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Exercise 1:

A sensor of the displacement x (t) is constructed with two coils having a

common movable iron core
The position of the midpoint x determines the values of the inductors:
L1 = L0 (1- Ax + Bx2)
L2 = L0 (1+ Ax + Bx2)
The bridge is polarized by the sinusoidal voltage ea=Ea cos (2 fa t) with
a frequency 10 kHz.
1- Do the two inductors realize a system strictly "push-pull"?
2- When the bridge is not loaded, determine:
The relationship between voltage measuring vm and the four
impedances of the bridge.
The relationship between vm and inductors L1 and L2.
Then, deduce the relationship between vm, e and x.

3- Linearize the relationship between vm and x (t) by identifying the necessary condition
Note: this condition will hold for the rest of the exercise.

4- Re-write vm in the form of vm = Vm cos (2 ft + ) by specifying the terms of Vm f et

as well as how its dependence on time t. How do you call the special property of such a

The conditioning circuit of the measuring signal from the bridge vm is organized around a
circuit multiplier whose input impedance is assumed very large compared to those of the

5- From the last figure we note that vp = K vm (t) x ea (t). So, what is the unit of the
coefficient K of the multiplier?
6- Express vp in terms of x (t) and of other parameters.

Reminder: cos 2c = 2 cosc 1

TU11: Tutorials Pr :S.IBNYAICH

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