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SHORT REPORT ABSTRACT: When using repetitive nerve stimulation to examine neuro-

muscular transmission, the change in compound muscle action potential

(CMAP) size is usually assessed by measurement of negative-peak or
peak-to-peak amplitude. Technological developments now allow automatic
measurement of CMAP area, but some patients show increment of CMAP
amplitude and decrement of CMAP area. This study systematically analyzed
the changes in these CMAP parameters in 23 neurologically healthy sub-
jects. CMAPs were recorded when the ulnar nerve was stimulated at fre-
quencies of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 HZ (ve pulses per train). CMAP
amplitude showed signicant increment within a train when stimulus fre-
quency was above 5 HZ (probably due to increased muscle-ber conduction
velocity), whereas CMAP area hardly changed at any frequencies. Measure-
ment of CMAP area produces less ambiguous results than amplitude mea-
surement in repetitive nerve stimulation studies.
Muscle Nerve 29: 724 728, 2004



Department of Laboratory Medicine, Shinshu University Hospital, Matsumoto, Japan
Department of the Third Internal Medicine (Neurology), Shinshu University School of Medicine,
Asahi 3-1-1, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan

Accepted 28 January 2004

The repetitive nerve stimulation test is commonly velopments in computer technology have enabled
used in clinical laboratories to assess neuromuscular area-measuring software to be incorporated in the
transmission in patients with myasthenia gravis or clinical electromyograph and, consequently, area is
EatonLambert syndrome.1 Change in amplitude now commonly used along with amplitude in mea-
(baseline to negative peak and, sometimes, peak-to- surements of CMAP size. In some patients, however,
peak) of compound muscle action potentials peak-to-peak amplitude shows an apparent incre-
(CMAPs) is generally used as the parameter of inter- ment during a stimulus train, whereas the area de-
est during repetitive stimulation (520 pulses), usu- creases. Other patients show a signicant decrement
ally with frequencies between 1 and 50 Hz. Although in area with no change in amplitude. To examine
the criteria for abnormality vary among laboratories, this problem and to clarify the underlying mecha-
a change (increment or decrement) in the fourth or nisms, the changes in CMAP size (amplitude and
fth CMAP amplitude by more than 10% of that of area) during repetitive nerve stimulation were sys-
the rst is generally taken as abnormal. The effect of tematically studied in neurologically healthy sub-
repetitive stimulation is known to depend on the jects.
muscle under test, cutaneous temperature, and stim-
ulation frequency.6,8 SUBJECTS AND METHODS
The area of the negative component of a CMAP Twenty-three neurologically healthy subjects partici-
is known to reect the number of excited muscle pated in the study: 11 were young (20 34 years old;
bers more accurately than the amplitude.1,7,10 De- mean 26) and 12 were elderly (61 80 years old;
mean 69). All gave informed consent to participate
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CMAP, compound muscle
in the experiment, which was approved by our insti-
action potential tutional ethics committee. Each experiment was per-
Key words: compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude; CMAP
area; human; neuromuscular transmission; pseudofacilitation; repetitive nerve formed with the subject in the supine position.
stimulation Nerve stimulation and CMAP recording were
Correspondence to: T. Asawa; e-mail: teasawa@hsp.md.shinshu-u.ac.jp
performed using a clinical electromyograph (Nicolet
2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 12 April 2004 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
Viking, Madison, WI). The right ulnar nerve was
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.20037 electrically stimulated at the elbow with a concentric

