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1. We learn that the little princes planet is no bigger than a house.

The narrator
believes it is in fact an asteroid named B-612.Now, we get a short aside about
the discovery of this asteroid by a Turkish astronomer. The first time the
astronomer made a presentation about his discovery, he was in Turkish costume
so the other astronomers didnt take him seriously; the next time, he wore a
stylish European suit, and was immediately heededThen the narrator tells us that
he is giving us all these details about the asteroid to please the adults, who like
facts and figures and labels more than beauty and the essence of things.He
wants all his readers to take this book seriously. The reason he is writing it is
because he does not want to forget his friend, the little prince; and he admits that
the process of telling the story is painful for him.Over the next few days, the
narrator learns more about the little prince and his planet.There are baobabs on
the princes tiny planet. They start out as little weeds and will eventually grow to
become trees as big as castles (5.7).These baobabs can split the planet apart if
they are not gotten rid of early, and the little prince hopes that the sheep will eat
the tiny baobab bushes and help him keep his planet free of baobabs. It is
impossible to get rid of a baobab once it has formed deep roots.All it takes is
some discipline to uproot the tiny baobabs as soon as they are spotted, the little
prince says. This is tedious, but easy work.He asks the narrator to draw a picture
of the baobabs in order to warn the children of Earth about them. The narrator
asks readers to pay attention to it, saying it is the most important drawing in the
book.On the morning of the fourth day, the little prince reveals that he loves
sunsets, and says to the narrator, Come let us go look at a sunset now
(6.1)Then, the narrator has to explain to him that on Earth, sunsets only happen
in the evenings.Of course, thats not how it works where the prince is from.
Because his planet is so tiny, he can see a sunset at any timeall he has to do
is move a few steps. One day, says the little prince, he watched forty-four
sunsets.The prince says that he loves watching sunsets when he is sad.The
narrator realizes then that the prince is melancholy. When he asks him about it,
though, the prince says nothing.

2. the pilot learns that the little prince comes from a small planet that the little
prince calls Asteroid 325 but that people on Earth call Asteroid B-612. The
little prince took great care of this planet, preventing any bad seeds from
growing and making sure it was never overrun by baobab trees. One day, a
mysterious rose sprouted on the planet and the little prince fell in love with
it. But when he caught the rose in a lie one day, he decided that he could
not trust her anymore. He grew lonely and decided to leave. Despite a last-
minute reconciliation with the rose, the prince set out to explore other
planets and cure his loneliness.
3. The businessman asteroid B 328

The businessman is a large gentleman who is so very busy that he does not even have time to

light his cigarette. He spends his time counting stars, which he claims to own. Then he writes

down the numbers on a piece of paper that he puts in the bank. The Little Prince tries to make

him see that he is wasting his life and that owning means being useful to what you own. He

speaks of his rose, which he waters and protects. The businessman is left speechless, and the

Little Prince once again finds grown-ups to be very disappointing.

4. Establishing Meaningful Relationship

The fox teaches the prince, that if you don't build meaningful relationship then person
is like everyone else. They become no different than the hundreds to millions of people
in this world.

How can you become special to this person when you treat them like the people you
work with, the people you see in street, the people you walk past and anyone who you
don't spend quality time with?

If you don't give time to nurture, communicate, be willing to believe in the person and
the relationship?

There is no difference then between this person and the hundreds you walk past, work
with and who will dissappear from your life after a pint of drink or after work.

The fox is like many Fox's out there and there is no meaning that really speaks to his

If you don't build meaningful relationship with this person, take the time to do so, keep
in touch, and be forgiving...then....you're not easily identified as a special person to

That bond of love, care and trust is not there.

You're not in this person's heart.

That's the key - that you are in their heart. The heart is fragile and like bloody running
through our veins, it needs constant connection of a different kind. It what makes you
unique to the person.

The moment you're willing to invest time, nurture, be consistent and treat this person
with love, respect and without games, maniplation, melodramatics....then they become
unique and special to you.

