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By Carmen Balhestero
a) baby (a) of God. I AM, Power and Life, bless me with all the good things that
I want to accomplish. The great desire of God, is that U.S., part of His Presen
ce I AM is completely happy and fulfilled, prosperous and healthy. There is an e
ndless ocean of good stuff available, and my mind and my heart determine how muc
h of that supply of good things, I am able to receive. I am good and have an inf
inite value, I am the very image of God in action. I deserve all the good I want
to express in my life. This includes all areas of my life: my health, my appear
ance, the love that I get, my abilities, the realization of every dream of my he
art. I'm not small or powerless. I AM BEING A GREAT! I know what I want to expre
ss, and I dare to think BIG, dream, create, give and take in a big way! There is
no lock so I can get all the good that is: the universe just says YES TO EVERYT
HING THAT I BELIEVE. I now invoke to receive any erroneous beliefs about what's
better than I deserve in my life have been dissolved in Love and Light of My Div
ine I AM Presence. U.S. NOW RETREAT any vow of poverty that I have done this or
other lives, when wrongly understood that the plan material and spiritual are no
t the same. Money and the Plan are also material energy of God, just as the ener
gies of the intentions of love and light in every heart. I use the wonderful pow
er I have and the money that I get so wise and loving. I forgive myself for any
use not wise in the past and accept the wisdom that I gained these experiences.
I purify myself deeper and deeper with the help of God. As I accept and expect o
nly the best for me, acting appropriately, all in
Life conspires to bring me what I want. I recognize that a full life in abundanc
e coexists in harmony with the spiritual life, since I am one with God. I also h
ave and will have much more to give, both to those in need, and for those who he
lp to improve life on Earth. I am sure I am loved and to receive all I desire. M
y parents, family and friends love me as I manifest my power, and create my life
the way you choose. My abundance is in my conscience, I just open myself to rec
eive it freely. My abundance can not be withdrawn. There is no loss with God and
an appearance of loss is replaced by something even better. All my property is
here continuously and abundantly grown ever more, ever. There is much well prepa
red for me because God is Abundance and everything is God. Everything good is cr
eated directly as my acceptance. I recognize the appearance of limited supplies
in the physical moment, and as I love and worry about my dear Planet I'm wise us
e of my resources. But I know that this is temporary, that as I grow and I appro
ach my oneness with God, the manifestation will come directly from the ether, re
turning as a natural method of creating what I want in my life NOW. I acknowledg
e that as there is no time for God and God is present everywhere, God's Abundanc
e is also manifested NOW. I ignore all the false appearance of shortages and onl
y see the Truth of the total abundance of God directed at me now! I thank all th
at I get in my life! I give welcome to the Truth and Abundance! I do, feel, see
and I am pleased to be plentiful! My heart opens in gratitude to God for the man
y wonderful things. I allow God to bring me plenty of expected and unexpected wa
ys. I invite the surprises happy to be part of my life. I accept Miracles and My
steries. I am no longer limited by events and circumstances. I now send a specia
l blessing for those who do not have enough to eat, those who do not have a hous
e to live and those who do not achieve fulfillment in their lives: I bless you f
or opening your minds and hearts to understanding God's desire to see all the cr
eations in perfect reflection of His own abundance, and the ability to bring God
's perfect abundance of each form of life. I see a world where everyone has all
the abundance that the heart, mind and body desire, and all are HAPPY, SO BE IT,

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