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€€€Osteoarthritis is the evil of the century.

It affects a large proportion of t

he population, especially those 50 years. But the phenomenon is beginning to aff
ect more and more young people.

€€€Everyone talks about it. But what exactly is osteoarthritis?

€€€It's a wear and aging joints, and chronic pain.
€€€The causes of arthritis are many and varied. Here's a sample:
€€€- The cold and lack of sunshine
€€€- Deficiency of trace elements in food
€€€- Repetitive movements during work
€€€- Flat feet, malformation of the hips ...
€€€- The depression, low morale (according to some psychologists)

€€€Early warning signs of arthritis are manifested by pain. They appear after ex
ercise, when walking, after a prolonged immobilization in a bad position or as a
result of repeated movement. These pains subside at rest.
€€€To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor will make radios which will allow it to
see if you have bony growths around joints. This will be a sign that arthritis
is well established.

€€€The statement can not be otherwise since there are several types of arthritis
pain and therefore different.
€€€And you, are you suffering from one of these types of osteoarthritis?
€€€- Cervical spondylosis: intermittent pain in the neck, shoulder, arm
€€€- Osteoarthritis back: pain in the back or ribs
€€€- Osteoarthritis lumbar back pain or sciatica crisis
€€€- Osteoarthritis of the hip pain and walking pain at sunrise (it felt "rusty"
€€€- Osteoarthritis of the knee trouble down stairs, squatting or standing up fr
om a chair
€€€- Other parts of the body can be involved: shoulders, hands, feet (in this ca
se, it is often osteoarthritis deformans)

€€€If you experience these symptoms, go see your doctor who will seek to relieve
pain, restore mobility to your joints, try to heal the lesions.
€€€In addition, natural products can give you extra living comfort.
€€€They include, for example:
€€€- Homeopathy: talk to a homeopath confirmed, he will prescribe you what granu
€€€- Herbal medicine: Harpagophytum, Cassis, Meadowsweet to alleviate the pain,
the Bamboo and Horsetail, rich in silica, to replenish the cartilage
€€€- Hydrotherapy and thalassotherapy: for an anti-pain and anti-inflammatory
€€€- Aspirin: the pain and cons to thin the blood
€€€- Trace elements: copper for an anti-inflammatory, fluorine against demineral
ization, zinc, manganese, etc..
€€€- Cartilage shark cartilage to reconstruct
€€€- The acupuncture to relieve pain and regain tone
€€€- Massage: to improve flexibility of joints
€€€- Sports sweet as qi gong, tai chi to regain mobility

€€€All this does is to explore avenues that after talking to your doctor. He wil
l be able to judge what is most beneficial to you.
€€€These different elements associated with good health habits will help you wit
hstand the pain, sometimes disabling or deforming, osteoarthritis.

€€€Co-authors: BRUNET Isabelle (specialist in personal development) and Katy GAW

ELIK (Doctor of Law, specializing in wellness and personal development)

€€€Please visit: http://www.abondance-editions.com and download the free gifts.

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