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The LEO movement in LEO clubs [Growth]

Europe 780
How is the movement build up?
A LEO (Leadership, Experience, Opportunity) club has a 700
board - usually containing a president, vice-president, 2013 2014 2015
secretary and treasurer and enthousiastic LEOs, both advised
by their sponsor Lions club (Leo Manual 2010, p.43ff).
Several clubs in an area create a district, lead by the district board that usually contains a president,
vice-president, secretary and treasurer. When the country is a single district the ILO (International
Liaison Officer) will be part of the (extended) district board (Leo Manual 2010, p.68 ff). The district
board may be advised by the district LEO advisor who is part of the Lions district board.
When a country has several districts they form a
multi-district, with an equivalent board connecting
them. The ILO and usually several other LEOs
support the board in committees (Leo Manual 2010,
The ILO council connects all (multi-) districts within
Europe. This council contains an ILO of every
country and is guided by a one-level hierarchy board:
president, vice president and second vice president. A
one-level hierarchy board has proven itself successful
in the past years. The president and both vice
presidents are newly elected by the ILO council, with
a required straight majority, every year, whereas the
secretary is appointed by the board (Leo Manual
2010, p.91-93). The Oakbrook Youth Department communicates regularly with the ILO council, and
also the (multi-) districts and even the single LEO clubs. They are the connection to the Lions
headquarters in the USA for LEOs in Europe.

The size of the LEO movement

The last evaluation of the ILO council Country Reports shows a growth of the movement in the last
years that leads us to a current (end 2015) count of 11.000+ LEOs in Europe. The LEO countries with
the highest number of members are Italy, Germany and Turkey (in correct order). We believe that the
strength and the size of the LEO movement is better presented by comparing the amount of LEOs to
the number of inhabitants of the country. Considering this Slovenia, Italy and Austria (in correct order)
appear as the strongest LEO countries.

LEO movement - number of LEOs compared to the number of inhabitants of the







1 Guido Martens CA IV MD110 ILO council

How do we connect European LEOs?
1. ILO council -> website
o ILOs meet monthly online to share information and work on ideas to improve the LEO
movement and connectivity within Europe 3hours/month per ILO
o ILOs work on activities and develope tools to improve and ease the work for the ILO
council, the (multi-) districts and the clubs 4 to 5hours/month per ILO

2. LEF/LEPF -> The Netherlands 2017 -> Hungary 2018

o LEF (LEO Europa Forum) and LEPF (LEO Europa Pre-Forum) are held in August and
January of every year to create a moment for European LEOs to gather, learn and get to
know each other (Leo Manual 2010, p.83)

3. European activity -> LEO for Green

o The goal of this charity activity is to have all clubs in Europe join in one activity every
year, and for continous years. This activity is arranged, lead and set up by the ILO council
to increase connection between the countries. (This activity does not always have to
happen at a specific day or time).

4. Other international orientated events

o LEO Sommerball
o Swissli
o New years event
o Etc.

Why do we join the LEO Club?

To get to know like-minded people/ form friendships
To improve personal and professional skills/ training for later life
To be part of the bigger group and the fun they have
To do and enjoy charity work/ social engagement/ give back
To help those in need with your ideas and see change
As a life-changing experience
To do something valuable with your time
Experience responsibility (e.g. as president)
LEO activity preference Internationality

Both Fund
What does being a LEO mean to us?
Being with Friends, who become family
Fighting for a better world/ taking the opportunity to change it
together/believing change is possible/ seeing our responsibility
Serving the community/ Charity work/ investing in others/ helping
others/ think beyond ourselves
Learn leadership and management/ investing in ourselves (and use
it for others)/being in training
Strong friendships through mutual experience
Being stronger together
Social life
What we do matters, no matter how small it seems
Being part of the world`s biggest, most diverse charity group that
can make a difference

2 Guido Martens CA IV MD110 ILO council

Would LEOs want to become Lions?



Why are LEOs currently not becoming Lions before or after turning 30?
Not our peer group
Higher subscriptions
Different way of working
Too many rules / too much protocol
Our experience is not seen as equally important
Lack of interest by Lions
More difficult to get in more elite selection
Less international cooperation/ communication
More difficult to obtain leadership positions
Lions are seen as elite rich group by outsiders
Lack of LEO community-/ family-feeling
Too little advertisement by Lions
Change takes longer
Gender issue for female LEOs
Different way of communication

How to make the transition, after being a LEO to Lion smoother?

Lower subscription/ make joining Lions events more affordable,
less elite
Joined projects/meetings/ activities/ forums
Seeing LEOs as partners / LEO Program to LEO Movement/ give
more autonomy
More interest and support of/ communication with Lions district
Step-by-step transition /transition age 30-35
Set up younger Lions Clubs/ focus on accepting younger members
System of double-membership, e.g.: join Lions club while still a
Leo/ club has double function/title as Leo and Lions club.
Captivate through activities not formal protocol
Be in touch with the people/ more hands on
Taking a break after being a LEO, before becoming a Lion

*answers -sorted by frequency of response- retrieved from questionaire to ILO council (10 countries responded) and 2014/2015
country reports,
*Leo Manual 2010: http://www.european-LEOs.eu/LEO-manual/

3 Guido Martens CA IV MD110 ILO council

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