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By Dr. Armando Alducin (Downloaded from Internet on 21 Jul 2003 www.vidanuevapar

aelmundo.org.mx) The more discoveries of science now makes, the more surprised t
he scientific world and supernatural accuracy of Bible prophecy. The idea that s
cience rejects the biblical record came from the last 100 years. Great scientist
s such as Pascal, Newton, Kepler and Galileo, were men who believed in and read
the Scriptures. The decline of "scientific belief in God," can be drawn from Dar
win's theory about evolution, introduced in 1860. This alternative to the biblic
al creation, combined with the theory that "the universe has always existed," ca
used many scientists to move away from the biblical data about the creation of t
he universe. The introduction of the theory of relativity, introduced by Albert
Einstein in 1916, contained ample evidence to refute the theory of evolution, wi
th the pure mathematical probability. Einstein himself admitted the existence of
a Creator and said, "God does not play dice with the universe." Unfortunately,
most universities in the world and in most textbooks, we accept the theory of ev
olution as something real and unique to explain the universe around us. I. Creat
ion Evidence Creation itself around us bears witness to the impossibility that a
ll arise as a result of various "accidents" natural. 1. Our planet Earth search
of some form of life on other planets has led many scientists to wonder astrophy
sicists of the incredible conditions that surround our planet to make life possi
ble. If only consider the first "two days" (Gén.l :3-B) of creation (the creatio
n of our atmosphere and the establishment of the hydrological cycle) and factors
that may have been some (within the Act the
probabilities) is one in a hundred trillion trillion (1 in 10E26)! Adding the ot
her factors necessary for life as described later in the book of Genesis in perf
ect order, who could doubt that the Bible is a supernatural book? For example: l
ife on our planet could not exist ...
• • • • • • • •
But the perfect speed of rotation of the Earth. If Earth were far from the Sun b
etween 2-5% If only there was a 1% change in sunlight. If Earth were smaller or
larger. If the moon was smaller or larger. If there is another moon. If the crus
t was thinner or thicker. If the combination of gases from our air is not perfec
t (oxygen-21%, 78% nitrogen and argon, neon, helium, krypton and xenon). If the
ozone layer that surrounds us was thicker or thinner.

II. ORDER OF CREATION deeply researching the events recorded in the Bible about
the order, as described God's creation, are astonishing in the light of current
scientific developments. 1. Creation of the heavenly bodies (Gén.l: l). The eart
h was initially covered by a thick layer of dust and gas, not allowing light to
penetrate. This is the normal condition of the planets in their mass and tempera
ture. The initial conditions of the earth described in the Bible (without form,
dark and empty Gén.l: 2) are accepted by science today. 2. "That is light" (Gén.
l: 3). The Earth is surrounded by an "electromagnetic spectrum" that enables com
munications within our planet and the transportation of all frequencies and soun
d waves that exist. This does not exist on any other planet in our solar system!
few years it was discovered that the light is just one form of energy. The intro
duction of light is a prerequisite for the introduction of life (photosynthesis)
. 3. Development of the hydrologic cycle (Gén.l: 6). Perfect conditions for temp
erature, pressure and distance from the sun, allow all forms of the perfect form
ula of water (H2O liquid, vapor and ice), all essential for life. 4. Formation o
f land and sea (Gén.l :9-10). Seismic and volcanic activity occurs at a precise
ratio to allow 30% of the planet's surface is land and stay. Scientists have det
ermined that this is the ideal radio to promote the more complex forms of life.
5. Establishment of vegetation (Gén.1: 11). Light, water and oxygen, were the ba
sis for the existence of vegetation, which was the first life. 6. Atmospheric tr
ansparency (Gén.l: l4). Gradually the plants produce 21% of oxygen,€This and oth
er factors caused to form an atmospheric transparency and allow "the lights in t
he heavens" were made visible on the surface of the Earth also marking the seaso
ns, days and nights. 7. Creation of small marine animals and birds (Gén.l = 20).
