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Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

Name of student: Carolina Mundaca Castellón

Name of School: Colegio Niños Cantores de Viña del Mar

Number of students: 8

Date: April 6th to April 9th Class: 6th Grade and 4th grade of high school.

The school and the classroom

Niños Cantores de Viña del Mar is a school located in Agua Santa, Viña del
Mar. The school has students from kindergarden to 4th grade of high school, and
they have just one class of each grade. Every class has no more than 20 students.
All the staff in the school, including the principal, secretaries, teachers, etc. have
a very close relationship with students.

The first thing that I noticed when I went to the school for the first time was that
students don’t wear uniform. I thought what all people think, “students are not
very respectful or are arrogants”. But when I started to talk and interact with
some of them, specially younger ones, I realized that they are very respectful
with older people. But it’s not the case of the majority of older students,
specially those who are in last year.

Another thing that called my attention was that the building doesn’t have too
much facilities, they don’t have a multimedia room, a big cafeteria, or a place
where students can work in extra activities. They just have a concrete schoolyard
where they can practise basketball and a small cafeteria. They don’t have either
green areas so every activity which involves a big and comfortable place has to
be outside of the school, the beach, a square, etc.

Classrooms. It is said that classrooms play an important role in the process of


6th Grade

6th grade has just 8 pre adolescents, 7 boys and only 1 girl.
The classroom of this group of students is great but a little bit cold, kids have a
lot of space to interact in classes, but they prefer to sit very close from each

Children don’t have many resources related to english class, in the classroom.
They enjoy guessing the capital of a country with a huge map they have on the
wall. They don’t have too many facilities in their classroom, they just have one
shelf. They are very well organized, if they take something out of the shelf they
put it back in the same place that it was.

4th grade

This class has 18 students, but at the moment I have just seen no more that 10
students. They have a very serious problem of attendance. The other thing is that
they behave in a very freely way, they don’t respect the time they have to arrive
or leave the class.

They talk and talk while the teacher is giving the class. They have several
problems of behavior.

The activities & resources

In both grades, teacher makes use of worksheats, but no other extra resource,
like listening activities, audio visual presentations, oral representations, etc.

In the case of 6th grade teacher is always talking in English with students, I
think this is a good method because students are always worried about what the
teacher said and they try to fine the correct answer.

Students have a great participation in class activities, I could see they like to be
part of the class; they are always making questions and trying to answer what
the teacher had asked. There are some students that are not very keen on in
English but they also participate in the class.

In the case of 4th grade there are just 2 or 3 students that take part of the class.
The situation in this class is that students seem to be unmotivated not only for
english class, but also for the fact tha they don’t want to be in the school. The
only thing that motivates them is cultural activities or extra activities in which
the school participate. I had the oportunity to visit Santa Maria University with
students, because 4 teachers of music of the school were presenting their quintet.
That was absolutely lovely, many students enjoyed it.

Finally, I have to add that this stage was not only an observation activity inside
the classroom. I did some things that where not part of the program, for
example, I was asked to help students with some problems with vocabulary,
structures, etc. I was asked to clarify some doubts the teacher had, etc. But I can
say that enjoyed it, because it made me feel more close with the students and the


Name of student Carolina Mundaca Castellón

Name of School: Colegio Niños Cantores de Viña del Mar.

Date: April 13th to April 16th

Task Nº1: Collaboration activities

For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how you have
collaborated in school assigned:

1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time you were asked for
help? How long did it take?

2. What were the students doing before you started helping out?

3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the
levels of engagement in the room.

4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often?

5. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material
learning material for the students? Were they used? How effective were

Team teaching stage was very short, there were just 2 days per grade and it was
the same as observation stage, teacher asked me for help while she was doing
the class. But in this stage something happens, I had to be alone with the class
(6th) and I had to improvise a class, at the beginning was hard but at the end that
was very helpful because it made me to feel more confident about my future
performance as a teacher with this class.
The only oportunity that I had to create some material was for 4th grade, I
review the program and took notes about the contents of this semester to do it,
but that day just 3 students attended classes. I had to modify the activity and I
took advantage of this talking with them about adoloscent problems (the first
unit for this class is related to that).

Task 2: Lesson Planning

Answer the following questions and explain how you planned the learning
activities for your students. Be as precise as you can.

1. How did you get the information for planning the lessons for your

2. Did your guide teacher give you any suggestions for planning?
Lesson planning process started with the help of my guide teacher and the
review of my curriculum and methodology notes.

Owing to the fact that, school works with the government curriculum program
and the government book, I revise both texts and I started to take notes about the
structure of this plan, I review the contents, goals, the kind of activities, etc, and
then I looked for more material related to the units of each class in different
sources. I have found lot of information on internet, and also in different sort of
books for primary and highschool education.

Informe Consejo de curso*.

*El colegio no imparte orientación en ninguno de sus niveles.

