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How Ewen and Purcell Discovered the 21-cm

Interstellar Hydrogen Line

Karl D. Stephan

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Box 35110
Amherst, MA 01003-51 10 USA
Tel: +1 (413) 545-2104
Fax: + I (413) 545-461 1
E-mail: stephan@ecs.umass.edu

Keywords: Radio astronomy; history; hydrogen line and 160 MHz, respectively [2]. Karl Jansky, an engineer at Bell
Telephone Laboratories, became the worlds first radio astronomer
by accident, in 1931, when he determined that a certain source of
1. Introduction short-wave radio noise lay outside the solar system, in the direction
of our galaxys center. Grote Reber, an Illinois radio amateur,
eagerly seized upon Janskys discovery, and built a thirty-foot
T he technical challenges of radio astronomy call forth some of
the best efforts of radio and antenna engineers. To a large
extent, the history of radio astronomy is the history of state-of-the-
parabolic reflector in his back yard, to receive cosmic static, as
he called it. With no institutional support of any kind, he produced
art reception techniques. The story of how Harold Irving (Doc) the first radio maps of the sky, and published his results in the
Ewen and Edward Mills Purcell detected the first spectral line ever early 1940s. These early researchers were radio engineers and
observed in radio astronomy, in 1951, has been told for general radio physicists, not astronomers, and they were very unsure of
audiences by Robert Buderi, in his recent book on World War I1 how to explain their observations in terms of known physical-
radar research and its consequences [l]. This article has a different emission mechanisms, such as the Planck thermal-radiation law.
purpose. The technical roots of Ewen and Purcells achievement They simply told astronomers that the Milky Way was visible at
reveal much about the way science often depends upon borrowed radio wavelengths. But the presence of the Milky Way was not
technologies, which were not developed with the needs of science news to astronomers, and most remained unimpressed by, or sim-
in mind. As Ewens photographs, records, and recollections show, ply unaware of, these observations.
he and Purcell had access to an unusual combination of scientific
knowledge, engineering know-how, critical hardware, and techni-
cal assistance at Harvard, in 1950 and 1951. This combination In contrast, astronomy graduate student Hendrik van de
gave them a competitive edge over similar research groups in Hol- Hulst, while studying under the guidance of the great Dutch
land and Australia, who were also striving to detect the hydrogen astronomer, Jan Oort, came to believe that radio might provide a
line, and who succeeded only weeks after the Harvard researchers window that astronomers could use to see cold, neutral hydrogen.
did. Nevertheless, the story also shows that Ewen and Purcell did In 1945, encouraged by reading one of Rebers papers, which had
their groundbreaking scientific work in the small-science style made it into wartime Holland, van de Hulst published a paper in a
that prevailed before World War 11, while receiving substantial Dutch physics joumal in which he speculated that a so-called
indirect help from one of the first big-science projects at Har- hyperfine spectral line of interstellar hydrogen might be observ-
vard. able, with suitable microwave receiving equipment. Unlike the
more familiar optical spectral lines, which result from orbital tran-
sitions of the hydrogen atoms electron, this hyperfine line arises
2. Hope for a handle on interstellar hydrogen from interactions between the spin-induced magnetic fields of the
electron and the proton. Just as two bar magnets held parallel with
In the decades leading up to World War 11, astronomers their north poles adjacent will tend to flip around, so that one mag-
learned that the space between stars in our galaxy was not simply a nets north pole is nearest the other ones south pole, a hydrogen
perfect vacuum. Observations had confirmed the presence of inter- atom with electron and proton spins that are parallel is in a slightly
stellar dust grains and certain elements, notably hydrogen. Hydro- higher quantum-mechanical energy state than one having anti-par-
gen atoms could be observed directly only near stars the radiation allel spins. When van de Hulst calculated the energy difference
of which heated them enough to absorb and emit visible light that from physical constants available to him at the time, he found that
could be analyzed with Earth-bound spectrometers. But cold, neu- the hyperfine splitting would cause the atom to absorb or emit a
tral (non-ionized) hydrogen atoms were invisible at optical and photon at a wavelength of 21.2 cm (1410 MHz) [3]. In the years
near-infrared wavelengths. Since astronomers had no way to immediately after the war, physicists and astronomers at several
observe such atoms, they were left with a big gap in astronomical locations in Europe, Australia, and the United States began to
knowledge about the most abundant element in the universe. explore the possibilities of using radio and microwave receivers to
observe meteors, the sun, and a few discrete astronomical sources.
By 1945, a few astronomers were also aware of the pioneer- But despite a few attempts, no one had yet been able to verify the
ing prewar radio-astronomy work of Jansky and Reber, who had prediction that cold, neutral hydrogen might be visible at 2 1 centi-
detected radio-frequency emissions from the galactic plane at 20 meters.

/Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999 1045-9243/99/$10.0oO1999 IEEE 7
As Buderi recounts, either Ewen or Purcell heard of this pre- Purcell evidently agreed with this way of proceeding. Having
diction at a conference at Yale, in the fall of 1949 [4]. The timing taught physics at Harvard since 1938, he was used to the older,
was fortuitous, since Ewen was completing his course work for a small-science style of research, which rarely provided project-spe-
PhD in physics, and wanted to find a suitable research topic. After cific research assistantships for graduate students. He was also
his advisor, Purcell, discovered a paper by the Russian physicist I. accustomed to adapting existing equipment for new projects. As
S. Shklovsky, which indicated that the hydrogen-line radiation Buderi mentions, the magnet Purcell used in his Nobel-Prize-win-
should be relatively easy to detect, the die was cast [5]. Ewen ning NMR experiment began its existence as a field magnet in a
would build a radiometer to see if he could get a handle on inter- large generator, used by the Boston Elevated Railway [9]. Never-
stellar hydrogen. theless, Purcell knew that some parts of the hydrogen-line setup
would have to be built or purchased especially for the task.