Scientists agree that these animals were the first forms of life. 8. Creation o
f land animals (Gen.1: 24). The late life forms created, rather than humans, wer
e quadrupeds and rodents. 9. The creation of man (Gen. 1:26). The man was physic
ally formed from the dust of the earth, and today has found that the chemical el
ements that form the earth (lime, iron, sulfur, potassium, fluoride, calcium, ph
osphorus, chlorine, iodine, magnesium) and gases containing (oxygen, nitrogen, c
arbon and hydrogen) ... are the same as contained in the human body!
10. No more creation. From the time of creation, God has not created anything ne
w, or maintains only sustains creation.
III. Medical discoveries is incredible that most of the current findings were al
ready described in the Bible clearly. About 3,500 years ago, the Hebrews, led by
Moses, left Egypt and faced the challenge to survive away from civilization. In
addition to that needed strengthening to conquer the Promised Land. God promise
d them that if complied with its laws, would not have any disease ever (Ex. 15:2
6). These ancient biblical laws contain tremendous secrets doctors do not known
until the discovery of germs in the late nineteenth century. 1. Quarantine and e
arly treatment of human excrement. When the "Black Plague" was killing half of E
urope before the Renaissance, desperate nations, they returned to the church. Th
ey found the ancient laws given to Moses the principles practiced by Israel for
diseases such as leprosy (away the dead and burying their possessions). The "qua
rantine" has been understood until modern times as the control of infectious dis
eases. In the days of Moses and the times of the "black plague", the commandment
of God in Leviticus 13:45-46, had to be obeyed, though not explain why. The poo
r practice not to isolate the patient and their secretions (faeces and urine), h
elped spread quickly this pest in Europe. God had already made provision for the
se problems of hygiene and healthy character with thousands of years before (Deu
t. 23:12-14)
Even how to handle a dead body, was described in the Bible (Num. 19:11-14) 2. St
erilization Another biblical revelation is not discovered until the late ninetee
nth century, was the basic principle of sterilization (washing hands and clothes
). The address for the washing of the body is established in Numbers 19, when ha
ndled the dead. The basic practices of purification (some ceremonial), control o
f pollution, were also included and specified, including:
• • • •
Inappropriate food (Lev.11 :29-40). human waste (Lev.15 :1-5 ,18,24-25). human b
irths (Lev.12 :1-3). various infections (Lev.13 leprosy).
Even with the ceremonial sacrifice and offerings diseases were controlled burnin
g and washing the sacrifices and priestly (Lev.6 :8-11). During 1840, these trag
edies of ignoring the principle and the most elementary hygiene, sanitation, wer
e finally discovered by Semmelweis Dr.Ignaz, originally from Vienna, began to no
te the high mortality rate that was having on their deliveries, mainly in women
treated for teachers and students. This practice required autopsies in the morni
ngs and at night (without any washing), then, to examine patients (with dirty ha
nds and infected). This doctor introduced the custom, after having read the hygi
enic principles in the Bible, the washing after autopsies performed. His colleag
ues laughed at him and ridiculed him, but could not deny that the killings began
to disappear in this and miraculous way. However, it was not until 1865 that th
is practice was officially instituted in the world of medicine by Joseph Lister.
3. Circumcision. God established this covenant with Israel, asking that the ext
ernal sign of this
Convention would circumcise all lees stranded born (Genesis 17:11). This practic
e has been demonstrated by medical values, as in an investigation in 1940 found
that Jewish women maintained an astonishing rate of absence of cervical cancer.
It was later discovered and identified the main cause of cervical cancer was cau
sed by "smegna bacillus, which is easily transported in the foreskin of uncircum
cised men and women passed,€causing abrasion of the cervix (as in birth). But, w
hy God commanded to circumcise males exactly the eighth day? (Gén.17: 11). Scien
tific research has shown that newborns are particularly susceptible to bleeding,
especially between the second on the fifth day of his birth. A small cut in the
se days can be fatal. Vitamin K, essential and necessary for the production of l
a-prothrombin (blood clotting material) is not enough until the fifth and sevent
h day. The prothrombin-normal-30% until the third day and rises 110% on the eigh
th day! It was God who designed the human body. 4. The blood-source of life. Tho
usands of years before the discovery of blood circulation (in 1630 by English ph
ysician William Harvey and Michael Servetus), the Bible had already established
the scientific principle that "the life of the body is in the blood" (Lev. 17:11
.) Blood is what carries all the nutrients (vitamins, minerals) to all parts of
the body, as well as oxygen. For centuries, the doctors "drained" (drew) the blo
od of patients believe that in this case, would be delivered from their sufferin
gs, which resulted in the death of their patients (including George Washington.)
