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See page two for Date 5/25/2016

part time

Elementary Phy Ed Staffing for 2016-17

Number of 1-5 Center-Based
Regular Center- Total Number
Phy Ed Classrooms
School Teacher classroom Based of Phy Ed Total FTE
Sections per
s (K-5) Sections Sections

FAIR 4 4 0 0 8 Torgerson: 8 sections

Austin Austin: 48 sections = 1.05

Forest 24 48 0 0 48
48 = 1.05
Lakeview Rye Rye: 36 sections = .8
18 36 0 0 36
44 = 1.0 Compensatory: Rye = .2

Batiste Batiste: 46 sections = 1.0

Meadow 28 56 2 4 60
46= 1.0 Torgerson: 14 sections
Hoecherl: 46 sections =
23 46 5 10 56 1.0
Neill 44 = 1.0
Torgerson: 10 sections
Ellis: 30 sections = .65
Noble K. Ellis Compensatory: Ellis = .2
28 = .8 (.6 18 36 2 4 40 Dooher: 10 sections
Youngquist: 44 sections =
Youngquist 1.0
Northport 28 56 0 0 56 Dooher: 12 sections
44 = 1.0

Manrique: 44 sections =
RSI 31 62 0 0 62 1.0
44 = 1.0
Dooher: 18 sections
36 sections Luu: 36 sections = .8
SEA 18 36 0 0 36
(.8) + (.2) Compensatory: Luu = .2
Comp = 1.0
Herschman: 44 sections =
Sonnesyn 22 44 6 12 56 1.0
44 = 1.0
Torgerson: 12 sections
Zachary 24 48 0 0 48 Guckeen: 44 sections =
Lane Guckeen 1.0
44 = 1.0 Dooher: 4 sections
Lakeview starts 30 minutes earlier than all other schools; teaching assignment needs to finished by 3:00 each day
Posting 1

Kari Torgerson 44 sections = 1.0 with travel

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
AM Neill (5) FAIR (4) Neill (5) Meadow Lake FAIR (4)
PM Sonnesyn (4) Meadow Lake (5) Sonnesyn (4) Meadow Lake Sonnesyn (4)
TOTAL 9 9 9 9 8

Posting 2

Tom Dooher: 44 sections = 1.0 with travel

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
AM Noble NP (6) RSI NP (6) RSI
PM Noble ZL (2) RSI ZL (2) RSI
TOTAL 10 8 9 8 9

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