724 Short Reports MUSCLE & NERVE May 2004

needle electrode. Routinely, each stimulus train con- so that some change in the joint angle during stim-
sisted of ve rectangular pulses with a pulse duration ulation was inevitable. To examine the effect of
of 0.5 ms. The stimulus intensity was supramaximal changes in the relative positions of the recording
for the CMAP, and the frequencies used were 1, 2, 5, electrodes and muscle bers on the CMAP ampli-
10, 20, 30, and 50 Hz. The stimulus trains were tude, the maximal CMAP size was measured while
delivered at intervals of more than 1 min. stimulating the nerve (with ten pulses at a frequency
The CMAP was recorded from the abductor dig- of 0.5 Hz) at three different metacarpophalangeal
iti minimi muscle by surface electrodes. To minimize joint angles (45, 60, and 90) in ve neurologically
movement of stimulating and recording electrodes normal subjects. The CMAP amplitudes recorded at
and its effect on the CMAP, joint angles were kept angles of 60 and 90 were expressed as a percentage
constant throughout the experiment: the elbow joint of that recorded at 45. Other experimental settings
was fully extended, the forearm pronated, and the were the same as for the main studies.
wrist joint maintained in the neutral position, with
metacarpophalangeal joints supported at 45 by Control Experiment 2. To analyze any contribution
holding the subjects hand and the pillow. The active of change in nerve conduction velocity (see Discus-
electrode was xed with adhesive tape over the sion), velocity was measured in ve subjects who
mid-region of the muscle belly of the abductor digiti showed an apparent increase in CMAP amplitude
minimi muscle (but placed slightly dorsally to mini- during repetitive stimulation. The cutaneous nerve
mize movements due to contraction), and the refer- at the fth digit was stimulated by surface ring elec-
ence electrode was xed over the proximal phalanx trodes, and sensory nerve action potentials in the
of the fth digit. The amplier lters were set at 20 right ulnar nerve were recorded orthodromically via
Hz and 2 kHz. Both peak-to-peak amplitude and needle electrodes at the elbow joint. The reason for
total area (negative area plus positive area) of the recording the sensory rather than motor conduction
CMAPs were measured by the Viking electromyo- was to exclude the contribution of neuromuscular
graph. The electromyogram was also stored in a data transmission or muscle bers. The stimulus intensity
recorder (XC-9000, Teac, Tokyo, Japan) for further was selected to produce slight pain in order to excite
analysis of the potentials. The room temperature was most of the large bers. The recording needle elec-
kept above 25C. The measured room temperature trodes were inserted in the immediate vicinity of the
was actually 25.030.5C (mean 26.8C), and the nerve. The stimulation consisted of double pulses
skin temperature was 30.633.8C (mean 32.8C) at with intervals of 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 33, 20, 10, or
the forearm, and 28.133.4C (mean 31.8C) at the 5 ms. We averaged 20 30 pairs of potentials at each
hand.8 of these intervals.
CMAPs were further analyzed using a signal pro- A paired t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
cessor (DP-1100, NEC Medical Systems, Tokyo, Ja- were used for statistical analysis of the data.
pan), and several parameters were computed. These
were negative and positive amplitudes (amplitude RESULTS
from baseline to respective negative and positive
peaks), peak-to-peak amplitude (amplitude between Change in CMAP Amplitude and Total Area at Each
negative and positive peaks), negative and positive Stimulus Frequency. Changes in amplitude and to-
areas (areas of respective negative and positive tal area at each stimulus frequency (150 Hz) were
parts), total area (sum of negative and positive ar- compared for both young (20 34 years, mean 26
eas), and negative and positive duration (duration of years, n 11) and elderly (61 80 years, mean 69
respective negative and positive parts). These param- years, n 12) subjects. Increased amplitudes of the
eters were calculated for all ve CMAPs evoked at a fth potential compared to the rst potential were
given stimulus frequency, and those of the second to signicant at almost all stimulus frequencies (at all
fth CMAPs were expressed as a percentage of those frequencies for the elderly, P 0.05 at 5 Hz and P
of the rst. 0.01 at the others; at all frequencies but 2 Hz and 5
To determine the mechanism for amplitude in- Hz for the young, P 0.01; paired t-test). The extent
crease with high-frequency stimulation (see Results of increase depended signicantly on the stimulus
section), we performed two control experiments. frequency (P 0.001; ANOVA), being maximal at
30 Hz. The increase was signicantly larger at 10, 20,
Control Experiment 1. The angle of the metacarpo- 30, and 50 Hz when compared to that at 1 Hz (P
phalangeal joints was maintained at 45. Repetitive 0.001; paired t-test). In one subject, increment of the
nerve stimulation, however, induces nger exion, amplitude of the fth potential was as much as 50%