5. Tips for practical life. The Bible is full of practical tips that humans can
live, the few years that we have, with health, emotional stability and tranquil
ity. Gluttony, lack of exercise our body and the daily stress, causes many peopl
e from this life early.
The Bible warns us against the abuse of alcohol, gluttony and sexual immorality.
(1st Cor 6:9-10; Rom.13: 13). The Bible emphasizes our need to forgive those wh
o have offended us, to prevent resentment and bitterness that will lead to serio
us diseases of emotional character.
IV. BIOLOGICAL-CHEMICAL DISCOVERIES. Recent discoveries of molecular biology wil
l also show us the wonderful work of God in creation. Before humans understood t
his science, the Bible and referred to many basic aspects of biology and chemist
ry with thousands of years in advance. 1.Clasificación genetics. Many people are
surprised to learn that science had almost no understanding of even the basic s
pecies, until 1735 when the Swiss Carolus Linnaeus developed a system for classi
fying organisms, which is still used today. The Bible defined biological classif
ication "according to its genus and species" (Gen. 1:21,24-25). Furthermore, whe
n God required Noah to bring the ark a pair of animals after their kind to prese
rve them shows that they could only reproduce "after their kind and species" (Ge
n 7:1-15). It is incredible that Noah knew that you can not cross different spec
ies of animals, which produce "hybrid", but nevertheless ... The theory of evolu
tion asserts! Another biblical example in the genetic area, is found in 1a. Cor.
15:3839. This explains that: "... God gives the body of each grain as he wants,
and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh, the flesh of m
en is different from the beasts, of birds and fish. " That is, a monkey sperm no
t ever produce a giraffe, nor a human sperm produce an animal. The code of ethic
s inherited gene within each seed within each sperm of different species on our
planet, and prevent
prevent mixing of species!
2. Atoms and molecules. In 400 BC, the Greek philosopher Democrates, speculated
that matter was composed of small, invisible particles, which he called atoms, h
is idea was met with much skepticism. Almost all scientists and philosophers bel
ieved that matter was composed of different proportions of earth, air, fire yagu
a. The Bible clearly outlined that the matter was composed of "things unseen" (H
ebrews 1l: 3). Science was finally confirmed when in 1803, John Dalton, develope
d the modern atomic theory. What is a living organism? The simple design of a si
mple living cell is much more complex than any modern computer or airplane. Livi
ng organisms are not only capable of more functions, faster and smaller spaces,
but are much more complex skills than any machine we know (playback, auto diagno
sis, health, creative thinking). Easily recognized the genius of inventors, but
... how hard is to recognize the greatest genius of the universe, the Creator of
life itself!
V.€ENGINEERING addition to these scientific discoveries and the Bible spoke of t
hem, we also find enough information on the engineering and agriculture, which w
ere not discovered more than hundreds of years later. 1. Engineering. The Ark of
Noah: The details and design of Noah's ark is an example of engineering that go
es beyond human capacity to understand what so many years in advance. - The nava
l engineers now realize that the width and length of the ark of Noah (Gén.6: 15)
, is the ideal design for the stability of a boat of this size (without propelle
r) in turbulent seas. It was not until 1900, they began to build similar ships (
the Titanic, for example).
Other details of this construction including floor and ceiling waterproof (Gén.6
: 14). The ark was: 137 mts. long, 22 meters. wide and 13 meters. high. It had t
hree floors and the total area of these floors was 95.700 square feet (equivalen
t to 20 basket-ball fields or 522 cars of a train). Fit on the ark 40 000 animal
s. Tonnage (a measure of cubic space rather than weight) was 13.960 tons., Which
the sitiraría within the category of a large modern ship. It was in 1884, built
a large ship, called the "Eturia." Buildings: Even though the Bible are referre
d to several different buildings and constructions, only the Tabernacle and the
Temple of Solomon were designed and directed by God (I Kings 6, 2 Cron 2-4, Exod
us 25). The engineering of these two buildings was wonderful, simple and effecti
ve. The architecture with its large and complex symbolism, for centuries a surpr
ise to most engineers and architects in the world. Constructions like the Tower
of Babel, columns and walls of the Temple of Solomon, etc.., Have been confirmed
by modern archeology.
