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Year 5 Spring Newsletter

February 2017
Welcome back! I hope you have had a relaxing half term break. Once again we
have a busy and exciting half term planned.

This half term we will begin by exploring persuasive writing and understanding
how writers make a point, support this point with evidence and then explain the
point fully. We will write short stories and explore descriptive writing using a
range of sentence structures and detailed vocabulary. Finally, we will look at
differences between autobiographies and biographies. We will continue to look
at the grammar and spelling focuses for Year 5 and explore the meanings of these to aid
Ways to help
In lessons, we will be focussing on using detail to engage readers. When your child is reading,
encourage them to locate challenging vocabulary, discuss the meaning and how they could use
these words in their writing.
We will be starting this half term revisiting mental and written division using both the short method,
and the chunking method. Children will then recap 2D and 3D shapes and use Venn and Carroll
diagrams to sort them using their own criteria. Later on in the half term we will learn about
fractions, decimals and percentages and then progress onto calculating
with these. We will also be measuring area and perimeter, reading
various different scales and interpreting data in tables. We will continue
our focus on arithmetic skills this term, with two sessions a week to
practise our skills.
Ways to help
Practice instant recall of all multiplication tables. Use the vocabulary of
multiples, factors and prime numbers to support these terms and ensure
they have a good basic understanding of digital and analogue times.
Science Properties and changes of materials
In science, we will explore materials through conducting a variety of experiments to test different
variables. The children are going to be working on carrying out different scientific enquiries to test
metal, wood and plastic and exploring reversible and irreversible changes. They will then deepen
their understanding using scientific research to support and challenge their
questions and experiments to write detailed conclusions.
Ways to help
Investigate different materials at home and provide evidence of reversible
and irreversible changes at home when you melt solids or turn liquids into
gas. You could also read a range of non-fiction books exploring materials at

Creative Curriculum
History - Early Islamic Civilisation: Baghdad AD900 Case Study
Computing HTML Coding
RE Christianity
Art and Design Pop Art Designs
PE- Our outdoor tag-rugby sessions will continue on Friday mornings (suitable cold weather
sportswear will be required).
French Time
Music Recorders with Mrs Holt on a Tuesday afternoon and Sing Together concert.
PSHE Living in the wider world British Values

In year 5 this term there are two pieces of homework per week both set on Fridays and due
back in and marked on the following Thursday. Spellings and times table practice sheets will also
be set on a Friday for a test the following Friday. The spellings for each week can be found at:
www.spellingcity.com/Harrisfive. We do expect all children to read at home for at least 10
minutes every day, please sign and leave comments in your childs reading record.

Thank-you for your continued support, please do not hesitate to contact me if there is something you
wish to discuss either in person, by phone or via email at i.groom@harris.lancs.sch.uk


Mr Groom

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