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Threads and RPC

When sending messages over a socket that multiple threads send messages
on, it is best to have a queue for messages, and have a single thread
asynchronously send the messages. This avoids making worker threads
block on sending due to the other side being slow, etc.

YFS RPC vs. Birrell paper's RPC

- Similarities
- Both provide at-most-once semantics
- Nice programming abstraction by use of stubs, etc., to give a generic
RPC framework
- Differences
- YFS uses TCP, Birrell uses UDP
tcp: reliable unless machine failure, guarantees FIFO. TCP tries
to be nice about backing off to use bottlenecks in links effectively.
udp: if packet arrives, it's intact, but no guarantee on delivery
UDP has no services for congestion control
TCP is preferable over wide area networks, as there is variability in
bottleneck capabilities of the links
- Birrell assumes client/server is written for high speed LANs specifically
designed for RPC traffic. It made no affordances for flow/congestion
control because of that assumption.
- Birrell cares most about performance to convince programmers to use it
- Birrell avoids context switches, etc. of multiple threads to send messages.
YFS assumes the bottleneck will be the (WAN) network anyway, and will try
to avoid RPCs altogether by thinking about caching locks, etc, to
turn RPCS into procedure calls.
- Birrell sequentializes RPC calls due to no order guarantee by TCP, but
because of this doens't have to maintain state on server about many
unacknowledged calls
YFS instead uses TCP and thus can pipeline messages along the network, but
now the parallel calls have to be stored on the server until

Thread is short for thread of control, a running program with its own
program counter, stack pointer, etc. (For this class a process is a
one of more threads executing in a single address space.)

Primary purpose: a way of running code concurrently within a single

process. For example, in lab 1, if one client is waiting for lock a,
the server may want to process requests from other clients, in
particular ones for different locks.

The primary reasons to use concurrent programming with threads:

exploit several processors to run an application faster
hide long delays (e.g., while waiting for a disk do something else
on processor)
run long-running ops concurrenty with short ones in user interfaces
network servers and RPC

At a minimum, a thread interface must support:

creating and managing threads
ways of avoiding race conditions for updates to shared variables
assume each treads runs on its own processor, sharing a memory
instructions that appear to be atomic, might not be (e.g., x = x + 1)
ways of coordinating different threads

We will mostly deal with pthreads library, which is slightly lower-level

- Thread
- create creates a thread
- join waits on the completion of another thread
- exit terminates a thread
- Mutexes
- lock waits on a mutex to be unlocked
- unlock unlocks the mutex
- Condition Variables
- cond_wait waits on some condition
- signal alerts other waiters that something has changed
- broadcast tells all other waiting threads that something has changed.
this is sometimes wasteful, if you know only one person will consume
the stuff, whereas everyone will wake up and sleep (wasted contex switches)

pthread_cond_wait(cond_var, mutex) -> releases mutex while waiting, so someone

can update shared state. That way, it's done atomically (instead of releasing
and waiting in two instructions), and you don't miss any broadcasts.

Re-rentrant locks
- If you lock a mutex within a thread and call a method that tries
to lock it again, a re-entrant lock will allow the thread to
re-acquire the lock.
- The default in pthreads is to not be re-entrant, which Frans
agrees with, since you can't analyze your invariants as easily if you
don't have a clean interface that you can make correctness arguments
for in your locks. Try to only lock once, so you know when locks happen.
- One argument for re-entrancy is composability, or reuse of functions
which already lock at a fine level, but you need to lock as well in the
caller function.

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