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Degree in Special Education Fifth Semester EDUCATIONAL STRATEGIES OF ATTENTION I

_______________________________________________________________ Hours / week: 4

Credits: 7.0 Introduction Program
The task of teaching, both inside the classroom and outside of it, necessarily r
equires the establishment of strategies that facilitate, to structure and facili
tate the processes of student learning. To do this the teacher will have to take
into account the school context, family and social development of pupils and es
tablish efficient mechanisms for acquisition, construction or strengthening know
ledge, skills, among others, and thereby promote significant learning. It is imp
ortant that the teacher consider in their planning, activities to promote both l
earning and developing skills, attitudes and values in students, to apply in dai
ly life situations. It is also essential to consider the close relationship betw
een the teaching and learning, and how both impact on the actions undertaken by
the students. For the development and implementation of teaching strategies, com
bine two areas of the human: intelligence and learning, the first is considered
a skill that develops as a set of skills that enhance human skills and strategie
s intellectuals, the second is related to the acquisition process of thought, th
ought is learned, in this way, the thought comes along with the intelligence to
develop intellectual skills that enable the solution of problems of various kind
s, whether academic, intellectual or daily life. The teaching strategies are con
ditioned then, both to the work of the teacher as the work of the student, ie, t
here is a link between the teaching strategies used by the teacher and learning
strategies that it implements the student and that directly impact in previous o
nes. Teaching strategies are emerging from the origins of man, solidified, perha
ps obviously, in education as a human activity directed at specific accomplishme
nts. Today, the work style in the educational process tries to be both active an
d significant union
dialectic of learning. "
to the
Therefore, teaching strategies also include the way the media that the teacher u
sed in the establishment of its kind. To this end, consider various components t
hat enable better academic performance. These include: the theme of the course,
the objective, the school level, the number of pupils, their age, interests and
time you have available. Understand learning strategies such as decision-making
processes of students, each one, select, retrieve and apply the knowledge they r
equire coordinated access to the achievement of a goal, depending on the situati
on in which the action occurs . So that, the teaching strategy can be conceptual
ized as a set of activities aimed at achieving smart goals outlined in the educa
tional process. It is then evident that teaching strategies enable the learning,
if implemented planned way, the result is a student able to create their own st
rategies that permit the acquisition of knowledge presented in class. The course
Education and Care Strategies I, corresponding to field-specific training area
of focus: Intellectual fundamental aims that future special education teachers t
eaching obtaining the items necessary for them to offer an adequate response to
special educational needs present students with intellectual disabilities. The n
ormal school students, through the development of the blocks that make up this p
rogram, will be able to open lines of thought and practice that will enable them
to influence their future teaching performance, in improving the educational co
nditions of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities, as well as
developing alternatives to guide their practice. This course, like other curricu
lar areas that make up the specific training camp care area: Intellectual, provi
des students, pedagogical and disciplinary knowledge base that enable it to prov
ide an adequate educational response in the area of schools regular basic educat
ion (USAER) or the special education school services (CAM).
General Purposes. The study of course content and the implementation of the sugg
ested activities allow students to:

Obtain the knowledge, technical and methodological enable them to select and ada
pt both the resources and supports needed to provide appropriate educational res
ponse to special educational needs that present students with intellectual disab
ilities. Recognize the importance of educational intervention in school settings
, classroom, family and society. Establish design strategies that respond to spe
cial educational needs that present students with intellectual disabilities in t
he levels of initial, preschool and primary education.
• •
Organization of content. This course is organized into two thematic blocks, arra
nged in a logical and sequenced, including basic bibliography, and suggestions o
f other complementary support materials, and the description of the activities u
ndertaken. The suggestions of two interconnected blocks, allows the development
and understanding of the course. In Block I, "Strategies for teaching and learni
ng," discusses the theoretical issues that they allow the concept of strategy an
d the difference with this technique, procedure, skill, etc.., Which regularly a
re considered synonymous. The block also examines the types of strategies, their
classification, adjustments and specifications for the attention of students wi
th intellectual disabilities, particularly with regard to teaching methods, clas
sroom organization and use of materials both in support services such as school.
