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Interpretations for Activated Midpoints

(Interpretations courtesey of John Sandbach)

Planets activating the Sun/Venus midpoint

Principle: Love as a vitalizing and meaningful experience. Art. Aesthetics. Self love both in the neurotic and
healthy sense. One's values as they relate to one's long-term goals. To be egotistical about one's own
attractiveness and/or value.

Process: To see the enduring and ultimately meaningful worth that lies underneath all passing, temporary
and surface attractions.

Sun/Venus midpoint activated by Midheaven

To love the world is one's live path. To channel beauty in the world is one's life's work.

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Planets activating the Sun/Uranus midpoint

Principle: To realize the importance of one's own individual uniqueness, and to find the self-confidence to
express it. The sudden or unusual revealing of unexpected meaning in life, often through inspiration. A
change of purpose or direction in life. The ability to see for oneself what is important apart from what other
people think.

Process: The realization of one's completeness as an original and utterly unique expression of the Spiritual

Sun/Uranus midpoint activated by Ascendant

One comes across to others as a vivid personality, and or distinctly orignal. The need for relationships in
which the other person will respect one's uniqueness and honor one's independence.

Sun/Uranus midpoint activated by Midheaven

To have an unusual career, or to approach one's career in a highly distinctive fashion. Security derived from
having the freedom to pursue one's own chosen goals.

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Planets activating the Sun/Neptune midpoint

Principle: Subtle forces affecting one's vitality. Psychic sensitivity which can potentially drain one's energy.
To be idealistic and possibly unrealistic about one's goals. To place importance on self-sacrifice and to feel
that it makes life meaningful. Mystical or visionary insight. To engage in self-glorifying imaginings.

Process: The development of the ability to perceive the Spiritual Light's meaning and purpose in greater and
greater depth, to the point that one realizes with absolute clarity the infinite and infinitely varied connections
of all aspects of all universes.

Sun/Neptune midpoint activated by Ascendant

To project oneself onto the world as being a person of great sensitivity. One's awareness of one's deeper
and hidden aspects has a sustaining and enriching effect on one's identity, or, if negatively expressed, one's
self-idealization results in nothing more than living a fantasy about oneself.

Sun/Neptune midpoint activated by Midheaven

A desire to be self-sacrificing to help the world. One's life's work involves using one's psychic sensitivity
and/or one's imagination. Revealing to the world the subtler meanings behind life.

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Planets activating the Sun/Chiron midpoint

Principle: Letting go of all things of lesser importance and focusing on what is most important in spiritual
terms. Ability to clearly differentiate between what is truly important to oneself in terms of ones personal
evolution and what the world/culture/social milieu deems important. The process of ceasing to base one's
self worth on outer or superficial criteria and to perceive ones importance as a being assisting in world
change and the spiritual process of others. Allowing the deeper meanings of things to emerge by not placing
the projections of one's ego on them. One has the ability to assist others in the discovery of their life's
meaning and purpose. Bringing to light those ideas and energies which are exactly what is needed to heal
those around one, and often doing this without consciously knowing it.

Process: The opening up to deeper and more expanded realizations of the meaning and purpose of
everything one encounters.

Sun/Chiron midpoint activated by Uranus

To have insights into the spiritual purpose of life, and which usually come suddenly and unexpectedly. To be
able to see that the spiritual purpose of life is constantly mutating, taking new forms, and being expressed in

Sun/Chiron midpoint activated by Neptune

Subtle insights into the purpose of life. One's idealism is fulfilled as one let's go of the limitations imposed by
one's ego.

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Planets activating the Moon/Saturn midpoint

Principle: Controlled or repressed feelings. The avoidance of emotions. Emotions that either do not change
or which only change slowly. The ability to be dutiful, careful, and attentive. Fear for one's security.
Emotional sensitivity. Awareness of lack of fulfillment in terms of one's emotional needs. The meeting of
basic needs. At best one may eventually come to a realization of the spiritual purpose behind one's
emotional problems.

