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Subject: English and Communication

M.Sc Counseling Psychology


Florentyna Rani


Maenardeene Khriam

Nukuzo Phesao

The Role of Psychology in Politics

Psychology is the study of the nature, functions and phenomena of behaviour and mental


- Oxford dictionary of psychology

Politics is the art or science of government.

-Merriam Webster dictionary


From the definitions above, one can know that Psychology as a discipline plays a vital role in

Politics, from understanding politics to identifying the traits of the politician, and even to the

extent of using it as a tool to influence. However, there is no denying that, politics is often

associated to election, corruption and exploitation. The importance of Psychology comes when

there is a need to understand the various aspects of politics and politicians. In this presentation,

we will look at five major aspects of psychology, and discuss how it plays a vital role in politics.

Tools in Politics

1. Use of language

Language is any system structure of sign and meaning for the communication of experience.

Use of language is something a word we use when we speak. Use of language is one of the tools

in politics, where ever politics evolves; propaganda is a major tool in deciding the vote.

Propaganda itself is not possible without language. The work of propaganda in politics; the use

of language for effective electioneering campaign will be based on how language is used by

politician to influence, the state of mind of the hearer and to tarnish the image of their opponent.

It is important not only think about what we say, but how we say it. Orwell, George.

(1946)Politics and the English Language,


2. Emotion

Emotion in politics means feelings for others. It is something that we feel and wanted to do for

others needs and wants. The feeling that you care about someone, and also sorry about someone

else trouble, grief, misfortune helps in creating a string of attachment. It can be also feelings of

support for something or someone. The real feelings that you understand and share another

persons experiences and emotions. Emotion in politics automatically includes empathy and

sympathy, the feeling that you understand and share another persons experiences and emotions;

it is also the ability to share someone elses feelings. (Merriam-Webster's dictionary, 2003)

3. Body gesture

The use of motions of the limbs, or body as a means of expression is called gesture. Body

gesture is one of the tools in politics it is because the movement itself express the meaning what

we wanted to say about. It is a movement of our body that shows or emphasizes an idea or a

feeling. (Merriam-Webster's dictionary, 2003)

4. Silence

Silence has emerged as a new key tool for politicians who intend to convey their message. Today,

politicians are using silence in order to gain attention, by keeping silent when others are voicing

out. Looking at silence from a Psychological perspective, it has been seen as a mean to arouse

curiosity amongst voters to come forward instead of the candidate doing so.

Politics affected by Psychology

The nature or biological factors and even the nurture or environmental influences of a person can

have an effect on the governance or the process of implementing decisions. There are differences

that may explain the thinking, mindset, perspective beneath liberal and conservative minds. It

takes both nature and nurture to form an individual. The nature of a person who runs the

governance may have an impact in producing either good or bad governance. It is the nature or

the biological factors of a person which can lead him/her in having a decision making which will

create a positive impact for producing good governance. Mens good nature, habits, moods,

passions will play a vital role in the formation of good governance because if a person has

inherited good qualities such as being responsible and accountable, knowing the good laws and

policies of the government, respects the rights of the people and who does not corrupt, who

works for the welfare of the people and who has a strong believe in public opinions. The person

who is by nature or who inherits the traits of a good leader from any family member or relatives

will have similar traits and will be a good leader running a good governance. But, if a leader is

from a family background which practices bad governance, the person will inherit and practice

the same behavior as the others.

The nurture or environmental influences of a person also plays a vital role and has an effect on

the governance. Nurture can be defined as the different environmental factors to which a person

is focused from birth till the day he dies. The behavior, the qualities, personality, the habits of a

leader depends on the environmental influences and therefore, good governance is acquired by a

person or leader through the influences of his surroundings. A person who has been raised and

brought up in a political environment will acquire some knowledge of political administration.

WHAT IS GOOD GOVERNANCE? (N.D, www.goodgovernance.org.au/about-good-


Personality traits, behaviour, thought processes of politicians

Here, we shall see about the common traits that politicians share. This is not to say that

politicians and common man are different but we are going to take a glimpse at some of the traits

that set them apart from the rest of the people those traits which we somehow lack while

politicians seem to have more than any of us.

NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory)

According to the NPI test developed by Raskin and Hall in 1979, politicians and three other

people with different professions were given this personality test and the results showed that

politicians scored higher when it comes to having a narcissistic personality than the other three

individuals with different professions. This shows that a narcissistic personality is quite common

and even found to be high with politicians.

Another trait that really sets politicians apart from other people is their persistency when

situations get tough. Have you ever wondered the pressure that candidates go through while

facing the opposition of other parties, or the stressful situation when a lot of people put these

politicians through? It is a wonder to see that no politician ever backed down from what he/she

believed is right, whatever the situation might be. Of course, they do have supporters by their

side to keep them going but in the end the will to keep going on lies within that single individual.

Persistency as a courageous trait to go on is also common between politicians. (Cohen, 2011).

Why people vote

While this may seem as a silly thought for pondering, we think that knowing why people vote

might actually come in handy someday.

The few reasons that we could come up with, about why people vote, are as discussed briefly.

Many people vote because they feel that they have a sense of responsibility towards the future or

the welfare of the people. While some vote because they hope that by their votes, they can make

a change. There are also those who vote, because they have seen the past deeds of the candidate

and think that he/she is a good person, therefore deserving. Some people, however, vote because

they are either being bribed to meet their selfish desires not thinking about the good of the people

Another reason which is logical is that people vote for a particular candidate because he/she is

related to them. And the decision does not need too much explanation as to why they vote for

that person. There are others who vote only because they heard stories about the particular

person. Talks and stories about that candidate seem pretty much enough for these people to

decide to vote for him/her. Others, unlike those mentioned, they do not need a reason to vote.

They just choose a random person, without any concern for their own benefit or for the good of

the people, they just vote. Thats it. While others based their voting on stories and talks, there are

some people who use intuition as their guide. By trusting their inner voice, they choose and

vote a candidate because they belief that this particular person can actually be the right one for

the future good of the people. Some people also vote because the former candidate did not go as

well as they imagined, or because things in the past did not go well with the candidates they

chose before. These people vote because they choose a particular candidate and with a leap of

faith gave this one a chance. (Cohen, 2011).

Psychology affecting people to produce good leaders

If we could come up with a question like this, it highlights that we have a conscientious sense of

being able to do something to produce good leaders. If that is the case then as an ideal

proposition, the power lies in Us alone. Looking back at whatever created history, everything is

the result of choices. Gandhi chose to bring a change without violence and so he did. Everything

was by choice. So what we propose is that, the power lies in us and whatever we in this

generation decide, it will affect the future.

To be able to produce good leaders gave us the idea to propose about why we shouldnt start by

having consulters in schools, working with speakers, leaders and so on. Since we are talking

about Psychology as a whole, we are actually studying behavior and the mind of man himself. If

we, as psychology students could work with schools and other fields, we have a lot of knowledge

about things that can affect human behavior and thought processes. This is like a power and a

chance to inject human minds with goodness in order to produce good leaders and good people

in the future. Of course, there are lot of works that needs to be done and this ideal proposition

still has many loopholes, but it was worth bringing up.

Another idea is to instil the burden of the people and the country itself on the politicians. This

will give them a sense of taking charge because of the burden instilled on them. They will carry

on the burden with the hope of bringing betterment for the people. Instilling burden on the

shoulders of politicians would also give them a feeling of devotion towards the path they have

chosen. (Cohen, 2011).


Emotion. (2003)In Merriam-Webster's dictionary (11th ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-


Colman, Andrew M. (2015). Fourth edition Oxford dictionary of psychology Oxford university

press. NY: NY.

Hornby, A. S. (2005). In Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English (5th Ed.).

New York: Oxford University Press.

WHAT IS GOOD GOVERNANCE? (N.D). Retrieved from

Retrieved from www.goodgovernance.org.au/about-good-governance/what-is-good-


Cohen, Lisa J. (2011). The Psychology of Politics. Retrieved from



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