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FEMS MicrobiologyLetters 66 (1990) 157-162 157

Pubhshed by Else,aer


Energy conservation in Nitrobacter

A. Freitag and E. Bock

Inslttut fur AIIgememe Bolamk. Mtkrobwlogw,HamburgF R G

nccetvoc117July 1989
Rev:slonre~tved 28 July 1980
Accepted 31 July 1989

Key words: Nnrobacter sp, Nitric oxide metabohsm: NADH synthesis; ATP generation

1. SUMMARY The use of mmte as an energy source IS the

subJeCt of several reviews [2,3], but a general con-
The generation of ATP and NADH In total cept for the generation of ATP and reducing power
ceils of N~trobacter was measured under aerobic is rmssmg [4-7]. Wetzstem and Ferguson [7] ex-
and anaerobic condmons. NADH synthesis was plained the coupling of nitrite oxadation to ADP
driven by an ATP independent reaction with mtnte phosphorylatton by proton pumping actwlty of
or nitric oxade as electron donors. The rate of N~trobacter membranes, but Hollocher et al [6]
NADH formation was about 200 Umes ingher, ff and Sone et al. [8] fmled to demonstrate proton
nitric oxide instead of mtnte served as electron pumping activity neither in nimte oxidizing cells
donor. Approximately 2 tool ntmc oxide were nor in reconsmuted cytochrome oxldase vesicles.
nc.ded for the reduction of I mol NAD + NRnte In addition to the mtme oxidizmg system
caused an end-product minbmon of the mine Nnrobacter was shown to possess a NADH oxidiz-
oracle reduced NADH synthesis. ATP was synthe- ing system, winch was stimulated by 2,4-dt-
sized by NADH oxadatlon with oxygen and mtrate mtrophenol (2,4-DNP) or carbonyl cyanide m-
as terminal electron acceptors. chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) (9.10).
In tins arucle we demonstrate, that NADH
synthesis is the primary energy conservmg reac-
2. INTRODUCTION tion m mmte consuming cells of Nurobacter. We
show for the first ume, that mtric oxide is an
Bacteria of the genus Nurobacter were thought efficient substrate for NADH generation. NADH
to be obhgate aerobic organisms. However, Fret- is used for ATP synthasls.
tag t al. [1] demonstrated that Nurobacter could
grow anaerobic~qy by disstrmlatory mtrate reduc-
tion wah acetate, pyruvate or glycerol as electron 3 MATERIALS A N D METHODS
donors. Nlmte oxidation as well as mtrate reduc-
3 1. Orgamsms
tion support slow and inefficient growth.
The experiments were done with Narobacter
wmogradsky~ strata Engel, and N:trobacter vulgans
Correspondence to E Book. Insatut fhr AIIgememeBotamL strata A b l [11]. The orgamsms are kept m the
MJkroblolog:e,Ohnhorststrasse 18. 2000 Hamburg 52. F R G culture collection of the Instltut fur Allgemelne
0378-1097/89/$03 50 1989Federationof European Microbtolo~calSooeues

Botanik (Umverslty of Hamburg). Nitrobacter was premeubated wtth 1 mM thiocyanate. N,N'-dl-