I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del establecimiento educacional: Colegio Niños Cantores de Viña del

2. Curso: 6to básico
3. Profesor jefe: Jocelyn Cordero.
4. Profesor en Práctica: Carolina Mundaca C.
5. Fecha: Viernes 30 de Abril de 2010
6. Hora (inicio y término): 13.30hrs -14.15hrs

II. Desarrollo del consejo de curso

1. Tema de Orientación:

Disciplina; el tema de la indisciplina es muy constante en este curso, ya que los

niños son muy inquietos, no irrespetuosos, pero sí bastante inquietos.

a) El primer caso, es el de una salida que los niños tuvieron, y en la cual estuve
presente, el día martes 19 de abril. El colegio fue invitado por la Universidad
Santa María a participar a la presentación de un quinteto de cuerdas, formado
por varios profesores del colegio.
La actitud y disciplina de los alumnos no fue del todo adecuada para dicha
situación, a pesar de que no es primera vez que participan en este tipo de
actividades. Hubo algunos alumnos que conversaban, otros que se quedaron
dormidos, otros que se movían constantemente molestando así a sus compañeros
y al demás público de la muestra.
La profesora, les recuerda que ante una situación así, más formal, ellos deben
comportarse a la altura de los demás, no estaban en un parque de juegos sino en
un concierto de música clásica, por lo tanto las actitudes que ella observó no
eran las correctas.
Los niños llegan a un acuerdo con la profesora, si es que en el futuro se les llega
a invitar a una muestra de ese tipo, los alumnos que no se sientan atraídos serán
libres de decidir si es que se sienten bien con participar o en el caso contrario, si
es que no.

b) El segundo caso, fue una situación vista en una de las clases de inglés. La
profesora Beatriz le pide a Sebastián que “tire” un papel que hay en el piso a la
basura. Sebastián lo entiende textual y literalmente lo tira de un extremo de la
sala al otro, donde se encuentra el basurero. La profesora le pide a los
compañeros la opinión sobre el acto realizado, todos opinan que fue una falta de
respeto porque ellos “no tiran papeles de un lado a otro en su casa”. Finalmente,
el alumno y la profesora jefe llegan a un acuerdo: se pone una anotación
negativa en el libro de clases, pero solo quedará hasta ahí con la condición de
que no vuelva a ocurrir.

La participación de los alumnos en el consejo.

La participación y actitud de los alumnos en el consejo es súper buena, ellos

escuchan atentamente a la profesora, piden la palabra y opinan cuando se les da
la palabra.
Tienen una buena relación con su profesora, por lo que se nota que toman
atención de lo que su profesora les cuenta y comenta.

Informe Reunión de Profesores

I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Colegio Niños Cantores de Viña

del Mar.
2. Profesor en Práctica: Carolina Mundaca Castellón
3. Fecha: Miércoles 26 de Mayo de 2010
4. Tabla de la reunión: Rubricas de Enseñanza Media (fechas y términos),
Certámenes del Colegio, Notas, Olimpiadas, Fin de Semestre, Trabajos
electivos, Charlas Universitarias, Ensayos PSU, mejoramiento sala audiovisual.
5. Hora (inicio y término) 14.30 a 15.15

II. Comentarios.

La reunión de profesores se realiza de una manera y en un clima bastante

organizado, dura lo que se estipula en el horario y se alcanzan a tratar todos los
temas, algunos con más profundidad que otros, pero se ven todos.
Esta es dirigida por la directora Evelyn, sin embargo todos participan de igual a
igual, es decir hay temas que no están en la tabla y son propuestos por
profesores y se conversan igual que los que la directora tiene.
Los puntos de la tabla son tratados con la participación respetuosa de los
docentes, es decir se pide y se da la palabra.

Principales temas tratados:

1. Certámenes; los certámenes es una metodología de evaluación que tiene el

establecimiento, y consiste en que los alumnos de 7mo a 3ro medio deben
realizar un certamen por asignatura para medir todas las competencias de los
alumnos. Los profesores son los encargados de crear dichos certámenes y lo
pueden hacer en conjunto, por ejemplo inglés con artes, en la reunión se
estipulan las fechas del proceso.

2. Cuarto medio; debido a temas puntuales se trata un mayor tiempo en éste

punto.. Los alumnos de cuarto medio, no se caracterizan por tener excelente
calificaciones ni tampoco por estar muy seguros de lo que quieren estudiar el
año que viene, por lo que el colegio les hace una tesina o tesis más corta, con
algún tema de interés personal, para que ellos puedan embarcarse en algo que les
interese. Se habla de éste proceso, y de los avances que han tenido los alumnos
hasta este momento.
Otro tema referente a cuarto medio son las charlas universitarias. El curso, en
vez de aprovechar esta instancia reaccionó totalmente en forma contraria, ya que
hace una semana DUOC realizo una charla y los alumnos se comportaron muy
mal, “no pescaron”. Así que se está pesando en no permitir mas charlas en el

3. Los profesores e inspector se comprometen a mejorar la sala de video o

sala audiovisual del colegio, ya que está un poco improvisada (las ventanas están
cubiertas con bolsas de basura negras para que no entre la luz). Esto es bastante
importante, ya que son muy pocas las salas donde se puede utilizar data o DVD.

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