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Ecological Factor

Biotic Factor
Theres the major biotic factor in ecology environment about relationdhip between organisms

1. Competition

The relationship between two organism or individuals vie of the same

resourch or same feeds. The relationship is for about competiting their prey and
resourch. Example foxes and cayotes common prey such as mice and rabbits.

2. Predation

One individual or organism hunting or eat the other organism. In this situation
the predator (hunter) gets the nutritions from the prey (hunted). The relationship is for
about the cyrcle of energy in the ecosystem. Example humans eats cows or chickens.

3. Mutualism

Two individual or organism in relation for gets some profits or benefiting

each other. The relation is for get some sourch from the individual which have been in
relation with. Example nitrigen-fixing bacteia with peanuts.

4. Parasitism

One individual or organism which lives on or in and feeds on a host organism.

The relation is for the profit just in one organism which lives in other organism and
take the resourch for its life. The host of the parasiter can die because the resourch for
life has been taken. Example tapeworm parasitites in human

5. Commensalism

One individual benefits and the other neither benefits nor in harmed. The
relationm os for the one which get benefits can take the resourch or just gents the
protection from the predator and the other which neither gets benefits nor in harmed
just living and not affected by the other. Example remora gets resouch from shark by
eating the piece of sharks prey.
Abiotic Factor
In the world the abiotic factor can affect the distributin and the abundance of organism in an

1. Light

Lights of the sun is the most importang thing the the cyrcle of the energy and
nutrient. Sunlight is for making resourch in autotroph plants which the major
produsen energy for the ecosystem. The abundance of light can affect the temperature
in an area. The high temperate of an area can killing a cool-organism and the low
temperature can killing the hot or warm-organism. The position of earth on sun can
affect the iklim which can affect the life of organisms.

2. Water

Water is the major compenent of organism. Deficiency of water to organism

can make the organism die because dehidration. In other case excess of water can
make an organism die and can get putrefaction.

3. Land

Lands is the place wich terestrial organisms to stay or life. The condition of
lands can affect the distribution of organism because the way to gets their resourch.
The land with rich of nutrient can make as the place for most organism because for
gets resourch is easy. The lands with less of nutrients cannot be the perferct place to
satay and lives for organisms because to get the resourch is hard.

4. Air

The component of air like oxygen in rich can make the organism living in
easy. Oxygen is the major component for respiration of organism. The excess of
oxygen can rise the number of organism living in there.

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