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Words that open the heart

Herald and guide to cure Werner Krebber "In the beginning was the Word ..." - so
begins the Gospel of John in the New Testament. For the Apostle John Word and G
od are inseparable. "Say just one word and I shall be healed," it says in the Ca
tholic Mass. In the various world spiritualities, the mental power of healing wo
rds has always manifested again. But what words there are may be the harbinger o
f healing? What words are those so insistent initial impact, the people identify
new ways to lead him to salvation and healing?
Words that can heal, have often done with what is known as a prayer. The word co
mes from the Old High German "giveth" and means please. Prayers of praise can be
formulated as Please, penance or thanksgiving. For us today are probably partic
ularly important in those prayers that are looking for a relationship to one's o
wn center and in this way to God - this is the "inner prayer." At its basis ther
e is here a meditative close proximity to the practiced in Eastern religions med
itation practice. Words that help my memories of prayer and prayer are closely c
onnected with the Catholic liturgy. After the transformation of bread and wine i
nto the body and
Blood of Christ, the priest invites the faithful to communion there, the answer
to the following: "... but only say the word and I shall be healed." I also reme
mber a meeting with a pastoral theologian. The reported of a conversation he had
with a man who told him about his problems. At the end of the conversation the
man said to the theologians, "They helped me a lot." Said he was the theologian,
however, nothing that he had given him any advice or similar. But he had listen
ed to the plight of the man - he had given him the necessary space, so that he c
an express his grief in his own words. Bring to the experience of self: "He who
does not speak, is broken." "We are what we think ..." Especially in Western cul
ture men are extremely top-heavy. They thus have however also a huge opportunity
. Clemens Kuby, including director of the film "Heading into the next dimension"
refers to an important condition for developing trust in those words that it wa
s able to help: "The most important feature of the brain is the reality of its o
wn to create. That takes it to over 90 percent of the information from its own f
und and not through the senses from the outside. So should provide what is belie
ved to be true, to be with something for everyone else. The brain has the meanin
gless in itself neural processes, the importance of first place. "Just as it is
handed down by Buddha in the Dhammapada:" We are what we think. Everything we ar
e arises with our thoughts, our thoughts we create the world. Speak and act with
impure mind and trouble will follow you.
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. We are what we think. Everythin
g we are arises with our thoughts, our thoughts we create the world. Say handle
or with a pure spirit, and delighted will follow you as your shadow, unshakable.
"The power of the words John the Baptist - John also called the predecessor has
- on the Isenheim altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald an enormous shining finger
on the Moon shows. He is a guide and a precursor for it to show greater and deep
er reality: the divinity of the man Jesus and God so that our own reality, which
is highlighted, for example, in the mysticism and over again. But our doubts wh
ich may arise again and again, his eyes adjust to this inner truth, because our
tendency is sometimes too low to trust the power of words. An unusual visualizat
ion, the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto has done, can reduce these doubts, per
haps. Emoto was the effect of words with the help of photographs made public. He
has walked and has the geometric structure of water as crystal, photographed at
minus 30 ° C under the microscope. He found astonishing: "By the way, as the w
ater react to our words, we learn something about ourselves and the impact that
our words have." Concretely this means that according to his findings: "If I hav
e a sign on a water bottle, stick to the plate and write a positive word such as
through and through, thanks', then makes the water a beautiful crystal. I write
, you idiot 'on it, comes out a puny, ugly crystal. I have
Both words are written on a sign and expects€that the positives and the negativ
es cancel each other. But it still came out a beautiful crystal. "Also at the In
stitute of Statics and dynamics of aerospace structures (ISD) of the University
of Stuttgart are being researched for several years in the information transfer
in the water. Here the researchers had noticed that the weak field effects assoc
iated with conventional methods can not be detected otherwise reproduce, in the
water and under the microscope can be considered and documented.
The Power of Prayer The influence of positive effect, but words can not be extra
polated only, but also proved. These researchers have verified to Luciano Bernar
di, by studying experimental groups with different prayers. You have checked the
effect of the Latin spoken Rosary and the recitation of mantras in patients suf
fering from heart problems. Their results showed that both prayer exercises taug
ht to patients with excellent mental and physical effects, and the improved well
-being. Confirmed to be investigations such as those that were published in 1999
in the American journal "Demography". The representative study published there,
204 people had attended for nine years. The result of that 20-year-old American
s have a higher life expectancy by a good six and a half years when they go "onc
e a week to church, synagogue or mosque."
