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Oraculo de la gitana gypsy cards meaning


Wedding-Imeneo-Ace of Wands-Marriage, corporate merger,

attractive investments, dangerous passions, conditions for work
success, be less pessimistic, transitional sexual problems, fulfillment
of an important plan, important events, pacts & agreements

Haughtiness-Superbia-2 of Wands-Pride, vanity, success, triumph,

presumption, facilitated meetings with foreign persons, international
relations, inclination for languages, heath is better if you stay/plan
on living abroad, prepare for a change in your life

Journey-Viaggio-3 of Wands-Long vacations, return from a transfer,

advancement in a position, return of an old love or friend,
concentrate on a program you have discarded, relax in your home
with family, pleasant weekend at home of friends outside the city,
change, movement, progress, in motion, a shift, job/love move, an
emergency situation, travel, voyage

Friend-Amica-4 of Wands-Close relatives, moral support, a woman

right for your life, a precious friend, company in expansion or
studies & research satisfactory, trust the counsel of a friend, relax, a
meeting will make you happy for life

Fortune-Fortuna-5 of Wands-Publicity, notoriety, winnings, you have

closed a situation, you are lucky, an extraordinary opportunity &
open doors, between ups & downs healthwise but you will pass a
tiring test, a win of a totally unhoped for legal cause, lucky turn,
positive outcome, good luck

Surprise-Sopresa-6 of Wands-Surprise, moral & material

satisfaction, wealth, repeating a love situation unsuitable for you, a
little risk at work will give considerable gains, listen to health tips
but the decision is yours, recuperate an old debt, easy financial
gain, unexpected money; lottery or gift, indirect money. Luck being
manifested. Positive resolution, deserved victory, more than was
hoped for

Consolation-Consolazione-7 of Wands-Money, honors & awards,

efforts rewarded, you will get the person you are interested in
romantically, plans are ambitious & feasible with work, your star is
good for study & reading, concentrate on a winning combination,
great & good change coming, reward of effort & hard work. MOST
favorable card in the deck regarding finances, abundance. Positive
attitude, persistence & tenacity pay off.

Reunion-Riunione-8 of Wands-Meeting, appointment, positive place,

a great passion springs up at a party with friends, neglecting work
duties for too many pleasures, dedicate yourself to some evenings
of rest without thinking, risk of involvement with illegal issues,
reconciliations, peaceful settlement, unexpected & rapid solutions,
EXTREMELY positive card

Cheerfulness-Allegria-9 of Wands-Leisure & lack of restraint, you

might destroy a marriage or long friendship, you will be able to
recover from a tiring period, please diet, you will finally get justice

Frivolity-Leggerezza-10 of Wands-Lightness, not serious, freedom

from heaviness, inexperience, superficiality, possible unscheduled
pregnancy, too many evasions distract you from your commitments,
you are not a prisoner of your thoughts, unexpected risk of
punishment or fines

Service-Servizio-Knight of Wands-Ambiguity, situation is not clear,

an advisor, collaborator, assistant, close friend, general servant,
weak in character, subdued, feeling impotent, frustrations, dont
settle for what you do-times will be better, a flash of lightning could
thaw the heart

Young woman-Giovine-Queen of Wands-Precarious company,

daughter, fiance, you will achieve the interest of a girl you are
attracted to in time, stand aside from unpleasantness, return to a
balance from ups & downs, you will succeed in seizing the
aspirations of an expected occasion

Doctor-Dottore-King of Wands-Doctor, therapist of the soul, legalist,

a psychologist will salvage a marriage in crisis, the place of work or
school is safe, the opinion of a specialist will be reassuring, depart
from the inconvenience which you did not want to find, aid from the
outside just in the nick of time during a period of great difficulty

Conversation-Conversazione-Ace of Cups-Meeting with family

members or friends, love fortuitous, increase in capital or work-
scholarship, transitional indisposition healthwise, collective winnings
to the game, abundance & festivities, very positive for economic

House-Casa-2 of Cups-Building, hearth, place of work or holiday,

you will know in the home of friends a man/woman important to
you, change of work, career or study, a change of air will be of
maximum benefit to your health, the house youve dreamed of
arrives, your environment & members of family, a project
Waiting-Attesa,Belvedere-A beautiful sight, lookout-3 of Cups-
Persons or communications from abroad, its better to forget the
love person in question, it takes patience & commitment at work to
achieve your objective, dont settle, you are not pessimistic, persons
or news from abroad are lagging behind

Love-Amore-4 of Cups-Flash of lightning, contract, desire of a child,

you will see your son, you are ready to begin self-employment or
pass an exam, the journey that you propose healthwise regenerates,
you decide to take a holiday not planned, passion, excessive
involvement, feelings, emotions & relationships, cupid ready to
shoot the arrow, new calm, new stability

Joyfulness-Allegrezza-Joy to the heart-5 of Cups-Celebration,

special offers, thoughtlessness, you will know the person you
become interested in, apply yourself at work with more maturity to
your commitments, lead a life less disordered!, accept the
invitations of friends. Help arrives. Having a good time. Pleasure
from an entertainment function with joy & laughter

Money-Denari-6 of Cups-Financial success connected to the past,

money will be available soon, savings, avarice, fruitful union, risk of
separation/divorce, risky operations at work. Must study to obtain.
Try to walk & treat the illness. Dont make plans for winning on the
unexpected game.