3. Resources In January of 1950, Purcell wrote a two-page letter to Harlow

Shapley, Director of the venerable Harvard College Observatory.
Purcell arid Ewen brought abilities to their search for the Purcell knew Shapley was involved in the administration of the
hydrogen line which, in many ways, were complementary. The Rumford Fund, an endowment the income of which was controlled
careers of both men were molded by wartime experiences, but in by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The nominal pur-
different ways. In 1941, Purcell interrupted his teaching and pose of the fund, which was named for the American-British sci-
research at Haward, in the field of quantum-mechanical magnetic entist Count Rumford (1753-1814), was to encourage improve-
phenomena, to head the Fundamental Developments group at the ments in the measurement of temperature. In his letter, Purcell
MIT Radiation Laboratory. There, he directed investigators such as argued that a microwave radiometer was, in some sense, an instru-
Robert Dicke and others in projects related to radar research and ment for the measurement of temperature, and pointed out the sig-
development [6].Following the war, he retumed to Harvard to dis- nificance that the discovery of interstellar hydrogen-line radiation
cover the RF-absorption method of nuclear magnetic resonance, in would have for both astronomy and physics. He detailed the antici-
1945. This disc.overy would lead to his sharing the 1952 Nobel pated expenses as follows [ 101:
Prize in physics with Felix Bloch. Purcells ability to visualize and
predict quantum-mechanical phenomena gave him the confidence Construction and mounting of hom $150
to send his graduate student, Ewen, on what others might have
regarded as an unpromising wild-goose chase. Purchase of war-surplus transmitter (APT-5)
for use as local oscillator 100
For his part, Ewen was accustomed to chasing prey of a more
dangerous kind. As the sole airbome radar officer attached to a Material for and construction of power supply
squadron of eighteen Liberator bombers, stationed in England in for oscillator 75
1944, it was his duty to fly antisubmarine patrols in and around the
English Channcl. The noisy, cramped deck of a US Navy PB4Y Construction of microwave mixer 100
bomber is a far cry from a Harvard physics laboratory. But as he
worked with uartime urgency to keep his squadrons radar sets Construction of special waveguide-circuit
running, Ewen leamed how to assemble and repair complex elements 3
equipment witt whatever facilities were at hand. When his repair
technicians became overloaded, he would sometimes help out him- Total $500
self on the bench. As the Radiation Laboratory developed newer
and fancier radar sets, with more accessories than Ewen considered Less than a month later, the Council of the A A A S granted
necessary, he t3ok it upon himself to strip them down to a stan- Purcells request [ 111. Harvards search for the hydrogen line was
dard, easily maintained version, despite regulations to the contrary in business.
[7]. His short but intense stint as a radar officer prepared him for
his experiment11 research work at Harvard, in at least two ways. By any financial mehsure, this was a small-scale effort. Nei-
The technical skills he learned as he worked with state-of-the-art ther Purcell nor Ewen received salary money for it, and even in
microwave and RF gear certainly helped him in the construction of terms of 1997 dollars, the Rumford Fund grant amounted to only
his radiometer. But just as important, he leamed to adapt available about $3300. Ewens job at the nuclear laboratory was part of a
resources to gel the job done. big-science effort that inadvertently subsidized his small-science
work on the hydrogen line in more than one way, as we shall show.
In the fall of 1949, Ewen was working full-time for Harvard Still, the hydrogen-line project probably rates as one of the most
physicist Nomian Ramsey, to obtain an external particle beam cost-effective radio-astronomy efforts of all time.
from Harvard:; new 94-inch cyclotron. According to Ewen, post-
war funding for the project came from the Navy, in exchange for
Harvards donation of its prewar cyclotron to the Los Alamos 4. The machine
atomic-bomb project, during the war. Whatever the funding source,
Ramsey was able to offer Ewen more money than his previous Purcells letter to Shapley shows how quickly he and Ewen
support as a National Research Council Fellow could offer. NRC conceived the basic shape of the project, after leaming of van de
rules forbade 2. Fellow to accept employment, so in order to take Hulsts paper earlier the previous fall. The letters specificity
the job with R;msey, Ewen had given up his fellowship [8]. While shows that Purcell had a very clear idea of what they needed in
his full-time job in Harvards nuclear laboratory was interesting, order to look for the hydrogen line. Ewen recalls being less certain
and familiarized him with the labs abundant equipment resources, of his projects outcome, at least to begin with. One reason for his
it was not, in itself, research work. This meant he had to pursue his doubts was that the theoreticians van de Hulst and Shklovsky dis-
research project with Purcell only on nights and weekends. agreed on the likelihood that the hydrogen-line emission was

8 /E Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999

strong enough to be detected. (It was later found that certain the aperture plane to the apex of 310 cm [14]. An independent cal-
assumptions upon which Shklovsky based his optimistic predic- culation of the antennas characteristics gives a gain of about
tions were in error.) Initially, Ewen planned on writing a negative 23 dB over isotropic, and 3 dB beamwidths of about eight degrees
thesis, as he describes in an interview about the project: in the E plane, and 14 degrees in the H plane. These beamwidths
are somewhat smaller than Ewens own estimate, in his thesis, of
Where is it? Not knowing the mechanism, you 15 to 20 degrees [15]. The homs appearance, in a highly visible
can just hope its optically deep everywhere, and its location on the Harvard campus in the spring of 1950, caused little
right in the solar system. So you can start looking for it comment, but its wide opening tilted up to the sky made it a
against the sun ...[in] absorption. But that would mean tempting target for the occasional snowball-thrower.
youd have to have some sort of steerable mount, unless
you wanted to do it twice a year ....So we said, Okay,
forget that. Well go for straight radiometric detection,
and the philosophy of approach in designing the
instrument will be that its ubiquitous, we dont really
know ....However, it should be an effort that focuses on
a negative thesis, in the sense that the design of the
instrument must be adequate to defend a level of sensi-
tivity so that you can at least finish off a thesis that
says, The next fellow has to jump this high. This is
not here at this level. [ 121

