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Strength of Intact Rock RQD Spacing of Discontinuitas Condition of Discontinuities

Research Geological Strength

Coordinate Classification
Point Index (GSI)
Value Value Value Rating Value Rating Value

S04 29 46.1 E104 Dont do There is not

LP 1 Bawah Blocky/Fair 63-69 | 59-65 - - <60 mm 5 Sightly rough surface separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock
06 31.1 laboratorium test data core

S04 29 38.6 E104 Dont do There is not

LP 2 Bawah Very Blocky/Fair 51-57 - - <60 mm 5 Sightly rough surface separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock
06 30.1 laboratorium test data core

S04 29 38.6 E104 Blocky- Blocky Dont do There is not

LP 3 Bawah 55 - 61 | 45-51 - - <60 mm 5 Sightly rough surface separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock
06 30.1 Disturbed/Good laboratorium test data core

S04 29 33.4 E104 Dont do There is not

LP 4 Bawah Blocky/Good 58-64 | 61-67 - - <60 mm 5 Soft Gouge > 5 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous
06 27.5 laboratorium test data core

S04 29 32.6 E104 Blocky-Very Dont do There is not

LP 5 Bawah 35-41 | 33-39 - - <60 mm 5 Slikenside surfces or gouge < 5 mmthick or separation 1 - 55 mm continuos
06 18.4 Blocky/Poor laboratorium test data core

S04 29 06 E104 05 Blocky Dont do There is not

LP 6 Bawah 32-38 - - <60 mm 5 Soft Gouge > 5 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous
53.4 Disturbed/Poor laboratorium test data core

S04o 29 46.1 / Very Blocky/Very Dont do There is not

LP 1 Atas 72-80 - - <60 mm 5 Soft Gouge > 5 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous
E104o 06 31.1 Good laboratorium test data core

Blocky Dont do There is not

LP 2 Atas 57-63 - - <60 mm 55 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous
Soft Gouge >
Disturbed/Good laboratorium test data core

Dont do There is not

LP 3 Atas Blocky/Good-Poor 54-60 | 47-53 - - <60 mm
Sightly 5 separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock- 200
rough surface
laboratorium test data core

Condition of Discontinuities Groundwater

Value Rating Value Rating

Sightly rough surface separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock 20 Wet 7

Sightly rough surface separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock 20 Wet 7

Sightly rough surface separation < 1 mm highly weather wall rock 20 Dump 10

Soft Gouge > 5 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous 0 Dripping 4

kenside surfces or gouge < 5 mmthick or separation 1 - 55 mm continuos 10 Dripping 4

Soft Gouge > 5 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous 0 Wet 7

Soft Gouge > 5 mm thick or separation > 5 mm continuous 0 Completely dry 15

ck or separation > 5 mm continuous 0 Dump 10

tion < 1 mm highly weather wall rock- 200 20 Wet 7

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