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Stephani Anugrahman
35 Minutes Grade 3

Lesson: Introduction to Decimal

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Strengthen the basic knowledge on Mathematics Final Exam
to solve further or more complicated
Mathematics problem.

Guiding Questions Objectives

The student will . . .
1. What are decimal and decimal point 1. Explain the definition of decimal,
2. What are tenths place and hundredths decimal point, tenths place and
place? hundredths place.
3. What is the use of decimal number in 2. Value the use of decimal in daily life
daily life? especially in terms of using money.
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
1. Dollar Money: In the opening activity, teacher will use Singapore Dollar
(SGD) Bank Note.
2. Fake notes and coins: For playing Shopping List games. They can be handmade
or use the fake notes and coins.
Beginning the Lesson
5 mins 1. Decimal in Daily Life: Using PowerPoint Presentations, teacher will tell her story
related with using SGD. Teacher says,
- [Slide 1] When I studied in Singapore, there are many things that surprised
- [Slide 2] First, it was how they beautifully made their buildings. Second, it
was how clean this country is. The last one is because of their money.
- [Slide 3] These how their money look like. Compare to our money, which is
Rupiah, Singapore dollar has much smaller number on their money. Their
coins are even only contains of 2 digits number, not 3 digits like how we have
here. And the first thing I bought there is
- [Slide 4] Chicken Rice! It was $3.50. I looked at my money and took [show
the picture of the money that the teacher used one by one] one $2 note, one $1
coin and one 50 coin. I also bought a cup of Teh-O costed $1.50. Anyone
can guess how would I pay the drink? Which bank note that I would use?
- [Slide 5] (Show all of SGD bank notes and coins in the slide ask students to
think by themselves for 1 minute. Then ask one volunteer to answer) Good
job! I chose one $1 coin and one 50 coin!
- [Slide 6] (Show just a blank slide first) The price in Singapore is different with
Indonesia. Can you notice what difference is? (Show students the comparison
of $3.50 and Rp 35000 and wait for their answer) Yes! A Price in Singapore
Dollar has a dot between the numbers meanwhile Indonesia Rupiah is full of
zeroes. This number that contains dot between 2 digits is called Decimal!
Today we are going to learn more about decimal!
Stephani Anugrahman
35 Minutes Grade 3

5 mins 2. Review of place value: Teachers will review what have they learned on previous
lesson by showing some fraction-to-decimal problems in the slide and ask them to
answer by showing their hands or picking their names from the popsicles stick.
Developing the Lesson
1. Decimal and its parts: Draw a very big 3.50 on the white board. Point, mark, and
explain each part of it. Follow the example bellow:
7 mins

2. Explanation of decimal: Teacher will say, In 3.50. 3 will become the ones. Then
there is a dot name decimal point that will indicate that this is a decimal number.
Number in front of the dot is the one you have learned in the beginning of grade 3.
The number behind the dot has those names tens (1/10), hundreds (1/100) and so
on. In 3.50, the 3 will become the tens, 5 is the tenths and 0 is the hundredths.
Let students to process the new information for half-one minute.
3. Check for understanding: Erase the name of the part and ask student these
questions (by choosing one student for each question):
a. Which number act as the tenths?
b. What is the place value of 3?
c. 0 acts as a 10s. True or False?
d. What do you call the dot between these numbers?
4. Money Explanation: Show the slide where students can see how dollars and cent
15 can be a a decimal number,
a. Room Setting:
- Tables as many as the total of the group where they can choose things that
they want to buy.
- Tables as many as the total of the group where they will put the money that
they are going to pay.
- Fake notes and coins
- Supermarket Catalog
- Paper for shopping list
b. Instruction:
- Each of the group will sit on separate tables.
- Then they will get a supermarket catalog, fake notes and coins, and a piece of
paper for their shopping list.
- Now each group has 5 minutes to choose what are the things that they want to
Stephani Anugrahman
35 Minutes Grade 3

buy with their money from that catalog. It can be more than 1 thing.
- They have to write the name and the price on their shopping list also in that 5
- After 5 minutes they need to go to the money table and pay the amount that
they need to pay.
- When the game is done, teachers can check all of their answer. Give them
reward by giving plus point for their Math.
3 mins Closing the Lesson
1. Review and Preview: Teacher will say, Now, you all already now that decimal is
actually around us, especially in our money. But there are many other things that
we usually see that is actually a decimal or related to decimal. Like weight, height,
and lengths, they all have decimals. In the next lesson we will learn how to
compare which decimal is bigger than others.
Formative Assessment Differentiation

1. Gradually ask every time teacher gives The story can make auditory leaner learn from
explanation. direct explanation through story. The slide can
2. Shopping List! Games help those who are a visual learner. The game is
designed to make the kinesthetic learner
understand better.

Lesson Material:
1. Decimal explination: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/arithmetic/arith-decimals/arith-
Games Accessory:
1. Supermarket Catalog: NTUC FairPrice CYN Catalogue 2016 (Attached)
2. Educational Insights Play Money - Coins & Bills Tray:

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