In other words, even if Ewen failed to detect anything, he wanted

to be able to say exactly how sensitive his setup was, so that future
researchers knew what level of sensitivity to surpass in order to
continue the search for weaker emissions. While not as exciting as
a discovery, this information would still be of scientific value, so
Ewen took special care to calibrate all the important specifications
of his system. In the next sections, we will describe the design and
construction of the experiment in detail, with special emphasis on
the means of frequency and noise calibration.

4.1 The antenna

The choice of antenna was dictated as much by space and

resource limitations as by theoretical factors. If hydrogen-line
radiation was truly coming from all directions of the sky, a simple
dipole antenna might have been sufficient. But to reject thermal
noise from the ground, and to provide some directionality, Ewen
and Purcell chose to build the biggest waveguide-hom antenna that
would fit in the space between the parapet on the roof of Lyman
Laboratory and the window of the room they were using. Conven-
ient design formulas for waveguide horns were available in the
recently published Radiation Laboratory series, and a horn was Figure 1. Ewen inspecting his copper-sheathed-plywood horn
fairly straightforward to build, out of plywood covered with copper antenna. This antenna is now on permanent display at the
flashing on the inside [13]. Figure 1 shows Ewen and his finished National Radio Astronomy Observatory, in Green Bank, West
hom, which had an aperture of 109 by 142 cm, and a distance from Virginia (courtesy of H. I. Ewen).



I 27.51 I

1st I I


Figure 2. A block diagram of Ewen and Purcells hydrogen- line radiometer (adapted from Figure 1 of [14]).

/Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999 9

4.2 The radiometer radar-jamming transmitter, which was available on the war-surplus
market at a price far below what it cost the US government to
Ewen and Purcells radiometer was basically a dual-conver- make.
sion superheterodyne receiver, which used a modified Dicke-
switching scheme, for narrowband radiometric detection. Figure 2 Along with radar technology, the technology of electronic
shows the overall block diagram of the system. The antennas out- countermeasures developed rapidly in World War 11. The need to
put led to a waveguide slotted line, used for mixer-matching interfere with enemy radar receivers, so as to block their reception
adjustments. P, custom-built waveguide crossbar-type mixer was of genuine echoes, led to entirely novel engineering requirements
driven by the output from a 1393 MHz first local oscillator (LO), for microwave oscillators used in jamming transmitters. Since
to convert incoming 1420MHz energy down to a first IF of radar-receiver pass bands were fairly narrow, the jamming oscilla-
27 MHz. Following amplification in a low-noise preamplifier, the tors stability and spectral purity had to be very good, to maximize
signal entered a commercial communications receiver, where it the interference power delivered to the enemy radars pass band.
was down-converted a second time. Most of the systems gain But since the frequencies used by hostile forces were not known in
occurred in the communications receivers 455 kHz IF amplifiers. advance, jammers had to be continuously tunable over a wide
range of frequencies. High-power operation, to increase operating
Since anif uncompensated gain fluctuations would be indis- range, was also desirable. Finally, since many jammers were air-
tinguishable f-om the desired hydrogen-line emissions, Ewen bome, they had to maintain good frequency stability while
adapted the Dicke-switching concept to fit his circumstances. A mounted on the vibration-prone deck of a bomber.
Dicke switch ideally cancels out gain changes, by switching the
radiometers input between the source to be measured and a second The mechanical designs of prewar microwave oscillators
source (typically a constant-temperature load), which provides a were wholly unsuited for the demanding application of radar jam-
known referense power. The switch works in conjunction with a ming. Most of them used variations of parallel-wire transmission
synchronous detector, the output of which represents the difference lines as their frequency-determining elements. The long, thin,
between the measured power and the reference power. A Dicke- unsupported rods in such circuits would have vibrated enough to
switched radiometer allows the long integration times needed for cause uncontrolled and unacceptable noise modulation of the car-
detection of wlsak emissions, by eliminating most of the problems rier. During the war, several groups, notably Harvards own Radio
that gain drift would otherwise cause. Research Laboratory, made striking advances in the field of elec-
tronic countermeasures. In the spring of 1944, the Harvard labora-
In 1950, developing a suitable low-loss microwave switch tory teamed with General Electric vacuum-tube specialists to
and reference load for a full Dicke-switching system would have develop a line of jamming transmitters that used so-called light-
amounted to a PhD thesis in itself, so Ewen took an easier route. house triode tubes [18]. One of these, the 3622, was used in the
Instead of switching between his desired input and a physically jamming transmitter Ewen obtained for his first LO. Figure 3
separate load, he frequency-modulated the systems second LO shows the rugged, cylindrically symmetrical construction, which
(the one in the communications receiver) by an amount, Af , which
he hoped would shift the RF input frequency away from the hydro-
gen line. In th.s way, the RF noise at a frequency offset Af from
his desired input frequency became his reference-power source.
While this compensated for gain changes within the communica-
tions receiver, gain drift in the microwave mixer or the first IF pre-
amplifier was not eliminated by this modified system. Accord-
ingly, Ewen shock-mounted the preamplifiers vacuum tubes with
cotton, and operated them from a battery power supply, to stabilize
its gain.

