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Markus times

All about Climbing

Eight knot: Very good Anseilknoten, also open to high loads back slightly. Clove
hitch: Also called Mastwurf, as Munter hitch knot security with special carbine
(HMS). High rope wear, not intended for rappelling. Monkey fist (head-child) no
des: nodes litter, Zierknoten, also as a terminal node. Difficult to establish.
Half round turn with two half hitches: Can also be tied under tension and solved
. Sets the maximum strength of the rope by 30% down. Ankerstek: Same as above, e
xcept that the first stroke is through the round turn. Tree climbing. Bachmann k
not: Very reliable terminal nodes, but less handy than an Kurzprusik
Bulinknoten (dopp): Similar to the eighth node suitable for rope up. Does not co
ntract, can be solved easily, CAUTION! Never use a simple Bulin to climb. Diffic
ult to make! Node button: Easy detachable connection from a darkening loop and a
big knot (for example, monkey head). Buttonhole principle. Half hitch: Simple,
but very difficult solvable knots. (EDK) Diamond Node: Nice, as well as function
al nodes.
Double Node: Does anyone "Normal node. Double overhand: can hardly open again, m
ore wraps = throw knot wind, etc. Slipstek: Can again. Something wegbinden quick
Franciscan Node: Node litter
Garda backstop: Brilliant backstop with two loops Express.
Marl impact: Not suitable for climbing.
Hangman's knot: Strong loop, which contracts rapidly.
Gara-eight-slinging backstop with a carbine and a descent brake.
Heist terminal nodes: terminal nodes. Better than Bachmann knot, but worse than
Prusik knot. Konstruktorknoten: clove hitch + loop (see picture). Lash down and
can not be solved.
Nine nodes: features like Bulinknoten, but larger.
Prohaska: Kurzprusik, unique terminal node.
Prusik knot: Also good terminal nodes, as a hedge when abseiling. Rescue Federat
ion: People rescue. Back to the drawing up of persons by means of tackle. Double
rescue sling
Fisherman's knot (dopp): node to connect two ends of a rope.
Pull hitch: to loosen under load and then again. Taut-line hitch: Can shift, exc
ept during exercise. Not good.
Sheepshank shorten: For a subsequent line.
Trossenstek: connection between two ropes.
Litter Node: Node worse than monkeys throwing fist.
Schotstek: node to connect two ropes of different thickness
Does lark: to under load. Increased Munter hitch: more resistance than normal HM
Square knot: simple connection node, not very strong!
Tape knot: knot for tying a sling. Lieber finished sewn sling buying.
Bar knot: To move here behind tree trunks, etc. Links to nose strips. Roringstek
: mounts on a tree branch u.s.w.
Boatswain Node: Strong Schlingknoten.
Spanner Node: To stretch a rope. The tension knots allowed, thanks to the pulley
effect the clamping of a rope. It consists of several individual knots. The loo
p is usually used the truck driver node, but it can be in his place the aft
. Use As a conclusion is usually the pretzel. Oops! The wrapping must necessaril
y be started at the truck driver nodes and then wrapped in the direction of the
tree. Often you can see that the tree started and wrapped in the direction Fuhrm
ann node. However, this can sometimes have serious consequences since the node c
an then be solved by the movement of the rope! So make absolutely sure that is w
rapped properly. Improved Slickknot solved: Heavier than a normal Slipknot.
The method described in the above images to create a tension knot is the simples
t. It has, however, due to the exploration of the ropes on the tree on a relativ
ely large Seilabnützung. Therefore, if possible, the cables are not run around
the tree, but by a pulley that is mounted on the tree. Also forward the carbine
it is recommended to relieve the rope a pulley fitted. Using pulleys, the knot b
ut with an additional cable which is attached to the rifle to be secured to the
tree there!
Running Bowline: Lassoknoten.
Pulley: Another person e.g. mount a rescue.
Rope ladders: Simple inspection of a tree, etc.
Lift: u.s.w. for Treehouse
Attaching a rope with stakes: for example for rope bridge.
HMS clamp at rest or fall:
Compensation anchor: If necessary safeguards when the lead climber.
Diversion: loss of power through various diversion techniques.
Rope bridges: The crossing of waters€small ditches, tree to tree (only partiall
y possible).
Cable cars: how to cross rope bridges of large ditches, waterways, tree to tree.
Technical Climbing: ascent on ropes, trees, etc.
more info at: http://www.cevi.ch/regzh/hettlingen/cevitechnik/Seiltechnik/
HMS: Oldest backup procedure, already used in shipping. Today long been replaced
by more modern backup devices. Half Mastwurf to specific HMS - carbine. Twistin
g, no lock. Right: half-mast litter descent brake: mediocre backup device. Low f
riction, no twisting. Right: Various eighth, eight with a fixation with the help
of a piece of rubber against the risk that the eight slides over the closure of
the carabiner and exerts such adverse impact. GriGri: Safer Siecherungsgerät.
Locking mechanism. Important habit.
Antzbremse: Little-known, mediocre backup device. TreSirius: known to be a bad b
ackup device. Also for Doppelseilführung little hand strength needed.
YoYo: Also handle backup device
RCA: The Easiest, yet safe, light, small, good performance, regardless of rope d
iameter ...
ATC: Simple Tuber, low friction, high hand load.
ATC XP: Improved ATC holds, more ...
Reverso: good backup device, high friction, friction can be increased by using t
wo carabiners. REVERSINO: Reverso for very thin rope. Not necessary since Revers
o erziehlt with two rifles, the same effect.

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