VI. Physical facts and laws of physics that currently govern different fields of
science, were discovered more than just a few centuries ago. Although many peop
le believe that some facts of science were in conflict with science, the most pr
ominent scientists were men who believed in the revelation of the Bible (Pascal,
Newton, Kepler, Galileo). 1. The weight of air. Since the days of Aristotle, th
rough the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, the scientific world believed that the
air did not have., N1ngun weight. But the Bible, with thousands of years in adv
ance, and it showed that air had weight (Job 28:2 S).
It was not until the Italian Torricelli, in 1643, invented the barometer, which
was confirmed this scientific truth of the Bible. 2. The movement of light. Peop
le believed that light was instantaneous, for his incredible speed and made it s
eem (300,000 kms. Per second). Now, not only know that light moves, but his spee
d and movement are critical to our existence. Were Newton and Huygens, which con
firmed the biblical revelation of the movement of light, 4,000 years after the B
ible had revealed (Job 38:19-20). 3. 1ra.LEY of thermodynamics. No scientist can
dispute the 1era.Ley of Thermodynamics, which states that "energy is neither cr
eated nor destroyed, only undergoes a transformation." This was first discovered
by two scientists, Joule and Mayer, the same year, 1842. However, the Bible aga
in, with thousands of years in advance, provided that "no mass or energy has bee
n introduced to the universe since God finished his creation" (Gén.l :2-3; Hebre
ws 4:3-4) . 4. THE 2da.LEY of thermodynamics. The Second Law, or entropy, was de
fined in 1850 by Clausius. Entropy, in its simplest sense, means that "things te
nd to move from a state of order to disorder." In other words, everything tends
to fall, to rust, to corrupt, to spoil over time. Only when energy is added on p
urpose, the order can be saved from deterioration. This is one of the strongest
arguments against the famous theory of evolution, because the increased complexi
ty of the species - without a Creator, would violate the Law of Entropy. Just as
the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Bible makes many references, directly or i
ndirectly referring to the entropy (Psalm LO2 :25-26, Isaiah 51:6, Matthew 24:35
, Romans 8:20-22, I John 2:17, Hebrews 12:27).
5. Time had a beginning. The Theory of General Relativity is a subject that most
people want to ignore, as they perceive them as many operations as a simple mat
hematical theory of Dr. Albert Einstein. But the truth is that it is much more t
han that. When Einstein lived, this theory was tested by 90%, but many scientist
s turned from atheism to God. Currently, no longer a theory, it is a demonstrabl
e fact of science. But€What does it mean? The essence is that (without equations
) the matter, gravity, time, energy and acceleration are all inter-related. Over
many years, have led many do tests verify the accuracy of this concept and thei
r equations. Among other things, some important conclusions have been tested, li
ke ... * The time had a beginning. * Space and matter had a beginning as well. T
hese two facts show that if there was a beginning, must exist as a logical conse
quence, a Creator. In 1992, major discoveries were added to support the "princip
le" of the universe, when you could define "when" and "how" of all that exists a
round us (the process that God used). Among these scientists, are Stephen Hawkin
g, Carlos Frenk and Michael Turner, who have claimed to believe in the possibili
ty of a Creator. It is ironic that Isaac Newton, discoverer of the laws of motio
n, which were used later by other scientists to discredit some parts of the Bibl
e, was one of its greatest defenders. Newton wrote several essays supporting the
accuracy of the biblical revelation, against critics of his time. It was not un
til the confirmation of Relativity (200 years later and developed by Einstein) t
hat scientific knowledge came to a level necessary to check the biblical revelat
ion in time and space (2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2; the 1st Cor.2: 7).
