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Constituted Llnder the 'l,e4al Services ,4uthoritier Acl, 1987', ttn,4ct of Patliamenl)
Under the Administrative Control of High Court ofDelhi
Administrative Block, Ground Floor, Dwarka Courts. New Delhi
Ph.: 28041480. Email : southwest-dlsa@nic.in


Pursuant South West, DLSA, the students of, Vandana

to the approval of [,d. Chairperson,
International School, Sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-l10075 are scheduled to visit the following courts on
23.02.20 7 at I0:30 am for firsthand ence of Coutl
Sr. No. Name of Judicial OIficer Court No.
l. Sh. Ram Lal Meena, Ld. ASJ 616
1 Ms. Mamta Taval. Judse Inch. Nlediation Centre,
Sh. Sanj4l Carg, Ld. ASJ
J'o Floor, Admn. Block.
6t 0
Sh. Virender Bhalt, Ld. ADJ 614
5. Sh. 'farun Yogesh, Ld. CMM ll
6. Sh. Ankur Jain, Ld. ACMM 210
7. Sh. Dheeraj rybf,lC. ltlu- 512
8. Ms. Purva Sareen, Ld. MM (Mahila Court) 315
9. Ms. Richa Gosain Solanki, t,d. MM (Mahila CouI0 s!1
t0. Sh. Rakesh Kumar-II, Ld. MM-'Iraffic-O1 l3
11. Ms. Niti Suri Mishra. Ld. CJ 208
12. Q!.!{u.iegq qtnc!l!!!41'l4.I4M !ls
13. Sh. Abhishek Kumar, Ld. MM, 503

For the purpose oI convenience, students arc hereby divided in the following groups:-

\o. Nu-" rt!!e qtrd!a!* L

clasc Narqe.ql&lqql I
I Pr,erna laiswal vlll V"nain" lnternational School,
Nisha vlil sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-
a f,fitflf,i -l L
vl 110075

4 Kanlka v t

5 Zoya N aaz vlll

6 Jyoti v l -----do----
1 Niharika v l ---do---
8 Shreya v t ----do----
9 Sona I Rawat vlil ----do---
IO Shivani vilt ---do----
1t Grisham vu -----do----
t2 Vipu I v l -----do----
l3 .latin Ha ns VIII --:do:*
l4 Dhruv Singh Negl vilt ---.do---
l5 Aditya Dutt v t -----do----
l6 Rohit Mishra vlll -----do----
l1 Pulkit Ba nga vilt ---do*-
l8 Deva nshu Kr..lha vl -----do----
l9 Abhay Dixit vilt ----do---
20 Rohit Kohil vIt -----do----
21 Srishti v t -----do----
22 Chesta vilr ----do---
23 lsh ita v t -:--do---
24 Saniana vilt ----do----
25 Kan ksha v t ---do--
26 Dish a vilr -----do----
r r .D') ,ll
Mehak ----do---
Harshika ----do--
Na ---:do--*
P!Y9 -----do----
Dlpasha ----do----
Shefa Group-F
Ashish -----do----
35 Harsh ----do--*
L 4tvqn
31 Sukrit
Lokesh Group-G

Groups - A to D of Vandana International School, Sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-l10075

shall be under the supervision of Ms. Sandesh Tyagi (Tcacher) and E to II shall be under the supervision
ofSh. Vijay Dhawan (Teachcr). Ld. Judges are requested to make it convenient Ior the students to watch the
Cou Procoedings.

'l'he undetsigned shall hold an interaction with the visiting students about their expcrience and queries,
if any, qua their visiti to different Courts. Accordiirg]y, all the Students alongwith accompanying teachers are
."qrrsl"d to ussen bte in Conferencc Hall, ?th Floor, Drvarka Courts Complex by 12: l5 pm for this purpose.
'- f''
Sccretary, SW-DLSA.
2 e).e- \i Diled-22.O2.2011

1, 'fhe Conccrned Ld. Judicial Officers (SW), Dwarka'

& Session Judge/ Chairperson, Dt.SA (South-West)
2. Office of the Ld. District
lnternational School, Sec-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075"
3. 'l'he Principal, Vandana
4. Sh. Purushottam, DEO (to intimatc th concd. Schools through mail as well as telephone also &
the same order upload in website)'
5.'the Caretaker, iaretaking Branch, Dwk. Courts, New Delhi. (for necessary arrangements)'

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