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Learning to read to learn to learn (Interdisciplinary project) AUTHORS: Anthony

Ney Aldeíza Éric Julia Ferreira Luiz Carlos Pinho

1. Introduction
When we think of reading, soon comes to mind the idea of mechanical activity dec
oding of signs. However, reading is more than that, is to assign a meaning to th
e text, be it verbal or nonverbal, which is understood as a process rather than
product, which is built on interaction. Furthermore, reading is a form of percep
tion, since it is not limited to text, but also to reality, the world around us,
which is even subject of our first readings, but also ensures Paulo Freire. How
ever, state and Abjadid Silva (2005) that when we refer to the reading of texts,
it is important to know that there is only the attribution of meaning when the
reader joins a world of knowledge to linguistic knowledge. It is what is called
the interaction of different skill levels. By appropriating such knowledge, the
reader will be able to read and therefore are more likely to attain knowledge. T
hus, when more and more world knowledge one has any knowledge of the language, b
ut will be able to read. The project proposes to bring this discussion when he r
ecommends more reading classes taught by teachers. The main idea is, in collabor
ation with teachers of Portuguese, create methodologies that reading is the prim
ary means of access to knowledge. For this, the aim is to integrate teachers fro
m different areas to discuss, develop and implement strategies to develop in stu
dents the skills readers.
The school practice has shown us that without reading it becomes almost impossib
le for the student to continue studies as governing the LDB 9.394/96, art. 35, a
mong other purposes that there is proposed. The relative number of students who
evade our school who disapprove, and the low rate of IDEB disturbed us, leading
us to question our practices and to review our social role in the school. Consid
ering the aforementioned, it was found that one of the causes that contribute mo
st was the difficulty of reading among students. The unanimity of colleagues abo
ut it gave us impetus and momentum to develop this project, since such a situati
on could not continue to exist. The absence of strategies or activities, directe
d reading, rather than classes of grammars, rather than promote the effective us
e of language (either through reading or by means of writing), and not develop t
he competence of critical discourse students, given that focus on memorization o
f classifications, PA classification of elements, among other content ineffectiv
e in terms of functional and pragmatic language as Antunes (2003), have left the
ir classes in Portuguese as an "unproductive." Because of this, there is little
or almost no spare, time to reading activities, writing papers, oral activities,
which would allow the student a much larger field of knowledge of the language.
Added to this the idea that teaching reading and writing tasks are the only pro
fessor of Portuguese. Few teachers of other disciplines who are concerned with t
extual aspects of the work of their students, for example. Obviously not learnin
g to read or master reading strategies, from one moment to another. Hence why th
e school excel in this learning across the curriculum by which students must pas
s. Moreover, such activities should not occur individually, but should be incorp
orated by all teachers for positive results it does work, since no discipline th
at dispenses knowledge. The student who has a chance to read huge transit throug
h any area of knowledge without much difficulty: to be able to interpret mathema
tical problems, apply appropriate formulas in questions of physics, to better un
derstand the chemical relationships; involve historical, philosophical, and
even sociological, with literature, or other areas, create, from what read, thei
r own concepts, produce texts more easily, since it will be able to logically or
ganize what you learn, realize that certain language constructs if used in situa
tions and with different intent, lead opposite directions, as in the case of iro
ny, and so many other situations and activities that we could list here. Becomin
g a good reader, the student will have more access to information and may in fac
t exercise their citizenship. The above is what justifies the implementation and
execution of this project.
3. Objectives:
General: To develop reading competence in students, to foster learning and reduc
e repetition and dropout.€Specific: • • • • • Mount workshops for teachers on ho
w to use reading strategies to promote the construction of knowledge. Encourage
the teacher to read, to broaden their knowledge and can assist the student in th
e process of teaching and learning. Using classes and various reading strategies
with the most varied genre; assist the student in reading texts from cohesion m
echanisms. Develop activities for which the reading is the primary means.
To carry out this project, several actions must be developed, such as: Implement
ation of the workshops: For this moment, must be booked at least two hours of le
ssons as a moment of encounter between teachers for study, discussion, preparati
on of lessons, choice of resources, texts, and environments that may occur in th
e classroom, laboratory and ICT, library, classroom or other space. Teachers inv
olved in the project should be divided into two heterogeneous groups, as the sub
jects, who will meet every fortnight on a rotating basis, avoiding the release o
f the students, which may have their classes are grouped, if necessary. After th
ese first meetings, has clarified the objectives, techniques, routes to be follo
wed by the teacher with students, one passes the subsequent step. However, pleas
e note that, periodically, the teachers will meet to socialize their experiences
, review strategies, discuss the process, create your text, etc.. Practical acti
vities: For this step, it should be clear that each teacher needs to be dynamic
and creative and allow the contact of students with all types of genres that wil
l facilitate the construction of knowledge (slides, cartoons, images, text essay
, stories, transparencies, graphics, boards, flip chart, videos, blogs, maps, et
c. ...). The use of these resources must be guided in reading strategies, which
will differ depending on the type of text to be used and the methodology to be a
pplied. The use of the library, ICT environments, or other pre-established metho
dology will depend on the teacher to schedule a meeting with students. It is int
eresting to act even as the mobile learning environments, with many contemporary
theories already proposed, as it streamlines and makes the classes less mundane
. It notes that every teacher should keep in mind that the focus is not the cont
ent of the class, but reading this content, or facilitate, assist the student to
read such content, making inferences, questioning, discussing opinions, indicat
ing clues linguistic, etc.. All to make the student build the knowledge from whi
ch to read, making it more independent. Assessment: There should be an evaluatio
n formula. And in this case, one must excel at qualitative, ie, student particip
ation in activities, its possible readings, inferences, construction of texts ma
de from their readings, etc.. The reading strategies are diverse, but one must b
e careful not to reduce the assessment to individual moments. The best evaluatio
n, this case will occur during the process of teaching and learning. However, no
thing prevented
example, on specified dates, you can do the work socialization built by students
in classes, such as: posters, reviews, concept building, seminars, book reviews
, drawings, etc., which can be utilized as teaching strategies, and serving to i
dentify possible project outcomes. Collection and discussion of results: each te
acher, within what he has done with his discipline in the classes and methods of
evaluation using, socialize the results in order to ascertain whether objective
s were achieved or not. In this case, one should take into account several facto
rs, namely certain: if there were learning if the students improve their written
production if managed to get good grades, if there was a decrease of avoidance
and disapproval, etc..
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Workshops Acts Practices Evaluation Project Student Assessment Results
of the
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ngedore. The text and the construction of the senses. São Paulo: Contexto, 1997.
MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antônio. Text Production, genre analysis and understanding. New
York: Parabola, 2007. NAVARRO, Pedro (Org.). Studies of text and discourse: map
ping concepts and methods. São Paulo: Clear Light, 2006. Prestes, Maria Luci de
Mesquita. Reading and (re) writing of texts: theoretical and practical informati
on for your education. 3rd Ed New York: Respel, 2001.

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