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Lesson Plan for 4A, 5A, and/or 6A

Student Teaching Semester: Planning Instruction and Assessment

Teacher Candidate: Paige Bauling
School District and School Name:
Grade Level and Age Range of Students: 2nd grade, ages 7-8
Cooperating Teacher:
University Supervisor:
Date of Observation:
Central Focus of the Lesson and/or Lessons: Subtraction
Part 1: Context for Learning
A. General Context:
Name the textbook used for instruction: N/A
Name the textbook publisher: N/A
Name the date of publication: N/A
Name the time spent daily/weekly on literacy instruction in your classroom: N/A

For this lesson we will be working with subtraction, there is no textbook or major literacy focus in this
lesson. Instead we will be working on subtraction, time, and money doing our Daily 5 stations. This type
of learning has been done all year and gives students choices on what they do, but also has them focus
on what they need to improve upon.
B. What standards must be addressed when planning to address the central focus?
Name the applicable Common Core Standards:
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.7: Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings
and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition
and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting three-
digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones; and
sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.C.7: Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five
minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.C.8: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels,
and pennies, using $ and symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how
many cents do you have?
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.OA.A.1: Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step
word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and
comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.1

C. Central Focus/Content Focus and Objectives: a description of the important understandings and
core concepts that you want students to develop within the learning segment (see the EdTPA Handbook
included in your LiveText account for a complete definition and examples)
For todays lesson, the central focus will be on subtraction with smaller focuses on time and money at
certain parts of the lesson. We will be working with subtraction in six of our ten stations. For these
lessons we will be using the Phrase More on the Floor.Go next Door and get 10 more or More on
TopDont stop when looking to see if we need to regroup our subtraction problem. This is something
that they do with the teacher, Math with Self: worksheet, and on Moby Max (I-Pads). This gives them a
question to think about as they work through their problem as they work on mastering the skill of
subtraction. They have also just learned a new way to find the answer to a subtraction problem using a

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number line. This concept is coming easier to some students than others and they have not yet figured it
out fully. For this lesson and depending on the group I will give a range of questions and ask them to use
both the More on the Floor strategy and the Number Line strategy. This will allow students to try two
different ways to answer similar problems and find which one works best for them. This relates to
common core standards by using place value and starting with the ones and working up to answer
subtraction problems and the properties of operation such as regrouping in their work. This is slightly
different from the Number Line strategy where students are using their drawings to model the
relationships between the two numbers being subtracted. While there is no curriculum for this school we
are going along with the goals the teachers in this district wrote out as a whole. Subtraction is a major
focus in second grade and we are spending the entire third semester solely on this subject and continue
talking about it for the rest of the year.
Name the learning objectives you have identified that will support the central focus
Since this concept of the number line is new and students who have been previously working with
four digit by four digit number subtraction are not yet catching onto the idea of using a Number
Line. I will be focusing on students answering subtraction problems using the number line in
numbers lower than 1,000.
Students understanding of reading a clock by fives and be able to answer the problem on the
large clock.
Students can work through a subtraction word problem using the CUBES Model. (Circle the
Numbers, Underline the Question, Box out the Important Words, Evaluate and Eliminate what you
dont need, and Solve.)
Students will use their knowledge of money both cents and dollars to answer/show answer word
problems as a group.
What do you want the students to understand?
For this lesson students must understand how to use both regrouping strategies and a number line to
answer subtraction problems with the teacher, by themselves, and in a word problem. Students have had
many weeks of practice with this concept, but still need to be reminded when taking 10 away you need to
make the number you took away smaller by one. This concept will have and will be working on for the
rest of the year, but I hope students will start to understand better because of the number line. For the
time component of the lesson students must understand which hand is for the hour and minute, how to
count by fives, and what each big number on the clock stands for. We will be focusing on times from our
assessment that we got wrong and getting the students to reflect on how they can work on their individual
goals. Finally for money I want student to understand if I have a certain amount of money such as 78
cents what can be added together to get me 78 cents.
What do you want the students to do independently once the lesson has been taught?
I want the students to continue working on their understanding of subtraction whether it be two digit by
two digit, three digit by three digit, or four digit by four digit subtraction. This will be decided on which
group they are in with the teacher and with that what worksheet they will have. They will continue working
with the number line to answer a subtraction problem.
What academic language is essential for mastery of this content?
Academic Language: Regrouping, Number Line, Subtraction,
Key Phrases: CUBES, More on the Floor?
As students are completing these stations they will need to know these terms for academic language:
regrouping, number line, and subtraction. Students have been introduced to all of these terms before
both in addition and subtraction, though the number line with subtraction is newest from last week and
students are still working on understanding it. We have connected regrouping with the key phrase More
on the Floor, by the students asking themselves this question it lets them know if they have to group or
not. This is the area that they struggle with and that we will be working on for the rest of the year. The
key phrase students need to know and have been using most of the year is CUBES standing for Circle

