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By Stephanie Fernandez Magaña As every Saturday from 10:00 am, the seats on the
Poplar Cultural Tianguis beginning to show their fancy products to be sold to a
multicultural community. With forms of dress and think differently, come togeth
er punketos, goths, eskatos, cholos, rastas, rockers and kids lately called stra
wberries, with the sole motive of enriching their ideas, exchange goods, listen
to music groups not well known in the market, or observe artists who reveal thei
r literary and visual. Since the inauguration of the Poplar Cultural Tianguis mo
re than 25 years ago, specifically on October 4, 1980. Which was scheduled for o
nly four weeks, extended to two years within Poplar Museum. At this time there w
as a audiorama, where all tested their discs, one by one. Then the market place
came "on the street, says the brain behind Poplar, Jorge Pantoja, the" autonomy
within the UNAM UNAM, and a bastion of what is now called counter-culture, alter
native culture, but for many all that was only pure marijuana. "(in the article,
Funk Report on Raúl Torttoledo) now can be found from an acetate disc of The D
oors to the Panda's latest single on CD and people like John" The Monkey ", they
walk with a crate to show yesteryears and contemporary titles. He says, "I am a
long time here, I've seen happen to great band and I think it has lost some of
the core that formed the flea market, barter and counterculture is setting aside
to make way for more goods trade "- in a disc that shows Allison, a group that
recently heard on radio stations.
At the same time that "monkey" mind what you think of the flea market, a man app
roaching middle age, dressed in black, tattoos covering his two arms, leaving no
blank space, with leather vest and full of studs, says: "Monito brought me what
I asked, I brought you what we had been, I urge ... I've been looking like craz
y" in that "The monkey" out of his backpack acetate disc with totally black box
and says "And I have the original" Lord, smiles and puts his hand on the shoulde
r and says "good, they are also original. Ten. So with that attitude if they wan
t to do business with you "the Lord gives three CD's, fired hitting the palms of
your hands and making strange gestures. When you remove the master, "Monkey" co
mments "so I say, you're missing a bit the essence, because there are still peop
le who come and swap discs for others, but there are shows like now that are not
very nice because they come The Ultrasonic and these are either crazy, "makes a
gesture of disgust and goes walking with the Crate and offering them to all who
pass by his side. Later you can see clothes stalls, black ruffled skirt and pin
k blouse with large insurance, joining the sleeves with the other side of the bl
ouse, belt studs, black clothes torn and different fabrics, all camouflaged shir
ts colors, blue, pink, purple, and the typical military green. Sure, but this ca
n not miss the posts of permanent tattoos or piercings and henna, with very part
icular sellers, full of tattoos and piercings to the cheeks, speaking in a very
quiet. "Friends here is hygiene and are very cheap, you really very nice with on
e of these in the eyebrow" pointing to a pircing a pink flower, "... and you ask
without compromise"
Those who also make suggestions to change your look or add an attachment to your
image are the boys with the dreadlocks, offering a variety of braids or dreadlo
cks of different sizes, as Hugo mentions "Look friend we suggest you make chidas
braids because they look, but at least I prefer to do dreadlocks to braids ...
not that be easier but many people do not know really dreadlocks why these "poin
ting to his big hair full of thick and thin dreadlocks showing an attitude of in
terest in having real meaning of that expression of this group called the Rastas
. "Look at the reason why is because we get dreadlocks so marks our religion is
a form of expression, of being against the conventional, but I'm also people who
think they do not have to be vegetarian, or smoke marijuana or hear reggae, or
be to become a Rastafarian dreads, just enough to feel like, so we do in this pu
estesito dreadlocks, but I leave out some disagreement,€and then I make a frien
d ... "" laughing and calling other people to approach his job. There is a post
that called attention very passing through there, masks show a variety of spikes
and studs, conrsets and whips, hats, belts and bracelets. The mannequin is obse
rved from afar, is dressed in a network, leather bracelets, corset full of chain
s and a leather cap. "I say the bald, says the owner of the place" referring to
the dummy, "everything you see, what my husband and I do by hand, is one of the
few places that make their own merchandise" suddenly leaves many people parties
and interrupt the conversation, but not before I tell the lady "come back soon a
nd we are here to serve you" enter more tianguis can perceive an odor of marijua
na, combined with the odor selling quesadillas on the side stage. The latter inv
aded a great euphoria that the floor was booming because of all the emotions exp
ressed here, both the public and by the interpreters.