Also, to complete the block focuses on the study of autism, noting that not all
cases of autism are associated with intellectual disability, but recurrent trea
tment and care are addressed as such in the field of education. In Block II, "St
rategies of educational services for students with intellectual disabilities," a
nalyzes the theoretical and methodological support and sustain educational pract
ice for students in levels of initial, preschool and primary education. Also rev
iewed specific proposals to respond adequately to the special needs presented by
students with intellectual disabilities in relation to access to the purposes a
nd contents of basic education curriculum. During the development of the content
s of the block the student will link the topics covered in this course with othe
r courses in the semester as it is intended to design and implement educational
according to education level, who make their stays for observation and teaching
practice III. Finally it is important that the teacher emphasizes that the model
s and formats that are included in the support materials, references and example
s are only used in various institutions for the care of children and adolescents
with intellectual disabilities but they may fit and supplemented in accordance
with the particularities of each organization and institution where they are use
d, and specifically addressing the needs presented by the students.
Relationship with other subjects. This subject is history courses: purpose and c
ontent of Basic Education I and II, Teaching Spanish in Basic Education, Teachin
g Mathematics in Basic Education, Educational Care of Students with Intellectual
Disabilities, as well as courses for the Campo same specific training Intellect
ual Disability and Learning, Personal Competence, Quality of Life and Self-Deter
mination. In the same semester is linked to all subjects, in particular with the
other subjects in the field of training specific to this area of focus: Identif
ication of Special Needs Education, and Observation and Practice Teaching III, a
s it is intended that students think and apply theoretical knowledge learned in
the normal school and value their own learning about the design and implementati
on of strategies for care of students with intellectual disabilities. General te
aching guidelines. It is important that when starting the course, students analy
ze the location of the subject in the curriculum map and its relation to other c
urricular areas, particularly with subjects which correspond to the Field Traini
ng Area Specific Intellectual care. To the teacher of the course will have the e
lements that support the planning and development of this course, we propose the
following general guidelines: • The thematic content and the actions taking pla
ce in this course should be linked with contents of the other courses of the fif
th semester of the degree.€The activities suggested in each block are organized
according to the different topics covered by the program, this organization has
a rigid sequence, ie, teachers and students can select and add what they deem ap
propriate, in accordance with the purposes of program and subject. The sequence
suggested for the revision of educational levels (Beginner, Preschool and Primar
y) will vary according to

needs and particularities of each institution and educational institution. It sh
ould also obtain the correlation between educational level on which they make th
eir practices and strategies that are designed activities. • It is important dur
ing the development of activities are considered to previous experiences and kno
wledge which until now have students as a reference for the course. Working with
support materials and suggested activities is necessary to have available for a
critical reading and understanding of texts, to systematize information and syn
thesis using different strategies, concept mapping, control readings. It suggest
s a complete review of the following books, which are considered basic texts for
the teacher and the student: A guide to stimulate child development, Volumes 1,
2, 3 and educational supplement for Sánchez Frías, Carolina (2006), publisher T
rillas, as well as care strategies for different disabilities. Manual for parent
s and teachers Cardona, Angélica; Arambula and Gabriela Lourdes Vallarta (2005)
of the same publisher. The course aims to become an interactive space where teac
hers hold their students more conducive to the pursuit of various methods, strat
egies, resources and materials to support educational services for students with
intellectual disabilities. The teacher is responsible for enriching their exper
ience care strategies, in addition to promoting student learning attitudes and c
oncerns about generating various approaches to teaching respect for diversity. T
he contents are developed in the course presents different alternatives to provi
de a response to the special needs presented by students with intellectual disab
ilities, given the educational care and basic education. The topics covered in t
he course are linked to curricular action, seeking to strengthen the educational
work that takes place every day from the competency-based education and offer i
deas, suggestions and activities for teaching Spanish and Mathematics, including
in the analysis of other content (Knowledge of the environment, History, Geogra
phy, Civics and Ethics, Arts Education, Physical Education) of the basic educati
on curriculum. Teaching resources that are generated from the review of support
materials will be linked with the aims and curriculum content, in addition to th
e students will understand that it is not necessary to have abundant materials,
but the importance 5

lies in the timely and relevant employment is made of them, ie, exploit and crea
te resources that respond to special educational needs that the students with in
tellectual disabilities. • Consideration should be given that the methods, strat
