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medicine-of-sickness.blogspot.com Newsletter November 17, 2007
Hi all ... If there are new entrants into the blog: what you read is the result
of a series of newsletters that you can find by clicking on these links: newslet
ter n ° 1, No. 2, No. 3 . It is essential to have read before continuing to rea
d this. Or maybe read the latest newsletter of this series will suffice. We have
seen how a lack of water (dehydration), long-term (chronic) results in symptoms
. These symptoms (or 'disease') can be cured only by properly rehydrating. Conve
ntional medicine, so far, not known cure these 'diseases' and offers palliative
and ineffective with - like any drug - Adverse effects. Those who come regularly
to the blog know that this is not the purpose of the medical profession to cure
diseases, but extend them by suppressing the symptoms with drugs. Of course, th
e vast majority of physicians are not aware of that and spend their entire lives
to be clones of the system they are trapped - and they do not realize they are.
The doctor who expresses a different idea of the 'standard' established and off
ers effective solutions is immediately censored by the authorities. Some are str
uck by the Bar Council, a body fascist base. Dr. Batmanghelidj (Dr. B.), author
of 'Your Body's Many Cries for Water' (http://www.watercure.com), has spent year
s researching and testing the effects of water on the pain and several diseases.
What he says is an inexorable logic.
Doctors do not know quedal
In 90% of hypertensive patients, doctors do not discover any cause. Then they sa
y that it's high essential / primary. And among the other 10% of cases of hypert
ension, they can identify the cause and say that it is secondary hypertension. A
s this article explains the Internet:
'In over 90% of hypertensive patients, we do not discover any cause for hyperten
This is called primary or essential hypertension. For most patients, several fac
tors combine to produce another final this primary hypertension. The triggers ar
e numerous. There are those that are manageable as obesity, poor diet, excessive
consumption of salt or alcohol, physical inactivity (lack of movement) and stre
ss. Other factors are not controllable such as heredity and age. In general bloo
d pressure increases from the age of 35 years. In women, blood pressure often in
creases until the fifties or early menopause. In one case in twenty, we can iden
tify a specific cause of hypertension. This is called secondary hypertension. It
is a rare phenomenon due mostly to diseases or disorders of renal perfusion, or
sometimes certain cardiovascular diseases or hormonal imbalances. In some cases
, treatment of these diseases can cure hypertension. "Http://www.prevention.ch/h
Hypertension is most often of unknown cause for conventional medicine.
However, it is all con
In the previous newsletter, I said among other things, there are several stress
hormones that are triggered when a state of dehydration. If dehydration is chron
ic, the levels of these hormones are maintained at high values. I will quickly r
eturn to two or three things. Vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH or VP - i
s the same) can retain water in the body by inhibiting its excretion in urine. I
t also causes vasoconstriction (decrease of the arteries and capillaries) local
and / or generalized. Some cells have receptors VP / DHA that turn into 'filter'
of water because these cells are of vital functions and at all costs need water
in any circumstance. The system rénineangiotensine-aldosterone system is anoth
er subject of water conservation in the body. Angiotensin also causes, as VP, va
soconstriction. Aldosterone can reabsorb salt and water filtered by the kidneys
and prevents their excretion in urine. All this, I had already said. All doctors
knew that ... even if sometimes I have doubts.€I also briefly explained the in
terest of vasoconstriction during dehydration. I will return to this point. The
interest of the vasoconstriction produced by the VP and angiotensin during dehyd
ration is:
â â
Compensate "free space" created by a decrease in blood volume. If this space is
not compensated, it results in 'blocking gas' in the movement. Restoring blood p
ressure has dropped due to dehydration. Indeed, reducing the size of arteries an
d capillaries can increase blood pressure to a suitable value. This is the analo
gy of a hose (see last newsletter).
OK. But there is a caveat. The two reasons I just mentioned, all doctors and med
ical students know. But here's what they do not know because we are not taught t
his in the indoctrination centers (universities): The decrease of the arteries a
nd capillaries is used to restore blood pressure to a suitable value, but not a
value normal! In fact, the caliber of the arteries decreases blood pressure so t
hat does not return to the normal value but goes beyond! Indeed, the body begins
in a state of vasoconstriction more than it should. That is the essential hyper
tension and this is how
dehydration that gives CHRONIC hypertension. When dehydration is ACUTE, it was w
ell hypotension (low blood pressure). The agency does nothing for nothing - it i
s perfect. Excessive vasoconstriction, in fact, is something. You remember recep
tor VP / DHA present on certain vital cells that become water filters? Well, whe
n you're dehydrated, water does not pass easily through cell membranes because t
he capillary pressure [= small capillary vessel permeability very close to the c
ells and infusing them] is too low initially. All cells suffer in particular neu
rons that have at all costs need water for neurotransmission (see the first news
letter). In order to facilitate their access to water plasma, vital cells synthe
size more receptors VP and therefore have 'water filters' on their membranes whe
n the VP becomes fixed. This facilitates the passage of water in the cell plasma
. But this is not enough. The vital cells are short of water and to force the wa
ter through filters, arteries and capillaries to contract excessively, arterial
pressure increases, the capillary pressure too, and plasma water is forced at hi
gh pressure from the capillaries through the cell membrane and in the cell. With
out this increase in pressure, perfusion of vital cells would be ineffective.
That's what is hypertension. It is for this reason that the cause of essential h
ypertension (without known causes) is chronic dehydration - which occurs with ag
e, lack of good hydration. Doctors and medical students do not know. What else?
When a person does not drink enough water 'pure', its cells lose part of their w
ater circulation. This is normal, is to offset the "free space" that is created
in the movement. During dehydration, 66% of water is extracted from inside cells
(intracellular), 26% is extracted from the cells (intercellular) and 8% of wate
r is the traffic in question. In addition, some capillaries in some non-priority
areas of the body is completely closed to reduce the total volume in which bloo
d must flow, thereby increasing the pressure in the priority regions.