grown nuxotrophically m 20-1 bottles according to eyclohexy) carbodiimide (DCCD, S~gma, F.R.G.)
[121. was used as ATPase inhibitor. In accordance with
[14] cells were premcubatcd for 30 nun with 0.3
3.2. Short term experiments mM DCCD. 2,4-&mtrophcnol (2,4-DNP, Sigma,
In order to measure ATP and NADH genera- F.R,G.) was used as an uncoupler that did not
tion, short term experiments were earned out as affect the mtrite oxldatton activity [15]. The opti-
described m [13]. Anaerobic tests were done m a mal concentration was 0.1 raM. The premcubat|on
glove-b0x with a gas nuxture of 88~ N:, 10~ H : , time was 30 nun.
and 2~ CO 2. After premcubatton for 30 nun,
mtrate (15 raM) or mtnte (15 raM) m Tfis-buffer 3.4. Analyucal procedures
(75 raM, pH 7) were added to the cell suspcnston. ATP and NADH were extracted from intact
Aerobic resplratton was reduced by the addltmn cells by the method of [16]. ATP was quannfied
of air saturated Tns-buffer (75 mM, pH 7.5) by the luclferin-lucifcras test [17]. Quantitative
without substrates (endogenous resplratton) or by N A D H analysis was carried out by the method of
the addmon of 15 mM mtme (mtnte oxidation) or [18]. Protein measurcmems were accomphshed by
h',trate (aerobic mtsate reduction). Oxidation of the method described m [19]. Oxygen was mca-
nitrtc oxide was achieved under anaerobic condi- sured with an oxygen electrode (WTW, F.R.G.).
tions by the addttion of mmc oxide saturated Nttritc and mtratc were quanufied by HPLC tech-
Tns-buffer (75 raM, pH 7) Under aerobic condi- mque according to [20]. Poly-fl-hydroxybutyrate
tions mtrtc oxide-gas (5000 vpm, Messer Gnes- was quantified by the method of [21].
hetm, F.RG.) was continuously bubbled through
the cell suspenston wtth a rate of 10 m l / m m .
Aerobtc and anaerobic resplraUon were stopped 4. RESULTS
by the addmon of ethanol to a final concentranon
of 75(g. Nttnc oxade (NO) consumptmn dunng 4 1 ATPproductlea
these experiments was calculated from the ac- Anaerobic -t, chtloas In Fig. la, b changes of
cumulatton of the end-products mtnte and mtrate, the ATP and NADH pools are presented aftes the
which were estimated in 5 nun intervals within 30 addinon of nitrate or mtnte to resting cells of
nan. The chermcal mtnc oxide oxidation was de- Nttrobacter wmogradskyJ under anaerobic condi-
termined in control experiments with boded cells. tions.
These values were subtracted from those which If mtratc was added as the electro:-, acceptor,
were measured wtth active cells. an increase of the ATP pool was mea~ lred at the
expense of the endogenous I~ADH pool (Fig. la).
3 3 In wvo measurements of NADH The NADH content dropped rapidly within the
In order to demonstrate in vivo NADH forma- first two seconds and then more slowly. Nitrate
tmn, the NADH pool of intact Nttrobacter cells reducing cells produced 5.5 nM m t r i t e / r m n . m g
was measured by difference spectra [9]. Before protein (not shown). If nlt ~.~was used as electron
starting the experiments, poly-fl-hydroxybutyrate acccptor neither ATP production nor NAD_,,TM con-
(PHB) was removed from the cells by prcincuba- sumption (Fig. lb) were ,'~easurable. The ATP
tion for 48 h without any substrate. The protein pool remained constant bu, the NADH pool in-
content of the cell suspension was adjusted to 0 5 creased slightly. 2 6 nM n i t n t e / m i n . n ~ g protein
m g / m l The NADH production was recorded as were reduced to NO and N20 (not shown)
an increase of extinction at 340 nm on a computer Aerobic conditions When oxygen was added to
controlled Shimadzu photometer. NADH forma- anaerobically resting cells, the ATP content of the
tion was initiated by the addition of 15 mM nitrite ~otal cells increased within 5 s while the NADH
or NO gas (5000 vpm. 10 m l / m i n ) The reference content decreased. When oxygen together with
euvettes contained inactivated cells, which were nitrate were used as electron aceeptors, ATP


