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This material was compiled by the World Wide Web and serves only to single confe
1 Don Casmurro Author: Machado de Assis (1839-1908) Year: 1899 Genre: Romance Du
ration: Realism Synopsis: Bento Santiago, a middle-aged lawyer, lives alone in a
nice house, away from downtown Rio de Janeiro, known as Don stubborn. To fill t
he quiet life of a widower without children, Casmurro decides to tell his memori
es. Teen, Bentinho discovers love with girl next door, the Capitu. Smart, bold i
deas, Capitu convinces him not to agree with the design of his mother, Dona Glor
ia, a wealthy widow who wanted to do it priest. Bento is delighted by both firmn
ess Capitu as fascinated by her hair hung over his eyes and begins to know the r
ules of love. Life takes the direction they want lovers: after the seminar, atte
nded law school in Sao Paulo, they marry. Life goes happily until the day that c
omes jealousy, everything and everyone. The love story becomes a story of suspic
ion of treason. Jealousy makes Bento Santiago a cruel and wicked man. Bit by lit
tle doubt that Ezekiel is not his son, but his friend Escobar, who appears with
visible similarity requires the separation of Capitu. For all intents and purpos
es, the rich acharel sent his son, accompanied by her mother to study in Switzer
land. Never found Bentinho Capitu, who dies in Europe. Only reviews the child on
ce, before the boy died of typhus in a scientific journey to Jerusalem. NOTE: Th
e big question is not whether the novel Capitu betrayed Benedict, but because he
tells his story this way.
The two best stories of Lima Barreto Author: Lima Barreto (1881-1922) Year: 1986
* Publication of this selection. Genre: Story Time: Synopsis Pre-modernism: "A
specialist" - The story is centered on the history of promiscuity of the Commend
atore, who loved the mulatto about to collect a portion of its broad curriculum
of lovers, despite being married and having daughters. At the beginning of his a
dventures in Brazil, as well as his friend, Colonel Chapman was Portuguese, the
Honorable, also as a traveling salesman in Recife, a young astray and left him a
daughter in his arms, disappearing with a small inheritance she had received on
the death of their parents. Coming to Rio, managed to evolve the position of Co
mmander who now sported. Currently, the Commander was involved with a beautiful
mulatto woman, who at the end of the story out to be the daughter he abandoned y
ears earlier. The
tale will be dragging in the plots of the parties, the dances and shows that enl
ivened the nights of the bourgeoisie in Rio, and the frank and open conversation
that friends have with the Commander's mistress, who only at the end, when the
mulatto woman starts talking about her past, learns that she is his daughter. No
te: Poverty and social situation of suburban Lima Barreto sharpened their vision
and critical sense. His work is an authentic chronicle of the suburbs of Rio an
d its people, depicting, on one hand, the poor and oppressed of this suburb and
the other, the empty world of a bourgeois mediocre; of powerful politicians, inc
ompetent and oppressive military. The selection is composed of thirteen stories.
The synopsis refers to the eponymous tale, which opens the collection.
3 Rats Author: Dyonélio Machado (1895-1985) Year: 1935 Genre: Romance Duration:
Modernism (2nd generation) Synopsis: The story begins with the milkman threaten
ing to cut off oil supplies if Naziazeno, a modest civil servant, you do not pay
the $ 53,000 . Naziazeno is then tormented the day, trying to get the cash: bor
rows the head (which he denies), play (not at roulette or animal) and ends up ge
tting a loan with friend Alcides. At night, can not sleep worried about money an
d the idea (almost sure) that rats gnaw the money for milk for her child. Just s
leep when you hear the milkman dump the milk. In prose urban regionalist and int
imate, The Rat is on only one day of high drama for his protagonist. Note: Each
of the 28 chapters has its own cell of suspense, which will be resolved in at mo
st the following, which must appear in another.
4 Negrinha Author: Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) Year: 1920 Genre: Short Story Tim
e: Synopsis Pre-modernism: D. Inacia was a widow without children crying and cou
ld not bear children. If Negrinha, baby, crying in the arms of his mother, the w
oman screamed. The mother, desperate, muffled crying baby, and afastandose with
her to the back of the house, wringing her belicões desperate. The cry was not
without reason: he was hungry and cold. Thus grew Negrinha, orphaned at age four
, there was done by cat
unowned, carried kicks. Learned to walk,€but hardly walked. Negrinha taught to
crochet and she lay there straining braids without end. Never had a word of affe
ction and gave him nicknames wicked. At one in December, came to spend the holid
ays at the farm two nieces D. Inacia Scaup and saw them jumping and happy, also
saw Inacia smile when he saw them play. I had never seen a doll and have it on h
and was afraid of D. Inacia, but the boss let her play and she became aware of t
he world and joy. But if they were girls, the doll is also gone and the house fe
ll into the sameness of all time. Aware of what had been the life, soul bloom, N
egrinha fell into deep sadness and died. At the end of the narrative, the narrat
or warns: "And Negrinha were only two world views. A comedy, in memory of rich g
irls. -" Remember that silly the auntie, who had never seen doll? " Another of n
ostalgia, the knuckle of Dona Inacia: - "What was good for a CoCr !..." NOTE: Th
e stories in this volume are part of the adult literature of Lobato.