Ultrasonic ... huuuu!, Sing of Rude! No fan, no longer enjoy band!, Shouted and
whistled the public constantly, to enjoy the presentation of the group. Jenny un
til she spoke, a group member, "not Ojesto, stop throwing the band that came ear
ly, because they are almost upon us and we can not play cool ... and now it is g
oing rola rude" people cited at the site began jumping and chanting the song, li
stened very well to such a degree that gave me goosebumps. Singing "that rude, c
rude and rude that I forgive you because I know you are a poor beggar, that rude
, crude and rude that, so I have to take me with bandits like you ..." suddenly
the distance is seen throwing air to a boy, then a young, overwhelmed by emotion
that produced those screams, whistles, songs and music heard all that was there
. Singing little five songs, the Ultrasonic goodbye and those present were gradu
ally retreating, leaving behind the emotions experienced, and a pleasant experie
nce, as Lily said Marquez was well cool, short but cool, whenever they come to P
oplar am the first to get in front of the stage. " Leaving behind the different
ways of thinking, the kids walk to the metro Buenavista, abandon some of them th
ere, pleased to have heard the group they like, buy products they are interested
in or just watch the amount of things you can found in the Poplar Cultural Tian
guis. You can see the wide range of people who have gone through this street ove
r 25 years, the acceptance by some of the merchants by the constant change in id
eologies and that all is not done as before. The different forms of expression b
y an ideological identification, have made this place one of the areas visited b
y foreign and domestic tourists, thus becoming, in an area important for certain
groups are not widely accepted by society.
driguez Bustamante youth's desire to have spaces in which free speech is communi
cated, invites us to further develop alternative proposals to be reminded that n
ot only the "big "can do things, and that we are more doors open and ensure the
entry of new, intelligent cultural proposals. Alejandro Hernandez is the vocalis
t, guitarist, producer and musical director of Capricornus. A Mexican indie band
of metal that occurs in the concert of Radio Poplar, emblematic institution lik
e the Tianguis Cultural itself. From six feet and some height, complexion and li
ght eyes, long hair, Chinese, light brown with a broad smile as he sees this mus
ician. Meanwhile, the prospect of independent music begins his defense. A musici
an must have a huge heart, an immense love of this, fight, fight, fight ... Curr
ently I have about 20 years playing and it is difficult to survive. We had to pl
ay in bands other music to try to get some money and buy musical instruments, bu
t the important thing is not to lose faith. You blindly believe in what you do,
defend it tooth and nail, that you like, you enjoy it, you do not have very larg
e claims because I've known people who want to eat the world, spend four or five
years are gone. Sometimes I put into question the issue of being a musician and
try to do something else, but it breaks my heart, dammit, I spent the whole
life to music, why I quit,€why! Then do not have no other way than continue fig
hting to try to enlist the support of the people around you. If someone wants to
follow the path of being a musician, you must have a huge heart, an immense lov
e of this, fight, fight, fight, and I do I will continue fighting until the end
of the final. The value of music in the Poplar Alejandro Hernandez now located i
n front of over a hundred young people with a pedestal in front of him and the r
est of the group make sense of Capricornus. Among distorted guitars and the fusi
on of progressive industrial metal give way to new sounds that cause excitement
among the public, more than five and dance, others fly. The metal has been submi
tted. "The times I come to Poplar, one or two times a month to move to greet my
friends, buy music, DVDs and all that, I am a customer, I'm still a fan. After t
he euphoric period, the CD sales table is covered by several youths. There are o
nly four discs Capricornus on the surface and in less than two minutes had disap
peared one by one for fifty dollars per hand. - You bring more than Capricornus?
