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Summary of Item 8 Metric System
In this issue we are going to remember and to extend the S. Metric.:
* • • • • • •
Dimensions Length Area Volume Mass Capacity Equivalence between units.
Magnitude: the magnitudes are the properties of bodies that can be measured
with a measuring instrument. Are magnitudes: length, mass, time, area, volume, p
ressure, price etc ......, Because you can measure. There are magnitudes: the co
lor, love, love, hope, texture, brightness ..... etc, because you can not measur
e. To measure use a measuring instrument. A measure is expressed by a number and
a unit of measurement. Our measure is Decimal System, for every 10 units togeth
er form a next higher order. Remember that to multiply a number by 10, 100, 1000
, ... move the decimal to the right, zeros have as many places as the unit. Ex 6
'76 x 100 = 676, 234 x 1000 = 234 000; 5'78 x 10 000 = 57 800 To divide a number
by 10, 100, 1000 ,..... move the decimal to the left so many places, take the u
nit as zeros. 45'67: 100 = 0'4567, 567: 100 = 5'67, 78: 10000 = 0'0078 Exercise
1 .- Make the following: a. -) 34'56 100 = b -) 0 ' 100 = c. 198 -) d. = 18.
2 1000 -) 0'71 1000 = e. -) 5678 × 10 = f -) 0.1 100 = g. -) 931 × 10 = h.
-) 7 10000 = i. -) 76 003 100 = Exercise 2 .- Calculate: a. -) 657: 1000 =
b. -) 45'67: 100 = d. -) 0'76: 10 = e. -) 0.9 100 = f. -) 56 456: 1000 = h. -) 4
: 1000 = i. -) 65'9: 1000 =
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
c. -) 26: 10 = g. - 4'67: 1000 =
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
Length Units: The unit for measuring length is the meter.
Each unit of length is 10 times greater than the next lower order. Measuring ins
truments for measuring lengths are: Tape measure, meter tailor, measuring tape,
carpenter meter, metric wheel, rule ....
Sub-multiples or multiples of meters underground dividers
Decameter Dam: hectometer Hm = 10 m = 100 m Km Km = 1000 m = 10,000 m Miriámetro
Mam: 10
X 10
millimeter centimeter decimeter
dm: = 0.1 m = 0.01 m cm mm = 0.001 m
x 10
x 10 .......
Mam Km Hm Dam M dm cm mm: 10
When a measure is expressed as a single unit of measure are expressed in the for
m incompleja. Ex 12'4 km, 125 kg; 12'8 m. When a measure is expressed more than
one unit of measurement is said to be expressed in complex form: Ej: 12km 4 Hm 6
Dam 8 m. The same measure we can take in a complex way or incompleja My height
is 1'032 m (incomplejo) or 1 m 0 dm 3 cm and 2 mm (complex) Exercise 3 .- Associ
ates a unit length for each instance: a. - ) height of a house b. -) length of a
n ant c. -) Your height d. -) e. Distance between two cities -) The top of your
desk f. -) A window g. -) The width of a h. Street -) A missed i. -) Your room.
Exercise 4.-Express in m. the following amounts: a. -) 37 km = b -) 12 Hm = c. -
) 4 = f. Dam -) = 1.350 mm
d. -) 45 dm =
e. -) 360 cm =
Exercise 5 .- Pedro has a rope that is 1 3 m Antonio Dam has another that is 13
m. Which of the two is longer? Exercise 6 .- incompleja expressed as m: a. -) 5
Km 4 Hm Dam 6 3 m = b -) 7 Hm 5 m = c. -) 8 Km 7 Hm Dam 3 m = 4 Exercise 7 .- ex
pressed in complex form: a. -) m = b. 5407 -) 345 cm = c. -) = d. 946 mm - 503 m
= e. -) 8003 m = f -) = 45 587 dm
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
Exercise 8 .- Write the name of three objects that are familiar and you are less
than 20 cm. Exercise 9 .- Sort lowest to highest (<) the following measures. It
refers to the subway, passing all of them to this unit. 1500 cm - 3.5 m - 94'7
dm - 0.15 Km - 0.03 Dam - 6341 mm - 1'3 m - 2'04 km - 1000 m Exercise 10 .- Comp
lete the following table: Km 2 ' Hm Dam M dm 1 13 472 34 0'33 9'35 54 cm 7749 mm
Other units of length:
A. - To measure very large distances: The light-year: What is the distance light
travels in one year. How the speed of light in vacuum is 300.000Km/seg. The dis
tance will travel in a year: 1 light-year: 300,000 x 60 x60 x24 x 365 = 92 460.8
001 000.000 km Astronomical unit: What is the average distance from Earth to the
Sun: 1501 000.000 Km B. - To measure very small distances: The micron (μ): 1 μ
= 0.001 mm The millimicrons (mμ): 1 mμ = 0'000001 mm
Units of capacity: The unit for measuring capacity is
Liter. Each unit of capacity is 10 times greater than the next lower order. Meas
uring instruments of capacity: Jugs and measuring cups, ladles, measures, sample
s ....€Multiples decalitres liter. = 10 l. : 10 x10 or dividers submultiples dec
iliter = 0.1 liter l. centilitre = 0.01 l. ml = 0.001 l.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
Hl = 100 l. KL = 1000 L.