VII. Astronomy The Bible says that "the heavens declare the glory of God and the
firmament his handiwork" (Psalm 19:1-2). This "glory" is also revealed in many
astronomical discoveries, but with thousands of years before they were discovere
d, from the shape of the earth, to details about the stars and the universe's ex
pansion. 1. The roundness of the earth. It has long been taught in several textb
ooks that Earth had different forms, almost the time of Christopher Columbus. Bu
t up to 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered the curvature of the - Earth, even when
provided with the Bible, 2.360 years in advance! (Isaiah 40:12). 2. The earth s
uspended over nothing. The Chinese believed that the earth was square, and the E
gyptians - it was rectangular, with a goddess arching his body on Earth, while t
he Sun and Moon massaged his arms and legs. The Mesopotamians believed that the
earth floated like a boat on any structure, other philosophers taught that the E
arth rested on Hercules or some turtles. But about 5.500 years ago, the Bible ta
ught that the Earth ... Hangs over the room! (Job 26:7). 3. The expansion of the
universe. Recent discoveries have confirmed that the universe is expanding. Eve
n if this new idea was not popular until the twentieth century scientifically, t
he Bible and revealed this concept (Ps. 104: l-2, Isaiah 42:5, 45:12). 4. All th
e stars are different and innumerable. Popular belief stated that all the stars
were identical. It was the Greek astronomer, Hipparchus, who began to classify s
tars according to their brightness, in the year 125 BC
But there was more than hundreds of years later that science discovered that all
the stars were different, the astronomer Herschel, in the year 1780. In the Bib
le two thousand years ago, the apostle Paul described that "one star differs fro
m another in glory" (I C9rintios LS: 4L). In addition, for many years taught tha
t there was 1.100 stars in the sky, nothing more. In the year 100 AD, Ptolemy be
gan to catalog some stars. However, Moses wrote, thousands of years before "God
multiplied Abraham's descendants as the stars of heaven" (Genesis 22: l7), and 6
00 BC, the prophet Jeremiah wrote that "the stars could not be counted" (Jeremia
h 33:22). Astronomers now believe that there are over 100 billion stars in our g
alaxy alone, and it is estimated that there are more than 100 galaxies! if someo
ne wanted to count the stars at a rate of 10 per second, it would take, 100 tril
lion years to count only those of our galaxy!
VIII. Geology The current processes of our planet are now recognized by almost a
ll geologists. The actions of water, air and climate patterns are clearly unders
tood. But until a few years ago, the world was ignorant about many things discov
ered by science of geology. The Bible confirms, once again, several recent disco
veries. 1. The hydrologic cycle. The water reaches the Earth through rain, runni
ng through the mountains to the rivers and back to the ocean and evaporates, onl
y to fall again as rain. This simple concept, it was clearly recognized by scien
ce until 1740, by Perrault and Mariotte.€The Bible identified this process with
thousands of years before (Job 36:27-28, Ecclesiastes 1:7).
2. Currents in the oceans. Archaeologists have often used the Bible as a reliabl
e historical document that often led them to the discovery and confirmation of a
ncient cultures described hundreds of years in advance in the Holy Scriptures. O
ne of these scientists, was Matthew Fontaine Maury, who reasoned that "the paths
of the sea", mentioned in the book of Isaiah 43:16, had to be scientifically co
rrect. As a result, spent most of his life researching and mapping the ocean cur
rents used by sailors. This contributed to the reduction of accidents at sea and
navigation efficiency. Their findings were published in 1855, so it was called
"The Father of Oceanography." In Psalm 8:8, 2,800 years before these discoveries
, it also mentions "the paths of the sea." 3. Global wind patterns. Only with th
e advanced satellite technology have been able to define precisely the global wi
nd currents. But 3,000 years ago, King Solomon, wrote (Ecl.l: 6), describing the
repetitive cycle of the wind blowing towards the south, returning to the north
and returning to the same pattern. Solomon never had satellites or other tools t
hat could reveal these scientific facts. 4. How our planet geologically end? The
Bible clearly states: ".. the heavens will disappear with a roar and the elemen
ts will melt with fire, and earth and the works that are therein shall be burned
up." It was not until 1945 that the world witnessed the first explosion of an a
tomic bomb. But the Bible predicted such nuclear effects with many years in adva
nce (Zechariah 14:12).
Copyright © 2001 NEW LIFE FOR THE WORLD, A.R

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