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Information: This questionnaires objective is to compare personal with organizational buying

behavior while purchasing internet service. Your participation in this research is highly
appreciated and please takes a few minutes to answer all of the following questions. You are free
to ask any questions or to give any comments on the questionnaire.


1. Which company is your current internet service provider?

a) Sarkor
b) Evo
c) TPS
d) Soho
e) Other__________________

2. What is the speed of the internet?

a) slower than 128 kb/s
b) 128 kb/s 512mb/s
c) faster than 512mb/s

3. What is the mb limit of your connection?

a) Less than 500mb
b) 500mb 1000mb
c) more than 1000mb
d) unlimited

4. What influenced your choice of purchasing this service?

a) Advertisement
b) Speed
c) Mb limit
d) Price
e) Customer service
f) Quality
g) Friends suggestion
h) Net Search
i) Other____________________

5. Why did you purchase this service?

a) Communication purpose
b) Educational purpose
c) Business Purpose
d) Entertainment Purpose
e) Shopping Purpose
f) Other___________________

6. Which of the following activities do you regularly use an internet for?

a) Checking Email
b) General internet browsing
c) Online banking
d) Online shopping/trading
e) Activity involving streaming
f) Communication (making calls online, social networking)
g) Downloading Content
h) Sharing Photos
i) Professional Network sites
j) Video uploading
k) Other____________

7. How did you purchase the product?

a) Went to the company office
b) Other person purchased and other person pays the service bills
c) Other_________________

8. How satisfied are you with the service?

a) Extremely Dissatisfied
b) Somewhat satisfied
c) Very Satisfied
9. How often do you use this service?
a) Everyday
b) few times in a week
c) Few times in a month

10. How often do you switch to other tariff plan or to other company?
a) More than once in a year
b) once in a year
c) once in two years
d) _______________

11. Which factor made you to change your internet service?

a) Poor Customer service
b) Poor quality
c) Connection limits
d) Technical issues
e) Price
f) Better tariffs of other companies
g) Other________________

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