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Mirialitro = 10,000 l.
X 10
Mal Dal Hl Kl L dl cl ml
: 10 Exercise 11 .- Is the following capacities in liters. a. -) 46 hl = b. -) 2
9 Dal = c. -) 37 Kl = d. -) 69 cl = e. -) = 3456 ml
Exercise 12 .- Une each container with the measure that is most appropriate to t
heir abilities. A bathtub A 33 cl bottle of soda 250 ml A thimble 50 l. A pool 1
'2 Kl A 5 ml glass of water Exercise 13 .- A tanker truck carrying 15 Kl of gaol
eo. How many cans of 5 Dal could be filled?. Exercise 14 .- incompleja expressed
as: a. -) 3 7 L. Kl Dal 5 = B -) 2 Hl Kl 3 and 9 Dal = c. -) 8 3 Dal 3 Hl l. =
15 .- Is Exercise in complex ways. c. -) 457 ml = d. -) 735 cl = A. -) 3564 l. =
B -) 306 Dal =
Units of mass: The unit for measuring mass is the gram. (G)
the S.I. physical measures and is used as the main unit kilogram. (Kg) Instrumen
ts of mass measurements are. The scale, the scale weight of cooking. etc. HG dec
agram Multiples gram Kilogram Kg Hg Miriagramo Dag Mag 10 g 100 g 1000 g 10 000
g 100 Kg: 10 x 10 dividers gram centigramme decigramme dg cg mg 0.1 mg 0.01 g 0.
001 g g
Qm quintal
1000 Metric ton MT Kg
X 10 t Hg Kg Dag Mag Qm g dg cg mg
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO. Departm: Mathematics I
.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
: 10
Exercise 16 .- Sort highest to lowest the following amounts: Dag 27 - 27 dg - 56
g - 0.23 Hg - Kg 1'02 - 8'34 cg - 345 mg - 0.5 tons - 1'1 Qm
Units of area: The main unit for measuring surfaces is the m
The square meter is the area of one square meter-side. Surface units increase or
decrease of 100 to 100. Decameter multiples square = dm2 m2 = 100 m2 square hec
tometer HM2 = 10,000 m2 = square kilometer = Km2 = 1000000 m2 dividers dm2 m2 =
square decimetre square inch = 0.01 m2 = cm2 = 0.0001 m2 = mm2 = square millimet
er 0'000001 m2
X 100: 100
x 100
: 100 to ca
especially in the field) using other Equivalence m2 10.000 m2 100 m2 1 m2
To measure large surfaces (units unidades. Centiarea Hectare Area Command has a
HM2 Dam2 equivalence 1 1 1 m2
Exercise 17 .- Sort lowest to highest (<) the following units. It refers to the
m2, and pass all units at this. 25.4 Km2 - 610 m2 - 34,000 dm2 - 157 530 cm2 - 2
'4 HM2 - 2 234 971 mm2 Dam2
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO. Departm: Mathematics I
.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
Exercise 18 .- What is missing from 198 m2 to be equivalent to two Dam2? 19 .- I
s Exercise in complex ways. A. -) Dam2 c. 30 785 -) 34 569 mm2 d. -) 567 dm2 e.
-) 936 mm2 b. -) m2 f. 8225 -) 621 m2
Units of Volume:
Volume of a body is the amount of space
The main unit of volume is the cubic meter
A cubic meter is the volume of a cube that is 1 meter ceiling. To transform a vo
lume unit to another is multiplied or divided by 1000 X 1000
: 1,000 m3 multiples m3 dividers March 3 cubic kilometers 1.000,000,000 m = Km =
__ cubic decimeter = 0.001 m3 = dm3 = Hm3 hectometres = 1000.000 m3 ----- cc =
cm3 = 0 ' 000 001 m3 cubic decameter Dam3 = 1.000 m3 = ---- = mm3 = cubic millim
eter Exercise 0'000000001 m3 m3 20 .- Is the following amounts: a. -) 3 Dam3 = b
-) c = 0.5 Hm3 .-) 0'004 km3 = d. -) 5 dm3 = e. -) 450 cm3 = Exercise 21 .- Com
plete each unit equal to the volume in question: a. -) = 0.5 dm3 500_____ b. -)
3'4 dm3 = _____; c. 3400 -) 5 km3 = 5.000000 e -) 43 = 43 000 cm3 _______; _____
__; d. -) 7'2 3 m3 = _____; f. 7200 -) 3200Hm = 3 '2 _______; Exercise 22 .- Cal
culate the volume of a pool dimensions: 10 m long, 8 m wide and 2 m high. Exerci
se 23 .- Sort highest to lowest (>) the following units. Spend the units to m3.
0.4 km3 - 61 Dam3 - 54 000 m3 - 3.15753 million cm3 - Hm3 3'4 - 2'01 Hm3 23.2349
71 mm3.