Process: Connecting with and clearing negative emotions. The development of the ability to protect oneself
emotionally when needed. The growth of one's ability to clearly perceive and deeply experience one's

Moon/Saturn midpoint activated by Moon

Moon/Saturn midpoint activated by Saturn

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Planets activating the Moon/Node midpoint

Principle: Nurturing one's connections with others. Feeling vulnerable when meeting with others. The need
to share feelings with others and to give and receive nurturing. Letting go of old feelings and sources of
security which no longer serve one's evolution and hence are holding one back, and being open to the new
experiences which life is offering you.

Process: The clearing of old habit patterns and ways of feeling that are no longer serving one, and the
development of new one's which will support one's personal growth.

Moon/True Node midpoint activated by Venus

A love of emotionally connecting with others. A love of witnessing emotional progress. One finds it easy to
connect on a feeling level with people.

Moon/True Node midpoint activated by Neptune

To be sensitive about the emotional energy flowing between oneself and others. The deterioration of one's
connections with others, which is happening so that the person will be impelled to look more deeply into
what is really going on.

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Planets activating the Moon/Ascendant midpoint

Principle: Being impressionable to the energies of other people. Difficulty in being objective about oneself.
One's moods strongly affect one's identity. The need for intimate relationships and for a sense of security
when one relates. Often, though, a feeling of insecurity when one interacts with others. The need to stay in
the moment when relating.

Process: The ability to become more and more aware of all one's emotions until one no longer has any
repressed feelings, and then eventually to become free of identifying with any of one's emotions so that one
may experience the eternal nature of the self.

Moon/Ascendant midpoint activated by Sun

One knows the importance of allowing oneself to be vulnerable and open when relating. Since you're
conscious of the strong effect that others have on you, you need to choose carefully who you open up to.

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Planets activating the Moon/Midheaven midpoint

Principle: The highest attainment possible for one's emotions, meaning the achievement of clarity of feeling
and instinct, as well as development of the ability to effectively care for and nurture others, and to play the
part of a loving parent. The ability to be receptive and impressionable to spiritual forces and influences.

Process: Development of the ability to be open to guidance by spiritual forces and to maintain emotional
attunement to their energy.
Moon/Midheaven midpoint activated by Venus
To experience emotional exaltation when one is loving another. In love one opens up (becomes vulnerable
to) spiritual forces. An attraction to art that has a cosmic feeling. The appreciation of the fact that spirituality
manifests through everyday and common experience.

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Planets activating the Mercury/Venus midpoint

Principle: An appreciation of aesthetics. The ability to communicate artfully, smoothly, and/or beautifully. A
love of ideas, communication, speaking, etc. Communication in relationships.

Process: The ability to use language and communication in general as a peace-making device, and to help
others exchange ideas in a harmonious, appreciative manner.

Mercury/Venus midpoint activated by Node

Connecting with others who appreciate one's ideas. One finds it easy to be flexible when connecting with
others and through on's words to put them at ease. One is learning in this lifetime to communicate one's
truest and deepest values rather than being content with merely superficial or easy ways of thinking and

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Planets activating the Mercury/Mars midpoint

Principle: Passionate communication. Constructive and/or destructive communication. Arguing. Mental
conflict. An agitated nervous system. The ability to be pointed and assertive when speaking. Sexual

Process: The building and/or destroying of connections. Using communication in a combative and/or
stimulating manner, either for good or ill.

Mercury/Mars midpoint activated by Ascendant

Cleverness at repartee when relating. The ability to fire up others when speaking, and/or to aggravate them
by touching on whatever they are sensitive about. A person who appears to have a lot of nervous energy.

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Planets activating the Mercury/Neptune midpoint .

Principle: The imagination. The ability to communicate in a subtle way and to imply much with one's words.
Confused thinking, and the possibility of being misunderstood, either because one is vague, or because
others lack the sensitivity to pick up on what one is saying. Clairvoyance. Messages from beyond.

Process: To dissolve the boundaries that limit communication. To develop a finer and finer sensitivity to
picking up messages from the spiritual realms and from one's own intuition. The ability to see beyond any
and all vehicles of communication into the deepest essence of what is really being communicated.