They see you from their heart as you will see them from the heart.
5. You Cannot buy Meaninful Relationships
The Little Prince learnt that building meaningful relationship takes patience. Relying on
words alone creates misunderstanding. Meaningful relationships go deeper than words.

They are behaviours and one of these behaviours is patience. You cannot force
friendship. Nor can you buy friendship nor can you buy love. If you want to create the
bond it needs time and time is patience. Time is understanding.

Time that most don't give.

Today, we have technology, we want a reply fast, want this and that fast, get upset so
easily it we don't get a fast response. We assume lots of things because we don't get the
response we want./

We want to control and become insecure because we want to possess than to nurture. In
doing so, our impatience can damage the relationships we are building.

People can buy mobile phones easily, tv easily, fast foot easily, internet connection
easily, votes easily and you can even buy likes. You can buy space and sharing your
content with currency.

But you cannot buy friendship.

You cannot buy into love.

You cannot buy meaningful relationship.

You cannot do what children do and stamp your feet, shout, cry, create drama to buy
love. You nurture. You be patient. You give and do so with sincerity which opens the
other person's heart.

One day, people find themselves alone because they lack understanding and patience.
Most people want it fast, now, this instant instead of being patient in cultivating the
relationship with an open, forgiving, loving, compassionate and understanding heart.

Most complain about how they haven't got friends.

Most complain the world doesn't give them friends and yet, they don't understand what
it takes to build such friendship.

Most complain no one loves them.

Most complain they haven't got lovers and yet, they have time to build meaningful
relationships. To give, socialise, be interested in other people, learn and understand
other people.

But most don't because it takes effort, time, patience and you just cannot buy meaninful
relationships, true friendship and true love with money.

They got time for everything else but not time to connect with the one they say they

As the fox says..

"One only understands the things that one tames.Men have no more time to
understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no
shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more."

It takes Time...Nurture..Patience.
6. Uniquiness In Love
You will see questions on Quora like "there are so many attractive women and yet my
boyfriend/girlfriend is with me. Why is he/she with me when he/she can be with
someone more attractive?"

To the person one is with, he/she is unique.

The beauty, the good, the flaws, the imperfectins, the voice, the kindness to sometimes
even the times of misunderstanding are unique to the person. He/she doesn't see all
these attractive people as unique but he/she does with who they are with.

The insecurity of some people do not realise, we are all unique to the one who love us
and build meaningful relationship with us. We can love many people but each person
we love is unique.

This is the realisation the Little Prince came upon as the rose tells him:

To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you.But
in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses:
because it is she that I have watered;because it is she that I have listened to when she
grumbled, or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she
is my rose.

There will also be different people you meet and each need different way of nurturing.
Like the different way with the rose and different way with the fox.

Time, patience will reveal how to do so with whoever you meet along the way for new
friends and lovers.

We are all unique. We are all special.

But there is another part of uniquiness.

All the people are just a like in that they want something. They get it and leave. They
want sometthing and if they don't get it now, they leave.

They want something and if they don't get it the way the want it they create drama and
even hurt you with their games.

But if you want to be special to the person then you need to give time, patience,
nurturing and following the other steps below to be unique to the person.

Or you'd just be like everyone else.

Like the millions and billions of people on this planet. Like the millions on social media.
Like the many women and men we meet. They come, they take and they leave.

Unwilling to do these steps

7. Consistency
In relationships there is consistency. Do not give false hopes. Do not say words of love
and then do not follow through. Do not say you'll meet and you don't not by giving

Remindes me of many people who flake on dates.

If you want a certain type of relationship, say so from the beginning. If all you desire is
friendship, say so. If you desire to date someone, say so. If you desire but sex, say so. If
you desire more, say so.

Don't give false hope. Be consistent in our words and our behaviour or then it is but
manipulation and one giving false hope.

Relationship needs consistency so you can't behave one way and suddenly behave so
different to frustate the friend or lover. This is not love. This is not consistency.

This is seeing but with two eyes not the third eye.

Not the from the heart.

8. Being Responsible
Once you start something you're responsible for what you start and build. If you want
the relationship to grow then you don't neglect it.

