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TTULO (Word Style "BA_Title").

El ttulo debe
reflejar el nfasis y el contenido del informe de
forma pertinente, clara y concisa. El ttulo debe ser
breve y no tener errores de ortografa.
A NOMBRES DE LOS AUTORES (Word Style "BB_Author_Name"). Luis D. Salazar y
M. Alejandra Marn-Restrepo.
DIRECCIN DE LOS AUTORES (Word Style "BC_Author_Address"). Departamento de Qumica,
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
PALABRAS CLAVE (Word Style BG_Keywords). Pueden estar compuestas por una o ms palabras,
ayudan a describir el contenido del texto.

ABSTRACT: (Word Style BD_Abstract). All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract. The
abstract should briefly state the problem or purpose of the research, indicate the theoretical or
experimental plan used, summarize the principal findings, and point out the major conclusions. Abstract
length is one paragraph.

INTRODUCCIN (Word Style Figura 1. Celda convencional de dixido de titanio en

TD_Ack_Title) fase anatasa, tomos de oxgenos de color rojo,
tomos de titanio de color gris. (Word Style
La introduccin inicia con las generalidades VA_Figure_CAption).
intentando justificar el objetivo de la prctica (por
ejemplo mostrando posibles aplicaciones) Tabla 1. Energas de adsorcin y parmetros
indicando la relevancia del tema. No es copiar y estructurales de CO2 adsorbido sobre la
pegar, sino reflexionar sobre la importancia de la superficie de anatasa (001) (Word Style
prctica (no es la misma introduccin de la gua). VD_Table_Title).
El ltimo prrafo de la introduccin deber definir
el objetivo del trabajo. Utilizar Word Style Eads d(O2c-C) (O-C-O)
TA_Main_Text para el texto en general. [] [grados]
Lineal 1 DFT+U+vdW -0.264 2.690 177.4
Mino et al . -0.147 2.858 177.8
No describir paso a paso las tcnicas, de
Lineal 2 DFT+U+vdW -0.296 2.571 175.0
preferencia explicar la estrategia del trabajo y
citar las referencias de los mtodos. Para los DFT+U -0.159 2.649 175.6
compuestos qumicos utilizar frmulas
condensadas. Expresar las unidades empleando Haga uso de tablas (Word Style TC_Table_Body) cuando no
el Sistema Internacional. pueda presentar los datos como una narracin o cuando deba
presentar muchos nmeros. No utilice Word Style
RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIN TC_Table_Body en tablas que contengan algn tipo
En esta seccin, se pueden incluir tablas o de imagen. Las tablas deben complementar la informacin, no
figuras, siempre hay que introducir en el texto las duplicar el texto o las figuras, deben ser simples y concisas.
figuras (Figura 1) o tablas (Tabla 1) antes de
CHARTS (Word Style "VB_Chart_Title").
Groups of structures that do not show
action are called charts. Charts may have n
brief titles describing their contents. The
title should follow the format "Chart 1.
Chart Title". Charts may also have footnotes
(use Word Style "FC_Chart_Footnote"). To
insert the chart into the template, be sure it
is already sized appropriately and paste
after the chart title. For formatting double-
column charts, see the instructions at the
end of the template. Do NOT modify the
amount of space before and after the title
as this allows for the rules, space above and
below the rules, and space above and below (1)
the chart to be inserted upon editing.

SCHEMES (Word Style "VC_Scheme_Title").

Groups of reactions that show action are
called schemes. Schemes may have brief
titles describing their contents. The title
should follow the format "Scheme 1.
Scheme Title". Schemes may also have
footnotes (use Word Style
"FD_Scheme_Footnote"). To insert the
scheme into the template, be sure it is
nx n n 1 x 2
already sized appropriately and paste after 1x 1
the scheme title. For formatting double- 1! 2 !
column schemes, see the instructions at the
end of the template. Do NOT modify the
amount of space before and after the title
as this allows for the rules, space above and CONCLUSIONES
below the rules, and space above and below Se escribe en pasado y deben ser precisas y
the scheme to be inserted upon editing. coherentes con los objetivos trazados y los
resultados obtenidos
Las ecuaciones pueden ser insertadas
utilizando Word Style "Normal". Deben ir ABREVIATURAS
numeradas en orden de aparicin CCR2, CC chemokine receptor 2; CCL2, CC
chemokine ligand 2; CCR5, CC chemokine receptor
5; TLC, thin layer chromatography.

(1) Mino, L.; Spoto, G.; Ferrari, A. M. J. Phys. Chem.
C 2014, 118 (43), 2501625026.

To format double-column figures, schemes, Table 1. Example of a Double-Column Table
charts, and tables, use the following instructions:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Place the insertion point where you
want to change the number of columns
From the Insert menu, choose Break
Under Sections, choose Continuous Authors are required to submit a graphic entry
Make sure the insertion point is in the for the Table of Contents (TOC) that, in
new section. From the Format menu, choose conjunction with the manuscript title, should
Columns give the reader a representative idea of one of
In the Number of Columns box, type 1 the following: A key structure, reaction,
Choose the OK button equation, concept, or theorem, etc., that is
discussed in the manuscript. Consult the
journals Instructions for Authors for TOC
Now your page is set up so that figures, graphic specifications.
schemes, charts, and tables can span two
columns. These must appear at the top of the
page. Be sure to add another section break
after the table and change it back to two
columns with a spacing of 0.33 in.

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