egies, resources and materials are resources that allow for educational purposes
In addition to the above guidelines, to support the organization and development
of the course is suggested: 1. Reading and text analysis. Before reading, revie
w and analysis of each proposed text, the teacher should emphasize the elements
that are interested in analyzing and guide students on the basic ideas it contai
ns, in addition to clarifying the concepts may be required. To enrich the inform
ation should consult other sources that specialize in the topic, encourage infor
mation exchange and confrontation of ideas. 2. Teamwork. This form is productive
if the tasks are assigned a common reference that provide elements for the anal
ysis and discussion. Should be noted that teamwork as well as being cooperative
and collaborative, is formative, unless it rests on the individual efforts of it
s members and if they receive an overview of the subject studied. Avoid teamwork
that fragment and isolate the tasks that were not designed to assess the person
al effort and not coherently integrated joint effort. 3. Confrontation of argume
nts and statement of conclusions.€The exhibition and the exchange of diverse opi
nions and points of view about a topic in the group are practices that require s
tudents to develop arguments, namely to expose and interpret properly, and keep
an open mind to listen to his companions, also implies a climate of respect and
tolerance that involves all group members, including teachers, so the latter tas
k will be to foster an environment that encourages debate and confrontation of i
deas, and lead to consensus on various topics. 4. Preparation of documents. Thro
ughout the course students may produce different presentations, leaflets, wall n
ewspapers, reports and other documents that will highlight the relevant aspects
of the topic under consideration. 5. Appropriate use of tables and diagrams. Dur
ing the course the student will synthesize information in charts, tables and / o
r diagrams. Teacher's task will be to take this action so that the student under
stands the structure of work, the synthesis and organization involved in each ex
ercise and its potential use as a learning strategy and thought to acquire, unde
rstand and organize information using various resources.
6. Library and management consultation of various sources of electronic informat
ion. It is recommended that students be promoted in the optimal use of various r
esources are there in the school library: bibliographical, audiovisual, EDUSAT n
etwork and computer equipment. It is important to use the Internet to date and r
elevant information. Consultation will be promoted in various sites of education
al interest, to support the study of the various subjects addressed in the cours
e. Also, please see the Web page Normalista: http / / normalista.ilce.edu.mx whe
re students can find educational sites. Suggestions for evaluation. To evaluate
will be based on the aims of the course, teaching guidelines for the development
of the program, topics addressed in each block and expressed traits in the grad
uate profile for the Degree in Special Education, Curriculum 2004 . Before start
ing the course the teacher will discuss the program and a planning in which it c
onsiders appropriate times for evaluation, in order to provide time and resource
s required. For the normal school students aware of the commitments and tasks to
be assuming it is appropriate that the teacher agreed with them ways to evaluat
e, so everyone can guide their performance according to their stated commitments
. Evaluation is an ongoing part of the activities of teaching and learning provi
des students and teachers information that enables them to assess the degree to
which purposes are being achieved, identify progress and problems in student lea
rning and reflection on resources for teachers to facilitate individual and grou
p teaching. It is therefore desirable that the start of the course the teachers
reflect on the main characteristics of their students, observe their strengths a
nd weaknesses, their strategies and resources to incorporate consider providing
aid their performance and give them greater opportunity to achieve the purposes
. The important thing is that evaluation is a systematic training and for studen
ts and teachers and is assumed as part of teaching activities, in order to provi
de information to correct and improve educational outcomes. Due to the character
istics of the subject and the type of activities suggested, it requires the use
of various assessment practices, to collect evidence of knowledge, attitudes, sk
ills and values that manifest themselves in the normal individual and collective
work . The observation and systematic record of the activities each student wil
l help you identify their progress throughout the semester. For the evaluation m
ay be considered:
1. The quality of student participation in various activities conducted in class
, the strength of the arguments expressed, the questions they ask, the responsib
ility for fulfilling the assigned tasks, their effective involvement in the work
of team or individual . 2. If written tests are used they will pose challenges
for students, for example, use their analytical skills, critical thinking, under
standing, relationship, synthesis and argument. 3. The ideas were presented in a
n orderly fashion in the papers or by exposing issues and conclusions. 4. The de
velopment of simple texts€in which students develop and discuss issues relevant
to each block. These texts can be, for example, summaries both in prose and in s
ummary tables, diagrams and concept maps. 5. The development of teaching materia
ls that would support the learning of students with intellectual disabilities, u
sing waste materials. 6. Application of diagnostic tests to determine the level
of conceptualization of students with intellectual disabilities. Organization bl
ock I. Block Teaching strategies and learning Subjects 1. What is a strategy? 2.
