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Apa itu mengik?

Suara music yang disebabkan oleh karena terjadinya osilasi udara

karena menyempitnya jalan nafas.bunyi ini terdpat pada asma dan
bronchitis kronik. Pada asma yang berat wheezing dapat terdengar
lebih baik pada keaadaan mulut yang terbuka daripada di paru
paru.wheezing pada pengidap asama di sebut wheezing polifonik
wheezing.,baik pada inspirasi maupun pada ekspirasi yang sering
terdengar dalam bentuk stridor.

Mengapa pasien mengeluarkan bunyi mengik.

Wheezing is a relatively high-pitched whistling noise produced by
movement of air through narrowed or compressed small airways. It is a
symptom as well as a physical finding.

Airflow through a narrowed or compressed segment of a small airway
becomes turbulent, causing vibration of airway walls; this vibration
produces the sound of wheezing.

Wheezing is more common during expiration because increased

intrathoracic pressure during this phase narrows the airways. Wheezing
during expiration alone indicates milder obstruction than wheezing
during both inspiration and expiration, which suggests more severe
airway narrowing.

By contrast, turbulent flow of air through a narrowed segment of the

large, extrathoracic airways produces a whistling inspiratory noise
(stridorsee Stridor).

Small airway narrowing may be caused by bronchoconstriction,

edema, or external compression, or partial obstruction by a tumor,

foreign body, or thick secretions.

Overall, the most common causes are

Asthma COPD

But wheezing may occur in other disorders affecting the small airways,
including heart failure (cardiac asthma), anaphylaxis, and toxic
inhalation. Sometimes, healthy patients manifest wheezing during a
bout of acute bronchitis. In children, bronchiolitis

Fever appears to have evolved in vertebrate hosts as
an adaptive mechanism for controlling infection. This
phenomenon is produced by certain exogenous
(largely microbial) stimuli that activated bone-marrow-
derived phagocytes to release a fever-inducing
hormone (endogenous pyrogen). Endogenous
pyrogen, in turn, circulates to the thermoregulatory
center of the brain (preoptic area of the anterior
hypothalamus) where it causes an elevation in the
"set-point" for normal body temperature. Warm
blooded animals produced fever by increasing heat
production (through shivering) or reducing heat loss
(by peripheral vasoconstriction), whereas cold blooded
animals do so only by behavioral mechanisms
(seeking a warmer environment). This paper discusses
current concepts that involve the mechanism of
endogenous pyrogen production, the role of central
transmittors, and the probable function of fever in
combating disease.

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