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What is feng shui?

Feng shui (pronounced "fong shway") is a Chinese philosophy about the relationship
between humans and their environment. It is about how everything is connected and
affects your well-being. ......

Developed over 5,000 years ago as a system of how to survive and excel in harmony with
nature, feng shui theories came from logical assumptions about natural causes and effects
that endured through time. ......

Feng shui is based on the Taoist philosophies of nature: these include the Yin-Yang Theory,
Five Element Theory and the trigrams of the the trigrams of the Yi-Jing.......


In the last fifty years since the scientific revolution, certain "technologies" have polluted
our environment, our health and our morale.

We are in an era of change as we approach the year 2000, I believe people are aware of
society's problems and want to progress. It is important that ......


The complete picture of feng shui integrates the unique energies created by you, your
house or office, your environment and the planets. ......


People are a product of their specific environment. We are all unique, with different
parents, friends, education, religion, and we live in diverse environment, and ......

Our stability is regulated by the planetary movements. As day turns into night, as the
seasons change, we change. ......



Case Studies

Frequently Asked Questions about Feng Shui

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From childhood, Master Liu Chi Jen has had a special gift in art. His unique art is inspired
through his passion in Chinese philosophy, divine enlightenment and deep meditations

All of his paintings are commissioned works of art designed especially for his client's


Symbols impact our subconscious mind, they invoke memories from our past and
stimulate our present experiences. Because our subconscious mind makes up about 95%
of our mind frame, the power of symbols on our well-being is infinitely strong. The art and
science of symbolism plays an important role in feng shui


Master Liu Chi Jen (in Chinese)

Master Jenny Liu (in English)

How to get a Feng Shui Analysis and Recommendations for your home or office.

General Tips on Feng Shui for the Office

How to Look For a New Home with Good Feng Shui

Designing With Feng Shui: Architecture, interior design, business logos, and
advertisements created to promote your unique energy.

Seminars catered to your needs.

Find out about Upcoming Events where Master Liu Chi Jen and Master Jenny Liu will be
giving talks and consults. Interested in learning more in person? Add your name to our
mailing list for Seminars and Workshops.

Find out what's in store for you in the Year of the Tiger in Zodiac '98.

In the philosophy of feng shui, before you were born, you existed as part of the five
elements in nature. At the instant you are born, the energy field created by the placement
of the planets when you enter the world affects you, and in many ways, determines your
life's path. Your date and time of birth can be calculated into a Chinese astrological "birth
chart " that defines your life in accurate detail and what your dominant element is. I call
this your "birth element," it determines your body's energy field, telling you which energies
such as colors, sounds, materials, images and so forth that are best suited to "energizing"
you and the different aspects of your life. It also tells you the direction your energy flows
in and which of the Earth's eight directions you are best synchronized with.

The Earth's eight directions are also associated with the five elements. The following
figure shows what they are:

Likewise, the year a building came into being, its location, orientation , the colors and
material, exterior landscaping - sixty factors in all, will have an impact on your business,
health and relationship with others. Feng shui can tell you if your home contributes to your
chronic ills, if you are successful at work, if you are prone to arguments or if your children
are well-behaved.

If we look at only one of these factors, for example, the door orientation, it alone has little
affect on you. It is the combination of everything about your house along with you and the
planets that must be evaluated in order for a sound feng shui analysis to be made.

The geomagnetic energy varies along the Earth's surface. Where a building sets on the land
determines what kind of energies it absorbs. A feng shui compass is used to evaluate how
the energies - hills, valleys, tree, high rises, streets, and so forth - in the eight directions
interact with those of your house or office and affects the inhabitants inside. The Earth's
energy radiates from its molten core. These magnetic forces interact with those of the
planets causing mountains and valleys to form. Different areas have different energies that
can produce either positive or negative effects. Ancient feng shui masters have cataloged
thousands of land configurations and their benefits or disadvantages. Some obvious
characteristics of positive site conditions include healthy and abundant vegetation and
animals, protection from cold winds by embracing mountain branches, and avoids natural
disasters such as floods, earthquakes, landslides and droughts. A positive environment is a
place where people can thrive, it is a "comfort zone" where there is a balance of sun, fresh
air, water supply, where the soil is fertile and the climate is temperate, where the social
political environment is stable, where commerce is strong. A negative site would possess
the opposite characteristics such as pollution, barren soil, vulnerable to disaster. This
includes areas of industry, cemeteries, or hospitals.

The aim of the Chinese philosophy of feng shui is to create an environment that sustains us
and allows us to live progressively. In order to achieve this, it is vital for us to understand
natural patterns and changes so we may better know how to prepare for the future. In feng
shui, when we are considering how our environment affects us, we must look beyond our
immediate surroundings. Although the planets and stars appear distant and small, their
forces are powerful and uncontrollable.