The systems frequency stability was even more important

than its gain sability. Although quantum theory predicted that the
intrinsic linewidth of the hydrogen-atoms emission was vanish-
ingly narrow, Ewen and Purcell reasoned, at first, that the Doppler-
shift broadening due to random thermal velocities would make the
line about 5 kl3z wide. In the five years after van de Hulsts pre-
diction, researchers using atomic-beam techniques at Columbia
University published the first direct measurements of the hyperfine
hydrogen-line frequency. In April of 1948, Nafe and Nelson
reported a frequency of 1420.410 i 0.006 MHz, which Prodell and
Kusch revised to 1420.4051 f 0.0003 MHz in September of 1950
[16, 171. In order to locate a 5 kHz-wide spectral line at
1420.405 MHz, Ewen had to know his radiometers input fre-
quency with an absolute accuracy of about three parts in lo5. This
imposed requirements on his first-local-oscillators short-term sta-
bility and absolute frequency accuracy that were extraordinary for
1950. (Since the second LO was at a much lower frequency- Figure 3. The 3C22 lighthouse tube, developed at GE, and
28 MHz versus 1393 MHz-its stability and accuracy were not used in the AN/APT-5 radar-jamming transmitter that became
limiting factcrs.) Fortunately, Ewen was able to obtain an Ewen and Purcells first local oscillator (taken from a General
extraordinary piece of equipment for his first LO: an AN/APT-5 Electric catalog).

10 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1 , February 1999
earned the lighthouse tube its name. In marked contrast to prewar At the time, standard-frequency broadcasts were transmitted
tube designs-which clung to the light-bulb model, which used at various shortwave frequencies by the National Bureau of Stan-
delicate wires and glass rods in a unit that was completely enclosed dards, with an absolute accuracy better than one part in 107. One of
by a glass housing and supported only at the base-the lighthouse these frequencies was received on the Harvard campus periodi-
tube was designed to be an integral part of its coaxial-line cavity cally, by personnel who maintained the Molecular Beam Labora-
oscillator. The greater proportion of metal to glass used in its con- torys General Radio 1100 AP primary frequency standard. This
struction, and its consequent mechanical and thermal ruggedness, contained a highly stable 100-kHz crystal oscillator, and multi-
led to an unprecedented degree of frequency stability in oscillator vibrator circuitry to divide down its oscillator frequency to 10 kHz.
circuits designed around the new tube. It is not clear whether radar Ewen states, in his thesis, that he ran a 250-foot cable from his
jammers using lighthouse tubes saw much combat, since they were experiment to the GR standard, in order to use its 10 kHz output to
introduced after the phase of the war in which jamming played a calibrate his own frequency-measurement gear [22].
major role [ 191. But they appeared on the surplus market soon after
the war, and were used by the Columbia University group, whose Armed only with the fact that harmonics of an RF signal are
1948 measurement of the hydrogen-line frequency was mentioned integral multiples of its fundamental frequency, Ewen used an art-
by Purcell in his letter to the Rumford Fund committee [20]. ful combination of a crystal-controlled oscillator and frequency
multipliers in a war-surplus communications transmitter, Lecher
When Ewen built a suitable stabilized power supply and wires (a kind of microwave transmission-line frequency meter), a
operated his jamming-transmitter oscillator in a vibration-free, precision tunable oscillator called a heterodyne frequency meter,
constant-temperature environment, its output could be heterodyned an oscilloscope, various other oscillators, shortwave receivers,
with a fixed-frequency crystal-controlled source to produce what mixers, and his ears, to determine his first LOS frequency (and,
Ewen describes as just a golden tone. It was just like hitting a hence, his input frequency) with an accuracy of a few kHz. Virtu-
bell [2 11. Before equipment to measure oscillator phase noise ally all of this equipment was borrowed from Ramseys laboratory.
became widely available, listening to heterodyne beats in this The following excerpt from his thesis gives some idea of the tedi-
way was a routine way to evaluate the spectral quality of an oscil- ous nature of the process [23]:
lators output. The AN/APT-5 passed Ewens test, to become his
radiometers critical first local oscillator. Its combination of wide
(a.) Selection of the proper mode and approximate fre-
tunability and excellent frequency stability could not have been quency of the local oscillator was made by means of a
equaled, even by a crystal-controlled oscillator. Without it, Ewens Lecher wire system coupled into the plate cavity.
job would have been much harder, and almost certainly would
have taken more time and financial resources than it did.
(b.) A modified SCR-522 airborne VHF transmitter
output was fed into a crystal mixer and its harmonics
4.3 Frequency determination generated there produced beat frequencies with the
local oscillator which were fed into a Hallicrafter SX62
Today, advanced frequency counters can read the frequency receiver ....
of a pulsed 94 GHz source instantaneously with an accuracy of a
few parts in 109 or better. Those who are accustomed to such ease (c.) The frequency of the SCR-522 crystal to be used is
of frequency measurement may find it difficult to imagine what a measured by coupling its output into an HRO [short-
challenge it was in 1950 to measure a microwave frequency with wave receiver], and with the BFO (beat-frequency-
an absolute accuracy of a few parts in lo5. Ewen accomplished his oscillator) off, measuring the audio beat with one of the
daunting task in the following way. 10Kc/sec standard markers by means of the General

10 KC
7-15MC - SCR - 522
S X 62

Figure 4. Ewens frequency-measurement system ([14], Figure 14).