Mercury/Neptune midpoint activated by Node

The need to share ideals in a group setting. Overcoming negative psychic links with others and developing
positive ones.
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Planets activating the Mercury/Pluto midpoint

Principle: Mental obsessiveness. The tendency to be extremely opinionated. The need to transform the mind
by clearing negative thinking. The ability to communicate in a powerful manner. Communication that is so
intense it destroys itself, causing miscommunication or no communication. One tends to hold extreme ideas
which could be transformative in a positive way, or destructive.

Process: The evolution of one's mental powers through the breaking down of limiting ideas and ways of
looking at things so that new ideas and perspectives may form that are increasingly closer to the true nature
of reality. The waging of war between the desire to communicate with oneself and the fear of doing so, and
the externalizing of this into outer communication.

Mercury/Pluto midpoint activated by Mercury

Mercury/Pluto midpoint activated by Pluto

Mercury/Pluto midpoint activated by Chiron

To help others to overcome ideas and thinking that are oppressing them, and to transform their thinking. To
build new channels and ways of thinking and communication. To foster a deep connectedness.

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Planets activating the Mercury/Chiron midpoint

Principle: Leaving behind ideas that hold one in a rut while embracing and assimilating ideas that assist one
to evolve. Communication with Angels and other beings beyond the physical realm, whether one realizes
this is happening or not, the communicating often happening in ways that one does not expect. Having a
sense of the right thing to say that will heal a situation and bring others together. Having the right ideas at
the right time come to one due to one's ability to listen to messages coming from beyond.

Process: Allowing spiritual forces to take over the mind and guide it so that communication eventually
becomes full, open, and clear.

Mercury/Chiron midpoint activated by Jupiter

The ability to expand the limits of healing communication. One's enthusiasm builds lines of healing
communication with others.

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Planets activating the Mercury/Node midpoint

Principle: A love of sharing ideas with others. Truly caring about with other people think. Others' ideas help
one to refine one's own, and to be more clear about what one thinks. The search for ideas that will help one

Process: The pull between thinking which accommodates a static and seemingly safe connection to the
past, and thinking which allows for change and supports one's evolution.

Mercury/True Node midpoint activated by Sun

One feels it is important to share ideas with people. The goal and purpose of one's life is actualized through
sharing one's ideas with people who will benefit from them.

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Planets activating the Mercury/Midheaven midpoint

Principle: The attaining of greater powers and abilities of commuication. Spiritualized thinking.
Communication with authorities and authority figures. Making public one's ideas. How one's ideas and
thinking interact with one's career. The need to ultimately figure out things for oneself rather than listening
solely to the ideas of other people, no matter how authoritative they are.

Process: Allowing one's mind to become increasingly infused with and guided by spiritual forces.
Communicating with authority figures and receiving the impress of their ideas.

Mercury/Midheaven midpoint activated by Sun

To develop a command or mastery of communicating in your career, or of communicating spiritual ideas.
The success of one's goals depend on one's ability to be flexible and open to the reception of spiritual ideas.

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Planets activating the Venus/Uranus midpoint

Principle: An unusual or eccentric aesthetic. The need for freedom love. The love of unusual things or
people. The need to show love in an uninhibited fashion. A love of surprises. One who is unpredictable in
relationships. Love connections may arise suddenly and may disappear just as quickly.

Process: The freeing up of one's ability to love and to appreciate all of life.
The ability to see the value inherent in seeming accidents, mistakes, and unforseen occurrences. To love,
value and be at ease with all surprises, oddities and everything else outside the limits of one's expectations.

Venus/Uranus midpoint activated by Neptune

A refined sense of what is unusual or eccentric. To see the unusual and the beautiful in the everyday world.
One holds the ideal of giving and receiving love freely and openly, and being non judgmental.

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Planets activating the Venus/Neptune midpoint

Principle: Idealized love. Self-sacrifice in love. A refined expression of love. To engage in imagining beautiful
illusions and fantasies to which one can potentially become addicted. Attraction to that which is refined
and/or exalted. Confusion in love and in relationships. Impracticality where both love and money are
concerned but also the ability to use one's intuition to make money and to know what the loved one needs.
The ability to intuit the true worth of things.

Process: The purifying and refining of one's ability to love. Developing the ability to see through illusions into
the eternal value and beauty underlying everything.