The religious psychologist Bernhard Grom is therefore examined whether "promote
prayer, meditation and worship within the immune system to produce defense force
s" may. His answer sounds plausible: "The 'Power of Prayer' is probably not that
there are any, healing forces' mobilization, but that it reduces harmful stress
, not that it stimulates the immune system, but that it protects the immune syst
em - and thus disease rather prevent and cure processes suppressed. "In his opin
ion, this" stresstheoretische statement "that on which the observations and the
current medical knowledge is best suited:" Strong emotional stress, psychologica
l stress, "as he loss experience, Future fears, anger and disappointment arises
triggers, often from physical stress, the longer term, both the risk of thrombos
is and heart attacks as well as increased risk of infections and cancers. Now yo
u can deal with religiously motivated forms reduce to buffer the emotional burde
ns, and thereby reduce a cause of disease-related stress. Faith can invite thems
elves for failures, disease and age-restriction not to feel inferior because the
y are indeed of the highest possible instance, white as a respected, image 'and'
friend '... "The Swiss psychiatrist Jakob Bösch goes further "Spiritual healin
g and spirituality go together and mean globalization of religion and medicine.
The central, spiritual messages of the great world religions are largely identic
al. Reflection on this common knowledge beyond the boundaries of nations, religi
ons and races. Spiritual healing is the part of medicine, the poor and rich peop
le in the world
equally available. "He found that" half of surveyed hospital patient's wish, exp
ressed their wish to doctors at the bedside to pray with them. "But they come to
a dilemma. "Such results, the medical profession to embarrass, but is shaken on
e of the great taboos. Unlike the sexuality spirituality and religiosity of the
taboos that have persisted to this day. "And he sees in his practice experience
and comparison with international studies" that have religious and spiritual peo
ple have better physical and mental health, as a few percent of the studies in r
eligious people more health problems found. "
Diversity and individuality in Hinduism there is talk that there are a thousand
names of God. In Islam, Allah has 99 names. Clearly here is the diversity of wha
t we see as God and accept. And just as diverse are the forms and words that we
use in prayer. And pray that the election of the words with which we pray is a "
yearning of the heart", as Sophy Burnham says. "In prayer, a manifestation of th
e irresistible urge of our human nature, with the source of love, with the energ
y of the universe, make contact and communicate. In prayer we ask for help in th
ose moments where we feel a situation is not completely grown. "Is it but certai
n, special, only to insiders familiar words, which can lead to it? I think not.Â
€I follow as my friend Jacques Gaillot, who says: "Everyone has his way. Prayer
has a
personal style as any one particular voice, a particular face has, and the body
is involved. It changes with age, the events of the responsibility. "I can think
of at this point a picture: When it comes to check on their authenticity, heali
ng words, you have to treat them like the gold washing. Time and again, seven, s
hake, rinse off the dirt and mud through the clear water from them. And then tak
e the gold core and bite on it: Is it real? Gaillot says thus: "The prayer makes
solidarity. It leads to the essential. It expands the heart. "And I think: only
when a prayer is able to expand the heart, it is real.
From the power of prayer Selected phrases "Who is of the earth, they say, speaks
earthly, and who is from heaven, saying what he saw. And what of that which Chr
ist the Lord is, would not be heaven? Thus the instruction to pray. "Tertullian
(160-220) The prayer, which carries a person the best of our ability, has great
power. It makes a bitter sweet heart, a sad happy, the poor rich, a foolish way,
a despairing bold, weak strong
a blind seeing a cold burning. It attracts the great God in the little heart, it
helps the hungry soul up to God, the living source and brings together two love
rs, God and the soul. "The Beguine mystic and Gertrude the Great (1256 - 1302)
"God is at our core is currently on a unique way. A hidden source of murmurs in
each of us. In a world where are the useful and efficient set of everything else
, the prayer is the purpose of restoring freedom. At the bottom of our soul, clo
se the door waiting to be discovered, so we hear the call, which allows the Holy
Spirit rise up within us. "Jacques Gaillot, bishop of Partenia (1935)
Burnham, Sophy: The path of prayer. Munich 2003; Emoto, Masaru: The Embassy of t
he water. Burgrain, o.J. ; Grom, Bernhard: religious faith - a health factor? In
: Dr. Mabuse 27 (2002), p. 16-19; Krebber, Werner: words that can heal. Biblioth
erapy from Buddhist spirit. In: Connection special No. 70, p. 54-57; Krebber, We
rner: The road to self. From the way ahead on the trail of mysticism. In: Connec
tion special No. 68, p. 26-29; www.jakobboesch.ch/

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