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the Numbers, Underline the Question, Box out the Important Words, Evaluate and Eliminate what you
dont need, and Solve. This is posted on the wall in the room for students to reference and as we work on
the problem of the day as a class I say what each on stands for.

D. Prior Knowledge and Cultural and Community Assets:

How will your students prior knowledge and cultural and community assets affect your
instruction of this content?
Students have been completing the Daily 5 stations all year long and know how to complete the stations
and tasks at hand. The second graders have been working with subtraction, a concept that we have
been working on since the beginning of January, and have a strong prior knowledge about the subject.
We are pulling students community assets into these stations by which group they are in. Some students
home life have more time to devote to working on math and reading compared to others and some
students have the natural ability to catch onto subtraction faster than others. Due to this we have four
different groups of varying ability level that allows the teacher to focus on specific needs of the students.
For the time section of the lesson we will be working with the large clock on the whiteboard which we
have been doing for a long time. Some students have had more practice than others with the clock face
compared to the digital clock and that affects how quickly they can state the time. One student in
particular has been homeschooled until the end of last semester and is used to not doing what she
doesnt want to do. Because of this she is having a very difficult time reading the clock when asked. Due
to this I have started randomly asking her and other student what the time is to get her used to reading a
In todays lesson we will be working on money word problems that have one to two parts in them. We
have been practicing word problems for a while and this is a branch off of another activity they do in class
called in my pocket. All students know how much a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and half dollar equals.
We come up with different ways to find the same amount using different types of coins which is common
for students to do themselves if they go out and buy things.
Students have had prior knowledge on word problems both with money and by themselves in addition or
subtraction. We have been using the CUBES strategy to go about finding the important parts of a word
problem. (Circle the Numbers, Underline the Question, Box out the Important Words, Evaluate and
Eliminate what you dont need, and Solve) Some students have better understanding of this concept than
others, but to help with this as a class we go through the problem to figure out if it is addition or
subtraction and what the questions is asking. Along with this though we do not solve, so that students
that have not done this station yet can still do all of the math and actual problem by themselves. As a
class we keep common words that tell us addition or subtraction on the board and in their notebooks for
them to reference if they get confused. This hopes to help students that are new to the school such as
being homeschooled or have short attention spans.

Part 2: Diverse Learners

How will you meet the needs of the diverse learners in your classroom related to this content?
Please address all applicable categories.
Special Needs Number of Accommodations
Students: Category Students
Students with IEPs 2 Student A: This student requires a quiet spot to sit
away from others due to distractions. Sometimes
this student needs to be reminded what we are
supposed to be doing. I will check in with him
during each station, this will be either a quick walk
by to see that he is on task or stopping to ask him

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a question about his work.

Student B: This student has an aide with them to
help with part of the lesson, the aide leaves after
he meets with math with teacher in the green
group. He gets one on one help with problem of
the day and math with self.

English Language none


Gifted Not specified by While this school does not recognize gifted
school but this is students, there are students in the class that are
what we do for working at a 3rd grade or more level in some
higher level content areas. For this I am introducing a new
learners. aspect to Math with the Teacher where instead of
having the teacher go through the problem at the
end or call on specific students, we will be
introducing the student as the teacher. For this
one student will completely answer and explain
their work for a problem to the group. This allows
me as the teacher to see their understanding level
as well as the students getting an additional
explanation that is different than what they are
used to.
504 none