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
Relationship between units of volume, capacity and Mass: If we take a container
of water of 1 liter capacity and pour in 1 dm3, we note that it is exactly the s
ame. If we take a container of distilled water of 1 liter capacity (which occupi
es 1 dm3), and weighed in the balance, would be balanced exactly with a weight o
f 1 kg
Volume Units Units Units Mass Capacity
Summary table of equivalences dm3 m3 Kl Hl Qm Mag Dal L Tm Kg 1 m3 = 1 Kl = t;
Hg dl
Dag cl
cm3 g ml
1 liter = 1 dm3 = 1 kg;
1 cm3 = 1 ml = 1 mg
Exercise 24 .- A reservoir containing 95 hm 3 of water. Calculate: a. -) Its cap
acity in m3. b. -) Your capacity in liters. C. -) If distilled water, what would
its mass and Tm Kg?
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
Problem Set 1 .- Take a ruler and measure the dimensions of this book. 2 .- A pa
ved terrace is 128 square tiles 40 inches square. What is the deck surface measu
red in tiles? 3 .- Length Units: What unit used to measure each of these lengths
? a. - The height of a tree b. - The length of an ant
c. - The diameter of the screw
d. - The distance between two peoples.
4 .- A sheet of A4 size paper is 210 mm x 297 mm. Expresses its dimensions in cm
and dm 5 .- The thread of a ball measured 134'5 dm. Is that length in centimete
rs and meters. 6 .- The route of a marathon is 42'195 km. Write this distance in
meters and hectometres.
Unit 7 .- What unit you would use surface areas?
to measure the following
a. - The floor of your room b. - A folio c. - d. Your Province - Park your neigh
8 .- Copy in your notebook and complete this table of equivalence:
km 2
hm 2 0'0035
dam 2
35 m2
dm 2
cm 2 350 000
mm 2
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
9 .-
Units of volume: What unit used to measure the volume of the a. - The statue of
a square b. - A die
following bodies? c. - The Moon
d. - A bottle of cologne.
10 .- Fill in the missing pictures: a. - 3 m 3 = c. - 80 mm 3 = cm 3
dm 3
b. - 4 km 3 = dam 3
d. - 700 dm 3 =
11 .- A pool full of water supports a volume of 120 m 3. How many cubic feet equ
ivalent dm 3? And how many hm 3?
12 .- Units of capacity: Draw a line connecting each container to create more co
nvenient unit for measuring capacity. A reservoir cup dropper A terabrik L cl hl
13 .- Complete the missing capacity units: a. - 45 kl = _______ d. 4500 - 30'6 0
'306 ml = ______ b. - 3,500 cl = _______ c. 3'5 - 7'8 dal = 0 _____ '78
14 .- A full pool contains 120 m 3 of water. What is your capacity in liters? An
d in hl?.
15 .- Units of mass: Which unit would you use to measure the mass of the followi
ng bodies? a. - b. A dog - A merchant vessel c. - The feather of a bird.
d. - A pen.
16 .- Fill in the gaps missing: a. - 2 kg =______ g = ______ mg b. - 9 Tm = ____
_mag =______ dag d. - 450 dag = _______kg =______ Qm. c. - 1700 cg = ______dg =
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
17 .- What body of water fit in a pool of 250 liters of capacity? Express it in
kilograms and grams. 18 .- Rafael fills a bucket with a bottle of water half a l
iter. To do this, pour the entire bottle 10 times, and one last time, about half
. a. - gives a rough measure of the ability of the cube.
19 .- Fill in the missing gaps for these equalities are satisfied: a. - c. dm =
3'04 - 0'38 dag = d. - 356 '07 hl cl = m t b. - 12'3 m 2 = d. - 2 3 = e. Dam - 9
74 cm 3 = cm 2 dm 3 m3
20 .- Copy and complete the following table of equivalence, for containers that
hold water: Volume 1'23 dm 3 cm 3 dm 3 Capacity L 235 cl Kl G 2'04 Tm Kg Mass
21 .- The distance by road between A Coruña and Athens is 4419 km a. - How miriá
metros separate these two cities? b. - How hectometres there from Athens to A Co
22 .- The nearest star to the Sun is a 4'3 light years. a. - How many miles equa
ls that distance? b. - Already many astronomical units?
23 .- If you want to pave the surface of a terrace of 145 m 2 with 40 cm square
tiles aside, how many should buy at least?
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija
24 .- A pool filled with water containing 154'5 m 3. a. - What is the volume exp
ressed in dm 3? b. - What is your capacity in terms of Dl and Kl? c. - What is t
he mass of water expressed in Kg and Qm?
25 .- The classroom in your class has the following dimensions: length 0.9 Dam,
6 m wide and 300 cm tall. Calculate: a. -) The volume of the kind in m3. b. -) T
he water capacity when filled entirely with water. C. -) The mass would those ex
pressed in liters and Tm Kg.
Teacher: Martin pray Noguera Sevilla. First Cycle of ESO.
Departm: Mathematics I.E.S. "Nicholas Cope'rnico" Ecija

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