Relationship takes time, patience, nurturing, consistency and being responsible. That's
what makes you unique than the the hundreds and thousands to this person you want a
relationship with.

Not just in friendship, but maybe lovers, maybe customers and maybe your own
audience too. This is the same with friends who want to be friend with you to boyfriends
and girlfriends.

Are they patient or drama and demanding?

Are they unique in their love with patience or impatient?

Are they consistent or just inconsistent and frustrating?

Are they responsible or behave like victims?

Are they how the Rose was with pretending to die. The Rose was once vain. Very
insecure. Trying to get attention by pretending to die.

Talking about drama.

Like some people who talk about how their world is ending, they life is terrible and on
and on to get attention.
5. It will take the Little Prince a year of travelling to understand his feelings towards the rose. To
understand that the pleasure of a meeting ends in the pain of a separation. To tame another being is

to accept that, some day, that being will disappear. It is the danger of early disappearance of his

rose that plunges the Little Prince into melancholy and prompts him to let the snake bite him so that

he can return to her on planet B612. The true life is that of the spirit which, at need, can dispense
with matter, with the shell : in order to return to his rose, the little prince sacrifices his fleshly body,

allowing the poisonous snake to bite him : I shall look as if I were dead and it will not be true ,

he says, in his last message to us.

6. Remember to look beyond the surface.

When the narrator draws a boa constrictor digesting an elephant, all the grown-ups around him
see is a hat. Their interpretations are dull and lifeless; their imaginations long gone. Feeling
defeated, the narrator abandons a "magnificent career as an artist" all because adults refused
to see or feel.

Don't hide your true feelings; it will cost you everything that
is important.

Once the little prince begins hinting at his plans to explore new planets, his flower whom he
has nurtured and cared for claims not to need him and to be self-sufficient. And so, the little
prince abandons her, even though he "ought to have realized the tenderness underlying her silly

Judge yourself before you judge others.

On the first planet he visits, the little prince meets a king who encompasses the entire population
of the planet, and claims to reign over everything. Though the little prince can't fathom what it is
he actually does, the king teaches the hero that judging yourself is far more difficult, and at times
far more important, than judging others. It is only through judging ourselves that we can grow as

There is very little substance in coveting the admiration of

On the second planet, the little prince meets a vain man who spends his time admiring himself,
and seeking the admiration of others. But living for the admiration of others is to never live for
oneself. And living for only oneself is to never love or care for another.

Drinking to forget is a vicious and ultimately feeble


The drunkard drinks to forget he is ashamed. The drunkard is ashamed because he drinks. To the
little prince, it seems very strange for a man to spend his days in such a manner when he could
be doing far more exciting things (like planting flowers). But to us grown-ups, its a reminder of a
vicious cycle, and one that only ever ends in more sadness and despair.

You should never take yourself too seriously.

The little prince meets a businessman who counts all the stars in the galaxy so that he can own
them. "I manage them. I count them and then count them again. It's difficult work. But I'm a
serious person." But being too serious has landed him a monotonous life, a lonely life, and a life
in which he does not even appreciate the beauty of the stars he owns.

Don't forget to enjoy your life take a moment and take it

all in.

It is the lamplighter of the 5th planet who gains the little prince's respect, for he follows his
orders dutifully to switch the lamplight on and off through the day. But because his planet
revolves once a minute, he never gets a moment of rest. A month goes by in a minute. And a
lifetime in a few days.

Follow your instincts to explore.

When the little prince meets a geographer who refuses to explore his own world because he is
too busy researching far-off lands, we learn that it is far too easy to fall into the trap of
investigating into the places we wish to explore, but never actually going anywhere.
Trust in unusual characters you might learn something.

Foxes are often depicted as tricksters or villains, but this fox simply needed companionship
friendship. And it is the fox who bestows upon the little prince three important life lessons.

"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

"It's the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important."

"You become responsible for what you've tamed."

Care for the the things you have, for they cannot be

Even amidst a garden of beautiful roses, the little prince cannot escape thoughts of his own rose
he just can't replace her. "One couldn't die for you. Of course, an ordinary passerby would
think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than all of you
together, since she's the one I've watered."