Other: Vision (1) Student C: For this student there will be an

Struggling enlarged worksheet for them to work with due to
readers (3) difficult vision. This will help the student keep the
ADHD (3) numbers separate and have an easier time
working through the problem.
Student D-F: For these students we will be going
over the problem of the day as a group, they have
the option to do this last after going over it as a
group. During this group time the teacher will be
reading the problem to the class, this will help the
students have background knowledge the problem
before answering it themselves. Along with this
during math with the teacher, the teacher will read
aloud the number that is being subtracted. This
allows students that have trouble reading
numbers the ability to also hear what they will be
Student G-I: For these students with ADHD there is
options for flexible seating if they choose during
certain times of the lesson. These small stations
and mini-lessons are short enough to keep
students attention focused on the task at hand

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without having the lessons be too long. As an

additional option at the students request or
teachers assessment of need, a student could go
to the sensory room for 5 minutes with a teacher
to let out energy if it is felt as the best option.
Part 3: Instructional Focus
A. Planning Instruction:
What is the sequence of your lesson? Include pacing guidelines.
For the math lessons we go by a type of Daily 5 stations called Math with Teacher, Math with Self, Math
with Someone, Math with Technology, and Problem of the Day. Each of these stations is broken up into
ten minute intervals with a five minute mini-lesson in between. Math with Teacher is found in the front of
room on the carpet, where they will be working on math problems in their given digit level. Math with Self
is a worksheet designated by the color of your group and they are practicing similar problems to the ones
during math with teacher. Math with Someone is subtraction flip, they use playing cards with someone
and work to subtract the two numbers faster than their math partner. For this activity they will find a
partner to work with by themselves. Math with Technology is found on I-Pads, students will go on Moby
Max and work on either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. This is a schoolwide app they
use, students must master a facts three times before moving on and must go through all of addition and
subtraction twice before they can move onto multiplication or division. The final station option is Problem
of the Day, this is to work on the student's critical thinking skills with the acronym CUBES to help them
navigate a word problem to find what type of math problem it is and what we need to find. Later in the
lesson we will work through this problem to help those who struggle with this critical thinking math
strategy, but they still have time to try it out and solve it by themselves.
Schedule for the day:
Number Talk: 8:30-35
Station 1 Yellow Group:8:35-45
Station 2 Blue Group: 8:50-9
Time: 9-9:05
Station 3 Green Group: 9:05-15
Station 4 Purple Group:9:20-30
Problem of the Day:9:30-35
Station 5: 9:35-45

Number Talk: 8:30-35

For this section of the day we will be working as a whole class on the carpet to work on using doubles or
other strategies such as making ten to answer questions on the PowerPoint. For todays lesson we
should be going over 8+8, 8+9, 9+9, and 9+10, but depending on prior lessons we could be on a different
slide of numbers. The teacher will ask all of the students what 8+8 is and they will shout out 16. From
there I will ask them how knowing that 8+8 helps you answer what 8+9 is, I will take between two and
three answers from students for each of the two problems. From the carpet I will dismiss students to go
to their first station and I will meet with the Yellow Group first.
Station 1 Yellow Group:8:35-45
For the first station students besides those in the Yellow Group will choose one of the four other stations
to work on. This allows them freedom to choose partners and seats, but also makes them have
responsibility for their actions at these spots. The Yellow Group has the lowest subtraction understanding
level of the group and requires the most focus and hands on help. In this group we are working on
subtraction between two digit and two digit or three digit and two digit. We are focusing on regrouping