Priority areas include the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys and glands while non-pri
ority areas include the muscles, bones and skin. In essential hypertension due t
o chronic dehydration, as many capillaries in the muscles are closed, the exerci
se is necessary during treatment. The hydration and physical exercise to open th
e capillaries and cause a drop in blood pressure. You can read statements from t
he patients of Dr. B. I will return in a moment. Now, it is recommended to faste
n your seatbelt and be aware that there may be emotional and psychological uphea
val. Beware of automatic closing doors.€Drug cons hypertension who ... (crap) c
auses hypertension. Joking aside. As I explained in the previous newsletter, the
salt is a key element in the body. Without salt intake, the body can not retain
water, no matter how much the person drinks. All the water they drink will be r
apidly eliminated in the urine. In this way, a person lacking in salt long-term
chronically dehydrated and wound up with a so-called essential hypertension. I h
ope that you had already understood. The water inside the cell (intracellular) r
egulates cell volume, while the plasma salt regulates the amount of water presen
t outside the cells (extracellular). Basically, the more lack of salt in the pla
sma (traffic), the less yad'eau in plasma and the person have high blood pressur
e. Good. And everyone knows that doctors offer to people with hypertension / deh
ydrated? I'm not kidding, you all know, they 'deal' with low salt diet and restr
icting salt and water! Eat bland, no salt (added)! It's crazy, you realize? What
happens is that the patient becomes dehydrated more, and still more high! But t
hat's not all. You know what they give as a medicine? Diuretics! Drugs that incr
ease urine production and lose more water and salt, and make the body even more
determined to drink water and eat salt! Of course, after taking the medication a
nd after urinating, the person has a lower initial blood pressure - this is due
to the fact that there is less water in the circulation. But after? As I explain
ed, the organization will try to force the water into the cells through the filt
ers, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated and vasopressin, ther
e will be more of vasoconstriction and again hypertension. Then the patient take
s his medication, urine, dehydrates, becomes hypertensive, and resumed his medic
ation. Then urine dehydrates, becomes hypertensive and ... I think you've got it
. And doctors know what they are? It's a hilarious joke. These drugs only aggrav
ate the problem! And they recommend taking them for life! This is not a scandal
that?! In the words of Dr. B., the current treatment of essential hypertension i
s a "scientific nonsense. "I say that is crap. Ignorant First, doctors do not un
derstand the mechanism that generates essential hypertension during dehydration
CHRONICLE. They do not know the cause of 90% of hypertension is a chronic dehydr
ation. Second, they argue this way: if the patient eats salt, it will be more in
their plasma. This increases the osmolarity (concentration, if you want) plasma
which causes a call to cellular water. This water is now in circulation helps t
o increase blood volume, it puts extra pressure on the vessels and therefore the
person becomes hypertensive. Conclusion: It is important not to give its salt hy
pertensive patients. This qu'écrivent medical students in their copies and it a
llows them to pass their exams. This is not true. It is quite correct in these c
ircumstances. But where they gourent is when they assume that the patient eat on
ly salt without drinking water - water that is used to balance the salt content
of food! They also assume that natural foods contain more than enough salt - wel
l above the needs of the organization - and that one should not overdo it. Anyth
ing. They believe that because that is what they learn. Observe the animals (cow
s, sheep); instinctively, they need more salt. Finally, they assume that a proce
ss that applies to an acute situation applies equally to a chronic situation. Th
is is where the festivities begin. What is the treatment?
Dr. B. hypertensive patients treated her with water and salt. And not just with
water or only with salt! The both are necessary. Because, as I explained, the bo
dy maintains a careful balance between water content and salt content of blood.
Give only one of two disrupts this balance: only drink water to lose much water
(because water itself is a diuretic), eating only salt hypertensive makes the pe
rson (because it causes a call cellular water).€I hope this is clear. Send me a
n email if you do not understand - I will try to explain it better. To clearly r
ehydrate the patient and cure him of his hypertension, he must give water and sa
lt, both. These two signals, remember, disable the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system, and stops the secretion of vasopressin. So, good news, hypertension is
now more than a bad memory. Caution: If the patient has heart problems, Dr. B. s
ays that we must gradually increase its water consumption. He also said that the
diuretic drugs damage the kidneys and eventually
damage the heart. He says it's stupid to give medication for something that is c
ured with water and salt.
I'll explain how to properly hydrate at the end of this series of newsletters. B
ut very quickly you should drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal and
another glass two hours later. It is the strict minimum. And we must salt meals
normally. This applies also to patients with hypertension. In addition, they mu
st do regular exercise. And it works! Dr. B. has issued several statements in hi
s book 'Your Body's Many Cries for Water,' but if you really want to see the 180
letters of confirmation, you will find them in 'Water Cures, Drugs Kill. " Very
soon I will quote it is a patient who fell from 106/80 to 140-160/100-104; anot
her 150160/95-98 to 130-135/75-80. The 'normal' is, as you probably know, of 130
/70. Without medication, without side effects, without trouble. With nothing but
water and salt. Heal your patients this way and you can start saying goodbye to
your career. Say hello to Fascism. Continued ...
PS: Of course, we should not generalize and say that all those who are hypertens
ive are dehydrated. Some cases of hypertension are due to stress, as we know, an
d the cause of stress should be eradicated. And you are stressed because they ch
ose to be. There are many other cases that are caused by energy imbalances that
can only be cured with acupuncture or going to consult a healer (read 'The Energ
y Medicine, A Therapeutic Revolution' by Dr. Janine Fontaine).

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