Types of strategy a) Teaching b) learning 3. Adjustments to the teaching method
ology for students with intellectual disabilities. a) Teaching. b) Organization
of the classroom. c) Training Materials. 4. Adjustments in teaching to students
who have autism. Bibliography básica1 Monereo, Carles (1998), "Notions related t
o the concept of strategy: skills, procedures, techniques, methods, algorithms a
nd heuristics"
The bibliography is arranged in blocks according to its use in the various activ
ities suggested.
in teaching and learning strategies. Teacher training and classroom application.
(Library of normal), Spain, SEP / Fund Joint Technical and Scientific Cooperati
on Mexico, Spain, pp. 18-23. Diaz-Barriga Arceo, Frida and Gerardo Hernández Roj
as, (2002), "Defining and contextualization of teaching strategies," Classificat
ions and functions of teaching strategies, "" What are learning strategies? "And
" Classifications learning strategies, teachers in strategies for significant le
arning. A constructivist interpretation, 2nd. ed., Mexico, McGraw-Hill Interamer
icana, pp. 140-141,141-145, 234-238 and 238-243. Friend, Marilyn and William Bur
suck, (1999), "Analysis of the classroom and student needs," "Students with low
incidence disabilities" and "What changes can be made for students with autism?"
On students with difficulties. Handbook for detection and integration. Argentin
a, Die, pp. 89-132, 133-143 and 165-172. Carrascosa Cebrian, Soledad, et al. (19
99), "What to teach these students?" And "How to teach these students?" In the e
ducational response to students seriously affected in their development (Innovat
ion) Madrid, Ministry of Education and Culture, pp. 48-54 and 58-62. Further rea
ding Agelet, J. et al. (2001), classroom organizational strategies. Proposals to
address diversity, Spain, Graó. Cano, Rufino (2003), Bases of special education
teaching. Manual for initial teacher education, Spain, Biblioteca Nueva. Galleg
o, Julio (2002), Teaching strategies. Developing skills in school learning, Spai
n, Pyramid. Salvador, Francisco (1999), Teaching special education, Malaga, Alji
SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES 1. On computers retrieve records from the didactic situatio
ns that students applied during the days of observation and practice in the four
th quarter, request to list the strategies considered in its business plan. Once
listed, plenary presentations, analyze and draw conclusions regarding its imple
mentation and relevance. From brainstorming to mention what a strategy meeting a
nd set the differences in relation to the skills, procedures, techniques, method
s, etc., Concepts that are regularly used as synonyms. 2. Read the text "Notions
related to the notion of strategy: skills, procedures, techniques, methods, alg
orithms and heuristics", in
Monereo. Then form teams to prepare a comparative table like the following in wh
ich contrast the concepts described in the reading. Concept Similarities to othe
r differences with the other application in the classroom
Share pictures in plenary and draw conclusions. 3. In pairs read the article "De
fining and contextualization of teaching strategies" and "Classifications and fu
nctions of teaching strategies," Diaz Barriga, based on reading to perform a wri
tten analysis of the following topics: • • • • Education . Teaching strategies.
Selection criteria for teaching strategies. Classification and functions of teac
hing strategies, (at this point, the teacher should supplement the reading of th
e anthology to delve into the types of strategies, so it is clear that classific
4. In teams select two types of strategies and€based on information derived from
the previous activity exemplified in the form of planning and / or activity eac
h of the strategies chosen. Consider: objectives, summaries, advance organizers,
illustrations, graphic organizers, analogies, interspersed questions, signage,
maps and conceptual networks as well as textual organizers, trying to be applica
ble in the field of work in a USAER or CAM. Present the strategies and incorpora
te peer suggestions they propose. 5. Read individually, "What are learning strat
egies?" And "Rankings of the learning strategies," Diaz Barriga, and analyze the
following: • • • • • learning strategy. Basic cognitive processes. Specific con
ceptual knowledge. Strategic knowledge. Meta cognitive knowledge.
Form teams to prepare an exhibition where they bring the application of the conc
epts was in the process of teaching and learning of students with intellectual d
6. Based on the classification of learning strategies that is expressed on the p
revious reading in the same computer to complete a double entry table, as presen
ted below: Process Concept Objective Technique or skill application in the class
7. After reviewing both types of strategies and their respective characteristics
, retrieve the list of teaching situations made during the first activity in thi
s block and in the same teams trained in this activity, used to classify the sit
uations in their teaching practices, teaching strategies and learning strategies
. Ask students in plenary, identify which ones are used more regularly to the te
aching of Spanish and mathematics. 8. On computers which would define appropriat
e strategies for dealing with students who have intellectual disabilities, the t
eaching of different subjects in the curriculum of basic education (Spanish, Mid
dle Knowledge, History, Art Education, Physical Education, Ethics and Civics and
Geography). Each team will develop a course and expose this group. It is desira
ble that each team against the proposal with the following diagramas2
Taken from SEP (2005), Multigrade Educational Proposal.
