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Typing is a skill that is used in many career paths, so improving your speed might be a necessity

if you want to be more proficient in your job. Increasing your typing speed is something that you
can do on your own or with proper training, but whatever you decide, you must be committed to
practicing every day if you want to improve your typing skills.

Method 1

Mastering the Typing Basics


Find a keyboard that you're comfortable with. Keyboards come in different shapes,
including ergonomic models that may be feel more comfortable while youre typing. If
you arent typing effectively with your current keyboard, you may want to test some
ergonomic keyboards to find one that offers more comfort while youre working.[1]

o Keep the size of the keys in mind. The larger they are, the easier it will be to type.
That means you may want to look for a keyboard where the keys that you use
most often, such as the letters and numbers, are larger than other keys.[2]

o A keyboard with concave keys that fit the shape of your fingers is a good option if
you're looking to eliminate errors in your typing as you try to increase your speed.

o It's best to choose a keyboard with keys that have strong tactile feedback, which
means they offer enough resistance to alert you that the stroke has registered. The
resistance also keeps you from accidentally hitting keys as you're typing, so you
can type more quickly.


Familiarize yourself with the keyboard. While most keyboards have a fairly standard
set-up, some may have different features or different layouts. Make sure to read the
instructions or manual that comes with your keyboard so you know what all of the keys
do and what shortcuts may be useful to you. Once you understand what all of the keys do,
try to create a visual layout of the keyboard in your mind that you can call upon when
youre typing.[3]

o Many keyboards are equipped with time-saving keys that provide shortcuts for
common commands or keystrokes. Be sure to read up on your keyboard's
shortcuts to help increase your speed.

Arrange your fingers properly. The most important step to improving your typing
speed is ensuring that you place your fingers correctly on the keyboard. Rest the index
finger of your left hand on the F key and the index finger of your right hand on the J
key. These two keys usually have slight bumps on their surface, so you can feel for them
without actually looking at the keyboard. The other three fingers on your left hand should
rest on the A, S, and D keys, while the the other three fingers on your right hand
should rest on the K, L, and ; keys. Place your thumbs on the space bar.[4]

o The row with the A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ; keys is known as the

home run because its the row that your fingers always start at and return to while
youre typing.

o When you arrange your fingers on the keyboard, curve them slightly, but keep
your hands relaxed.

o Make sure that your keyboard is centered directly in front of your body.

Use the proper fingers to strike the other keys. When youre typing, you will hit all of
the keys on your keyboard from the home position. That means certain fingers are
designated to strike certain keys for the most efficient typing. In most cases, youll use
the same fingers from the home row to hit the keys that line up in the rows above and

o Strike the 1, 2, Q, and Z keys, in addition to the A key, with your left

o Strike the 3, W, and X keys, in addition to the S key, with your left ring

o Strike the 4, E, and C keys, in addition to the D key, with your left
middle finger.

o Strike the 5, 6, R, T, G, V, and B keys, in addition to the F key,

with your left index finger.

o Strike the 7, Y, U, H, N, and M keys, in addition to the J key, with

your right index finger.
o Strike the 8, I, and , keys, in addition to the J, with your right middle

o Strike the 9, O, and . keys, in addition to the L key, with your right ring

o Strike the 0, -, =, P, [, ], , and / keys, in addition to the ; key,

with your right pinky.

o Hit the Shift key with the pinky on the opposite hand from the finger that
youre using to strike the other key.

o Hit the spacebar with whichever thumb feels most comfortable to you.


Practice regularly. As with most skills, the only way to truly improve your typing speed
is to practice on a regular basis. The more that you type, the more comfortable youll
become with the layout of the keyboard and the proper positioning of your fingers. You'll
also develop muscle memory when you're typing common letter combinations, so your
typing will become faster and more accurate.[6]

o One of the best ways to practice is to repeatedly type sample passages over and
over again. You can find plenty of passages online that are geared toward
improving your typing accuracy and speed.

o When you're practicing, focus on accuracy first. Make sure that you're typing each
word correctly and achieving proper spacing and punctuation. Once you feel like
your typing has become accurate, you can work on improving your speed.

o Practice doesnt just mean taking online typing tests. Writing emails to friends and
family and posting on online forums can help sharpen your typing skills and
increase your speed.


Take regular breaks. While practicing is key to improving your typing speed, make sure
to take breaks as needed. If you push yourself too hard, you run the risk of wearing
yourself out, or even worse, suffering an injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. When
you start to feel any discomfort in your hands or wrists, stop typing for a little while to
give yourself time to rest.[7]
o To keep yourself from working too hard, set up a practice schedule by designating
a certain amount of time each day to practice your typing. However, build breaks
into your schedule to keep yourself fresh. For example, you might decide to type
for 30 minutes each day, taking breaks every ten minutes or so.