Short Reports MUSCLE & NERVE May 2004 725

Table 1. Increment/decrement of fourth and fth compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs).
Stimulus frequency
CMAP measurements 1 HZ 2 HZ 5 HZ 10 HZ 20 HZ 30 HZ 50 HZ
Fourth CMAP
Peak-to-peak amplitude 2.0 2.4 2.1 2.3 3.2 4.5 10.8 9.8 17.8 10.9 18.7 10.8 15.5 11.3
Negative peak amplitude 2.7 2.9 1.3 2.3 1.9 4.7 7.0 11.2 16.8 10.3 16.7 10.3 11.9 9.3
Total area 0.9 2.9 0.2 2.6 0.4 4.3 0.1 6.6 2.5 6.8 2.8 6.6 3.0 9.7
Negative area 0.4 5.0 0.6 3.7 2.4 3.8 1.6 6.9 3.9 6.6 4.9 6.0 11.7 9.6
Fifth CMAP
Peak-to-peak amplitude 2.4 2.7 2.9 2.7 4.3 5.6 12.8 10.8 22.2 12.9 24.8 13.2 21.4 12.6
Negative peak amplitude 2.9 3.6 1.3 3.0 2.0 5.4 7.8 12.1 20.3 11.0 21.1 10.7 15.7 13.3
Total area 1.1 3.2 0.8 3.1 0.1 4.8 1.2 7.1 1.0 8.2 1.3 7.7 1.7 7.5
Negative area 0.8 3.6 0.9 4.5 2.2 4.5 0.8 8.0 4.7 7.6 5.8 6.2 11.6 6.4

All the data are expressed as percent of the size of the rst potential. Values expressed as mean standard deviation. The data for young and elderly subjects
have been combined.

of amplitude of the rst. There was no signicant

difference between young and elderly subjects, nor
was there signicant interaction of age and stimulus
frequency (ANOVA). Contrary to the amplitude, the
total area remained within 5% of control at each
stimulus frequency. There was no signicant differ-
ence either with stimulus frequency or age
(ANOVA). The increment/decrement of peak-to-
peak amplitude, negative-peak amplitude, total area,
and negative area at each stimulus frequency during
repetitive stimulation are summarized in Table 1.

Changes in Total Area and Negative Area of the CMAP.

Because the number of muscle bers excited is best
reected by the negative area,1,8,11 the change in
total area at each stimulus frequency was compared
with that of the negative area. The area of the neg-
ative component decreased during the train at high
frequencies, whereas the total area was hardly al-
tered in either young or elderly subjects. When the
data for both young and elderly subjects were com-
bined, the negative area tended to decrease at fre-
quencies of 20 Hz (P 0.01), and 30 Hz and 50 Hz
(P 0.001). In elderly subjects, the decrement
tended to be greater than in young subjects. At
frequencies below 30 Hz, however, the change re-
mained within 5%. The total area hardly changed
at any frequency from 1 Hz through 50 Hz.
FIGURE 1. Changes in CMAP parameters during repetitive stim-
ulation. (A) The negative amplitude (lled circles) showed a
Changes in Negative Amplitude and Duration of the signicant increment during a train at stimulus frequencies above
CMAP. To help clarify the mechanism underlying 5 HZ. The negative area (open circles) showed decrement, but by
the change in peak-to-peak amplitude, changes in comparison, the latter remained more stable. (B) Concomitant
negative amplitude and negative area were com- changes in duration and amplitude of the negative component.
As the negative amplitude (lled circles) increased during a train
pared (Fig. 1A). Since changes for young and elderly
at frequencies above 5 HZ, the negative duration (open circles)
subjects were similar, their data were combined. Al- decreased. Data were derived from 23 subjects for both (A) and
though the change in the negative area during a (B). Circles and bars represent means and standard deviations.
train remained within 5% at frequencies below 30 *P 0.05; **P 0.01; ***P 0.001.