5 Before the green dance Author: Lygia Fagundes Telles (1923 -) Year: 1970 Genre
: Story Time: Generation 45 (modernism) Synopsis: "Before the green ball" - a li
vely young man prepares for the big costume ball of your city in which everyone
should attend dressed in green. In the next room, his father dying patient in he
r last minutes of life. The young woman driven by selfish desire to have fun in
a simple ball, instead of assuming the responsibility of caring for the inconven
ience father invented all the time the biggest excuses for herself. The protagon
ist is torn between duty and guilt towards the father dying and the desire to pl
ay freely, until his headlong flight toward dreamed Carnival Ball. NOTE: The boo
k consists of eighteen short stories. The synopsis refers to the eponymous tale.
The conductor 6 Author: Rubem Fonseca (1925 -) Year: 1979 Genre: Story Time: Pos
tmodernism Synopsis: Ten tales Rubens Fonseca proves his mastery at writing shor
t stories. These are stories about love, pedophilia, war, lawyers, revolts socie
ty account. In The Collector,
Rubem Fonseca describes the thoughts of a serial killer who practices his acts b
ecause they feel that society owes him something. Their collection is open to an
y unfortunate who might cross his path. His way to increase and not to forget th
e hatred he feels is watching on TV the incessant call of a society increasingly
consumerist. At the end of the story, the taxman is a political sense for his "
mission." He realizes that his hatred was being wasted and predicts: "My example
should be followed by others, many others, only then will change the world." NO
TE: The writer uses a narrative aggressive, with strong realism to portray the u
nderworld of crime and urban violence in Rio de Janeiro-70s.
7 The heat of things Author: Nelida Piñon (1937 -) Year: 1980 Genre: Tales Peri
od: Postmodernism Synopsis: Thirteen tales of which is easy to see the same conc
erns of the author: the importance of speech and political manipulation of langu
age. This time, however, there is a great deal of humor. With fine irony and com
plex construction to uncover the innermost soul of the cantons of their characte
rs. Nelida uses images beautiful and delicate to treat human passions. Their plo
ts, always original, often confused with the speech. Nelida alternating poetry a
nd criticism, rationality and eroticism in the pages of voracious reading and pr
ovocative. Note: Nelida Piñon is the first woman president of the Brazilian Aca
demy of Letters.
8. Complete Poems Author: Ã lvares de Azevedo (1831-1852) Year: 1943 * Publication
of this selection. Genre: Poetry Duration: Romanticism (Byronism) Synopsis: Alv
ares de Azevedo, Brazil more legitimate representative of evil-the-century, was
heavily influenced by Lord Byron and Musset. His poetry is marked by subjectivis
m, melancholy and a strong sarcasm. The most common themes are the desire to lov
e and the pursuit of death. Love is always idealized, populated by mysterious vi
rgin who never turn into reality, thus causing pain and frustration that are cal
med by the presence of mother and
sister. Already seeking the death has the meaning of escape, self-lyrical feel h
elpless before the world before it sees the death and the only way to liberation
. Note: In his work, all of it published posthumously, stands out the stories in
Night at the Tavern (1855), the play Macario (1855) and book of poetry Lira of
Twenty Years (1853).
9 Best Poems Author: Manuel Bandeira Year: 1984 * Publication of this selection.
Genre: Poetry Duration: Modernism - 1st generation. Synopsis: Manuel Bandeira w
as born in Recife, Brazil in 1886. Tuberculosis, was that it was in Switzerland,
€returning to Brazil in 1917. That same year, he published The Ashes of Time, f
ollowed by Carnival (1919), renovators and modern books, the forerunner of moder
nism. In these books, and in all subsequent work, the poet shows simple, colloqu
ial, ironic. And irreverent, in poems like The Frogs, in which satirizes the Par
nassians. Or lines like "I want to drink! Singing nonsense", leading one critic
to say that the time had already accomplished his desire. Another constant: the
autobiographical and confessional note, found in his verses even when the tone i
s impersonal. And sympathy for lowly beings and aspects of life, for which most
poets do not have eyes to see. The free verse is to prevail from Dissolute Rhyth
m (1924). The poet reaches the fullness of Libertine (1930), mature work, balanc
ed, somewhat pessimistic, which is sharpened skepticism and disbelief in relatio
n to human values. The following books, full of wonderful poems, show that the p
oet knew no decay. Instead, he had the strength to renew to 50 years and an inte
rest in the Concrete, as in old age. He died in 1968 at age 82. Note: He was inv
ited to join the Week of Modern Art in 1922, but has not appeared, he left her a
poem (The Frogs) to be read at the event.
Top 10 Poems Author: Joao Cabral de Melo Neto (1920 -) Year: 1985 * Publication
of this selection. Genre: Poetry Duration: Generation 45 (modernism) Synopsis: T
he Poetry of João Cabral, as suggested by the poet himself, is divided into two
waters. In the first line dominates the search of poetic creation, the formal r
igor, the repudiation of any note
sentimental or irrational interference, which develops from The Engineer (1945)
by The School of Knives (1980), including a knife blade only (1955) and Museum o
f Everything (1975). The other major aspect is the social critique, acid, but wi
thout any note or populist pamphleteering, in which all the constants remain the
first line, but with a forceful, knife, knife blade only. The process began wit
h The Dog Without Feathers (1950), is accentuated in Rio (1954) and Morte e Vida
Severina (1955), reappears in Two Parliaments (1960) and wild (1984), and as it
purifies the Self Frade (1984). It is also noted the presence of obsessive Spai
n, throughout his work, from Landscapes with Figures (1955), Quaderni (1959), Se
rial (1961) to Calle Rapporteur on Crime (1987) and Seville Walking (1990). Note
: The critical points to it as the pinnacle of Brazilian poetry of the twentieth
century, alongside Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

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