"Yes," replied the drummer for the band to sales manager. - Have you already fi
nished? - Question concerned a young man who decides to wait more that a disc is
placed on the table ... "I entered the world of music at age 14, a young man ca
rrying equipment and tuning guitars. Then came the poplar and acquired scores, t
apes and all that information is absorbed and learned to play the videos, I'm 10
0% self taught, I had no training, no musical education class. That truth we hav
e no money, we do not support anything or anyone. We do what we can, but we are
always looking to the future. You have to be very focused, very serious, take it
easy, fun and down to earth. I am a person. I'm Just that, a rock musician who
likes to play.
Because fashions imposed radio and television, there is a culture of rock, at le
ast not in Mexico City. I have made trips to the interior of Mexico and found bl
ack metal bands, punk hard and radicals. Once we went to play a Chihuahua and I
saw a video channel of heavy metal and said Mexico does not exist! No metal chan
nels, there is nothing. I'm a Chihuahua and an open TV channel, a lot of favorit
e bands and I enjoy like crazy while everyone was asleep and I happy - oh, this
video and this and this one! - As young child because the way I am, I am a child
yet. What we want is to play Doing Capricornus said, gee, I'm going to continue
recording music but nobody peel. I showed my brother that the music had somethi
ng to say, without pretensions. It is not my first desire to be famous or have a
lot of money, no. We only want to play, especially look for spaces. The scene o
f the indie forums is a poor, but we are open to where we go to play call: south
, north, west, east and I hope that happens because that's what we do. Capricorn
us is: Alejandro Hernandez, guitar and vocals; Chema, Battery, and Ivan, Low. We
have a large amount of material. In fact we are promoting a production called T
he cosmic inner circle, is a double album. At the same time we are working on ne
w songs for an album edit, independent, of course, possible resources. Thus Capr
icornus represents the alternative scene, freely and autonomously. And as I said
Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky: "Indeed, were it not for music, would have more reason
to go crazy." Music is the language most sublime of human beings. And Nietzsche
rethinking, without independent music life would be a mistake.
The Poplar and cultural resistance by Martha Jimena Lopez Villa's eleven in the
morning and around is like a dream. The Tianguis Cultural Poplar is an area of t
he city which brings together many cultural expressions and ways of life in a fr
ee and unbiased. And is that Poplar has all kinds of people, from children who a
re led by the hand by their parents or siblings, even the "veterans", those hard
y men long tresses and a straight face that boast that "without our work , you w
ould not be here. " Today is a Saturday together. Here are the regular visitors
and those who begin to engage in this alternate world. In the distance are the v
endors with their clothes, CDs and books in their hands talking with buyers and
anyone who wishes to speak. So here, people want to talk and do it. Want to danc
e and can do so, you can even leave the stage to the musician who has not met it
s melodic instincts. In Poplar there is freedom but also demand, the reason is t
hat space is achieved to zeal so hard. However,€all who come here looking for a
nswers can find them looking for trends that medium is diffusion and effective i
n the goal. Today the question is the Rastafarians and its current in society. T
he followers of this current of thought expressed as one of its fundamental prin
ciples that says that "Not every dread is Rasta and not every Rasta is dread", i
e that the fact of using dreadlocks (correct name of so-called "Rastas" ) does n
ot identify a Rastafarian and vice versa. And it has been generally felt that al
l who use it Rastafarian dreadlocks. However, the rate of use is, at present, an
d these will go beyond basic first fruits of Rastafarianism as a religious doctr
ine. Looks very "natural", according to some principles of his philosophy, Mauri
tius uses dreadlocks in her hair, and confesses that his motive is more politica
l as a form of cultural resistance. " Among a wave of people who have decided to
end his day Saturday street market, Mauritius answers and words denoting the fu
ll knowledge and
justification of his style. "I am a student of Social Sciences: Anthropology and
Sociology, besides, I have African American roots." Walking toward the subway a
nd just before facing the persistent sellers of juice or incense is Miguel, he i
s selling-that hobby goals against three long poles that move with balance not n