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numbers and the steps we need to take in order to find our answer. Students are able to work through
subtraction sometimes by themselves and most times when being guided by a teacher, but still struggle to
follow all of the steps by themselves. Sporadically throughout the station I will get up and walk around to
see how other students are doing and make sure that they are on task.
As this station wraps up I will ring the Chimes on the wall, this lets the students know what we are
switching station and to listen for directions by me about the next task.
Fluency Fact:8:45-50
For this weeks fluency fact we will be working on doubles plus one. Students have their doubles facts
down very well, but we will focus on taking the smaller of the two numbers, doubling it, than adding one. I
will be quizzing students on these facts by asking them 7+7=14+1=15, 2+2=4+1=5. I will also try flipping
it with asking them if I have 13 what is the double plus one, if I have 19 what is the double plus one.
Station 2 Blue Group: 8:50-9
For this station I will be meeting with the blue group, they are working with three digit minus three or two
digit numbers. Students in this group are having trouble with both the regrouping strategy and the
number line because of some misconceptions similar to the green group. Due to this we will be working
on one to two regrouping problems and one number line problem in order to help with different students
strengths or weaknesses. The main misconception with regrouping is during taking ten away from a
number they forget to make that number smaller. We will be focusing on working with the number line,
but students will need to be reinforced with the idea that we subtract all parts of the second number not
just the ones and hundreds place. Some students have that misconception that we do not include the
tens place in our number lines, so I will need to be reminding them that we subtract the whole number not
just the some of the number. As students are working I will be walking around the room to check that
students are on task and not talking to neighbors. At the end of this station I will ring the chimes and give
students directions to move to the carpet for the time mini-lesson.
Time: 9-9:05
For this section of the lesson we will meet at the carpet after everyone has put away their stations
materials, we will be going over telling time on the whiteboard as a class. I will check of understanding by
asking for a thumbs up, thumbs down informal assessment of students ability to read a clock in twenty
seconds or less. This is the goal students have set for themselves the week prior. We will talk about any
changes to our goals for telling time, then work on four to five times on the big clock. Trying to focus on
times that end closer to the hour mark such as 45, 50, and 55 because those were the types of questions
they got wrong in their check in assessment.
Challenge time: 5:46
***This problem is to challenge students that are at or close to mastering telling time by fives, not
everyone will be able to answer this problem and thats okay.***
Station 3 Green Group: 9:05-15
As students get their materials for this station I will start giving them a three digit by three digit subtraction
problem. Some of these students are having trouble working with regrouping, but have shown
understanding and liking of the number line. We will be focusing on working with the number line, but
students will need to be reinforced with the idea that we subtract all parts of the second number not just
the ones and hundreds place. Some students have that misconception that we do not include the tens
place in our number lines, so I will need to be reminding them that we subtract the whole number not just
the some of the number. I started something new this week having students be the teacher and have to

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explain how they got their answer, from that other students will ask questions if they are confused about
something they did. I have only started trying out this idea in groups green and purple groups to see if it
works with this group of students before starting it with yellow and blue group. Since number lines take a
little bit longer to complete we will most likely get through two to three problems. As students are working
I will be moving around to check on the other stations for confusion and to make sure that they are on
We will move into the money mini-lesson by ringing the chimes and singing our money song while
students are putting away their materials. We have been working on small word problems using money
for about three weeks now. We are also working of figuring out multiple ways to get the same amount or
if we have x amount of money can we buy something. This gets students thinking of the many different
ways of having the same amount and comparing two numbers together to find relationships such as
largest and smallest. From the carpet I will send students to their fourth station
I went to the zoo and bought peanuts for $1.31 cents. What is one way that I could buy my
At target there are Pokmon cards for .54 cents each. If I want to buy two, how much would that
be? What is one way I could pay for my Pokmon cards?
At school a set of pencils cost 65 cents. If I have two quarters, two dimes, and one nickel do I
have enough to buy my pencils?
Station 4 Purple Group:9:20-30
During this station I will be working with the Purple Group, they understand subtraction the best with
regrouping strategies, but so far have had trouble with the number line they think it takes too long. Due
to this we will be focusing on working with the number line in order for them to try different options. I
started something new this week having students be the teacher and have to explain how they got their
answer, from that other students will ask questions if they are confused about something they did. I have
only started trying out this idea in groups green and purple groups to see if it works with this group of
students before starting it with yellow and blue group. Due to this we will most likely only get through two
or three problems, when usually we would get through three to five. As students are working I will be
randomly walking around the room to make sure students are on task and not talking to their neighbors.
At the end of this station the student with the most points (got the most answers right) will ring the
chimes to change stations.
Problem of the Day:9:30-35
Todays Problem of the Day is number 6 of our group. It is a subtraction problem asking us to do 30-
17=13. While we will not be solving the problem doing this time incase students have not completed this
station yet we will be completing all of the other CUBES steps. Students will be called on to answer my
questions to each step of CUBES as we go. We get into a little debate every day on words that need to
be eliminated if they are the label to a number such as 30 snowballs. I will explain now you keep these
words to add to your answer to make it into a statement such as 13 snowballs hit Lukes brother. From
the carpet I will send students to their last station.
Station 5: 9:35-45
For this last station I will not be meeting with any specific group, instead I will be walking around the room
helping any student that need it and making sure students stay on task.

How do you plan to capture students attention related to the content?