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1 , February 1999 11
Radio type 1107 interpolator in conjunction with an shown in Figure 6. As tuning continued, the emission f, fell mid-
oscillosccipe. See Figure 14 [Figure 4 of this paper]. way between fhigh and A,,, resulting in a zero detector output at
time t3 in Figure 6. When howpassed over f,, a maximum nega-
(d.) 1den:ification of the proper 10Kc/sec marker is tive output resulted at time t 4 , and, finally, the output returned to
made by beating the SCR-522 crystal frequency against
the baseline again at t 5 . At least, that was how it was supposed to
the output of a General Radio 620-A Heterodyne fre-
quency meter fed into the HRO. By this method the
SCR-522 crystal frequency is determined to within
1 cycle. The 200th harmonic is then known to within Instead, Ewen detected only a pair of slight bumps, going
200 cyc18:s, hence the beat frequency between the in the same direction, on his chart-recorder output. Now comes an
desired lccal oscillator frequency and that of the SCR- interesting twist to the story. Van de Hulst, who was visiting Har-
522 harm1x-k is known with this accuracy. vard at the time, used his astronomical knowledge to advise Ewen
and Purcell that the line might be considerably wider than the one
(e.) The 620-A is then set for this beat frequency measured in the laboratory, because hydrogen in different parts of
against the 10 Kc/sec harmonic standard by means of
the HRO, 1107 Interpolator, and scope combination.
(f.) With the BFO of the Hallicrafter on, the output of
the 620-A is located and brought to zero beat. The BFO
is then tumed off and the local oscillator tuned for a
zero beat 3f its beat frequency with the proper harmonic
of the SCR-522 (these are spaced approximately every
120 Mc/si:c) and the frequency of the 620-A, as moni-
tored at the output of the Hallicrafter with a pair of flow fhigh
[earlphonas. k A f 4

(g.) Frequent drift monitoring of the 620-A and SCR-

522 crystal frequencies are conveniently obtained with tz:
the HRO, 1 107 interpolator and scope combination.

While some of the procedures details are now obscure, even to

Ewen, he says of the importance of frequency determination in the
experiment, [Nlinety per cent of the job for me on hydrogen:
building the machine was nothing; making sure youre on the right fRF
frequency was everything [24].

5. The search begins t3:

Ewen first put his hydrogen-line radiometer into operation in

the summer of 1950. He was sure that his systems noise figure
was as good as he could make it with a special high-performance
1N21-B mixer diode, provided to him by H. T. Friis of the Bell
Telephone Laboratories [25]. Starting with an ordinary fluorescent-
light tube, E w m built a microwave noise source, which told him
that his system noise figure was 10.5 to 11 dB [26]. This included
the degradatior. from down-converted RF noise at the image fre- t4:
quency, which was not rejected by his broadband microwave
mixer. Because so much of his setup was borrowed, every Friday
he loaded what he needed into a wheelbarrow, trundled it over to
Lyman Lab, set it up for a weekend of searching, and tore it all
down again and returned the items, before Monday moming.

Despite Ewens efforts, the initial results that summer were

disappointing. To scan a range of frequencies, Ewen rigged a
motor to tune his communications receiver continuously over
about a 200 kHz range. As the synchronous detectors integrated 4:
output fed a chirt recorder, Ewen expected the system to receive a
narrow-band hydrogen-line emission, as shown in Figure 5 . As the
Dicke-switched receiver tuned through the expected hydrogen-line
frequency, f,, it received energy at two pass bands, labeled f,l,g,,
and A,,, sepa-ated by the frequency shift, Af, which performed
the modified D c k e switching, discussed above. At time t 2 , f, fell
within f h r g l land
, the chart recorders output went positive at t 2 , as
Figure 5. How Ewen expected to detect the hydrogen line.

12 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999

tl t2 t3 t4 t5

Figure 6. The chart-recorder output Ewen expected to see

from a narrow-band hydrogen line.

the galaxy might be moving at a considerable range of velocities

relative to Earth. Thus, its emissions might be Doppler-shifted over
a band many kilohertz wide, a prediction that turned out to be true
[27]. Ewen realized that if the hydrogen line was substantially
wider than his Dicke-switching frequency, Af, of lOkHz, both
pass bands would ride up and down the wide, gently sloping curve
of a broad line more or less together, and he would not obtain a
clear trace, such as Figure 6 shows. Buderi reports that Ewen tried
a wider separation of 25 kHz,but with no significant improvement Figure 7. Ewen and his hydrogen-line setup. He is leaning on
in his data. He could not use a larger Af without permanently an oscilloscope used for frequency measurements. The NBS-3
modifying the communications receiver, which was on loan from communications receiver, with its tuning motor, is the rack-
Ramseys lab. So Ewen asked Purcell for $300, to buy his own mounted unit with two semicircular dials. The oscillator cavity
new National Company NBS-3, which he could modify without of the radar-jamming transmitter is the cylindrical object to
qualms. Purcell handed him the cash from his pocket, and soon the left of Ewens right elbow. The brass waveguide mixer, in
Ewen was back on the air, with a Af of 75 kHz [28]. the background, connects to the horn, outside the window to
the right (courtesy of H. I. Ewen).
Figure 7 shows Ewens setup, with his new NBS-3 promi-
nently displayed at the center, and other items as described in the
caption. Figure 8 shows Ewen in a more typical pose, monitoring
his frequency-measurement system to guard against drift. With the
wider frequency shift of 75 kHz, the shape of his first IF ampli-
fiers pass band was beginning to show up, because it was only
about 2MHz wide, and superimposed its broad peak on the
incoming noise. This could cause an undesirable dc offset in his
chart-recorder output. To minimize this problem, he continually
readjusted his first LO, which then had to be checked with the
above frequency procedure. The photo of Figure 8 lacks certain
realistic details, since in operation, Ewen asked the janitor to raise
the heat in the room to above eighty degrees, over the weekend, to
provide a stable, draft-free temperature environment for his various
oscillators. Alone at his post in the wee hours, Ewen would some-
times get more comfortable by stripping down to his shorts.