triM/rag Protmn] [nM/mg Protein] [nil/rag Protein] [nH/mg Protmnl

]b] 3

3 TP '2

1 1 NAOH " I
L . . . . . . . . A_TP
0 5 10 [sec] 5 10 [sec]
Fig la.b Anaerobic ATP formation and NADH consump- Fig 2a.b Aerobic ATP formation and NADH consumpt,on in
hon/fermalmn m resting cells of Nitrobacler wmogradskyl (a) rcst)ng cells of Nlrrobacter wmogradskyt (a) nitrate reduction,
nnrat reducllon, ATP (0), NADH (O) (b) nitrite reduction. ~TP (). NADH (o) (b) endogenous resptratm0n, ATP (el,
ATP (el, NADH (3) NADH {ra), mmt o~adauon, ATP (&). NADH (A)

synthesis w a s achieved at a h i g h e r level than w l , h

o x y g e n a l o n e ( F i g 2a). W h e n cells were i n c u b a t e d Ext 0z
w i t h air s a t u r a t e d nitrite s o l u t i o n ( F i g 2b), the 340 nrn ]% ]
level o f A T P synthesis w a s the s a m e as m the
c o n t r o l w i t h e n d o g e n o u s r e s w n n g cells

4.3. N A D H productwn
NJtrtte as a substrate. Ntzeobaczer wmogradskyt
w a s d e p l e t e d o f P H B as d e s c r i b e d in 3 3 T h e

e x p e r i m e n t w a s started b y the a d d i t i o n of m t m e
to aerobically r e s p i r i n g cells In Fig. 3 c h a n g e s m
the N A D H p o o l are s h o w n as c h a n g e s m extrac-
t i o n a t 340 rim. I n a m t r l t e o x i d ~ n g cell s u s p e n -
sion w R h 0.5 m g / m l p r o tein , the dissolved o x y g e n [1NP
t e n s i o n d r o p p e d w l t l u n t h e first 4 n u n to less t h a n 80
4 ~ s a t u r a t i o n . D u r i n g the first 5 n u n a de c rea s e
a n d t h e n a n increase o f N A D H w a s m e a s u r a b l e . -02
T h e m a x i m u m level w a s reached a ft er 2 - 2 5 h. 20
W h e n the s a m e e x p e r i m e n t w a s carried o u t u n d e r L. . . . . ~
anaerobic conditions, the NADH pool increased 10 30 [mln]
w i t h o u t a lag p h a s e o f 5 rain ( n o t shown). Pre- Fig 3 Effects of uncouplers on anaerobic NADH formauon m
i n c u b a t i o n w i t h 2 A - D N P i n h i b i t e d the N A D H Nurobacter wmogradskyn mtnte (0), mtnt plus DCCD (o),
synthesis totally, w h ile p r e i n e u b a t i o n w i t h D C C D mmte plus 2.4-DNP (A). dissolved oxygen t erosion I - - - --)

cally with N O gas. The results are presented m

[3~,0] , ~ ' a ~- Ftg. 4a, b.
An immedtate increase in the N A D H pool was
o,lo [a] oncleroblc [b] aerobic measurable, when nitric oxide was added. The
maximum level was reached witlun 30 s. N A D H
synthesis did not occur if nitnc omde or mtrite
were absent.
In the presence of nitrite, the nitric oxide re-
o,o5 duced N A D H synthesis was inhibited. Under
anaerobic conditions mtrite caused an average m-
babition of 75~; m the presence of oxygen only
30% inlubttion was observed.
In order to measure the stolchrometry between
nitric oxide oxtdatmn and N A D H formation, senes
1 2 i 2 [mini of short term experiments were done as described
F~g 4 Stimulationof NADH synthes~s by NO under anaerobic in 3.2. The results from 6 experiments with two
(a) and aerobic(b) condmons m Nitrobacter wmogradskyl NO
different species of Nttrobacter are summarized in
(O), NO plus nutnte (A). without NO and mtnte (~)
Table 1. Wttlun the first 10 s the N A D H content
of cells increased with a constant rate. The maya-
mum level was reached after 2 5 - 3 0 s (not shown).
Nitrite and mtrate concentrations mcreased con-
tmuously throughout an incubation time of 30
enhanced the N A D H formation for approramately min (not shown). The rates of N A D H productmn
30% (Fig. 3) were calculated to t,e 55 mol. 1 0 - 1 2 / s . m g pro-
In a series of additional expenments the p H tern in active cells of Nitrobacfer wmogradskyJ and
optimum of the N A D H formation was deternuned 5 tool. 1 0 - ~ 2 / s - mg protein m inactive cells (sta-
to be pH 6.8-7.0 (not shown) tionary phase). The rates of biological mtric oxide
Nitric oxide as a substrate. Nttrobacter wtno- oradat]on vaned between 137 and 6 tool. 1 0 - ~ 2 /
gradskyt was depleted of PHB and incubated s. mg protein. The ratio of oxidized nitric oxide to
anaerobically with N O saturated buffer or aerobt- reduced N A D vaned between 1 and 3,

