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Federal University of Uberlandia

School of Chemical Engineering

Av João Naves de Ávila, 2160 - Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco Z - Tel: 034 239 4292
/ Fax: 239-4188, email: ppgeq@ufu.br 38400-089 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering
ANNEX 1 Curriculum vitae of the candidate standard PPG-EQ/UFU General Instructio
ns 1. The curriculum vitae used for entry to PPG-EQ/UFU must strictly follow the
model below and not considered insertions of other items. 2. Will not be accept
ed that use different formats Curriculum vitae of this standard. 3. The supporti
ng documentation should be attached to bound curriculum, following the same sequ
ence and numbering of items. 4. Not attach documents after the registration peri
od. 5. In item 3 (RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENT) there are two columns to
the right, called (M) and (D). These columns contain the maximum number of activ
ities that are considered for the candidate at Masters (M) Doctorate (D). For ex
ample, in item 3.1 the candidate for the Masters will have only one (1) "Publish
ed (or accepted) the article in the international journal" considered for classi
fication. In the same item, for the candidate to the doctorate, there is no limi
t on the number of publications after the date of completion of the undergraduat
e course. At the end of item 3 the symbology used is described in detail. 1. PER
SONAL INFORMATION Name: Affiliation Date of Birth: Identity Card: Election Title
: CPF: Home Address: Suburb: State: Phone: () Business Address: Suburb: State: P
hone: () Nationality: Body Poster: Zone: City: Country : Email: City: Country: E
According to internal rules approved at the 7th Meeting of the College of PPGEQ
/ UFU em 09/12/2004, revised 20/12/2004 and 29/10/2006, the 9th Meeting of the C
ollege of PPGEQ / UFU.
Federal University of Uberlandia
School of Chemical Engineering
Av João Naves de Ávila, 2160 - Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco Z - Tel: 034 239 4292
/ Fax: 239-4188, email: ppgeq@ufu.br 38400-089 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering
2. EDUCATION 2.1. Undergraduate Program Specialty: Institution: Address: Startin
g Date:
Country: Date of completion:
2.2. Course Postgraduate Strictu sensu Area: Degree: Institution: Address: State
: Country: Start date: Completion date:
According to internal rules approved at the 7th Meeting of the College of PPGEQ
/ UFU em 09/12/2004, revised 20/12/2004 and 29/10/2006, the 9th Meeting of the C
ollege of PPGEQ / UFU.
Federal University of Uberlandia
School of Chemical Engineering
Av João Naves de Ávila, 2160 - Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco Z - Tel: 034 239 4292
/ Fax: 239-4188, email: ppgeq@ufu.br 38400-089 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering
3. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENT Activity 3.1 Published (or accepted) arti
cle in The International Journal a. Journal Title: b. Volume and issue: c. Initi
al and final pages: d. Article Title: e. Year of Publication: f. Number of autho
rs: 3.2 Published (or accepted) the article in international journal or national
B a. The Journal Title: g. Volume and issue: b. Initial and final pages: c. Art
icle Title: d. Year of Publication: e. Number of authors: 3.3 Submission separat
e article in The International Journal a.Título journal: b.Título Article: c.Ano
Posted: d.Número author: 3.4 Publication of the complete work in an internation
al congress with the body of auditors and a. B in national journal Name of confe
rence (or journal): h. Volume and issue: b. Initial and final pages: c. Venue: d
. Article Title: e. Means of disclosure: f. Year of Publication: g. Number of au
thors: 3.5 Publication of the complete work in congress with the national team o
f reviewers or national journal C a. Name of conference (or journal): b. Volume
and issue: c. Initial and final pages: d. Venue: e. Article Title: f. Means of d
isclosure: g. Year of Publication: h. Number of authors: 3.6 Publication of Cong
ress completed work on regional or local statutory body of a. Name of conference
: b. Venue: c. Article Title: d. Means of disclosure:
1 *
1 *
1 *
2 *
4 *
According to internal rules approved at the 7th Meeting of the College of PPGEQ
/ UFU em 09/12/2004, revised 20/12/2004 and 29/10/2006, the 9th Meeting of the C
ollege of PPGEQ / UFU.
Federal University of Uberlandia
School of Chemical Engineering
Av João Naves de Ávila, 2160 - Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco Z - Tel: 034 239 4292
/ Fax: 239-4188, email: ppgeq@ufu.br 38400-089 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering
Symbology * n * #