6. Success and what came afterward

With his wider frequency shift, Ewen first saw a part of the
S-shaped curve he was looking for on Good Friday evening, March
23, 1951. But the Earths rotation moved his south-pointing horn
antenna away from the galactic plane, before he could retune his
system to get the complete curve. As Buderi describes, Ewen man-
aged to shift his input frequency to 1420.6MHz in time for the
next window of opportunity, which gave him what he sought in the
early hours of Easter Sunday, March 25: a complete S-shaped Figure 8. Ewen monitoring frequency changes with head-
curve that was unmistakable evidence for the hydrogen line [29]. phones. The GR 620-A heterodyne frequency meter is above
his head, to the right; the Hallicrafter SX-62 receiver is visible
Despite his delight, Ewen puzzled over two aspects of the behind his right knee; and the GR 1107 interpolation oscillator
data. One was the 150 kHz difference between the accurate labo- is probably the unit visible behind his back (courtesy of H. I.
ratory measurements of the hydrogen-line frequency and the fre- Ewen).

/E Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1 , February 1999 13

quency Ewen was actually detecting from space. It occurred to him hom picked up from the Milky Way was undoubtedly much wider,
that the Earth:; motion around the sun might cause a Doppler shift at times.
that would explain the difference. Ewen recalls what he did next:
...I called Harvard Observatory and asked some kid there, you Still, his 75 kHz frequency shift revealed the wider line quite
know, who else is up at two oclock in the moming except grad well, as some typical data in Figure 10 show. At the same time he
students, and asked him what the velocity of the earth was around was giving Ewen and Purcell astronomical advice, Van de Hulst
the sun. I figured, Im not gonna sit here and figure out 365 days had been taking note of their receiver techniques, notably the fre-
and all that jazz and astronomical units, you guys must have it at quency-switching scheme, and had written about them to engineer
the tip of your finger. He said, What are you doing? I said, C. Alexander Muller, in Holland, who was assembling a hydrogen-
Well, you know, Im looking at interstellar hydrogen. Bing! that line setup similar to the Harvard system [32]. After Ewens suc-
phone goes on the hook ....So much for astronomy! [30] Eventu- cess, van de Hulst cabled the news to the Dutch group, and seven
ally, Ewen was able to calculate the Doppler shift due to the weeks later they confirmed Ewen and Purcells results. A group in
Earths orbital motion, which did account for much of the observed Australia also cabled in further confirmation before Purcell sub-
frequency shift. mitted a paper to Nature, with all three reports in it [33]. Unlike
Ewen and himself, the other researchers were primarily astrono-
There remained a second mystery, however: why was the line mers. whose names would carry considerable weight within the
so wide? As van de Hulst had predicted earlier during his visit, astronomical community.
Ewens antenna beam was wide enough to pick up hydrogen emis-
sions from different parts of the galaxy, the motions of which rela- The paper in Nature brought acclaim, not only from astrono-
tive to the Earth differed by several kilometers per second. A typi- mers, but from the popular media, as well. Purcell and Ewen were
cal hydrogen-1ine-emission spectrum, observed with modem tech-
niques, is shown in Figure 9 [31]. Although this line was observed
with the fractional-degree beam of the Arecibo radio telescope, the
line is still some 150 kHz wide. The smeared-out spectrum Ewens


8 50


Figure 11. This picture appeared in Life magazine on Novem-
DOPPLER SHIFT &E) ber 17, 1952, p. 138, over the following caption: PIONEER
RADIO ASTRONOMERS who located the hydrogen clouds
Figure 9. The hydrogen-line emission spectrum reported in are Edward M. Purcell (feff)-who last week won a 1952 Nobel
1988 by Cliftlm et al. [31]. The horizontal axis has been con- Prize for work in nuclear physics-and H. I. Ewen (right), here
verted from ii:s equivalent Doppler-shift velocity back to a fre- meeting with Australias E. G. Bowen. Striped flask is crude
quency shift. This figure was adapted from Figure 4 of [31], model showing earths tilt away from plane of our galaxy.
with 4.74 k d s used for 1 kHz,per [42]. (Courtesy of H. I. Ewen.)

Figure 10. An actual tracing of the chart-recorder output. showing the hydrogen-line frequency of 1420.569 MHz, meas-
ured on April 9,1951 (taken from Figure 18 of [14]).

14 /E Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999

portrayed in the November 17, 1952, issue of L f e magazine as resources by adapting equipment and facilities, modifying them,
they explained details of their discovery to E. G. Taffy Bowen, and using them in ways for which they were not originally
another radio astronomer visiting from Australia (Figure 11) [34]. designed [38].
After a short tour of active duty in connection with his Naval
Reserve obligations, Ewen went on to found the Ewen-Knight No one is a perfect example of a pure type, and Ewen showed
Corporation, the main business of which was the manufacture of he was also a highly competent engineer, as he designed and built
radiometers and related equipment for scientific and military cus- his hom antenna and the waveguide components of his system. But
tomers. The subsequent story of Ewens involvement in Harvards when he tumed a fluorescent light bulb into a microwave noise
early efforts to establish a significant presence in radio astronomy source, converted a commercial communications receiver into a
is too complex to summarize here. When Ewen-Knight closed, radiometer back-end, and scrounged a jamming transmitter on the
around 1980, Ewen consulted for industry and government until he postwar surplus market for use as a local oscillator, he employed
joined Millitech Corporation in 1988, where he is now Vice Presi- his talents for bricolage, which he developed during his wartime
dent in charge of special projects. Purcell went on to win the 1952 experiences as a radar officer. He has continued to show this trait
Nobel Prize in physics for his work in nuclear magnetic resonance, throughout his career. For example, one of the many projects he
and remained with the Harvard physics department until he retired, has pursued over the last few years involves steerable millimeter-
in 1977. He passed away in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March wave parabolic antennas, made from surplus World War I1 search-
7, 1997, at the age of 84. lights [39].