Venus/Neptune midpoint activated by Venus

Venus/Neptune midpoint activated by Neptune

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Planets activating the Venus/Pluto midpoint

Principle: One person having power over the other in a love relationship. Power struggles in love
relationships. To feel love with extreme intensity. To experience a compelling attraction. Decisions that are
difficult to make. Irresistible temptations.

Process: To give in so totally to the power of love that it transforms one's consciousness and further one's
evolution. To delve deeply into one's attractions so that one may experience their pure essence and by doing
so come into a profound self-understanding.

Venus/Pluto midpoint activated by Node

In this life one is learning how to transmute obsessive attractions into the higher reality of divine and
unconditional love.

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Planets activating the Venus/Ascendant midpoint

Principle: A person with a loving, easy-going personality. The ability to share with others and to put them at
ease. Contentment with oneself which negatively might express as laziness and selfishness.

Process: Learning to love oneself and to project that love into the world.

Venus/Ascendant midpoint activated by Mercury

To communicate in a smooth, easy-going fashion. To speak artfully and persuasively. Cleverness when it
comes to diplomacy.

Venus/Ascendant midpoint activated by Pluto

To compel other people to admire and/or be attracted to you, and to feel a sense of power coming from that.
The driving need to transmute selfish self love into healthy self love.

Venus/Ascendant midpoint activated by Chiron

Everything you do is with a loving and beautiful style that puts others at ease and opens them to divine love.
Your appreciation of the relationships all around you helps others to experience more deeply the value of
everything they contact.

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Planets activating the Venus/Midheaven midpoint

Principle: To spread love and beauty to the world, and to help others to appreciate the spiritual aspects of
life. A career in the arts. To have a harmonious relationship with one's employer. To play the role of a loving
and soothing parent. Negatively, to be a selfish parent.

Process: To experience love as a guiding force, and to be open to the love which comes from higher forces,
angels, and the universe at large.

Venus/Midheaven midpoint activated by Jupiter

To be eager to be a channel of God's love. An enthusiastic appreciation of that which one feels to be of the
highest value. To be enthusiastic about giving something of value to the world. To grow in terms of your
appreciation of what you have to give to the world.

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Planets activating the Mars/Uranus midpoint

Principle: Sudden and unexpected actions. To find one's own independent and unique way of doing things.
To be assertively rebellious. Accidents, which are a manifestation of pent-up energy that need to be
released. To be impulsive in one's actions, and/or to act erratically. Inspired action.

Process: Active experimentation. The breaking out of old forms and patterns and the creating of new one's
that offer more freedom and which more clearly reflect the true self.

Mars/Uranus midpoint activated by Venus

One's love expressed in an assertively uninhibited fashion, which can possibly intimidate the loved one. One
love's doing unusual things, or common things in unusual ways. A love of experimentation. One is
assertively independent about one's values.

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Planets activating the Mars/Pluto midpoint

Principle: Intense aggression that may even be overpowering, or obsessive. The ability to get an extreme
amount of work accomplished. Doing things that affect the whole world, or at least a great number of people.
The desire to work toward a breakthrough. Domination of others, or running over them in an uncaring
fashion. Extreme violence or brutality.

Process: The intensification of one's actions so that one may perceive both their constructive and destructive
aspects. The realization of one's power to effect deep and profound changes.

Mars/Pluto midpoint activated by Ascendant

The ability to change or perform an makeover on oneself. One comes across as an overbearing or
intimidating person.

Mars/Pluto midpoint activated by Midheaven

To be aggressive and challenging toward authority figures. The need to allow Spirit to dictate one's actions,
even if what one needs to do is difficult or dangerous to perform. Advancement in one's career through
exceptionally hard work.

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Planets activating the Mars/Node midpoint

Principle: To do things with other people and/or with group. Forming connections with people with whom one
ends up having conflicts. To evolve in this lifetime a greater effectiveness in doing things, as well as
releasing anger and hostility so that one is freer to act. To need to find new ways of doing things and to
overcome old, worn-out and ultimately inefficient ways of doing things.

Process: The taking of initiative to bring needed changes into one's life, and to evolve. The active breaking
of ties with the past as well as the active seeking of new experiences and the forming of new connections.

Mars/True Node midpoint activated by Jupiter

An enthusiasm for giving to and getting stimulation from those with whom one is connected. Generosity in
putting one's energy into group projects.