o-drop and dexterity amuses himself by playing to win customers. For him, "the h
air and hair are a means of expressing yourself, if you use dreads express somet
hing as if you used a ponytail." However, here is a point identifying both the a
ppearance is "rather an act of rebellion" - in the words of Miguel - that is, a
"resistance to the dominant culture and the system" - according to Mauricio "For
today, this way of life is not so orthodox obeys the principles that gave it li
fe. "We all have the same path but with a different vision" audience convinced M
iguel, who sees in her dress the way to express themselves. In the environment,
a mosaic of character walks on the street today is the setting for dialogue. The
interviews are common in the Poplar so it's not surprising to find someone with
a camera or a tape recorder everything happens as an ordinary day: there is pro
paganda, clothing, food, live and recorded music, people hungry for identificati
on walks looking for everything and nothing at once. Most modern cultural and id
eological trends have an affinity with other expressions such as art or music. A
ccordingly, much is said about the Rastafarians and its relationship to reggae.
Rhythm emerged in Jamaica in the '60s as a combination of Afro-West Indian and A
merican Rhythm & Blues, reggae was a long time, the only means by which expresse
d the Rastafarians. However, today no longer go hand in hand as the pace has und
ergone several changes due to globalization and, sometimes, commercialization. H
owever, many of the followers of the doctrine continue to consume this kind: the
y believe that "reggae is a political demonstration and root culture it expresse
s." Today, the reality of Rastafarianism (or perhaps his supporters) is that the
y have modified their initial requirements lead to other events coming up, in th
is case, more to trends than to the religious policies.
In the hour of departure, other cultural expressions appear on the road and feel
that each has its own history and philosophy, as it is enriching the protest an
d communication means that each person tries to convey with his attire. THE ROCK
IN OUR TIMES By Susana De la Cruz Alejandro González Gómez Fierro is a gradua
te student at the Faculty of Economics at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de M
exico (UNAM) and is part of a rock band: Mictlan, a group that seeks to transgre
ss borders among the public who enjoy this genre, creating a distinct style in h
is compositions using pre-Hispanic instruments. Since 18 years Alejandro Gómez
Fierro is part of the rock movement, suburban tribe has acquired an important ro
le in our society. "I always liked rock, as a child because my influences were b
ands like the Beatles and the Doors, which directed my way towards forming a roc
k band," he says. "Tlamacazqui is an Aztec term meaning awl, something like a pr
iest," said Alejandro Gómez Fierro who uses the nickname to identify yourself a
s a member of his band. Mictlan for almost eight years of existence,€"Several o
ccasions the band has attended the Poplar Cultural Tianguis to give their concer
ts." Rock countercultural movement since 1950 and there is rock in the United St
ates where it has its beginning, but the English have to his credit the greatest
exponents. "The ancient origin of the blues rock was a movement of black slaves
in America, and the songs spoke of the oppression which they lived." This count
erculture was a resistance to oppression and with it comes the rock movement tha
t gradually was transformed, "going by the Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Soul, etc. u
p to the Rock & Roll "mentions Alexander. In Mexico, the rock begins to be impor
ted from the fifties, but only covers that were translated into Spanish and is "
in the sixties when
emerging national groups that make their own songs like dugs dugs, Peace and Lov
e, and of course Tri. The essence or purpose for rock movement that emerged was
the rejection of the capitalist system, but now the rock has expired with respec
t to their ideology, because "the system has been incorporated and has removed t
hat point born revolutionary, "says Alexander. The end of suburban tribe in the
contemporary world is determined by the system that governs us "most of the grou
ps no longer have the original property because they have become commercial, and
are dedicated to finding economic benefits," The Young and the rock The rock mo
vement in the culture of Mexican society has represented primarily at young peop
le and to a lesser extent the protesters, "as Che Guevara said:` Young people ar
e rebellious by nature ', and in theory should represent the rock basic instinct
of youth "refers to Alexander. In addition to settle for young people 18-32 yea
rs of age that defines the tribes of rockers is their ideology and their attire.