Figure No. 1 basic Spanish Strategies
Dialogues and conversations TION
Bulletin board
Figure No. 2 basic strategies Knowledge of the
Figure No. 3 basic strategies in History
Staging and puppet theater
Figure No. 4 basic strategies in Arts Education
Figure No. 5 Basic Strategies in Physical Education
Figure No. 6 basic strategies Civics and Ethics
Role Playing
Figure No. 7 Basic strategies in Geography.
MODELS, dioramas and MODELS
Based on the analysis of the diagrams, ask students to complete their proposals.
Then, in plenary draw conclusions and reflect on the possibility of integrating
the teaching of Spanish and mathematics for each of the subjects. 9. From readi
ng "What to teach these students?" And "How to teach these students?" By Carrasc
osa,€Plenary comment on the indicators for determining what and how to teach stu
dents with intellectual disabilities. 10. Read "Analysis of the classroom and st
udent needs," Friend and Bursuck, and form teams to develop and expose each one
of the following indicators:
• • • • • •
What are the necessary adaptations for students with special educational needs.
How to structure the process of integration into the classroom, students with sp
ecial educational needs. The field of education. The courtly organization. Ways
of organizing students. Media Used.
After each exposure to obtain conclusions regarding the general changes should b
e made in schools to meet special educational needs presented by students. 11. B
ased on the reading "Students with low incidence disabilities," Friend and Bursu
ck, team answer the following questions: • • • Who are the students with low inc
idence disabilities? What changes can be made in teaching these students in the
field of general education? What strategies will enable the learning of these st
udents? Explain.
Analyze the answers in plenary and draw conclusions. 12. From the text "What cha
nges can be made for students with autism?" Friend and Bursuck, and the video "F
or an inclusive education" Education Center DOMUS organize into teams to represe
nt graphically, through a scheme , concept map, diagram, poster, etc., the follo
wing: • • • • Types of autism. Their characteristics. Pedagogical implications.
Behavior modification strategies.
Present their productions and to invite students from other groups to the exhibi
tion. 13. To end the block ask students to design a plan of activities for stude
nts with intellectual disabilities and / or autism, based on plans and programs
of basic education, considering the educational materials developed by the SEP (
teacher's book, textbooks , files of activities, etc.). This plan should indicat
e the purpose, the type of strategies used, the adjustments made to the strategi
es and equipment. If possible implement the plan of activities during the visits
of observation and practice, or in an alternative education center shift that s
erves students with intellectual disabilities in the grade level for which it de
signed the plan.
BLOCK II. Strategies to provide education for students with an intellectual disa
bility issues. Educational services in primary education. a) cognitive dimension
. b) emotional and social dimension. c) Size psychomotor. 2. Attention in presch
ool education. a) Field training for personal and social development. b) Field o
f Language and communication training. c) Field training of mathematical thinkin
g. d) Field Exploration training and knowledge of the world. e) Field training o
f artistic expression and appreciation. f) Field training for Physical Developme
nt and Health. 3. Educational services in primary education. a) The direct teach
ing model applied to students with intellectual disabilities. b) The integral me
thod for the acquisition of reading and writing in children with intellectual di
sabilities. c) Suggestions and activities for teaching Spanish and mathematics.
Basic Bibliography Villanueva, S. (1998), "Early Warning" in Jesus Florez and Ma
ria Victoria Troncoso, Down Syndrome and Education, Barcelona, Masson, pp. 7180
Sánchez Frías, Carolina (2006), "normal and atypical development of children" in
Guide to stimulate child development. 45 days the first year, Mexico, Trillas,
pp. 21-24 Candel, I. (1998), "The development of children with Down syndrome pre
school" in Jesus Florez and Maria Victoria Troncoso Down Syndrome and Education,
Barcelona, Masson, pp. 81-86. Echaury Cardona, Angélica, et al. (2005), "Specia
l educational needs associated with intellectual disability" and "special educat
ional needs associated with intellectual disability (Down syndrome)", in Strateg
ies of care for different disabilities. Manual for parents and teachers, Trillas
, Mexico, pp. 15-23 and 25-33. Valdespino Echauri, Leticia (2005), "Comprehensiv
e Approach to the acquisition of reading and writing," in Comprehensive Approach
to the acquisition of reading and writing in children with intellectual disabil
ities, Mexico, IAP Down Integration, pp. 33-56.