Both fundamental science and routine engineering call for a

7. Conclusions varied mix of talents on the part of those who do them well. Indi-
vidual talent and the will to succeed can be lost to visibility, in the
Although Ewen and Purcell were the first to detect the inter- shuffle of increasingly complex activities that comprise science
stellar hydrogen line, it is virtually certain that the Dutch, the Aus- and technology research today. In the decades following the war,
tralians, or perhaps another American group would have detected big science came to define the way research was done in many
it, if the Harvard team had not. In a book entitled Multiple Discov- fields, including radio astronomy. The quantity of funds expended,
ery, philosophers David Lamb and Susan Easton argue that all sci- and the number of research papers published, came to the fore as
entific discovery is inherently multiple, and that the causes of measures of research quality. Judged simply by money expended
every scientific development can be found in historical circum- and papers generated, projects of the scale Ewen and Purcell pur-
stances, available knowledge, and resources of support and instru- sued might well be overlooked in todays research environment. It
mentation [35].They criticize the popular tendency to award praise is interesting to note that Purcells 1945 Nobel-Prize-winning
and honor only to the first person or group who discovers some- paper was only his sixth since joining the Harvard faculty, seven
thing. Their picture of discovery can be likened to leaves budding years earlier [40]. But standards of all kinds have risen since then,
on a tree. In springtime, one leaf is bound to bud first. However, and the research community of the 1990s cannot be compared
others will soon follow because the conditions are right, and the directly to the smaller one that returned from the experiences of
first leaf to bud deserves no special honor. World War 11.

Like many sociological theories of science and technology, Whatever the causes and however the credit should be given,
this one has some truth in it. But science is done by people, not Ewen and Purcell broke new ground in the science of radio astron-
plants. Ewen and Purcell combined their talents and mounted an omy with their discovery. In a paper on the significance of radio
all-out effort to succeed in the race to the hydrogen line, despite astronomy to science in general, Owen Gingerich concluded that
their relatively meager financial resources. In an undated news its development led to no paradigm shift or fundamental revolu-
clipping, which probably comes from an intemal Harvard publica- tion in the way we look at the world [41]. Instead, radio astronomy
tion in the mid-l950s, Ewen is quoted as saying of their collabora- opened another window in the electromagnetic spectrum, onto an
tion, Purcell provided the brains, I just the brawn [36]. While astronomical world we already knew something about. Many of
this statement was perhaps excessively modest, it captured essen- the most significant discoveries in radio astronomy have been for-
tial features of the complementary roles Ewen and Purcell played tuitous, in the sense that the experimental data has come first, and
in their achievement. Purcell was thoroughly familiar with the the theory, afterward. But Ewen and Purcell were the first to con-
quantum-mechanical behavior of atoms in magnetic fields, and firm an astrophysical prediction that had implications for observa-
knew that if enough cold, neutral hydrogen was out there, he could tional radio astronomy: the prediction that cold neutral hydrogen
detect it. As his letter to the Rumford Fund committee showed, he might be observable at 21 centimeters. Their work helped to make
also knew that the state of the microwave art had advanced to the radio astronomy a respected activity for astronomers. Although
point where it was now possible to search for the hydrogen line neither Ewen nor Purcell remained in the field for long, their
with a receiver of unprecedented sensitivity. efforts during a few short months in 1950 and 1951 changed the
course of scientific history, and gave us all more cause to wonder
In Ewen, Purcell found a type which has not received much at the marvels of the heavens.
attention in the history of science and engineering. In Thinking
Through Technology, a work on the philosophy of technology,
Carl Mitcham has termed this type the bricoleur [37]. He adapted 8. Web site
this term from the French anthropologist Claude L6vi-Strauss, who
used it to refer to those who use whatever is at hand, and adapt Shortly after the hydrogen-line discovery, Ewen took color-
both the material and their purposes to existing circumstances. transparency photographs of the setup with a stereoscopic camera.
Ltvi-Strauss contrasts the bricoleurs approach with that of the Eight of these photos can be viewed (in two dimensions only,
conventional engineer, whose first step is to procure whatever unfortunately!) on the following Web site:
materials and tools are needed to do the job in the standard way. A
bricoleur, on the other hand, responds to a situation of limited index.htm1.

IEEEAntennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999 15

9. Acknowledgments 14. H. I. Ewen, Radiation from Galactic Hydrogen at 1420 Mega-
cycles per Second, PhD thesis, Harvard University, May 1951,
I wish to thank Doc Ewen for his enthusiastic help, which Figure 3.
was essential to the preparation of this article. I also wish to thank
Woodruff T. Sullivan I11 and the anonymous reviewers for their 15. H. I. Ewen, PhD thesis [ 141, pp. 10 and 40.
careful reading of the manuscript, which resulted in the correction
of several errors and omissions; Larry Owens for valuable guid- 16. J. E. Nafe and E. B. Nelson, The Hyperfine Structure of
ance on the his:ory of science and technology; Sander Weinreb for Hydrogen and Deuterium, Physical Review, 73, April 1, 1948, pp.
helpful sugges.ions; Tom Vales of GENRADs General Radio 718-728.
Museum for information on the 1100 AFfrequency standard; and
my wife, Pamela Stephan, for graphic assistance with several of the 17. A. G. Prodell and P. Kusch, On the Hyperfine Structure of
illustrations. Hydrogen and Deuterium, Physical Review, 79, September 15,
1950, pp. 1009-1010.