Activities prior to the date of completion of the undergraduate course are subje
ct to saturation applied to the Masters. Activities subsequent to the date of co
mpletion of graduate courses are not saturated. Activities prior to the date of
completion of the undergraduate course are subject to saturation applied to the
Masters. For activities subsequent to the date of completion of the undergraduat
e course is applied to a Ph.D. IS = n. All activities will be recorded in this i
tem prior to the date of completion of the undergraduate course. The IS does not
apply to the item.
According to internal rules approved at the 7th Meeting of the College of PPGEQ
/ UFU em 09/12/2004, revised 20/12/2004 and 29/10/2006, the 9th Meeting of the C
ollege of PPGEQ / UFU.
Federal University of Uberlandia
School of Chemical Engineering
Av João Naves de Ávila, 2160 - Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco Z - Tel: 034 239 4292
/ Fax: 239-4188, email: ppgeq@ufu.br 38400-089 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering
Evidential documents to be attached to Curriculum Vitae Item 1 2.1 2.2 3.1 and 3
.2 Documents Copies of ID Card, Voter with documented evidence of vote, birth
certificate or marriage license, passport (for foreigners), portfolio Reservist
Copy of Graduate Diploma Course Copy of the History of the Undergraduate C
opy of Diploma Course Graduate Copy of the Course of History Graduate A copy
of the published article which allows the identification of recurrent In the
case article not yet published, copies of letters accusing the accepted and copy
of the article, stating the name of the authors Copy of correspondence acknow
ledging receipt of the article, stating the date of receipt Copy of the submit
ted paper stating the authors' names Copy of article, abstract or full paper,
enabling the identification of periodic or event and the name of the authors C
opy of certificate issued by the institution stating the project title, the peri
od of implementation, the name of the supervisor and funding agency Copy of ce
rtificate issued by the institution stating the project title, the period of exe
cution and name of supervisor Copy of certificate issued by the institution st
ating the project title, the period of implementation, the name of the superviso
r and funding agency Copy of certificate issued by the institution stating the
name of discipline and the implementation period Copy of certificate issued b
y the institution stating the course name, workload, and timing of copying recor
ds Portfolio Work or certificates issued by the undertaking (s) (s) (s) of whi
ch one (s) listed hours and area of expertise Copy of letter accusing the awar
d Copy of correspondence addressed to the funding agency supervisor accusing t
he granting of scholarship Copy of certificate of proficiency
3.3 3.4 to 3.12 3:13 3:16 3:14 3:15 3:17 3:18 and 3:19 and 3:20 3:21 3:22 3:23
According to internal rules approved at the 7th Meeting of the College of PPGEQ
/ UFU em 09/12/2004, revised 20/12/2004 and 29/10/2006, the 9th Meeting of the C
ollege of PPGEQ / UFU.
Federal University of Uberlandia
School of Chemical Engineering
Av João Naves de Ávila, 2160 - Campus Santa Mônica - Bloco Z - Tel: 034 239 4292
/ Fax: 239-4188, email: ppgeq@ufu.br 38400-089 - Uberlândia - MG - Brazil
Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering
ANNEX 2 Model of the Proposed Research Project for Doctoral Candidates for the n
ame of the candidate (a): _____________________________________________________
The Doutorado1 Course: Personal goals: Professional goals: Concentration Area de
sired: ___________________________________________ Line (s) you want to search (
s) 2 : Kinetics and Catalysis Chemical Biochemical Engineering Thermodynamics En
vironmental Engineering Modelling, Control and Optimization of Separation Justif
ication (s) (s) of choice (s) (s) line (s) of search you want (s) 3: The develop
ment of thesis Doutorado4: 1. Proposed topic: 2. Possible (s) supervisor (s): 3.
General Background: 4. General objective of the thesis: 5. Infrastructure neede
d: 6. Infrastructure available: 7. Financial resources: 8. Possible (s) source (
s) of financing: 9. Place of performance: 10. Other relevant information:
February 1
Use a maximum of 01 additional sheet. In the case of interest for more than one
line of research, in decreasing order of priority (1,2 ,...) 3 Rationale based o
n previous experience and / or their professional future. Use a maximum of 01 ad
ditional sheet.€4 Use a maximum of 02 additional pages.
According to internal rules approved at the 7th Meeting of the College of PPGEQ
/ UFU em 09/12/2004, revised 20/12/2004 and 29/10/2006, the 9th Meeting of the C
ollege of PPGEQ / UFU.

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