Table 1
Rates of mlnle, nitrate and NADH formation and of mtnc oxide onsumplton by Nttrobacter wmogradskyl and NJtrobacter vulgarts
dunn8 nltnc oxide oxidation
Species Rates(tool 10-]a s-Lmsprotem -;) Ratios
Nttnte Nitrate Ntmc oxide NADH NO/NADH
formation formaUon consumpaon * formation
N vulgans a 39 4 43 lg 24
N wlgarls a 36 4 40 15 2?
N wmosradskyl a 76 8 84 42 2C
N wmogradskyt " 127 9 136 55 25
N wmogradsk_m = 127 f0 137 44 30
N wmogradskyl b 2 4 6 5 I2
Rmms of mmc olude consumption to NADH formation are expressed as NO/NADH The results represent exclusivelyblolo~cal
activities,Chenuca| nitric oxide oyadatton rates have been subtracted
Nitric oxide consumption was ealculatexlfrom mtrtte plus nitrate formaUon
= calls from losanthralc growth phase, b cells from stauonary growth phase

5. DISCUSSION Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate that

mtric oxide had a stimulatmg effect on the NADH
According to an accepted working model
synthesis. The NADH formation reduced by nitric
[3,9,10], ATP syntbeSlS ra Nttrobacfer cells is driven
by the nitrite oxidation and N A D H is produced at oxide was an oxygen independent renetlon. Com-
pared to mmte, mtric oxide was the. more efficient
the expense of ATP by the so called reversed
electron transport. electron donor. The average ratio of NOox~dtz~l to
ATP formation in whole cells of Ntfrobacter NAD~.duc~ was 2.3, whereas the ratio of NO~-o.,i~ d
to NAD~duc~d was assumed to be 5 [25].
was shown to be achieved by two different reac-
From the thermodynatmc point of view nitric
tions, provided that NADH was available. First,
oxide ts a better substrate for N A D H synthesis
in the absence of oxygen ATP synthesis was driven
by nitrate reduction. Second, in the presence of than mtnte Compared to E~ 7 + 420 mV for the
oxygen ATP was produced by aerobic respiraUon. N O 2 / N O ~- couple, the redox potential of the
The highest rate of ATP production was achieved, NO/NO~- couple is E ~ + 374 mV [26], If water
is the reactant or more negative tf hydroxyl ions
if both, nitrate and oxygen, were added as electron
acceptors, These results indicate that nitrate serves are the reactants [27]. At the moment these find-
ings are verified by different techniques e.g. EPR
as an electron acceptor, even when oxygen ts
spectroscopy of an hypothetical highly electro-
competing for electrons. WRh respect to the ATP
synthesis Nttrobacter s ~ m s to be able to demmfy negative intermediate. On the other hand we are
testing whether nimc oxide stimulates lithotrophic
under aerobic conditions. Due to the mtnte
growth of Natrobacter.
oxidizing actxvity of Nttrobacter, an accumulation
of the end product nitrite was not measurable.
In contrast to the findings of Aleem et at. [10]
and O'KeUy and Nason [22], we dicl not detect
any direct link between nitrite oxidation and ATP REFERENCES
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