10. References 18. Paul Robbiano, QRIv-The Electronic Lifesaver: How Enemy
Radar was Foiled by Jamming, QST, 30, January 1946, pp. 12-18.
1. Robert Buderi, The Invention that Changed the World: How a
Small Group ojRadar Pioneers Won the Second World War and 19. James P. Baxter 111, Scientists Against Time, Boston, Little,
Launched a Technological Revolution, New York, Simon & Brown, & Co., 1946, pp. 166-167.
Schuster, 1996, pp. 291-307.
20. Nafe and Nelson [16], p.723.
2. For an excellent account of the early history of radio astronomy,
see W. T. Sullivan I11 (ed.), The EarZy Years of Radio Astronomy 21. H. I. Ewen interview [7], p. 10.
(Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1984), especially
W. T. Sullivan 111, Karl Jansky and the discovery of extraterres- 22. H. I. Ewen, PhD thesis [14], pp. 35-36. Interestingly, it was
trial radio waves, pp. 2-42, and Grote Reber, Early radio astron- Norman Ramsey who later conducted hydrogen-maser experiments
omy at Wheatcn, Illinois, pp. 43-66. Also, W. T. Sullivan 111s on the Harvard campus, which led to a new frequency-standard
Classics in RaaioAstronomy (Dordrecht, Holland, D. Reidel Pub- method used around the world. See R. H. Beehler, A Historical
lishing Co., 1982) contains translations of refs. [3] and [5] of this Review of Atomic Frequency Standards, Proceedings of the
article, as well as reprints of ref. [33] and several of Janskys and IEEE, 55, June 1967, pp. 792-805.
Rebers origina. papers.
23. H. I. Ewen, PhD thesis [14], pp. 34-35.
3. H. C. van de Hulst, Radiogolven uit het Wereldruim. 11.
Herkomst der F.adiogolven, Nederlands Tijdschrqt Natuurkunde, 24. H. I. Ewen interview [7], p. 10.
11, 1945, pp. 210-221.
25. Buden [l], pp. 300-301. Although Buderi refers to the bal-
4. Buderi [l], pp. 291-292. anced crystal mixer, Ewens thesis makes no mention of a bal-
anced mixer, and its Figure 6 clearly shows a single-diode configu-
5. I. S. Shklovsky, A Monochromatic Radio Emission of the Gal- ration. This would make low phase noise from the first LO even
axy and the Possibility of Observing It, Astronomicheski Zhurnal more critical in the system design.
SSSR, 26, 1, 1948, pp. 10-14.
26. H. I. Ewen, PhD thesis [14], pp. 30-33.
6. Buderi [ 13, p 260.
27. Woodruff T. Sullivan 111, chapter entitled The Discovery of
7. H. I. Ewen, transcript of interview with the author at Millitech the Twenty-one Centimeter Hydrogen Line, from unpublished
Corp., January 28, 1998, p. 9. A copy of this 25-page single-spaced manuscript of A History of Early Radio Astronomy. Sullivan cites
transcript has been filed with the American Institute of Physics letters written by van de Hulst, which confirm these interchanges.
Center for the History of Physics, College Park, MD.
28. Buderi [l], p. 302
8. H. I. Ewen interview [7], pp. 17-18.
29. Buderi [l], p. 304.
9. Buderi [ 11, p. 268.
30. H. I. Ewen interview [7], p. 11.
10. Copy of lelter dated January 12, 1950, Edward M. Purcell to
Harlow Shapley, in possession of H. I. Ewen. 31. T. R. Clifton, D. A. Frail, S. R. Kulkami, and J. M. Weisberg,
Neutral Hydrogen Absorption Observations Toward High-Disper-
11. Copy of letter dated February 28, 1950, John W. M. Bunker, sion Measure Pulsars, Astrophysics Journal, 333, October 1,
secretary of AAAS, to E. M. Purcell, in possession of H. I. Ewen. 1988, pp. 332-340.

12. H. I. Ewen interview [7], pp. 12-13. 32. Sullivan, chapter from unpublished manuscript [27].

13. Samuel Silver (ed.), Microwave Antenna Theory and Design 33. Harold I. Ewen and E. M. Purcell, Observation of a Line in
(vol. 12 of Radiation Laboratory Series), New York, McGraw-Hill, the Galactic Radio Spectrum, Nature, 168, September 1, 1951, p.
1949, pp. 586-589. 356.

16 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 1, February 1999
34. Anonymous, Radio astronomy, Life, 33, November 17, 1952, Introducing Feature Article Author
p. 138.

35. David Lamb and Susan M. Easton, Multiple Discovery, Ave-

bury Press, 1984.

36. News clipping in possession of H. I. Ewen.

37. Carl Mitcham, Thinking Through Technology, Chicago, Uni-

versity of Chicago Press, 1994, p. 213.

38. Claude Levi-Strauss, The Savage Mind, Chicago, University of

Chicago Press, 1966, p. 17. Karl D. Stephan received the BS in Engineering from the
California Institute of Technology, in 1976. Following a year of
39. H. I. Ewen, personal communication. graduate study at Comell, he received the Master of Engineering
degree in 1977, and was employed by Motorola, Inc., and Scien-
40. Buderi [ 13, p. 271. tific-Atlanta. He received the PhD in electrical engineering, in
1983, from the University of Texas at Austin. Since that year, he
41. Owen Gingerich, Radio Astronomy and the Nature of Sci- has been a member of the faculty of the Department of Electrical
ence, in W. T. Sullivan I11 (ed.), The EarZy Years of Radio and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts,
Astronomy, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1984, Amherst, where he is currently Associate Professor and Associate
pp. 399-407. Department Head. His research interests have included microwave
and millimeter-wave oscillators, and quasi-optical power combin-
42. Burke and Graham-Smith, An Introduction to Radio Astron- ing and switching. He has also published articles on a variety of
omy, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 121. subjects in the history of technology, including refrigeration, teleg-
raphy, and microwaves. Ak

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