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2007.08 Course
University Access
University shall be eligible for: • Those who have completed the compulsory seco
ndary education and the entrance examinations to university. • Those who have pa
ssed COU and aptitude tests for university entrance. • Those who have passed the
Bachelor of curriculum prior to the General Education Act of 1970, the test of
maturity of pre-university course, or this or that COU approved prior to the cou
rse 1974-1975. • Students graduate from FP II and Higher Level Vocational Traini
ng, with direct access to the relevant college. • People over 25 years (or those
who comply by 1 October of the year in which it is held), which do not possess
the qualifications required, and pass the relevant test. • Graduates.
For access to university studies will be necessary to pass a test, which along w
ith the grades earned in high school, assessed with an objective, academic matur
ity of students and knowledge. Since the entry into force of R.D. 1640 to 1699,
after completion of the Bachelor studies covered in the LOGSE, is necessary to p
ass the entrance exam, for all types of college. Candidates have a maximum of fo
ur calls. Consumed shall not be considered one in which the student is not submi
tted to any of the periods to which they are bound. You can attend the test as m
any times as desired, to try to improve test score in any call back and at the s
ame university. Also at different University, provided that there shall be a cha
nge of residence. If not achieved, maintaining the previously achieved grade.
Curriculum References: Proof of access to university should be based on the gene
ral objectives of the Bachelor and the objectives, contents and evaluation crite
ria and common materials, set out in the relevant decree on the structure and cu
rriculum for the curricula of Baccalaureate. The set initially by the 1991 and 1
992, on the structure of the core curriculum and Bachelor were replaced by Royal
Decree 3474/2000, which amended the structure and core curricula, which have be
en developed for Castilla y León Decree 70/2002 of 23 May (BOCyL, 29/05/2002).
study guide and educational centers
Ended and the delivery of the COU, as well as calls for termination of the relev
ant evidence provided access to the calls of the academic year 2002-2003. The im
plementation from the 2003-2004 school year curriculum changes has meant that ca
lls from the 2005-2006 academic year, there is only one type of entrance examina
tion, which is autonomous regarding the current curriculum of high school. Stude
nts who have completed the COU, or obtained their foreign studies and validation
by seeking access to university studies, as well as those who completed their s
tudies following high school curriculum by R. The 1991 and 1992, they have regul
ated testing for current graduates of compulsory secondary education, by RR Decr
ees 1640/1999 and 1025/2002, and can freely choose one or two of the channels pr
ovided for in Article 8.2 of the first of the decrees. This unique event will be
adapted to the provisions of R. Decree 1025/2002 of 4 October, which regulated
the entry test, after the last change Baccalaureate curriculum.
May attend any of the following testing options related to the modality has been
completed Bachelor: MODE OF ROUTE U BACCALAUREATE OPTION Natural Science and He
alth Technology Scientific-Technological Scientific-Technological Science and Na
ture Health Health Science Humanities and Social Sciences Arts Arts Humanities S
ocial Sciences
The tests consist of two parts:
PART Composed of three exercises on common subjects. In the first and third peri
ods, for History and Philosophy and Language Castellana, respectively, shall be
returned to students two proposals, including one chosen. a) FIRST EXERCISE: Dev
elop an essay on a topic or issue of a historical or philosophical analysis from
various sources of information (text, tables, graphs, images and the like), inc
luded in the proposed review.€The composition should integrate the knowledge of
the student and the information provided. Having become a common subject of Phil
osophy II (History of Philosophy), the Organising Committee for the entrance exa
m, at its meeting on November 6, 2003, which are students, who at the time of re
gistering for these tests, choosing subject matter, history or philosophy II, wa
nt to do in this first year. The election will be held at each call in which eac
h student is enrolled. Exercise Duration: 90 minutes.
2007.08 Course
University Access
b) SECOND YEAR: From a text in a foreign language, with no common language speci
alist, must demonstrate that he has understood the contents of the text and make
a personal comment. answering questions related to the text, which will be rais
ed and answered in writing in the language of the text without the aid of dictio
nary or any other material. Exercise Duration: 90 minutes. c) THIRD YEAR: Analys
is and understanding of a text in Castilian. The proposal consists of three part
s, in order to assess: 1. The ability to analyze and synthesize the content of t
he text, by drawing up a summary and an outline of it. 2. The critical comment o
n the content of the text. 3. The answers to questions of language and literatur
e related, if possible, with the text. Exercise Duration: 120 minutes PART TWO
Also consist of three exercises, each of which is given to the students two diff
erent proposals, A and B, among which will have to choose one of them. To test a
ccess, you can attend at any of the following access routes are organized tests:
Scientist - Technology • Health Sciences • Humanities • Social Sciences • Arts
This second part will focus on three fields within the form issued by the studen
t in high school.