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Planets activating the Jupiter/Node midpoint

Principle: The desire to seek out connections through which one may grow and expand. A generous and
expansive way of connecting with people. To make many connections with others. The ability to compensate
for difficulties or limitations encountered when connecting with other people. Mutual benefit resulting from
one's connections.

Process: The gaining of perspective on the past through deepening one's understanding of it. The seeking of
life situations in which one can learn and evolve.

Jupiter/True Node midpoint activated by Moon

The emotional need to be accepted and approved of by others. Encouraging and supportive connections
with others creates emotional security.

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Planets activating the Saturn/Node midpoint

Principle. Deep, enduring, and/or spiritual relationships. To have relationships that last a long time. One finds
it difficult to enter into new experiences, due either to fear or to being overly tied to the past. One finds one's
connections with others oppressive. A gradual overcoming of the past.

Process: The overcoming of the fear of change. The identification of the problems and limitations that exist
between oneself and others, as well as the realization of their spiritual purpose.

Saturn/True Node midpoint activated by Uranus

A genius for working with or around the restrictions and limitations one finds when connecting with others.
Strange or unusual limiting factors encountered when connecting with individuals or groups.

Saturn/True Node midpoint activated by Neptune

To be able to intuitively perceive the limitations one encounters when connecting. One's ideal is to connect
deeply to others. Confusion as to the problems encountered when one connects.

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Planets activating the Saturn/Midheaven midpoint

Principle: The finding of true spirituality through union with the Spiritual Light. Difficulties in allowing in
spiritual messages. The need to listen to the spiritual self within rather than to outer authorities. Trouble with
authority figures. The slow attainment of success in one's career. The tendency to question whether or not
one is following the right career, because one so deeply yearns for a line of work that is truly and spiritually
fitting for the self.
Process: The realization of the restrictions that society imposes on oneself, and the finding of creative ways
of working with these. The questioning of authorities and authority figures in an attempt to find answers that
resonate with what one deeply knows to be spiritual truth.

Saturn/Midheaven midpoint activated by Venus

To desire a love relationship that advances one spiritually. Ethical sincerity in love relationships. To feel that
one receives a lack of respect from one's lover. Art that expresses spirituality.

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Planets activating the Uranus/Neptune midpoint

Principle: The originality and uniqueness of one's imagination. The freeing up of one's imagination and
intuitive perception, which can induce visions and revelations. Upsets which cause confusion and
derangement, the purpose of these being to open the consciousness to higher realities. The refinement of
one's own special gifts and talents. The way one relates to the mass consciousness.

Process: The liberation of one's inner vision from the repressions imposed by the conscious mind, so that
spiritual realities can be more clearly seen. The receiving of deep insights into one's own personal evolution
and destiny.

Uranus/Neptune midpoint activated by Uranus

Uranus/Neptune midpoint activated by Neptune

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Planets activating the Uranus/Pluto midpoint

Principle: An extreme desire for freedom and for change. A complete and potentially drastic revolution. To
burn one's bridges behind oneself. Drastic situations that unleash pent-up energy. The growth and evolution
of one's own unique gifts, talents, and abilities.

Process: The overthrowing of deeply entrenched restrictions and limitations. Giving in to one's deepest
urges to change.

Uranus/Pluto midpoint activated by Node

The need in this lifetime to be more uninhibited and to allow vast and even extreme changes into one's life.
To connect with others who will allow one to be one's own unique self, and who will support the power
inherent in that.

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Planets activating the Uranus/Ascendant midpoint

Principle: An unusual and/or unpredictable personality. To have fast and/or surprising reactions to stimuli. To
be seen by other people as unique, original, and/or highly distinctive. One does not easily fit into accepted
categories, and, in fact, may rebel against them. One who changes or experiments with one's outer

Process: To free oneself of the limitations of one's own identity. To try on different roles and images. To
overcome the projections that other people place on oneself.
Uranus/Ascendant midpoint activated by Mercury
Thoughts are expressed in a highly original manner which carries one's own unique personal stamp. A
person who has a unique or striking way of saying things. The ability to see each idea and situation as new
and unique. Cleverness in labeling things, or inventing names for them.

