it this
because as a group thought this name was quite unusual and creative therefore
it makes our name stand out as we are one of a kind. We will be using Working
title films and that is the company we are going to use to broadcast our film. We
are using a British film company, which is owned by Universal studios as over the
years it has produced many of Britains biggest movies such as Notting Hill and
Bean. Movies from this institution have been awarded six Oscars, twenty-six
Baftas and more.
Luwang Gitteh

Style of product
The style of our product is horror film entitled Retribution. It has an unusual and
later on turns dramatic and gruesome at our opening sequence as our aim is to
showcase a contrast in character and how everything is always as it seems. This
creates enigma and it opposes Todorovs narrative linear theory as ours isnt set
in a chronological order as we begin with the middle/end scene.

Context where will our product be seen?

Our product will be uploaded to various social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook and
twitter, which will place it in a public domain making it easier for everyone to view.
Furthermore these are easily accessible websites resulting in globalisation. Also
it will also be uploaded to our group blog as well as our personal ones, therefore
anyone can see it.

Tim Adler . (2010). Workline Title. Available: http://deadline.com/2010/08/working-title-
Last accessed 20th September 2016.

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