Related Subjects: Subjects mode: Roads:
Necessarily be carried out tests on two subjects related to each path. The third
area of modality to be chosen freely by the student, including those inherent t
o the mode taken in the second year of high school. Matters related to the acces
s roads are following the changes in R. Decree 1025/2002, the following: a) Via
Science - Technology: Mathematics and Physics. b) Via Health Sciences: Biology a
nd Chemistry. c) Via Humanities: Latin and history of art. d) Route C. Social: A
Art History. The proposed review of each of these subjects may include text, qu
estions, questions, codes of problems and analysis of various sources of informa
tion, depending on the nature and peculiarities of each subject, that allow stud
ents to demonstrate their knowledge. For each exercise will have 90 minutes. In
the event that some subjects related to drawing and visual expression, requiring
a longer duration, according to the Commission, this time may be extended.
study guide and educational centers
Double option: For passing the test, students may be submitted by one or two of
the planned access routes and possible curriculum. In order to run for two-way s
hall be completed necessarily linked the four subjects, for the two chosen paths
. Students who opt for the double option of Humanities and Arts, the Art History
appear as links in both, by agreement of the Organising Committee for the entra
nce examinations to the University of Castilla and León, taken May 11, 2004 , wi
ll choose fourth field mode. Only then can they apply the rating system under th
e general rules for students who attend by double options. Test Type Single Acce
ss is reiterated that since the calls for entrance examinations in June and Sept
ember 2006, only a single type of evidence relating to high school curriculum cu
rrently taught in Castilla y León. All this regardless of whether those who regi
ster, may have completed the compulsory secondary education COU or by previous h
igh school curriculum is no longer in force. This situation is normatively expec
ted to remain until the 2009-2010 academic year to the entry into force of the t
ests planned for students who have completed the Bachelor of Education Law. With
the exception of students from the Centre under Article 38.6 of the LOE decrada
os exempt from this test.€Grades and Average Final • Each of the exercises of th
e two parts of the test will be graded between zero and ten points. • The grade
of the first part is the arithmetic mean of the three exercises. The mark of the
second part is calculated by adding 40 percent of the marks obtained in each of
the two matters related to the road and 20 percent of the area of modality chos
en. The overall test score is the arithmetic mean of scores on the two sides. •
When two-way access for the characterization of the first part will be determine
d under the preceding paragraph. • In the second part there will be two grades,
one for each of the channels, calculated as follows: It will join forty percent
of the scores for each of the two matters related to the road, with twenty perce
nt of higher ratings than those obtained in the relevant areas to the other trac
k. • You can only be declared fit by an access road who get at least four points
in the overall rating for this route. • The final grade for access to universit
y studies are calculated by weighting 40 percent overall rating of the test and
60 per cent the average of the student's academic record in high school. For its
calculation does not take into account the status of religious education in acc
ordance with the provisions of Article 5.3 of R. Decree 2438/94 of 16 December.
• When the student is presented two ways to access, will have two final scores,
one for each path. • for passing the entrance examination to college, they must
achieve a minimum score of five points in his final grade. Second corrections an
d claims: Once known scores, students may request, before the Chief Justice, a s
econd correction of the exercises, which incorrectly considered the application
of general criteria and specific assessment of correction, which referred to in
Art. 5.1. and 13 of R. Decree 1640/1999.
2007.08 Course
University Access
They may also lodge complaints against the qualifications of the latter correcti
ons, or directly from the initial to the Organising Committee for the tests. Thi
s is in accordance with the wording of art. R. 16 Decree 1640/1999, given by R.
Decree 990/2000 of 2 June.
Basic Rules Royal Decree 1640/1999, of 22 October, regulating the entrance exam
to university (BOE, 10/17/1999). Royal Decree 990/2000 of 2 June, amending and s
upplementing R. Decree 1640/1999 (BOE, 03/06/2000). Royal Decree 1025/2002, of O
ctober 4, which fits the R. Decree 1640/1999, of October 22, as amended and supp
lemented by R. Decree 990/2000 of 2 June at the high school curriculum changes (
BOE, 02/10/1922). Royal Decree 743/2003 of 20 June on the entrance exam to the U
niversity for over 25 years (BOE, 04/07/1903). Royal Decree 69/2000 of 21 Januar
y with the selection procedures for admission to the universities for students w
ho meet the legal requirements for university entrance (BOE, 01/22/2000). Royal
Decree 806/2006 of 30 June, laying down the timetable for implementing the new m
anagement of the educational system established by the Organic Law 2 / 2006 of 3
May of Education (BOE 14-07 - 06). Order of November 25, 1999, which regulates
university studies related to different types of high school or choice of COU (B
OE, 30/11/1999). Order of May 14, 2001, which updates the Order of November 25,
1999, which identifies the courses leading to the granting of official universit
y related to each of the access roads to these studies (BOE, 05/22/2001). ECI/19
24/2004 Order of 1 September, 1999 by changing the order to incorporate a degree
in Biotechnology (BOE 10/09/2004). Resolution of May 7, 2007, the Ministry of U
niversity and Research, which sets out instructions for accessing the Spanish un
iversities in the next academic year 2007-2008, of students coming from educatio
nal systems to which it application of Article 38.5 of the LOE. Castilla y León
Policy EDU/263/2005 Order of 23 February (BOCyL 01/03/2005) on organization and
operation of the Organising Committee for the entrance examinations to the Unive
rsity of Castilla and Leon. Replaces Orders December 22, 1999, and April 2, 2001
, for which took place in Castilla y León forecasts RD 1640/1999.€EDU/1924/2004
Order of 21 December (BOCyL 12/23/1904), regulating the entrance exam to univers
ity for people over 25 years in the field of the Community of Castilla y León.
The Order of November 25, 1999, (BOE n º 286,30-11-99), and its subsequent amend
ments already indicated, determine the studies leading to obtaining official uni
versity titles that relate to each of the routes access to such studies and to g
ive priority in admission to begin university studies.

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