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Genetics Notes

2._____________ is the branch of 4. A plant that always gives the same

biology that deals with type of offspring is called
___________. A great deal of ________________. Self-
what we know about genetics began pollination is when the sperm of a
with the work of a monk named plant fertilizes that egg of that same
Gregor _________, who plant.
experimented with sweet _______ 5. What is the parent generation
plants in the _____s. called? _______ When Mendel
3. Mendel studied the crossed two purple flowers what did
______________ of inheritance in the offspring look like? ______.
pea plants. He chose _________ 6. When Mendel crossed two purple
traits to follow flowers from the F1 generation what
did the offspring look like?

7. Mendel concluded:
1. Something is being ________________from parent to offspring.
2. Sometimes you can see it and sometimes you cant it.
3. If you can see it- it is _____________________.
4. If its there and you cant see it- its _______________
8. ___________ letters are used for the dominant (R) version of the trait and
a _____________- case for the recessive versions (r) of the trait. Each
Version is called an _____________.
10. Law of Dominance States that the ____________ allele will prevent the
recessive allele from being expressed. The recessive allele will appear when it is
___________ with ________ recessive allele in the offspring.
11. Where did you get your 17. A persons genotype is
chromosomes? _________________________.
_______________________ A persons phenotype is
__ _________________________.
14. Boy or girl?________ why? 18.
_______________________ If a flower is homozygous dominant
15. What is a gene? A segment what is its phenotype? _________
on the chromosome that codes What is its genotype? __________
for a ___________. People If a flower is homozygous recessive,
have _____ copies of each what is its phenotype? __________
gene, one copy inherited from what is its genotype? _________
the mother and the other copy If a flower is heterozygous, what is
inherited from the ________. its phenotype? ___________
There are many versions of What is its genotype? ________
each gene-called _________. 19. During ____________, each egg or
16. If the two alleles in the pair sperm only gets _____ copy of each
are identical, it is called chromosome.
_________. If the two alleles
are different the condition is
called _______________.

20. Law of __________________ (separation) states that gene pairs

___________when gametes (sex cells) are formed, so each ____________
has only ________ _________ of each gene pair.
21. Law of Independent ______________ states that different pairs of
________ _____________ independently of each other when ________ are
formed. What does that mean?___________________________________

1. A _________is a characteristic an individual receives from its parents.
2. _____ carry the instructions responsible for the expression of traits.
3. A ______________of inherited genes controls a trait.
4. One member of the pair comes from each _____________.
5. Alternative versions of genes are known as _____________.
23.Answers: 1- ______________________
Punnett Squares
24. ______________squares are used to determine the probability of a
combination of alleles. For example: If a heterozygous black rabbit is crossed with
a heterozygous black rabbit, what are the chances the offspring will be black?
25. What are all of the possible gametes formed by each of the two rabbits?

Draw a punnett square.

Possible genotypes? ______________________

Possible Phenotypes? _____________________

26. Draw the square. Answer : ______________

27.Answer: ____________________________

Incomplete Dominance, Co-Dominance, Polygenic Traits, and Sex-Linked Traits

29. Incomplete dominance is a cross between organisms with ______ different
phenotypes produces offspring with a _____________phenotype that is a
_________ of the parental traits.
30. Example of Incomplete dominance: Red flower crossed with a white flower
gives a ______ flower.
31. _____________ is a cross between organisms with two different phenotypes
producing offspring with a___________ phenotype in which both of the parental
traits ___________ _______________.
33. A good example of codominance is ________ __________. There are ____
alleles for blood type- this is called ___________ _____________.
35. Are all traits controlled by just one gene? ____ When traits are controlled
by more that one gene it is called a ___________ __________.
36. Traits that are on the sex chromosome (usually the X) are called ______
_______ traits.
37. A ___________ is a chart of the chromosomes lined up together. Humans
have ___ pairs of chromosomes. 22 are called _________ and the last pair are
the ________ chromosomes.

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