To get students attention between stations we have a chime to show the change of station. Specifically
before our money section and after ringing the chime we sing a money song as we move onto the carpet
and put away our stations. We have chants to get students attention and focus one is Scooby Dooby Doo
(teacher) and students respond Where are You? this lets students know to stop talking and give me their

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eyes and ears. On the carpet we use the chants Talk(Teacher) Okay(students), this is when we talk to a
partner and to pull students attention back the teacher says Class-idy Class Class(teacher) Yess-idy Yes
Yes(Students) and they know it is time to share their ideas.
What materials will be used to engage students in learning? Technology?
Computer and Projector
PowerPoint Slides
Clock online
White boards and White Board Markers
Pencil (one for each student-25)
Worksheets( different for each group, 4 in total)
Problem of the Day sheet (one for each student-25)
Math Notebook
I-Pads with the program Moby Max
Wind Chimes (to signal moving onto the next station)
Number Line Sheets
Playing Cards

How do you plan to engage students in higher level thinking skills related to this content?
I plan on engaging students in higher level thinking skills during green and purple groups by having them
explain to the group the steps they did to get an answer and answer any questions students have. By
being able to do this correctly students have a four or blue which is considered the highest a student can
go using critical thinking skills. For the yellow and blue group I will not be having them be the teacher, but
I will be calling on students to explain to be what the next step of the problem is. For the money section
we are trying a new type of word problem that gives them multiple amounts and they have to decide
which has more. This requires them to use their money schema and their understanding of bigger or
smaller numbers to decide if they have enough to buy something.

B. Planning Assessment:
How will you know your students are learning the content? How will you know the standards and
objectives have been addressed?
I will be looking at students Math with Self worksheet to see if students are understanding the material
and the strategy of regrouping. I will be checking to see that they show all of their work when they need
to regroup when making the new numbers or taking away from other numbers. Along with this students
write a dot on their paper in either one of four colors to show how they feel about the content. This goes
along with the schools assessment guide as they are put into one of four levels.
Red (1)-Help! I dont get it!
Yellow (2)-Im working on it.
Green (3) - I get it!
Blue (4)-Wow! I can explain how to do this

For the time assessment, this will be an informal assessment to see how students are doing I will get a
thumbs up if they are confident in their time skills to read a clock in under 15 seconds, Iffy middle thumb if
they can answer the time sometimes in 15 second or less, or finally a thumbs down if students need more
than 15 second to answer questions. As we move into reading the clock, students that know the answer
will put their finger on their nose to show the teacher that they have an answer and are ready.
I will know students understand money when they do similar things as time when answering word
problems. After being asked a question students put their finger to their nose to show they know an
answer. These word problems can potentially have multiple answers so we will get multiple students

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input to see what they know.

In the week prior students have completed an assessment packet in math to see how everyone is doing
against the same materials since the worksheets are sometimes different for different color groups. While
students have grown since then this will allow me to change groups or keep them the same depending on
what students are making.
What specific strategies will you plan to implement to ensure that students are cognitively
engaged throughout the lesson?
Some strategies I will be using to keep students cognitively engaged in the lesson is choices. Students
get to choose stations, seating, and partners during this lesson, by doing this students will be more
engaged in their own choices on what they are doing. Another strategy I will be using is presenting
information in multiple forms, we are working with subtraction in math with teacher, math with self, math
with someone, and the problem of the day. We will be working this entire time with subtraction, but it is
different in each station allowing students to not feel like they are doing the same thing over and over
How will you plan to gauge/track student achievement for:
the class
purposefully grouped student groups

For this lesson students are grouped into ability level for math with teacher time, as I am working with
students I am marking off who is getting the answer correct or is one the right track. By doing this I can
move students up or down into a different group to help them focus on what they need. This does go
along with individual gauging and tracking not just how they are working with the teacher, but also on their
individual worksheets. What they are working on in groups is the same as their worksheets so we can
see if they are doing the same steps by themselves or forgetting them. Also students put dots on the top
of their worksheets let the teacher know how they feel they are doing. With this I can either have a class
discussion if multiple people are struggling with the same concept or make sure to give them extra time or
a goal for them to work on that week. For todays lesson there is no major tracking of achievement of the
class, it is more informal as the lesson goes I will be looking to see who is or isnt answering questions
and if we have questions that do not have anyone answering the question.

What samples of students work will be generated by the lesson? (Please attach copies.) Dont have to

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