726 Short Reports MUSCLE & NERVE May 2004

Hz, as did the change in total area, the negative Decrease in negative area during high-frequency
amplitude began to increase at 510 Hz, and the stimulation could be produced by several mecha-
increment peaked at more than 20% of amplitude of nisms. Whatever the mechanism, however, the neg-
the control. Increase in amplitude was signicant at ative area is known to be a better reection of the
10 Hz (P 0.05), 20 Hz (P 0.01), 30 Hz (P number of muscle bers activated than other param-
0.001), and 50 Hz (P 0.01; paired t-test). eters, and changes in amplitude and total area are
Since area is a function of amplitude and dura- discussed below in relation to change in negative
tion, the relationship between negative amplitude area.
and negative duration for each of the ve CMAPs in Among the changes we examined, increase in
a train (stimulus frequency, 30 Hz) was analyzed for CMAP amplitude was the most marked, especially
9 young subjects. In all subjects, amplitude increased with stimulus trains above 10 Hz. The amount of
and duration decreased with successive stimuli. The increment of amplitude (negative-peak amplitude,
data of this type obtained at all stimulus frequencies peak-to-peak amplitude) was similar to that in previ-
for all 23 subjects are summarized in Figure 1B. ous work6 (Table 1). Because change in CMAP area
Since there was no difference between young and was minimal and CMAP duration shortened as am-
elderly subjects, the data for both groups were com- plitude increased (Fig. 1B), the mechanism under-
bined. Increase in amplitude and decrease in dura- lying the amplitude increase is probably the same as
tion were signicant at 20 Hz, 30 Hz, and 50 Hz that responsible for the shortening of CMAP dura-
(P 0.01 or P 0.001; paired t-test). At frequencies tion (i.e., synchronization of muscle action poten-
above 5 Hz, the increase in negative amplitude was tials). The possible factors responsible for this are
mirrored by a decrease in the negative duration. At changes in: (1) relative positions of recording elec-
50 Hz, the amplitude tended to decline and, at the trodes and muscle bers due to preceding contrac-
same time, the duration tended to increase. tion; (2) neuromuscular transmission; and (3) con-
duction velocities of nerve and muscle bers. The
Effect of Metacarpophangeal Joint Angle on CMAP Size. rst possibility was excluded by control experiment
With the joint angle of the metacarpophalangeal 1. Regarding the second possibility, efcacy of neu-
joints at 60 and 90, changes in CMAP amplitude romuscular transmission depends on the amount of
were within 5% of those at 45 and, furthermore, acetylcholine released from presynaptic terminals,
the negative component of the CMAP hardly which in turn depends on both the number of syn-
changed, the only change being in the positive com- aptic vesicles and concentration of Ca2 within the
ponent. nerve terminals. Any contribution of these factors is
negligible.1,2,6 Increase in nerve conduction velocity
Change in Nerve Conduction Velocity on Repetitive
leads to nerve action potentials becoming more syn-
Stimulus. The mean latencies of the nerve poten-
chronized, thus decreasing temporal dispersion and
tials provoked by the second stimuli were found to causing amplitude increase and shortening of dura-
be the same as, or slightly longer (by 0.06 0.09 ms) tion of the CMAP. This possibility was, however,
than, those provoked by the rst at every interstimu- excluded by control experiment 2.
lus interval. A shortening of the latency (i.e., in- The last and most probable candidate to explain
creased conduction velocity) was never observed. the amplitude increase and duration shortening is
increased conduction velocity of muscle bers. The
muscle conduction velocity varies among muscles.11
According to Stlberg et al., on double-pulse stimu-
The present study on the effects of repetitive nerve lation the second muscle action potential traveled
stimulation demonstrated that, in the course of a faster by 12.524.0% than the rst.9 They also dem-
train of ve pulses: (1) the negative area of the onstrated that muscle conduction velocity increased
CMAP decreased slightly but only during high- by 0.03 0.60 m/s when stimulus frequency was in-
frequency stimulation; (2) the peak-to-peak ampli- creased from 5 to 20 Hz. Similarly, Farmer et al.
tude increased signicantly (at high stimulus fre- reported that the second action potential traveled
quencies); (3) the negative duration decreased sig- faster (by 10 20 %) when it occurred 6 10 ms after
nicantly (at high stimulus frequencies); (4) the the rst.3 These observations are supported by the
total area remained unchanged throughout the stim- nding of Nishizono et al., who measured the con-
ulus frequency; and (5) no signicant differences duction velocity of a single motor unit using a mi-
regarding these changes were detected between crostimulation technique: conduction velocity in-
young and elderly subjects. creased by 3.7 4.8 m/s when stimulus frequency was

Short Reports MUSCLE & NERVE May 2004 727

increased from 5 to 40 Hz.5 On the basis of these Presented in part at the 43rd meeting of the Japanese Society of
ndings, the amplitude increase and concomitant Clinical Pathology, Hamamatsu, Japan, November 1996. The au-
thors are grateful to Dr. T. Hashimoto and Dr. H. Morita of the
duration shortening that we observed in CMAPs dur- Third Department of Internal Medicine (Neurology) for valuable
ing repetitive stimulation is most likely to be due to comments on this manuscript.
increased conduction velocity of the muscle bers,
leading to a greater synchronization of muscle elec-
trical events.12 It is worthwhile to note that increase REFERENCES

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728 Short Reports MUSCLE & NERVE May 2004

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