The main features of a rock are: "the spirit of rebellion, the answer to what y
ou do not like using music and nonconformity with the capitalist system," he say
s. "The costume is rather the identification with the suburban tribe to which he
belongs." The rockers use a sharp toupee and boots, jeans with metal buckles, w
omen in their clothing is characterized by tight skirts at the waist and flared,
and wear thin heels. "The dress, long hair, the color black, studs, etc.. are o
nly required features that the tribe, because society has given similar behavior
s within the given social circles, "says this rocker. The rock in Mexican societ
y Mexican society has had a peculiar way of perceiving this movement, according
to Alejandro rock bands as suburban tribes are considered by society as a rebell
ious movement that has no positive and negative characteristics.
"So no, the population of Mexico has associated the rock with drugs, crime, thef
t, violence, etc.. positively and rock has been one way that many people have be
en able to express our rejection of many things that have to do with the current
world system. " While it is true that rock movement is largely part of the capi
talist system, rock bands have become business groups run by major corporations,
"says Belinda now and rock, and Televisa manages major bands as the national Tr
i, Caifanes, Mana, etc. "Myths and Realities About rock rock have been raised se
veral myths that have been just that and end up being true. Alexander said some
of them having to do with religion, violence, sex and motorbikes. "For the rocke
rs 'religion is the opium of society', as Lenin said," is what keeps us doped "i
s how the vision of this movement towards religion is total rejection. Violence
and aggression have been elements generally associated with that movement, howev
er, "some rockers reject all violence and for others is the main theme of his so
ngs." Elvis Presley was the main idol of all the rockers and since then sex has
been flirting with rock, the truth is that "the rise of sex with the rock hit th
e metal." It is said that high-powered motorcycles and classic style have been a
characteristic element of a rocker, "I love to, but is rather just a fetish obj
ect," features Alexander. The future of rock-rock movement has been constructed
according to the capitalist system, causing a loss in its original purpose;€as
to emerge as a counterculture movement was intended to reject the system and is
now attached to capitalism that seeks to promote the commercial rock for economi
c returns.
"Today the rock genre agglomerates endless tastes, ie, rock is from Café Tacuba
to Belinda through the Rolling Stones." There are many styles, it has experimen
ted with different sounds and trends, including, as Alexander says, "are used in
Mexico is their own instruments in my band played with pre-Hispanic instruments
." Despite these circumstances being experienced by the rock, few bands have man
aged to maintain, create their own compositions, and most have tried to stay in
the taste of much of society, especially youth. "Both the rock, like other subur
ban tribes, ska, heavier, dark, punk etc. are critical, it is what sustains the
countercultural movements of the music and I consider it necessary to emphasize
the goal of each of them looking for ways to revive its core, "says Alexander. P
oplar El Tianguis Cultural del space rock as Tianguis Cultural The Poplar is def
ined to be a cultural space where different tribes converge for 28 years, howeve
r the purpose of this place has changed and affected. Alejandro says that "at fi
rst the Poplar was a very important cultural area, but now only selling period."
Moreover, "the environment in Poplar Tianguis is no longer as before, Litte whi
te boys and girls now attend high school kids before they were true punks, metal
heads and other urban band" he says. Alejandro is necessary to "restructure comp
letely, remove to fixed and warehouses, but would be difficult because there are
too many economic interests of the merchants" However, the Tianguis Cultural Po
plar still promoted concerts for various bands, including to present photographi
c exhibitions. Mictlan Alejandro and his band will be presented on May 19 at the
Poplar Cultural Tianguis, to give one of his more rock concerts that are charac
terized by using pre-Hispanic instruments.

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