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Planets activating the Neptune/Pluto midpoint

Principle: To tap into or be affected by extreme subtleties. The process of refining and transforming energy.
Tremendous often overpowering imaginings. Obsessive imaginings and visions. Hallucinations. Profoundly
deep idealism. Supernatural occurrences. To be transformed and evolved by one's visions.

Process: Pressure that forces outside the physical realm exert on one for the purpose of furthering one's
evolution. The intensification of confusion which impels one eventually toward clarity.

Neptune/Pluto midpoint activated by Node

To connect with others with whom one feels a profound psychic connection. Subtle and hidden energies at
work when one connects with people. To seek out those who hold one's same intense ideals as oneself.
One is learning in this lifetime to overcome the negative effects of subtle psychic energies, and to relate to
those energies in a life supporting and positive way, so that they serve to uplift both the self and all those
with whom you come in contact.

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Planets activating the Neptune/Ascendant midpoint

Principle: To identify with one's ideals. To have a subtle, profound, deep or mysterious personality. Confusion
concerning who one is. To be misconstrued by other people, or idealized by them. The ability to experiences
many different layers within the self. Uncertainty, confusion, deception or other forms of unreality in one's

Process: The intuitive perception of deeper layers beneath one's identity. The exalting of one's identity so
that it carries a high, spiritual energy. Relating to others at increasingly deeper and subtler levels.

Neptune/Ascendant midpoint activated by Mercury

The way one expresses ideas is subtle and imaginative, although it may not be perceived by people who are
not sensitive to it.

Neptune/Ascendant midpoint activated by Pluto

To feel pressured by being confused about who one is. The need to see one's own higher and more ideal
aspects. To be uplifted by identifying with one's spiritual self can profoundly change one's life.

Neptune/Ascendant midpoint activated by Chiron

To help others to heal by intuitively making them aware of other and deeper levels of their personality, so
that their identity is not so tightly or narrowly focused.

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Planets activating the Chiron/Pluto midpoint
Principle: A strong compulsion to overcoming egotism and to see it for what it is fear-based. Feeling
strongly urged, even pushed, by forces beyond oneself to grow by transcending one's limitations. The
process of learning how to let through messages from beyond, as well as to accept them and act on them.
Strong, persistent impulses that one must eventually follow.

Chiron/Pluto heals the striving to acquire power for selfish reasons, and helps one to use power to
encourage, guide, and assist others in their spiritual growth.

Process: An intense desire to evolve creates situations that cause deep changes to occur. One feels the
pressure of spiritual forces attempting to bring light and harmony to situations, and needs to not resist them.

Pluto/Chiron midpoint activated by Jupiter

An enthusiasm so tremendous that it can create profound transformations. Being obsessively excessive
eventually has the effect of spiritually transmuting one's being.

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Planets activating the Pluto/Node midpoint

Principle: An intensely strong pull toward the past and its situations. The need to overcome this so that one
may make progress. A tremendous tug-o-war between the past and the future. Connecting with others who
have a huge impact on you and with whom yo may experience power struggles.

Process: The intensifying of one's connections with others for the purpose of breaking through limitations
and restrictions and furthering evolution. The remaking of the past through the changing of one's attitude
toward it. Giving in to the compulsion to evolve.

Pluto/True Node midpoint activated by Sun

One feels it is meaningful and important to connect with people who have much power, and/or to have
intense connections with others. The need to not allow the past to get in the way of one's fulfilling one's

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Planets activating the Chiron/Ascendant midpoint

Principle: The need to realize that one is able to connect with spirit guides, nature spirits and angels, and to
be a freely mutating and transforming agent of healing. The compelling urge to allow one's self-confidence
to spontaneously arise from one's spiritual self rather than be rooted in materialistic, passing or ephemeral
things. The need to let go of the limiting projections and definitions that others impose on oneself.

Process: The ability to realize the power of the moment, to unite with it, and to channel spiritual energies into
the now.

Chiron/Ascendant midpoint activated by Sun

The realization of the importance of the need for healing one's identity. Also, letting go of agendas so that
the healing potential of the moment can be realized. The ego is healed by strengthening one's identity with
spiritual forces.

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