Rodríguez Torres, Elvia Olivia, et al. (1997), "Reflections and suggestions for
teaching Spanish," "School and communication"€"Action didactic," "Some strategie
s for responding to the diversity of the classroom," "mental disability", "autis
tic features", "Reflections and suggestions for teaching mathematics," "mental d
isability" and "autistic features" in Towards an inclusive school, Mexico, Grafo
print, pp. 143-144, 145-156, 157-163, 164-166, 175-177, 181-183, 190-211, 223-22
6 and 230-232. Troncoso, Maria Victoria M. M. del Cerro (1998), "Reading and wri
ting of children with Down syndrome," in Jesus Florez and Maria Victoria Troncos
o Down Syndrome and Education, Barcelona, Masson, pp. 89 122. SEP (2004), Learni
ng to count. Teaching situations for students with intellectual disabilities, Me
xico. Digital version. SEP (2004), "Pedagogical Strategies to promote reading in
CAM" at the pleasure of reading in children with disabilities in the focus of m
ultiple (Teaching Strategies), Mexico, SEP, pp. 47-74. Further reading Arango de
Narvaez, Maria Teresa (2000), Let's play with the children. Activities to stimu
late development between 1 and 7 years (Volume 3), Colombia, Acervo Educativo. B
erruecos, Mari Paz (2001), language activities program for children from early a
ge, Mexico, Trillas. Grupo Editorial CEAC, (2002), Techniques and activities. (N
ursery), Barcelona, CEAC. Frías, Carolina (2006), Guide to stimulate child devel
opment. Didactic complement stimulation, Mexico, Trillas. Sánchez, Ana (1999), E
arly education of 0-3 months, Madrid, Making Family. Ministry of Education of th
e Federal District, Directorate General of Federal District Physical Education (
1996), Early Stimulation Manual, Mexico, SEP. SEP (2004), Preschool Education Pr
ogram 2004, Mexico, SEP. I Baqués Trenchs, Marian (2002), 600 games for early ch
ildhood education, learning activities to promote reading and writing, Spain, EC
AC. Feldman, James. (2002), Handbook of games and activities for preschool, Mexi
co, Trillas.
Frías, Carolina (2006), Guide to stimulate child development. From 3 to 6 years
of age, Mexico, Trillas. Major, Suzanne and Mary Ann Walsh (1997), Activities fo
r children with learning disabilities, Spain, ECAC. State Coordinating Unit Earl
y Childhood Education, State Institute of Public Education of Oaxaca (2000) Work
book for the father and mother. Early education, literacy, Mexico, IEEPO. Sánche
z Ramos, José Luis (s / f) Teaching reading to students with intellectual disabi
lities: a reflection on practice, http://www.campus-oei.org/revistarie34a07.htm
Majchrzak, Irena (1993) Exercises literacy, literacy from its own behalf, Mexico
, Editorial SA Graphic Development Eggen, Paul and Donald Kauchak (2005), "The d
irect teaching model" in teaching strategies. Curriculum content and teaching th
inking skills development, Mexico, FCE, pp. 245-278. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES 1. Ind
ividually read the text "Early Warning" in Villanueva. Identify important concep
ts about early intervention, expose them in plenary and draw conclusions. 2. Ana
lyze the text "normal and atypical development of children", de Frias. Based in
Reading, form teams to recover the conceptualisation behind each area of assista
nce proposed by age and identifying characteristics of development. From the two
previous readings and, considering the context of school, family, and the chara
cteristics of a student with intellectual disabilities, identified during the da
ys of observation and teaching practice III, corresponding to the age ranges of
addresses early intervention, designed on the same computer, an educational plan
ning according to the needs of students. It is important that, when planning, id
entify the materials needed. Submit your planning on meeting and incorporate the
suggestions made peers. Consider the following: ID card. Name :________________
_______________ Date of Birth: _______ Age: ______________ Schooling: __________
_____________________ Characterization: ________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________ ________________
Comments: _______________________________________________________________ ______
_________________________________________________________ ______________________
____________________________ After applying the planned activities, discuss thei
r experiences in the group. 3.€Individually read the text "The development of ch
ildren with Down syndrome preschool" by Candel. Subsequently, a team design acti
vity related to preschool education, in order to apply to children with intellec
tual disabilities. If possible, it is suggested that this activity was implement
ed with students identified during the days of observation and practice teaching
. Like other activities designed, it is suggested that during the planning proce
ss identify the purposes, materials are required for use, in addition to plannin
g are presented in plenary, analyzing and incorporating the suggestions that oth
er students do . After the presentation of their proposals, comparing each with
the following diagrama3
Taken from: SEP (2005), Program Design Workshop Teaching Activities II. Degree i
n Early Childhood Education. Plan 1999.