Sometimes you have to let those you love fly free.

Even though the narrator a lonely and stranded pilot has come to know and love the little
prince; he knows that to keep him on Earth would be to hurt his friend. Before the little prince
leaves, he tells the pilot, "In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing.
And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the night sky." Sometimes
you have to let people go, because to keep them would be to trap them. But letting them go can
be the truest demonstration of love there is.


Then if a child comes to you, if he laughs, if he


has golden hair, if he doesnt answer your

questions, youll know who he is. If this should
happen, be kind! Dont let me go on being so sad;
Send word immediately that he has come back.
It is up to us to find this Little Prince. If you look closely in the eyes of
those you meet, you might see him peeking out, Go out and meet him.
There is nothing more important than love.


What does that mean?

This is an interesting part of the book The Little Prince, where the Prince was crying about
his rose, and is talking with his new friend the fox.
The Prince is sad because he thought his rose was unique, but now knows better, because
he has seen a row of rose bushes and many more roses. The fox explains that his rose is
unique because of the relationship between them.

That relationship is the bond of the heart, which cannot be seen by the eyes. With that bond
come feelings of responsibility and love. These are some of the greatest bonds on the
planet, and are completely invisible to the eye.

Why is seeing with your heart important?

Have you ever heard someone say I wonder what they see in each other? In hearing that,
you now know the true meaning of this quote, right? The speaker is seeing with their eyes,
the people they are talking about are seeing with their hearts.
Another question for you: have you ever felt compassion for something or someone that was
not pleasing to the eye? How can that be, unless your heart recognises what *it* sees, and
overrides your eyes. This allows you to see what is essential, despite what you might see
with your eyes.

Now, imagine a world where the only thing you felt or acted on was related only to what your
eyes could see, nothing else. What if everyone else in the whole world did the same? What
kind of a world would be? Would it be a nice place for you to live in, or can you see that it
would not be a very pleasant place?

To me, that is the reason why we must always remember there is more to the world than
meets the eyes. I believe we should always try to strive to recognize that which we see with
the heart, not just the eyes.

Where can I apply this in my life?

For me, I find that being centered, being calm, helps me see more clearly with my heart.
Yeah, sounds kind of goofy, but it works for me. What about you, when do you see most
clearly with your heart? Is it when things are calm and you are focused, or when things are
The more hectic my day, the harder I find it is to see with my heart. The more cranky I am,
the more aggravated or angry I am, the more stressed I am, the harder it is to see with my
heart. Is it that way for you as well? Does that give you something to think about?

Once I realized that my state of mind did seriously impact my ability to see with my heart, I
have been trying to maintain a more even keel. I try to stay as centered as I possibly can,
and use a variety of techniques in my attempts. Success varies, but I like to think Im getting

Have you ever thought about the things you do that help you be calm and centered?
Perhaps you use other words, and other means of getting to the place where you see
clearly with your heart. Perhaps you are able to see with your heart at all times. If so, please
leave any hints or tips for those not as advanced. Thanks!

Now the question is what to do once you notice that there is something going on with your
hearts eye. For me, the big trouble is to overcome what my eyes see, or to overlook them,
as it were. What do you do to to see past what you are actually seeing and feel what is
going on, to see with your heart?

You have almost certainly done it before, so think back to times when you have allowed it to
happen. Can you remember what you were thinking, what mood and state of mind you were
in? That is where I would start. Try finding that state of mind and mood, and see how well it
works when you are trying to make it happen.
Try variations, or note how you were in a slightly different mood or state of mind each time
you are successful. Hopefully, within a short period of time, you will have a pretty good idea
what works for you. With that in hand, its time for the next step.

How do you get to that mood or state of mind? It does us little good to know where you need
to be, but be unable to get there, right? What can you say or think to help you adjust your
mood or your mind? I would practice doing those things until I could do it fairly easily, and
on demand.

Now, look at the world with different eyes. The eyes of your heart are unleashed, and the
world will never seem the same. It will be greater and more awesome than you imagined,
and get better every day. At least it has for me.


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