Method 2

Improving Your Speed


Keep your eyes on the screen. Your natural instinct may be to look down at the
keyboard as youre typing. However, looking at the keys actually slows down your typing
and increases the chance of errors. As you type, keep your eyes on the screen instead to
use the technique known as touch typing. You may see a slight increase in errors when
your first start using this method, but youll quickly learn the layout of the keyboard and
position of the keys, which will improve your typing speed.[8]

o When learning how to type without looking at the keyboard, consider covering
your hands with a cloth, piece of paper, or cardboard, so you're unable to see the
keys even if you peek.

o While you should try to keep your gaze on the computer screen as much as
possible, its okay to cheat occasionally and glance down at the keyboard to
ensure that you know where the keys are.


Take online typing tests. If you want to see how efficient your typing is, you can use a
variety of online typing tests to see how you rate. In most cases, youll be asked to type a
certain passage of text, and the website will time you to determine how many words per
minute (wpm) you type and how accurate your typing is. These programs are an effective
way to track your progress as you work to improve your typing speed.[9]

o Some online typing tests that are available for free include Typing.com,
TypingMaster, and TypingWeb.


Use touch typing software and games. You'll be able to type most quickly if you do it
by feel instead of sight. That's why it helps to use touch typing software to help refine
your typing skills so you can work more quickly. They usually include helpful exercises
and even fun games that can make increasing your typing speed more enjoyable.

o While you can purchase touch typing software, there are also a variety of free
programs, such as TypingClub, Klavaro Touch Typing Tutor, and Rapid Typing.

o If you've already learned the touch typing basics, use free online typing games to
help you improve your typing speed. Try some of the fun games at
FreeTypingGame.net or WordGames.com. They're more enjoyable than practicing
the same old passages, so you may find it easier to stay committed to improving
your typing speed.


Find a typing class. If youve tried to improve your typing speed on your own and
havent seen the results that youd like, you may want to take a typing or keyboarding
class. Instructors can make sure that you know the proper finger positioning and posture
to type quickly and accurately. If youre in high school or college, check to see if your
school offers a class. If youre out of school, your local community college or continuing
education program may have a typing course that can help.[10]

o If you dont have a typing course available to you in your area, there are online
programs that may help. You wont have the opportunity for in-person assistance,
but the instruction can still help you improve your typing speed.

Method 3

Improving Your Posture and Positioning


Make sure your back is supported. When youre typing, its important to choose a chair
that provides proper support for your back. The best type of chair is one that features a
slightly curved backrest so it helps maintain your normal spine curvature. It also helps to
use a chair that has a cushion built in near the bottom of the backrest to provide support
for your lower back.[11]

o You may prefer reclining slightly in your chair to help take pressure off your
back. However, keep in mind that typing in a reclined position may cause
shoulder and neck strain. Moving your chair closer to the desk can help alleviate
some of that stress.

o If your chair doesnt have a built-in cushion for your lower back, you can place a
small pillow between your back and the chair for additional support.


Relax your neck and shoulders. As you sit in your chair to type, make sure to keep your
shoulders and neck relaxed. In most cases, you can accomplish this by sitting back
against your chairs backrest. It will help support your neck and shoulders, so you dont
have to put stress on them to keep them straight.[12]

o If youre not sure that your shoulders are relaxed, breathe in and out slowly. The
position that your shoulders naturally fall in as your breathe out is usually relaxed.


Keep your elbows close to your sides. As you get comfortable in your desk chair, check
that youre keeping your elbows tucked into your sides. You may want to use a chair that
has adjustable arm rests that make it easy to keep your elbows comfortably at your sides.

o You dont have to use your chairs arm rests if you dont want to. Just make sure
that your elbows remain close to your sides even without the added support.


Place your feet flat on the floor. Once youre settled in your chair, it helps to sit up
straight with your feet planted flat on the floor so your lower body is supported. Crossing
your legs or folding one underneath you make it more difficult to maintain proper
posture. If you have a chair with adjustable seat, adjust the height until your feet
comfortably reach the floor.[14]

o If your chair doesnt have an adjustable seat, you may want to purchase an
ergonomic footrest that makes it easier to keep your feet in a flat position.


Keep your wrists and palms off the desk. When you're typing, you'll be able to work
more quickly and accurately if you avoid resting your wrists or palms on the desk or
other surface that your keyboard is on. Keep them elevated, but don't bend them up or
down because that may cause discomfort. Instead, keep your wrists in a neutral position,
with your thumb in line with your forearm and your wrist slightly bent back so theyre
level with the keyboard.[15]

o Some keyboard and keyboard trays are equipped with wrist pads, but they're not
there for you to rest your wrists on as you type. They're only for brief breaks
when you're not typing. If you must rest your hand on the wrist pad, try to place
your palm on it rather than your wrist.

o If your chair has adjustable arm rests, set them so that your forearms are parallel
to the floor and your wrist is a neutral position.


Ensure that your keyboard is at the right height. For the most effective typing, your
keyboard should be just above lap level, which is lower than most people actually set
theirs up. The benefit to placing your keyboard at this height is that it allows you to tilt
your arms down so your elbows are in an open, 90 degree angle.[16]

o You may want to invest in an adjustable keyboard and mouse tray that you can
attach to your desk or work surface. That will allow you to position the keyboard
at the most comfortable height.

o If you don't have a keyboard tray, try adjusting your chair's height to make your
position more comfortable.

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