Scholar-Letterato-7 of Cups- Cultured person, scientist, creative,

position affirmed, arrival of a man in the life of a woman, entrust
your job to an industry expert, the intervention of a medical expert
resolves one of your dilemmas, you will receive a call that will be a
great help

Hope-Speranza-8 of Cups-Period of hope, end of anxiety & stress,

stability, balance & wishes coming true. Dont give up, the positive
outcome to your desires. Easily fooled, frequent journeys, exciting
infatuations of youth, undertaking activities or studies without
conviction. Pessimism or exaltation out of place at work,
postponement of a short trip

Faithfulness-La Fedelta-9 of Cups-Friendships & lasting love, rustic

environment, an activity is connected for the best & abscences from
studies will be recovered. State of convalescence, the period of
stress from work ends

Constance-La Costanza-10 of Cups-Achievement of objectives,

meeting in travel with a woman, work envisages a transfer of place,
healthwise, be active, small winnings in the game constant.
Everything stays the same. Usually positive, but if youre worried
about a negative situation it will also stay the same

Lover-Amante (man)-Knight of Cups-Literal meaning or need to

draw on masculine energy. Need clear thinking & positive action.
Love for brother, friend, inclinations for the arts. A lover thinks of
you from afar. The right choice will lead to a long career. An Iron
constitution with health, a call for your performance will delight

Sweetheart-Amante (woman)-Queen of Cups-Lover, entrepreneur,

shareholder, perfect union of intent, love & interest. A woman
capable in trade & finance. Thermal cures are indicated. Unexpected
occasion to travel with rucksack. Woman who is loved in her circle.
Kind, generous, loving & kind young woman

Lord-Gran Signore-King of Cups-Protective father, pretending

maturity, rich man in love. Your luck will be good at work or decide
on a transfer. It is good to rest or sleep more. Possible economic aid
from a distant relative. Valiant gladiator. Great news & better

Room-Stanza-Ace of Pentacles-Sex services, charity associations,

great understanding of sexual love. Work shall swell sails, you can
enjoy any freedom healthwise. Its time to make unexpected choices
in your life. Home, family, intimacy, privacy. Great financial news,

Letter-Lettera-2 of Pentacles-Private communications arrive,

telephone calls. A jealous person annoys for attention, do not trust
professional secrets or study plans, prevent mental-physical
tiredness. A friend has lost in the stock exchange or game. Help
them. Secret. News on the way, letter or email. Rush to make

Gift-Dono Precious stone present-3 of Pentacles-Announcing

changes, particularly legacy, gift. Overcoming obstacles to success,
exchange of gifts. Gifts from a man. Pay attention to envy, treat the
ailment, you will receive a gift that you never could allow in your life

Falseness-Falsita-4 of Pentacles-Misleading information, more than

meets the eye, beware, be cautious. Envious deceit, lying, subject of
gossip. Malice, obstacles, mysterious misleading circumstances.
Illusory situations, difficulties in relationships, likely separation or
change of friendship, rupture of a contract. Tests repeat, lead a life
more serene & healthy, there is yet to wait for your project to be

Melancholy-Malinconia-5 of Pentacles-Suffering for a love not

exchanged, the future in work becomes difficult, strive for more. You
will be better even if you sleep too much, small winnings

Thought-Pensiero-6 of Pentacles-Thinking process, planning,

meditating, daydreaming, talent, introversion. Great celebration for
a union between famous personalities, jump in career, pass an
examination with praise. Pleasure & festive work meetings
encourage. You will be invited to an important ceremony.

Child-Bambino-7 of Pentacles-Small son, naivety, new life, love

exchanged, guaranteed success, your hopes will come together in
anticipation, bright future prospects, looking after someone less

Servant-Domestica- 8 of Pentacles-Essential luxuries, trade, craft

activities, kind person, generous & helpful. Opportunity to be
grasped, rewarding outcome, skills will benefit others, recognition
after hard battle, fruitful meetings, an opportunity to meet love,
happy union. Commitment at work & a bit of luck are your strength.
Accept an invitation, you will receive a gift

Pleasure Seekers-Gaudenti-Deliranti-The delirious-9 of Pentacles-

Exaltation, individual, extremism. Do not anticipate the results in
love, you might ruin everything, do not pretend there was more
responsibility at work than there was. Greed might ruin health.
Dissent, disagreement, theft, fraud. Mental confusion

