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Debate - Canada’s Aging Population

1. The aging population is a burden on society.
2. The senior majority (of 2030) should dictate and set the priorities of society
(medical, financial, etc.).

● All groups have 1/2 hour to prepare their initial argument, which is not to
exceed 5 minutes in length.
● Your arguments ought to be based on fact where possible, so attempt to locate
reputable sources. Making arguments based on incorrect information will leave
you open for easy rebuttal.

The setup
● For each topic, the ‘pro’ side will provide a maximum 5 minute uninterrupted
argument, followed immediately by the argument from the ‘con’ side (also
maximum 5 minutes).
● There will be a 3-minute recess where each group can prepare a rebuttal, the
delivery of which should not exceed 3 minutes. The ‘con’ side will be the first to
offer rebuttal, which is, again, uninterrupted. This will be followed by the ‘pro’
side’s rebuttal.
● A straw vote (by show of hands) will be taken immediately after the debate closes
to determine which side made the strongest argument.

● Determine which of your group will be the speakers, note-takers (creating initial
points; in preparation for rebuttal), researchers (to source facts), etc. Look to each
other’s strengths.
● All members are expected to participate in the preparation and research.
● 2 or more members may deliver the argument and the rebuttal. Please have
different speakers for each section.

Rules of Engagement
● When one side is speaking, they are to speak uninterrupted. Interruptions will lead
to time deductions.
● Be civil. You will not make your argument stronger by name-calling or insults.
● During rebuttal, speak directly to the statements of the opposing viewpoint. “The
other team makes the argument that __________________, however they neglect to
mention ________________”.

July 6, 2010

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