As the lunar new year approaches, there is a change in energy fields as the planets rotate
into a new position. Like an invisible system of gears constantly turning and fitting
together to trigger mechanisms, the planets' movements affect our well-being. In order to
survive natural disasters, the ancient feng shui masters were keen observers of the natural
cycles. They were astrologers that studied celestial movements as they related to terrestrial
and human events. Keeping accurate records and charts, they were able to use empirical
data to predict future events. The success and power of the Chinese government for
thousands of years depended on the accuracy of these observations and calculations of
understanding how the world ticks.

Still in use today is the Nine Star chart and lunar calendar from the ancient Chinese
Farmer's Almanac (Tong Shu) and Book of Changes (Yi Jing). Dating back over thousands
of years, these charts indicate the planetary cycles and their potential impact on global,
regional and human well-being. These charts are rather complex and in depth knowledge is
required to properly interpret them and understand what they mean. Nonetheless, it
suffices for the reader to simply understand that each of the numbers are innately
associated to a variety of natural phenomena. These associations stem from thousands of
years of experience and observation of natural patterns.

In 1998, we are in the 2nd Annual Cycle:

The Nine Star Charts give us insight into how annual planetary movements affect us on
Earth. Based on these charts, I would like to give my readers a general overview of what
1998 may bring for us globally, within the US and in our homes and offices.


As a general phenomena this year, we must look at the center stars of 2 and 7. The 2 star
is associated to the Mother Earth, the female (especially Asian), the stomach and uterus.
The 7 star is associated to supernatural, shrewd, and the mouth. Both 2 and 7 stars "yin"
or feminine energies. This infers that in 1998, there will be more emphasis or attention on
female society. Women, especially from the central regions of global countries will tend to
be sensitive to supernatural phenomena, more aggressive, outspoken, and fearless to
explore the world. However, in their ambition, they may also be prone to conflict and
sexual troubles. Nonetheless, having the 2 star energies in the center also indicates that
overall, there may be more uterus, stomach and digestive problems arising in 1998. This
will likely bring more business to the medical, health food, environmental and purified
water industries.

For 1998, the strongest energies are in the West and East. The West has the stars of 4 in
the 2nd Cycle and 9 in the 7th Cycle. This combination of stars indicate that there is likely
to be heated communication and economic exchange between Western countries such as
the US with Eastern countries such as China. In their interactions, both countries are likely
to celebrate new developments, fame and wealth. However, with the "5" stars in the East
during the 7th Cycle, there is likely to be questionable ethics or illegal business dealings
involved. This may send a ripple effect into the stock market causing it to be more volatile.
Nonetheless, this instability provokes economic and political criticism that may force
global internal government reformation and tax systems to change, especially in the US.
Having triple 9 and double 5 in the East indicates weapon deals, fire disaster, or riots in
respective regions such as the Middle East and Asia. Especially in the month of January
and May, there may be air crashes or violence in Eastern countries.

In the Southeast such as Southeast Asia, the 1 (associated with middle aged man, money,
and sex), 6 (associated with the father, travel and fortune) are both masculine energies that
represent the prospect of business men traveling to the Southeast to attain high profits.
However, with the 5 star appearing in the Southeast during the 2nd Cycle, they may also
face trouble from wrong doers or adultery as well.

Stimulated by Western and Eastern business relations, there is a likely trend of people,
especially young Asian immigrants, traveling from the West such as the US and Canada to
the East, to return to their home countries to marry or be involved in extra-marital affairs.
The adultery is liable to infuriate wives, cause great calamity, injury and an increase in
sexually transmitted diseases. People located in or from northern regions are especially
vulnerable to this problem as there is double 2 and triple 7 in the north. Nonetheless, 1998
is an excellent year to get married and we shall see a greater number of marriages this
year. This means wedding businesses such as bridal, photography, entertainment, and
caterers are likely to see higher income.

Global regions such as the North, South, Southwest and Northeast are unstable in '98.
Countries such as Mongolia, Korea, and Brazil may suffer natural disaster, chaos, or
experience extreme hot or cold climate or accident in naval, air or train transportation.
Furthermore, it is their respective north, south, southwest and northwest regions that are
more vulnerable to these troubles.


Within the US, it is similarly the north, south, southwest and northeast regions such as
Chicago, IL; San Antonio, TX; Los Angeles, CA; or Boston, MA that may have abnormal
weather conditions such as hurricane or increase social problems such as robbery,
homelessness, or cancer. On the East coast in areas such as New Jersey or Washington
D.C., there is probable fire disaster or UFO sightings during the beginning and middle of
the year. In the southeast states such as Florida and Georgia, there is high potential for
scholastic and business development, however, this success may relate to sexual affairs.
The northwest states should proceed with extra precaution because they are vulnerable to
law suit, burglary, and finger pointing. Overall, the West coast states should experience
economic improvement.

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