Thief-Ladro-Thief-10 of Pentacles-Sneaky, subterfuge, behind your

back, theft. New event, change, secret seized. Reconciliation with
family, friends, clarification of misunderstandings at work & in
studies. A person of discontent spoils the harmony

Messenger-Messagiere-Knight of Pentacles-Goods, correspondence

of personal communications arrive, usually verbal. Do not pay
attention to rumors in love. No dates at work for certainly nothing
will be safe. Healthwise take things lightly so not to exhaust. An
unexpected person will be found at home

Wife-Moglie-Queen of Pentacles-Mother of a family,

misrepresentations of facts, jealousy. Delicate balances in love.
Rivalry at work, friends & companions. Contrariness is part of life

Merchant-Mercante-King of Pentacles-Company, employer,

diplomatic ability, financial man, trader, banker, someone who
moves great sums of money. Review your relationship with life. Have
a little patience at work. Receiving increases, bonuses or praise.

Despair-Disperazione-Ace of Swords-Tragic, critical & difficult

period. Serious defamations, misfortunes, scandals, inner
imbalance. Ominous news, tears, suffering. Insurmountable
difficulties, obstacles to deal with, difficulties in the face of excess.
Do not lose heart with work, you have to wait for a while. Advisable
to relax & exercise. You have done the accounts without the host

Old Woman-Vecchia signora-2 of Swords-Female relative, kind &

affectionate. Doing something the old way. Old mentality, lonely
person. The ideal situation to move away from the city. Withdraw to
study or work at friends in the countryside. Spend your free time in
the open air. You will find the second home you have been looking

Widower-Vedova-3 of Swords-Nostalgia, divorce, solitude. Repair a

love meeting that you had with the right person. This is a beneficial
time to start work all over again. It is good to live a little while alone.
An insignificant event will trouble for some time. Sad & lonely man,
pining over loss. Want to retreat from the world

Malady-Ammalato-4 of Swords-Physical weakness, unrequited love,

inadequate, illness, tired, emotional solitude, alone, weak,
weakened situation. Disconnected, using illness as excuses.
Negative well-being, stuck in a situation, somethings broken, could
even be a car or bike. Appearance. A boost of good air & the best of
care is suggested. Plan for a return of a sick patient.

Death-Morte-5 of Swords-Major life changing experience,

transformation, evolution. A pronouncement of divorce will change
your life. Exchange of activities to other responsibilities; delegate at
work. Renewal of studies. Detachment of old habits will invigorate.
Saying goodbye. A cycle card, endings, moving on. Something will
come up that you have always appreciated

Sighs-Sospiri-6 of Swords-Pessimism, communication difficulties,

watery place. You will be called to a task which is in the heart. Finish
paying a debt, serenity will come. You will have what you need to
buy a house. Signal of hope. Promises of change, unexpected news.
Evaluate proposals carefully. Sea journeys, long awaited arrival.
Patience & strength needed

Misfortune-Disgrazia-7 of Swords-Freak circumstances,

unexpected, disorder, irregularity, illegality. A drastic intervention
with love. Results at work are very satisfactory. You will have an
unexpected way out of a situation that you did not have

Sorrow-Dispiaciere-8 of Swords-Jealousy can lose you loves &

friendships. Exasperation, tears of pain. Upsetting time. Very
depressed. Temporary. Under the weater. Bad news, mental
confusion. Love one another more. An investment is too hasty. Bad
Prison-Prigione-9 of Swords-Intolerance, sacrifices, bankruptcies.
Returning harmony in love. Work sacrifices will bear fruit. A period of
forced rest will strengthen. An unexpected release

Soldier-Militare-10 of Swords-Physical strength & morality. Unknown

destination. Professional secrecy, uniformed person. Love em &
leave em, formal news. To suport. Physically forced. Person of the
court, litigation, quarrel, return of old enemies. You will be aware of
a happy love union. The work outcome of a test will be satisfactory.
You will be invited to a pleasant place, you will be welcome in a club
or association

Enemy-Nemico, male-Knight of Swords-Hostile situations, personal

insecurities, misunderstandings. You see rivals on all fronts.
Negative thinking, nasty person, harmful situation. Be alert. Surgery.
Tend to suffer from imaginary sickness, relax. Reconcilliation with a
friend of the heart

Enemy-Nemica-Enemy, female-Queen of Swords-Female con,

enemy, cult-woman, evil. Treacherous, false, unfair competition,
unfavorable situation, misunderstandings. Disturbed friendships or
family peace. Credit not granted at work. Arguments make study
difficult. Your imprudence will be discovered, it is advisable to avoid
distractions. Credit not granted. Arguments make study difficult

Priest-Sacerdote-King of Swords-Institution, person of power, bank,

authority, supreme power. Justice, law problems which require help
of someone in authority, someone who has skills to resolve the
issue, someone we put our faith in. Charismatic. Union between
persons of high rank. Pension. Official honors, scholarship,
retirement. Important communication from far away gives back
serenity. Unexpected collection of awards, winnings or insurance

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