Figure No. 8 Basic Strategies in Early Childhood Education
Once the implementation of this activity, explains the experiences and findings
in the group. 4. In order to integrate the topics covered in the block, students
will prepare an anthology of leisure activities (songs and games) appropriate f
or students with intellectual disabilities, and according to a revised education
al levels. To prepare this return to the strategies suggested in the subject dea
lt with Motricity and Learning, and consider the following structure: Home.
Introduction. Index. Activities: Each activity must include: 1. Name of activity
, game or song. 2. Objective. 3. Area, dimension or training field. 4. Materials
. 5. Time. 6. Development of the activity. 7. Evaluation. Bibliography. Annexes.
It is suggested that an exhibition of his anthologies within the group and comm
ent to them to improve and then exposing them to other school groups. 5. Retriev
e article "Direct Teaching Model" by Paul Eggen and Donald Kauchak, revised Obse
rvation and Practice Teaching III, and based on this text to develop individuall
y, diagram, outline or concept map in which there is evidence of the structure,
the scope and applicability of it with students with special educational needs,
with intellectual disabilities in all educational levels (Beginner, Preschool an
d Elementary). 6. Form teams to design a teaching situation in accordance with t
he revised model in the previous activity, to implement with students with intel
lectual disabilities, showing the stages that make up the model.
____________________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________ ___________________________________________________
____________ plenary exchange proposals of activities designed for review and in
corporation of the suggestions deemed appropriate.
7. Identify the core assumptions in the texts proposed "special educational need
s associated with intellectual disability" and "special educational needs associ
ated with intellectual disability (Down syndrome), Cardona, recording equipment
and keep them for retrieval by performing the following activities. 8. Based on
the text "I integral whole for the acquisition of reading and writing in childre
n with intellectual disabilities," Valdespino, process equipment, teaching mater
ials proposed by the author. Gather and integrate products in the group a wealth
of material of this methodology for subsequent application to students of the s
ervices visited in the space of observation and teaching practice. 9. Read the s
ections entitled "Reflections and Suggestions for the teaching of Spanish" Rodri
guez and "Reading and writing of children with Down syndrome," Troncoso and Cerr
o. Team to identify specific strategies that are proposed to encourage the learn
ing of Spanish with students with intellectual disabilities. Systematize the inf
ormation on a table or a comparative. Organize a group discussion about the core
assumptions that recorded in the texts of Cardona (during activity 7), Rodrigue
z and Troncoso and Cerro. Conclude the debate by emphasizing that there is no si
ngle proposal,€and the need to see the different approaches of different authors
to get to build their own. 10. Analyze the strategies suggested to read through
the story, the text "pedagogical strategies to encourage reading in CAM", publi
shed by the SEP. Discuss in plenary the relevance and viability of these strateg
ies and suggestions that would make for improvement. 11. Analyze the specific st
rategies that appear to favor the learning of mathematics for students with inte
llectual disabilities in "Reflections and suggestions for teaching mathematics,"
Rodriguez, as well as digital version of document "Learning to count. Teaching
situations for students with intellectual disabilities. " Discuss in groups the
main characteristics of both materials and the feasibility of implementing the s
trategies proposed during the days of observation and teaching practice. From th
e comments to select some strategies and activities to plicate preferably in tho
se days. 12. To finish the course organize a meeting or meetings with the partic
ipation of teachers in the subjects Observation and Practice Teaching III, Plann
ing of Teaching and Learning Assessment I, and Motor and Learning in order to an
alyze and recover the strengths and areas opportunity identified by the students
in the records of the activities
that applied during the days of observation and teaching practice that made this

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