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Gandara, Samar
3rd Quarter Exam Music 9

Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ________________ Date: ___________

I. Identification
1. A German theologian who began a transformation in 1517 that was to
separate the Christian church into two main divisions.
2. The song to be sung by the church congregation.
3. A Swiss reformer who insisted on eliminating totally the use of Latin
language in church music.
4. A strophic form of madrigal.
5. A non-liturgical compositions based on religious text.
6. A composition set to French texts.
7. Originated from Italy, but usually employed a five voice texture set to
texts on pastoral and amorous subjects.
8. A four-part composition, predominantly homophonic with a regular metric
9. A four-voice texture with imitative counterpoint.
10. The leading composer of Spanish lute songs.
11. The period from 1450-1600.
12. An existing melody that is used as the basis of a composition with other
13. Example of Lutheran chorales.
14. Noted for descriptive chansons
15. The principal composer of villancicos.

II. Enumeration

A. Different Kinds of Chanson (1-5)

B. Secular Music Composers in Italy (6-12)

C. Secular Music Composers in Germany (13-15)

D. Secular Music Composers in England (16-19)


Gandara, Samar
3rd Quarter Exam Arts 9

Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ________________ Date: ___________

I. Identification
1. An art mode that uses strong contrast between light and dark.
2. An art technique that uses gradient changes between color and the light
blending on the edges but retains the overall brilliance of the colors.
3. The painting mode blurs the edges of the outlines, creating tonal value.
4. The positioning of human figure where the weight is placed on one foot
while its shoulders and arms twist from the hips and legs.
5. An art period where people rediscovered the classical art and philosophy
of the Greeks and Romans.
6. A painting technique that renders shadows by replacing the color with a
different color.
7. A paint that was made of pigment and egg yolks as a binding agent.
8. A paint that was made of pigment and oils as a binding agent.
9. An art style that reacted against the renaissance, it is characterized by its
focus on emotions and distortion of figures.
10. A philosophy that true human potential is achieved though knowledge.
11. A rich and politically influential dynasty who commissioned hundreds of
paintings and sponsored many Renaissance artists.
12. Allows artist to draw figure in three dimensions on a two-dimensional
13. The lines that connect the objects towards the vanishing point.
14. An imaginary line that represents the eye level of the viewer.
15. An imaginary point where all object originate.
16. An architect, goldsmith, sculptor, engineer, and mathematician.
17. One of the most famous sculptural masterpieces of Michelangelo.
18. The pioneer of the renaissance style born in 1386 CE and died in
December 1466 CE.
19. He commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.
20. An Italian artist born in 1452 CE and died in 1519 at the age of 67.
21. The famous work of Raphael.
22. The master in the medium of oil paint.
23. The artist who painted Madonna with a long neck.
24. An Italian artist born in 1475and died in 1564 CE.
25. A silk merchant who commissioned Da Vinci to paint his wife.

II. Enumeration
A. Characteristics of Renaissance (1-4)

B. Painting Modes of the Renaissance (5-8)

C. Artist of the Renaissance (9-14)

D. Great minds featured in the School of Athens (15-21)

E. Parts of the Linear Perspective (22-24)


Gandara, Samar
3rd Quarter Exam PE 9

Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ________________ Date: ___________

I. Identification
1. Commonly happen when playing a sport or doing an exercise.
2. Result from over using a body part while exercising or playing a sport over
a long period of time.
3. It happens while doing a physical activity such as sprains, strains, or
4. The condition of a muscle which contracts involuntarily.
5. The stretch or a tear of ligament.
6. Develops rehabilitation program.
7. Specializing in the treatment and diagnosis of injuries related to
musculoskeletal system which includes the bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerve
of the body.
8. A goal to improve physical fitness level.
9. The kind of exercise you will do to achieve specific benefits.
10. The number of times you need to exercise

II. Enumeration
A. Classification of Injuries (1-2)

B. Characteristics of a Good First-Aider (3-7)

C. Common Sports Injuries (8-10)

D. Primary Health Care Professionals (11-12)

E. Things to Consider in making Plan (13-15)

F. FITT Principle (16-19)

G. Levels of Intensity (20-22)

H. Types of Exercise (23-26)

I. Ways on How to Treat Sprain (27-30)


Gandara, Samar
3rd Quarter Exam Health 9

Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ________________ Date: ___________

I. Identification
1. The overuse of drugs.
2. Increased mental alertness, wakefulness, loss of appetite, and provide a
feeling of well-being.
3. Drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness, and emotion.
4. It acts to depress the central nervous system, thereby promoting
relaxation and sleep.
5. Drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep.
6. Used by people who need sustained mental and physical alertness
pushing their physical endurance to the limit.
7. Known as poor mans cocaine.
8. Acts as a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system; active
component in tobacco.
9. Invented as a cure for opium and morphine addiction.
10. Used as a cough suppressant and to treat diarrhea.
11. Known as the king of drugs.
12. Valuable in the treatment of epilepsy and other forms of seizures.
13. An alkaloid hallucinogen extracted from the peyote cactus.
14. Potent pain-killer, cough depressant, and active component of anti-
diarrhea preparations.
15. Used to relieve severe pain, chest pain, and nervous tensions.

II. Enumeration

A. Factors which influence young people to use and abuse drugs (1-5)

B. Common Types of Depressant (6-9)

C. Common Types of Stimulant (10-14)

D. Common Types of Hallucinogen (15-17)

E. Common Types of Narcotics (18-20)

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